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Effect of selected educational methods at studying about nature
Aim of this thesis is to verify the elements of research oriented school teaching in praxis and to refer to the possibility of using this method to meet the aims of school teaching at primary schools. An integral part of the thesis is class preparation and verifying of its goals in praxis. Content of class preparation is processed in the view of current content of science schoolbooks. The thesis describes continuance and results of mastering the subject matter by the pupils using the research oriented school teaching without taking advantage of complementary material, further on taking advantage of it and comparing effect of individual approaches. The thesis was dealt within the bounds of the project GA JU č. 078/2013/S

Chosen natural resources: focuses of conflicts nad its economic consequences
Sytný, Patrik ; Vošta, Milan (advisor) ; Sankot, Ondřej (referee)
The bachelor´s thesis aims to three chosen natural resources, which are petroleum, natural gas and water, and conflicts based on disputes over them. The aim of the thesis was to valorize nature of the conflicts, define their main focus and draw prospective economic consequences. Professional literature that deals with this kind of issue, was used in order to find out the true nature of the conflicts. The result is an evaluation, which has proven, that the most influental conflicts are rising over disputes over petroleum. Their economic and political impacts are very perceptible and economically measurable in the way of GDP, the total product and other economic indicators. In the thesis has been also proven that the conflicts on the basis of natural gas have similiar nature and extent as it is in the case of petroleum, even thought in a smaller amount. The least important conflicts in a meaning of economic impacts are those over water, by those has been proven, that they do not poses such an impact on economic and political situation as petroleum or natural gas nowdays.

Creation of the Enterprise Architecture model according to the TOGAF framework
Čapek, Jan ; Doucek, Petr (advisor) ; Zeman, Petr (referee)
The present diploma thesis aims at introducing the Enterprise Architecture and creating an abstract model of a company. The primary focus is on application and process layers as defined in the architecture framework TOGAF. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical part. The theoretical chapter starts with a business model analysis which means to describe mission vision and companys values as a part of the strategy framework. Furthermore the business processes are described in the latter part of this section. This chapter attempts to explain how to map a business process and to categorize it by nature and maturity level. Penultimate chapter introduces the Enterprise Architecture in general. This section includes arguments as to why the companies should be concerned with the Enterprise Architecture advantages of the Enterprise Architecture implementation into the companys documentation relationship of companys core business and IT and examples of the Enterprise Architecture frameworks. The last chapter deals with the TOGAF framework where Architecture Development Method is described. This means how Enterprise Architecture model is created and how to implement changes into the layers according to the TOGAF framework. Simultaneously the last section of this chapter describes the reference models which provide graphical overview of all abstractions layers. The practical part of the thesis elaborates on the theoretical part using the Architecture Development Method process in order to create the Enterprise Architecture model according to TOGAF framework. Same as the theoretical part it only focuses on the application and process layer. Firstly the business model is decomposed into vision mission and companys values to the companys strategy and business goals in order to grasp further understanding of business processes detailed description. Subsequently the abovementioned aspects are recomposed to create process map which provides the management overview. The application layer undergoes the same process; nonetheless the process map is replaced by information system description and reference model creation. Once the models are created the thesis compares them with the business and strategic goals. The benefit brought by this thesis is critical evaluation of current status to propose changes to achieve target architacture according business and strategic goals established by management.

The Finnish Landscape Photography and Its Role in Helsinki School
Bureš, Mojmír ; SILVERIO, Robert (advisor) ; Ledvina, Josef (referee)
In my bachelor thesis I am focused on the images of the Finnish landscape photography and relationship to nature due to the harsh geographical conditions. I will describe the political and cultural influences that affected the aesthetic thinking about perception of scanned landscapes. Furthermore, I would like to deal with the influence by art that have shaped and inspired the Finnish authors and compare it with the perception of the country abroad. For example Dieseldorf photography school (Bernd and Hilla Becher, Andreas Gursky), Japanese photographers (Hiroshi Sugimoto, Rinko Kawauchi) Czech photographers (Josef Sudek, Josef Koudelka) and the others . List of the authors: Into Konrad Inha, Caj Breme, Ismo HÖLTTÖ, Arno Rafael Minkkinen, Ilkka Halso, Maija Savolainen, Eeva Karhu, Kalle Kataila, Jyrki Parantainen, Elina Brotherus, Maanantai Collective, Mikko Rikala, Sandra Kantanen, Tiina Itkonen, Jorma Puranen, Susanna Majuri, Petri Juntunen, Eija-Liisa Ahtila, Nanna Hänninen, Pentti Sammallahti, Karl Emil Stahlberg, Riitta Päiväläinen, Marja Pirilä, Ritva Kovalainen, Sanni Seppo, Juha Suonpää

Slezáková, Kateřina ; ULLRICHOVÁ, Daria (advisor) ; SÍLOVÁ, Zuzana (referee)
This thesis examins the nature of Faust’s inner ambivalence in the context of modern times. It tries to identify the basic traits leading to the feeling of emptiness. The authoress uses comparing the dramatic character of Faust with his biblical prototype of Job and one of the most successful entrepreneurs today Steve Jobs. Based on the comparison she contemplates the validity or mutation of the drawing theses nowadays. In the second part the authoress reflects the production of the project of Faust. Due to her specialization in the field of dramaturgy she pursues especially the process of the selection of particular dramatic situations, adjustments of dramatic text and the choice of suitable staging means.

Arctic tundra dendrochronology
Lehejček, Jiří ; Svoboda, Miroslav (advisor) ; Monika, Monika (referee)
Historically unprecedented environmental change in the Arctic ecosystems is often given into the context of its past and possible future development. In the region where instrumental meteorological observations are scarce archives need to be investigated in order to address this issues. The comprehensive synthesis one of the archives: long-live circumpolar evergreen Juniperus communis L. shrub is presented here. 20 individuals from southwest Greenland were investigated at the cell anatomy level to understand the ecology of the species and unhide its potential for environmental and climate reconstructions. The findings are as follows: i) Stop of exponential cross-sectional conduit-lumen widening with increasing age is in contrast with conduit-lumen nature of trees. This indicates that shrubs do not need to saturate their water and nutrient demands via traits of classical hydraulic conductivity law but rather developed different mechanisms. Extreme weather conditions result in prostrate growth form. However, different weather factors probably influence shrub growth differently: While snow and wind act mechanically (a), temperature influences the form of growth physiologically (b). a) So long as the young shrub stem has high resilience to bend back to an upright position after snow melt and so long as it can withstand the wind during the vegetation season it most likely grows upright and the conduit-lumens widen. b) Temperature, resp. freeze-thaw events are responsible for the shrubs preference of safety (finite size of conduit-lumens) over hydraulic efficiency, thus not allowing for more primary growth. All of these (and other) factors are apparently working together and the transition of vertical to more horizontal growth is gradual. As a consequence, the conduit-lumen sizes may not have to be further increased (due to ecophysiological restrictions possibly also must not) because water is no longer transported against gravity. ii) Observed age/growth trend has to be taken into consideration for further employment of the wood anatomical parameter in paleoenvironmental studies. That is, shrub cell parameters can only be used for this purposes if correctly detrended. This allows for more accurate as well as longer reconstructions because youth trend was often neglected in reconstructions based on shrub annual-rings. iii) The south-western Greenland Ice-Sheet (GrIS) melt rates reconstruction is presented for the whole 20th century. This part of GrIS is considered as the most active. According to the presented reconstruction current GrIS melt rates are not uncommon for the last century being comparable to first decades of 20th century. This finding is particularly important contribution to the debate on Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC). Too high fresh water inputs into the Northern Atlantic from GrIS melting may slow down or even stop the AMOC which would result in more continental climate in Europe. Presented results indicate that this threshold lies higher than observed current melt rates of GrIS. Fascinating Juniperus comunnis species has shown to be able to address many ecological as well as environmental open questions and due to its longevity and abundant distribution has a great potential to become an important player in the Arctic research.

Mikolov, Tomáš ; Zweig, Geoffrey (referee) ; Hajič,, Jan (referee) ; Černocký, Jan (advisor)
Statistické jazykové modely jsou důležitou součástí mnoha úspěšných aplikací, mezi něž patří například automatické rozpoznávání řeči a strojový překlad (příkladem je známá aplikace Google Translate). Tradiční techniky pro odhad těchto modelů jsou založeny na tzv. N-gramech. Navzdory známým nedostatkům těchto technik a obrovskému úsilí výzkumných skupin napříč mnoha oblastmi (rozpoznávání řeči, automatický překlad, neuroscience, umělá inteligence, zpracování přirozeného jazyka, komprese dat, psychologie atd.), N-gramy v podstatě zůstaly nejúspěšnější technikou. Cílem této práce je prezentace několika architektur jazykových modelůzaložených na neuronových sítích. Ačkoliv jsou tyto modely výpočetně náročnější než N-gramové modely, s technikami vyvinutými v této práci je možné jejich efektivní použití v reálných aplikacích. Dosažené snížení počtu chyb při rozpoznávání řeči oproti nejlepším N-gramovým modelům dosahuje 20%. Model založený na rekurentní neurovové síti dosahuje nejlepších publikovaných výsledků na velmi známé datové sadě (Penn Treebank).

Vývoj metodologické a technologické platformy pro neinvazivní odhad fenolických látek v listech a bobulích
Plant optical signals can serve as important source of information about biochemical and physiological processes in plants. These signals are influenced by compounds synthesized by plants during primary or secondary metabolism and thus, can also serve as their qualitative and quantitative indicators. Light reaching plant surface (leaf or fruit) can undergo three main pathways- it can be (i) reflected, (ii) absorbed or it can (iii) transmit through plant material. The probability of these three processes depends on particular wavelength of incident irradiation and on the morphological characteristics of plant tissues themselves. As such, plant contains various spectrum of photosynthetic pigments and fluorescent compounds which can either reflect, absorb or pass incident irradiation through at specific wavelengths. Biophysical techniques working with these optical properties of plant pigments and/or other compounds have become universal and common tool in basic and applied research. To quote some example, chlorophyll fluorescence imaging, UV induced fluorescence or spectroscopic techniques are on the top of interest thanks to its non-invasive nature, allowing maintain the integrity of measured cells or the whole plant constituents. The main aim of this thesis is to provide a comprehensive study on the possibility of non-invasive monitoring of phenolic compounds in the leaves and fruits.

Methodology of the Cooperation between the Director and Actor and Contermporary Theater Practice
Glogrová, Kateřina ; BURIAN, Jan (advisor) ; HRBEK, Daniel (referee)
The thesis deals with the cooperation between the director and actor during individual phases of the staging process as they appear in everyday theatre life. The indiviual phases of the staging process are supplemented by the author's own experience with managing the actors, which she gained especially in the course of her studies at the Drama Faculty of AMU. The second part of the thesis investigates the issues of inner truthfulness and the possibilities of its achievement within the production of a play. As a part of collecting the material for the thesis, the author conducted a research, which included interviews with three professional directors - Hana Burešová, Ladislav Smoček and Štěpán Pácl, whose methods of work are described. In the final part of the thesis the author states that it is difficult to draw general conclusions about the cooperation between the director and actor because it is always of subjective nature. The issue of inner truthfulness is similarly difficult to generalise. Due to the multiplicity of options, however, neither of them loses attractiveness for further research.

Profile of visitors of the Toulava touristic region
This bachelor thesis focuses on tourist area Toulava which arose three years ago. It mentions the history of Toulava which was created as a combination of beautiful nature and interesting tourist sites. It analyses what visitors always do here and popular tourist sites. The first part focuses on literature. The practical part of the work introduces two researches which were done during the summer season in 2013 and through the summer in 2015. The goal was to get a general visitor profile of Toulava. Tourist from this region filled in the questionnaires relating to this area, which were placed at various tourist spots. The work concludes that the visitors profile is still the same and tries to suggest a new product for gaining the interest of potential tourist.