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Blatensko - místní region ve výuce na 2. stupni ZŠ
The thesis consists of theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part deals with the characteristics of the local region and its position in educational programs. The practical part deals with the knowledge acquired on the basis of empirical research. It summarizes the findings on ways of teaching in primary schools and high school and results that students achieved in the Knowledge-questionnaire. On the basis of this investigation suggest your own design concept of teaching Blatensko, based on the current Framework Educational Programme for Primary Education.

Design of mobile horizontal wood-splitting machine
Dressler, Jan ; Škopán, Miroslav (referee) ; Knoflíček, Radek (advisor)
This thesis shows making of documentation for production powerfull wood-splitting machine for hardest forestal work. There are researched and soluted all phases of pre-production machine's lifecycle, also means analysis of conception, potentional risks and failures analysis and also definition of required properties. Based on those properties and results of analyses is possible to setting up condition which should be satisfied. At following part are descripted and shown features of machine-design . Main feature (component) of machine is its frame, also there are strenght analysis of frame. Machine movement features are mainly hydraulics pistons which are powered by asynchronous engine, whith alternative possibility movement by wheel tractor power-take off shaft or hydraulics output. There are performed all important properties. Working safety questions and high endurability of machine shold be also performed. At the end of work is realised conception and design study of forestal production system for wood processing with one universal source of energy – wheeled tractor.

Truth and Meaning: The Dialectics of Theory and Practice
Koreň, Ladislav ; Peregrin, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Kolman, Vojtěch (referee) ; Edwards, James (referee)
Tarski's semantic conception of truth is arguably the most influential - certainly, most discussed - modern conception of truth. It has provoked many different interpretations and reactions, some thinkers celebrating it for successfully explicating the notion of truth, whereas others have argued that it is no good as a philosophical account of truth. The aim of the thesis is to offer a systematic and critical investigation of its nature and significance, based on the thorough explanation of its conceptual, technical as well as historical underpinnings. The methodological strategy adopted in the thesis reflects the author's belief that in order to evaluate the import of Tarski's conception we need to understand what logical, mathematical and philosophical aspects it has, what role they play in his project of theoretical semantics, which of them hang in together, and which should be kept separate. Chapter 2 therefore starts with a detailed exposition of the conceptual and historical background of Tarski's semantic conception of truth and his method of truth definition for formalized languages, situating it within his project of theoretical semantics, and Chapter 3 explains the formal machinery of Tarski's truth definitions for increasingly more complex languages. Chapters 4-7 form the core of the...

The use of the Beroun region's cultural capital in tourism
Hynková, Jana ; Tyslová, Irena (advisor) ; Malcová, Zuzana (referee)
The aim of this thesis is to define the relationship between cultural capital of the Beroun region and tourism through the description and subsequent introduction of conception within the case study of landmark infrastructure in a particular location. The theoretical part is aimed at defining the basic terms of the field, the practical one concentrates on a description of the present state of cultural capital in the region with strong ties to tourism and presents a concept to improve the situation in the village Nižbor.

Analysis of the Roma issue concerning failure in Czechoslovakia in the 50´s and 60´s of the 20th century
Poprik, Anton ; Soběhart, Radek (advisor) ; Kozmanová, Irena (referee)
The bachelor thesis "Analysis of the Roma issue concerning failure in Czechoslovakia in the 50's and 60's of the 20th century" deals with the state institutions procedures addressing Roma issues during the first twenty years of the Communist Party rule in Czechoslovakia. The first part brings a broader historical perspective of solving the Roma issue and particularly the impact of World War II on its later character. The core of the thesis lies in examination of three base periods, which took place during the fifties and sixties as to Roma issues. In chapters gradually focused on the years 1950-1957, 1958-1964 and 1965-1968 the chosen concepts and practical procedures are described, their success is evaluated and the root causes of solutions failure analyzed.

Design of caravan.
Novák, Jakub ; Pelikán, František (referee) ; Rubínová, Dana (advisor)
Theme of this diploma thesis is the design of caravan meaning travel trailer. Concept is adapted to the technical and ergonomic requirements and the main goal of this concept is to provide original design with a view to the future. The complex concept meets the operational, technical and ergonomic demands of such trailers. The project is focused on the design concept of the implemented folding mechanism. Design of the travel trailer is due to todays modern technological methods and the construction ready for production and everyday operating usage.

Cogeneration unit control system with remote monitoring
Betlach, Radomír ; Lust, Radek (referee) ; Pospíšil, Martin (advisor)
The subject of diploma thesis is to summarize problematic about control of cogeneration unit. There are explained some unexpected situations, which can obtain during operation of unit and necessary process for their safety resolving. Next goal is to design the conception of controlling system for currently used technology. Project describes whole conception of control system and its parts. Physical realization and programming firmware is also described. Last goal of diploma project is to launch operation of innovated cogeneration unit and let it undergo the tests.

Evaluation of retirement care home in Tučapy
Abstract Evaluation of the Home for Seniors in Tučapy by its clients (after the change of legislation) The system of social services for elderly people is a set of activities that can help mitigate their unfavourable life situations. The causes of these situations can be related to their age, health state or difficult social position. The Act on Social Services no. 108/2006 effective from 01/01/07 moves the Czech Republic onto a higher level in the sphere of social services. The novelties in connection with the Act on Social services influence the following aspects of social services: the conception of social services, the types of offered services, the enlargement of the segment of social services providers and the conditions and rules obligatory for the providers. The allowances with which the persons in need are provided have also been changed, considering mainly the system of allowances distribution. In the thesis I concentrated on the observation of the practical influence and impact of the mentioned changes on the operation and daily activities in theHome, on social and health services offered to the seniors. The Home for Seniors had already functioned before the mentioned judicial changes so I had an opportunity to compare the previous status with the new situation and I could monitor the impact of the Act for one year after the beginning of its legal force. During the period of observation I could prove that the quality of health and social services had considerably improved. I found a significant change in the employees approach to their clients, obviously connected with the fact that a contractual base has been established and each client signs a contract with the Home for Seniors management. In the following period I also noticed an improvement of cooperation among social and health institutions and the state. Recently, social demands have been processed more flexibly, and a social and health services information network has been established.