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The Model of Financial Compensation for placement of a Deep Geological Repository of Radioactive Waste in the Czech republic in period from 2010 to 2016
Englerová, Anna ; Zeman, Martin (advisor) ; Vebrová, Ludmila (referee)
Author examines a way of allocation of governmental financial resources to municipalities in locations preselected for deep geological repository. She is searching for a way how to add a motivational incentive to the process of allocation of financial resources in order to improve municipalities attitude towards deep geological repository. Hypothesis, examined in this thesis, contains two related questions. It is assumed that (1) amount and structure of financial resources can significantly affect municipalities decision making and also that (2) current mechanism of allocation of compensations is ineffective and does not create sufficient incentives. Currently (end of the year 2016), negotiations between government and municipalities are in crisis despite significant financial compensation from government nuclear account to the municipalities. This thesis have potential to change municipalities negative stance on deep geological repository through motivational model of resource allocation. Theoretical part reviews basic economic background and introduces historical, sociological, technological and economic views of radioactivity and deep geological repository. In practical part author analyzes socio-economic situation, compares evolution of transfers from government to municipalities with their attitude towards deep geological repository in time and shows that current system of resource allocation does not motivate the municipalities to change their stance on deep geological repository. That confirms second part of our hypothesis. Author also proposes a motivational model of resource alllocation. She confirms its viability by comparing it with similar models from other countries, by surveying mayors of concerned municipalities and also by examining experts opinion. Verification of the model confirmed its motivational effect. By that, first assumption of our hypothesis, that structure of resource allocation can significantly affect municipalities decision making, was confirmed.

The value of life from macroenomic point of view in United States of America, Czech republic and Russia between years 2007-2014
Antoš, Michal ; Zeman, Martin (advisor) ; Brabec, Petr (referee)
The subject of this bachelor thesis is the research of the value of life calculation in the Czech republic, United states of America and Russia in 2007-2014.The main purpose is to analyze and compare values of life and major factors influencing them. The hypothesis is that value of life differs in selected countries due to distinctions of sections influencing them. The theoretical part is devoted to sections directly or indirectly influencing values of life, and then analyzing and comparing them together within the selected countries. The selected sections are education, health care, labor market, inequality and living standards. The practical thesis approach is to calculate the values of life for the individual states. The values of life are calculated for so called, representative individual, who is 40-years old citizen of selected country. In the period, in which is the value of life calculated, the retirement age and life expectancy are also considered in formula. Calculated values are examined and the economic and political measures are offered to the states, which can turn into significant increases in the value of life in future.

The possibilities and conditions for the use of tools for analyzing customer behavior on social networks
Horák, Vít ; Molnár, Zdeněk (advisor) ; Měsíček, Libor (referee)
The thesis deals with free tools that can be used to analyze customers of SMB e-commerce enterprises on the social network Facebook in order to increase their competitiveness within the social network. The theoretical part focuses on defining key terms, distinguishes types of social media and describes present social networks situation in world and in the Czech Republic from a users perspective and in the Czech Republic also from an enterprises perspective. Furthermore, the theoretical part also deals with possibilities that social networks can offer to the SMB enterprises. And as well it identifies different types of analytical tools that can be used for purposes of monitoring customers or analysis of customers. In the beginning of the practical part there is introduced the company Dobrutka.EU s.r.o. (the e commerce B2C company). Afterwards is presented the analysis of the survey about how SMB companies that operate the best Czech e-shops monitor and analyze their activities and customers from the social network Facebook. Subsequently there is handled the selection of appropriate tools for SME companies, which are also analyzed in the following chapter. At the end of the practical part there is practical application of knowledge from the thesis to Dobrutka.EU s.r.o. through the design and pilot deployment of appropriate procedures and analytic tools, whose effectiveness is evaluated at the end of chapter. The main benefit is in act of finding and verification of free tools and effective method that allows for detailed analysis of company customers even for micro companies and thus also effectively achieve positive economic results even in emerging facebook presentations.

Freedom of Expression and Censorship on the Internet and Social Networks
Reindl, Jan ; Čermák, Radim (advisor) ; Sova, Martin (referee)
This thesis is focused on freedom of expression and censorship on the internet and social networks. Its goal is to evaluate current situation of censorship of the internet, to describe the most often used methods of censorship and suppressing free speech, as well as methods of its circumvention. The thesis is focused on the progress of internet censorship in its shift from a tool of governmental domestic network control into a tool in the hands of multinational organizations. Some focus is also given to the importance of anonymity as a way to freedom of speech, and to the analysis of current situation and possible future outcomes. This thesis is divided into five chapters. The first one serves as an introduction into the problematics. Second chapter describes methods of internet censorship, the third one describes its circumvention. The fourth chapter looks into the current situation regarding the role of social media in terms of internet censorship and possible results of censorship as well as future evolvement. Fifth and last chapter is dedicated to research of anonymous parts of internet community that could otherwise face censorship.

Optimization of Gaussian Mixture Subspace Models and Related Scoring Algorithms in Speaker Verification
Glembek, Ondřej ; Brummer, Niko (referee) ; Campbell,, William (referee) ; Burget, Lukáš (advisor)
Tato práce pojednává o modelování v podprostoru parametrů směsí gaussovských rozložení pro rozpoznávání mluvčího. Práce se skládá ze tří částí. První část je věnována skórovacím metodám při použití sdružené faktorové analýzy k modelování mluvčího. Studované metody se liší převážně v tom, jak se vypořádávají s variabilitou kanálu testovacích nahrávek. Metody jsou prezentovány v souvislosti s obecnou formou funkce pravděpodobnosti pro sdruženou faktorovou analýzu a porovnány jak z hlediska přesnosti, tak i z hlediska rychlosti.  Je zde prokázáno, že použití lineární aproximace pravděpodobnostní funkce dává výsledky srovnatelné se standardním vyhodnocením pravděpodobnosti při dramatickém zjednodušení matematického zápisu a tím i zvýšení rychlosti vyhodnocování. Druhá část pojednává o extrakci tzv. i-vektorů, tedy nízkodimenzionálních reprezentací nahrávek. Práce prezentuje dva přístupy ke zjednodušení extrakce. Motivací pro tuto část bylo jednak urychlení extrakce i-vektorů, jednak nasazení této úspěšné techniky na jednoduchá zařízení typu mobilní telefon, a také matematické zjednodušení umožněňující využití numerických optimalizačních metod pro diskriminativní trénování.  Výsledky ukazují, že na dlouhých nahrávkách je zrychlení vykoupeno poklesem úspěšnosti rozpoznávání, avšak na krátkých nahrávkách, kde je úspěšnost rozpoznávání nízká, se rozdíly úspěšnosti stírají. Třetí část se zabývá diskriminativním trénováním v oblasti rozpoznávání mluvčího. Jsou zde shrnuty poznatky z předchozích prací zabývajících se touto problematikou. Kapitola navazuje na poznatky z předchozích dvou částí a pojednává o diskriminativním trénování parametrů extraktoru i-vektorů.  Výsledky ukazují, že při klasickém trénování extraktoru a následném diskriminatviním přetrénování tyto metody zvyšují úspěšnost.

Methods of transfer pricing by multinational enterprises in terms of tax administration
The aim of the thesis is the analysis and evaluation of the application of transfer (transfer) the prices used in transactions of multinational enterprises in terms of tax administration. Generally describe the basic principles of the United people, the principle of the arm, the methods of the determination of the transfer pricing and documentation for transfer prices in accordance with the international rules and standards laid down by the Organization for economic cooperation and development, in accordance with the laws and guidelines of the Czech Republic. Furthermore, this thesis seeks to clarify the specific case studies, which are based on the practice of financial management, and the case-law, the effects of the determination of the transfer pricing methods, comparison of their advantages and disadvantages in establishing transfer prices in the Czech Republic. At the conclusion of the thesis summed up the results and recommend the adoption of more appropriate legislation in each of the areas of transfer pricing in the Czech Republic.

Customer Relationship Management in B2B
This thesis is focused on CRM systems for small and medium-sized enterprises operating in the B2B market. The main goal was to identify the needs and possibilities of the use of CRM systems in small and medium-sized enterprises operating in the B2B market and propose the appropriate CRM systems for this target group. Needs of small and medium-sized enterprises were explored by qualitative research by individual structured interviews. In the next part of the thesis I selected 33 CRM systems which I analyzed for the required functionality. In the last part of the thesis I evaluated the selected CRM systems for small and medium-sized enterprise according to criterions: price, customer service and user-friendliness.

Management of receivables
This thesis is engaged in management of trade receivables in the company and in impact on unpaid receivables to the company management. The theoretical part introduces the basic knowledge that is important for the understanding of receivables. I tis engaged in the basic indicators that show the impact of receivables on company management and financial analysis indicators that are affected by the receivables. In the practical part theoretical knowledge is applied to the company XY, spol. s r.o. and to its receivables on 31 December 2014. This includes an analysis of customers and their evaluation in terms of value, influence of outstanding receivables on the company management and on the financial situation and gives suggestions for improvement through better management of receivables. In conclusion, the existing management of receivables and financial situation affected by the receivables are evaluated.

Inclusive education opportunities for children with physical disability in nursery schools in South Bohemian region
This thesis focuses on inclusive education of children with physical disability in nursery schools in South Bohemian region. The authoress describes in theoretic part of its thesis individual kind of congenital and acquired physical disabilities, next she compares inclusive education with integration and present situation of inclusive education in Czech Republic, including looking at this education in the past. She writes about child development in preschool age too, and this of aspect his motor and cognitive development, socialization in nursery school and about specialty children's psychology of a child with physical disability, which differs from development healthy child. In practical part the authoress concentrates on the opinions of selected educational staffs (teacher) and parents regarding this phenomenon in education. Research sample contains nine respondents, of which five teachers and four parents, for teachers were prepared eleven questions and for parents nine. She used as a method of research semi structured interview, that she could ask for details and digress from prearranged question. The authoress wanted to know with this research, if these two groups would be willing to support this education and what they are the reasons for this. Next she ascertained attitudes of parents of children with physical disability and benefit of this education for children with physical disability and for other children, healthy. She donated to compare these opinions between educational staffs and parents too. Finally, she tries to compare opinions between educational staff and parent from one nursery school.