National Repository of Grey Literature 22,267 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 1.68 seconds. 

The Risk Factors and General Awareness of Eating Disorders at Pupils Attending Elementary School from the 6th to 9th class
This thesis deals with the issue of eating disorders of pupils attending upper primary schools of rural and urban type. The issue of eating disorders is very complex and public often fails to understand it. People do not see the fact that the food and its rejection can turn into a real habit. Eating disorders are not only observed in young women, but also increasingly in children and adolescents. Eating disorders involve serious psychosomatic disorders, significantly affecting the mental and physical status. Thus, they may very negatively affect personality development from childhood to adulthood. They are accompanied with many somatic problems and complications and they can have a very negative influence to the overall health status of an individual. Eating disorders cause long-term problems not only to patients themselves but also to their families, spouses and friends. It is very easy to fall ill with eating disorder, but is very hard to get better.

The analysis of the system of tertiary education in the Czech republic focused on prepared university reform from 2006 to 2015
Poupová, Jana ; Procházka, Pavel (advisor) ; Lukášová, Tereza (referee)
This bachelor thesis analyses the system of tertiary education in the Czech Republic, especially the way of funding of this system and the reform of the system of funding, implementation of tuition-fees on public universities. This topic had been actual until year 2015 and it is highly probable that it becomes more actual in following years again. In the teoretical part of the thesis, there are described in details the system of tertiary education in the Czech republic, the process and main points off the reform of tertiary education and there is also briefly described the system of tertiary education in Great Britain. The practical part of the thesis verifies by questionnaire survey the possibility of implementation of tuition-fees on universities and examines the impatcs of this implementation. In case of implementation of tuition-fees, as it was planned according to the reform of tertiary education, the number of university students would decrease by 47,3 %. In conclusion, some possible reccomendations are designed, which are suitable in case of implementation of tuition-fees.

Fiscal rules in selected EU countries between 2004-2015: sensible method for consolidation of public finances or fad of politicians?
Veselý, Lukáš ; Strejček, Ivo (advisor) ; Chmelová, Pavla (referee)
The subject of fiscal rules is very topical issue. The rise of public debt in certain developed countries resulted in what is sometimes called "debt crisis". Debt of those countries which is higher than their annual gross domestic product is viewed as unpayable by some economists. The main objective of this thesis has been to prove or disprove hypothesis that the fiscal rules studied in this paper are an effective solution for public finance consolidation. This verification was based on the analysis of fiscal rules functioning in selected countries between 2004 and 2015. As per results of analysis the paper aims to give recommendations for the Czech financial constitution proposal. The actual results of inquiry proved the hypothesis. Well-chosen fiscal rules are the right way towards fiscal consolidation, provided they are observed. Fiscal rules making thus requires an emphasis to be placed on the well-formulated exit clauses altogether with prospective sanctions. The current Czech financial constitution proposal is built on the correctly picked fiscal rule type, although the reference value lacks economic sense and it would not lead, with a high degree of probability, towards fiscal consolidation.

Tax and legal issues of real-estate business in Austria
Banctel, Kristýna ; Filipová, Vladimíra (advisor) ; Drozen, František (referee)
The purpose of this study is to compare tax and civil-law issues concerning property business in Austria and in Czech Republic in 2016 and to investigate the efficiency of the current legislation against the real estate bubble. The theoretical part of this study contains selected demographic and price statistics concerning real estate in both countries and focuses on the description of the existing law currently in effect in both compared countries. The practical part analyses tax and transactions costs that concern property trading and a comparison of possibilities of amortisations and rentability of a rented flat in both countries.

Supervision of volunteers in nonprofit organizations
Beerová, Michala ; Kopecký, Martin (advisor) ; Šerák, Michal (referee)
The theme of the presented bachelor thesis is the process of supervision and the volunteerism. Volunteering is an important subject in today's society and essentials workforce in social work. The aim of this work is to focus on the non-profit sector and try to describe it. Furthermore, there is an explanation of the position of volunteers in these organizations and supervision in social work. Supervision is one of the managerial function in non-profit organizations, which is widely and long-term applied. The thesis wants to show basics, consequences and benefits of volunteer's supervision. Providing supervision is one of the main objectives of the organization to support staff or their volunteers. This bachelor thesis explores volunteering and supervision in two countries, the Czech Republic and Sweden. This thesis compares two different approaches, based on history of these two countries. Volunteering and supervision are very interesting features of the non-profit organizations. The practical part of this thesis comprises from qualitative investigation of different nonprofit organizations. The organizations were interviewed to get information about the purpose of the volunteering, educational potential of supervision and the current situation of volunteer supervision there. The aim of this investigation...

Míry podobnosti pro nominální data v hierarchickém shlukování
Šulc, Zdeněk ; Řezanková, Hana (advisor) ; Šimůnek, Milan (referee) ; Žambochová, Marta (referee)
This dissertation thesis deals with similarity measures for nominal data in hierarchical clustering, which can cope with variables with more than two categories, and which aspire to replace the simple matching approach standardly used in this area. These similarity measures take into account additional characteristics of a dataset, such as frequency distribution of categories or number of categories of a given variable. The thesis recognizes three main aims. The first one is an examination and clustering performance evaluation of selected similarity measures for nominal data in hierarchical clustering of objects and variables. To achieve this goal, four experiments dealing both with the object and variable clustering were performed. They examine the clustering quality of the examined similarity measures for nominal data in comparison with the commonly used similarity measures using a binary transformation, and moreover, with several alternative methods for nominal data clustering. The comparison and evaluation are performed on real and generated datasets. Outputs of these experiments lead to knowledge, which similarity measures can generally be used, which ones perform well in a particular situation, and which ones are not recommended to use for an object or variable clustering. The second aim is to propose a theory-based similarity measure, evaluate its properties, and compare it with the other examined similarity measures. Based on this aim, two novel similarity measures, Variable Entropy and Variable Mutability are proposed; especially, the former one performs very well in datasets with a lower number of variables. The third aim of this thesis is to provide a convenient software implementation based on the examined similarity measures for nominal data, which covers the whole clustering process from a computation of a proximity matrix to evaluation of resulting clusters. This goal was also achieved by creating the nomclust package for the software R, which covers this issue, and which is freely available.

How are high school students informed about virus biology
Solarová, Pavlína ; Drda Morávková, Alena (advisor) ; Fraiberk, Martin (referee)
Biology is the study of viruses, which are engaged in teaching 2-3 lessons. During those hours, students must not only absorb information about the structure and function of the virus, but also the reproduction of the organism, several representatives and, ultimately, diseases that cause that exists prevention and treatment these diseases. Students remember what it is for the vaccine, the virus infects whom, how they can get infected or what the immune system. What makes the problem of students are questions: which of the viral disease is, what constitutes a viral particle, or what is an infectious disease. In the RVP G is determined curriculum is very vaguely. The teacher thus has a certain freedom in creating the ŠVP and its preparations. To more precise what students should know for graduation, testing requirements used common catalog of the school-leaving examination in this case of biology, who has broken the outputs of the curriculum of all biological disciplines.

Výběr a implementace open source nástroje pro řízení portfolia projektů
Marek, Jan ; Chlapek, Dušan (advisor) ; Kučera, Jan (referee)
Methods and ways of implementation of changes and innovations in companies through project management are in today's society very well established. There exists methodologies, techniques and tools for the management of individual projects. However in a role of project manager, I very often faced the fact that companies are performing the project portfolio management in very intuitive way. This in itself leads to failed and prematurely terminated projects, initiation of the wrong projects or realisation of correct projects, but at the wrong time. Very often I have also recognized, that there is lack of awareness of fact, that there are also Open Source applications that can help with the organization's portfolio. This thesis deals with the definition of requirements, search and selection of proper OSS application and subsequent implementation. In the first part of this thesis I prepare a theoretical framework about PPM, and on that basis then identify and verify a set of requirements for selection of right OSS PPM application. The next section of thesis describes searching for suitable applications from a variety of sources, assessment against the requirements and the final selection. In the last part the implementation project is drafted, which aims to serve other colleagues in project management as one of the possible implementation paths. The outputs are then continuously confronted with experts in matter of projects and project management in the field of IT in order to maximize symbiosis between theory and real life experiences. Virtually every project management methodology defines the collection of already-proven techniques, best practices or lessons learned from the previous similar implementations. The main contribution of this thesis I see in fact that it contains not only the design of the project implementation, but also describes a logical path, what leads to the result. Therefore this thesis could be used as a base or discussed best practice, when a project of implementation of PPM application in place.

Poetry of Karel Hlaváček
Loučková, Tereza ; Kořená, Markéta (advisor) ; Binar, Vladimír (referee)
Moje diplomová práce má přiblížit poetiku Karla Hlaváčka ve všech čtyřechjeho sbírkách. Pod slovo poetika jsem zahrnula versologii (metrum, rytmus, rýmy ... ), eufonii, básnické figury, tropiku, slovník, motivy a kompozici. Pokusím se o podrobný rozbor všech složek Hlaváčkovy poezie, zcela ponechávám stranou interpretaci, kteráje dalším, velmi specifickým stupněm rozboru básnického díla a vyžadovala by samostatné bádání. Diplomová práce je tedy členěna na čtyři základní oddíly, z nichž každý patří jedné Hlaváčkově sbírce. Každý má svůj vlastní krátký úvod, ve kterém uvádím kdy ajak daná sbírka vznikla. Následuje vlastní rozbor, ten má ukázat především Hlaváčkovy přednosti a tvárné prostředky, které se vyskytují ve všech sbírkách, tedy to, co je typicky hlaváčkovské. Analýza sbírek je prováděna krok za krokem podle běžného schématu: rytmický rozboreufonický rozbor - sémantický rozbor - motivicko-kompoziční rozbor. Těžiště mé práce je však ve výběru a uvádění dostatečného množství příkladů ve všech oddílech, protože především díky nim se ozřejmí všechny zvláštnosti Hlaváčkova básnického jazyka; často je i popis zbytečný, úryvky básní hovoří samy za sebe a není třeba je dále rozebírat. Navíc se tak každému čtenáři naskýtá možnost najít mezi uváděnými příklady další a další zajímavé zvukové (a jiné) souhry a...

Satisfaction of women in labour with nursing care during childbirth.
KLÍMOVÁ, Magdaléna
This dissertation investigates the level of satisfaction among expectant mothers with the care services provided during childbirth. Satisfaction reflects a subjective perception of an expectant mother in meeting her needs during childbirth. The feeling of satisfaction is very personal, however, evaluation of the care provided needs to be determined and not ignored. It is important for expectant mothers that the health care professionals present as empathic, friendly, co-operative, and tactful.Theoretical part was developed from evidence-based literature and available findings related to this problematic. There is a description of a childbirth process including a midwife's role during the individual stages of childbirth and options for pain management. Other chapters focus on midwife's approach toward an expectant mother and factors which influence the level of satisfaction during childbirth. Dissertation's aim was to determine whether the expectant mothers were more satisfied in smaller maternity departments, and to evaluate the way a midwife may influence the mother's satisfaction. There were two hypotheses stated and verified by a statistical testing. Hypothesis No. 1: Expectant mothers are more satisfied in smaller maternity departments than larger ones. Hypothesis No. 2: The level of satisfaction is influenced by midwife's empathic approach. Practical part focused mainly on a midwife's approach toward expectant mother. A quantitative research was implemented in form of questionnaires. The research sample constituted of expectant mothers from four postpartum departments in the Czech Republic. In total the sample included 215 expectant mothers, 109 from smaller facilities and 106 from larger maternity departments. In terms of the overall level of satisfaction with their midwife during the childbirth process, 89% of expectant mothers from smaller maternity departments and 83% of expectant mothers from larger departments stated they were satisfied. Conversely, 11% of respondents from smaller facilities and 17% of respondents from larger facilities were dissatisfied. Based on research analysis comparing the level of satisfaction of expectant mothers from smaller and larger maternity departments the hypothesis no. 1 "Expectant mothers are more satisfied in smaller maternity departments than the larger ones" did not show as statistically significant and was rejected. Nonetheless, the questionnaire responses clearly showed that empathic approach of a midwife influenced expectant mother's satisfaction. Statistical testing demonstrated a significant correlation between an expectant mother's satisfaction and empathic approach of a midwife. The second hypothesis "The level of satisfaction is influenced by midwife's empathic approach" was accepted.The research findings may serve as a guiding material for the midwives in order to provide a high quality care to expectant mothers during the childbirth process. They may also be utilised by future midwives who are in undergraduate preparation for the profession, or those professionals who contribute in any way during the childbirth process. Additionally, the research findings may be presented at conferences designated for midwives.