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Rodinná politika v České republice
Šimůnková, Andrea ; Klazar, Stanislav (advisor)
Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá rodinnou politikou v České republice. V první kapitole je popsán význam rodiny ve společnosti, její ochrana a podpora prostřednictvím rodinné politiky, která je součástí sociálního systému státu. Dále v této práci charakterizuji krátce historii rodinné politiky, jednotlivé typy, faktory, které ovlivňují její vývoj a základní cíle v současné době v ČR. Druhá kapitola je zaměřena na nejvýznamnější faktor působící na rodinnou politiku, a to vývoj demografických ukazatelů ovlivněný vývojem mladých rodin české společnosti. Demografickému vývoji stát přizpůsobuje cíle rodinné politiky, a tedy i nástroje k jejich dosažení. Podstatnou částí této práce je kapitola třetí, ve které popisuji podporu rodin s dětmi ze strany státu. Jednotlivé formy těchto podpor, jejich výši a nároky pro jejich přiznání v komparaci se změnami v důsledku nové reformy veřejných financí.

Is import of goods from european countries to Czech republic more or less influenced by changes in nominal and real exchange rates than in non european countries?
Vereš, Jan ; Stroukal, Dominik (advisor) ; Slaný, Martin (referee)
This bachelor thesis analyses the connection between import of goods from foreign countries to Czech Republic and the exchange rate changes. The initial hypothesis of this paper is to prove that the depreciation of domestic currency has positive influence on balance of trade balance. For this purpose there is eight econometric models which were created by using time series from years 2003 to 2016. These models are divided in pairs among four chosen countries. For each country two models were created that follow the development of trade balance between Czech Republic and one of the countries in two different time frames. All the models always use the real effective exchange rate, growth rate of GDP for Czech Republic and growth rate of GDP for one of the countries as explanatory variable. It is connected with the second task of this thesis, which is the analysis of the differences in the behaviour of the models that belong to the countries which are members of the EU and these that are not. The aim is to find out whether the existence of tariffs on imported goods from countries out of the EU causes visible differences in the behaviour of the variables that were included in the models. Based on the outcomes of all eight models the main hypothesis has been proved right for three out of four countries. In the models for Germany, China and France the relation of real exchange rate and trade balance came out as positive in long term, in short term the outcome was ambiguous. The second question of this thesis has been answered, but its added value is questionable. The final models for each state do show some noticeable differences and they can be used to determine if the influence of the change of exchange rates on trade balance is smaller or bigger in the countries where tariffs are used. On the other hand, from the results we can learn that the sample of only four countries is insufficient for the deduction of any conclusions.

Unconvential monetary policy adopted by ECB and FED in 2008-2015
Pörner, Marek ; Šetková, Lenka (advisor) ; Ševčíková, Michaela (referee)
The main aim of this thesis is to analyse the accomplishment of the goals set, namely those of the selected unconventional monetary policies approved by the Federal Reserve System and the European Central Bank in response to the last financial crisis. With the FED the attention is focused on Quantitative Easing, whereas with the ECB it is focused on the programmes called Enhanced Credit Support, SMP, OMT and EAPP. Important parts of this thesis are also the explanation of the transmission mechanism of the unconventional monetary policy, the evaluation of macroeconomic impacts of these non-standard tools, the comparison of procedures of the two monitored central banks, but mainly the analysis of selected risks related to those tools. The principal method was an empirical analysis supported by economic studies dealing with the issues mentioned above. In the thesis it was discovered that the individual goals of the monitored programmes were achieved (with the exception of the SMP). With the programme EAPP no conlusion can be drawn because the programme has not been finished yet. Nevertheless, these non-standard tools bring certain risks such as a creation of a bubble in the markets of assets, a redistribution of wealth, a spillover effect, etc. For that reason it will be possible to evaluate the overall effect of the unconventional monetary policies only after a longer time period.

Web Application Development with Spring Framework
Nizamov, Kirill ; Pecinovský, Rudolf (advisor) ; Šlajchrt, Zbyněk (referee)
The thesis is concerned with a comparison between a Java framework called Spring and Grails, Zend, Nette, NodeJS, Play, Symfony, OpenXava frameworks described in the theses of Odehnal [1], Kočárek [2], Kadlec [3], Dočkal [4], Šimon [5]. The thesis consists of two parts. The theoretical part introduces the Spring ecosystem and its individual modules to the reader. This part also outlines trends and estimates Spring position and popularity among other Java frameworks. The practical part focuses on web application development based on the criteria defined in the Odehnal's thesis [1]. The sample application shows the style of development in the Spring framework and its functionality and capabilities. Based on the gained experience during the sample application development, Spring is next compared to the other frameworks mentioned earlier and included into the previous comparison. The comparison criteria are specified in the Odehnal's thesis [1] and consist of 4 areas. First of all, there is a basic framework differences comparison. Next, there is an architecture comparison. The third area involves a comparison of work with the framework which also contains both objective criteria and personal estimation. The last part is dedicated to a comparison related to framework support, available literature and overall popularity. The result of this thesis is a comparison of 8 frameworks including the created sample application, which should help the readers when selecting one of the them and should make it easier to orientate in the world of web frameworks.

Optimization of the process of recruitment and selection of employees
Doxanská, Kateřina ; Legnerová, Kateřina (advisor) ; Němec, Otakar (referee)
The aim of the thesis is based on the comparison and evaluation of the selection process and recruitment in three selected companies find the optimum process. The paper compares these HR processes with IT developer JetBrains s.r.o., a pharmaceutical company Shire Czech s.r.o. and company providing services in the field of facility management. The thesis is divided into four chapters. The first chapter is devoted to basic theoretical knowledge concerning the chosen topic. In the second chapter describes the process of recruitment and selection of employees in individual companies. The third chapter contains a comparison of selected companies, their processes and are given recommendations for individual companies, which will help improve these processes. The fourth chapter is devoted to a number of possibilities to improve individual aforementioned processes to be more efficient and lead to optimal process of recruitment and selection of employees.

Cement industry in selected countries of Central Europe in relation to infrastructure development
Maixner, Jakub ; Vošta, Milan (advisor) ; Bič, Josef (referee)
This master thesis is devoted to the cement industry and its relation to the infrastructure development in selected countries of Central Europe. The aim is to analyse cement industries and markets in the Czech Republic, Slovak Republic and Austria and compare these markets with the infrastructure development in aforemetioned countries. The first chapter defines cement industry and infrastructure. The second chapter focuses on the evolution and contemporary state of cement industries in the Czech Republic, Slovak Republic and Austria. The third chapter devotes itself to infrastructure and its development in Europe and Central European states. The last chapter combines data from second and third chapter and answers the main research question.

Information systems security penetration testing
Klíma, Tomáš ; Doucek, Petr (advisor) ; Čermák, Igor (referee) ; Čapek, Jan (referee) ; Štubňa, Ivan (referee)
The aim of this dissertation thesis is to develop new methodology of information systems penetration testing based on analysis of current methodologies and the role of penetration tests in context of IS/IT governance. Integral part of this aim is evaluation of the methodology. The first part of the thesis is devoted to the presentation of history and current state of research in selected area, definiton of basic terms and introduction of role of the penetration tests. This part is followed by the review of relevant sources and comparative study of current methodologies with a goal to identify their weaknesses. Results from this study are further used as a basis for new methodology development. Classification of IS penetration tests types and testing scenarios are also included. The second part includes design of new methodology, at first its history, structure and principles are presented, then its framework is decribed in high level of detail. In the third part the reader can find (theoretical and practical) validation. The biggest scientific contribution is the methodology itself focused on managment of penetration tests (which is the area currently not sufficiently descibed). Secondary contribution is the extensive review and the comparative analysis of current methodologies. Contribution to the economic and technical (practical) application we can mainly see in the development of new methodology which enables companies to improve management of penetration tests (especially planning, operational management and implementation of countermeasures).

SOA and cloud computing
Křepela, Josef ; Karkošková, Soňa (advisor) ; Feuerlicht, Jiří (referee)
The primal goal of the bachelor thesis is describe principles of cloud computing, properties of SOA (service oriented architecture), their synergy following SOA Governance. At the beginning theoretical part will be described some important concepts and principles of cloud computing, there will be described deployment models and service models, SWOT analysis. In the next chapter is analyzed service oriented architecture. The third chapter describe the common features of cloud computing and SOA, synergy. The last chapter deals with governance of SOA (SOA Governance). Practical part of the work is modeling of SOA governing processes continuity with service cloud provider.

The analysis of an impact of realised projects of the OP Prague - the competitiveness of program period 2007-2013
Kellnerová, Markéta ; Wokoun, René (advisor) ; Krejčová, Nikola (referee)
The purpose of this dissertation is to evaluate an impact of realized projects of Prague operating program The competitiveness on a development of the Prague region. Theoretical part is dedicated to formation and development of regional politics, consequent establishment of the EU and its dividing into the program periods including given aims. Subsequently, the dissertation examines the possibilities of using the funds of the EU, after, these possibilities are discussed, specifically for the CZ. Due to the fact, that it is the OP which is referred only to the capital city Prague, one chapter is given to this issue. The last section of the theoretical part is an implementation of the OP. The practical part is concerned about quantitative and financial analysis of the OP, which is divided into the program years. In the end of the practical part, an effect of the OP is totally evaluated, mainly its impact on the development of Prague through horizontal subjects and achieving of set indicators. Finally, the effect on the region of Prague is evaluated, in terms of applicants for funds.

Podnikatelský plán vybrané firmy (model lean canvas)
Strupplová, Lucie ; Filipová, Alena (advisor) ; Zeman, Jiří (referee)
The well arranged and instructivee business plan is the basic part of every business project.. Currently is very often used the lean canvas model of the business plan. This model shows us very istructively all the factors influencing the project realisation. The dissertation is divided into the two basic parts. In the thoretical were compared the essential forms of the business plan with their differences. The practical part consists of creating the lean canvas model for the progressive company using the UAV and the MAIA application, monitoring the flight of the UAV. The economic data were analyzed and the structured scheme of the project, with the prediction was realized. The lean canvas model was very useful and optimal for this company and it´s project.