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Comparison of funding selected social and health facilities from European and national sources
The subject of the bachelor thesis is to compare and evaluate the depletion of financial resources from European and national sources of selected social-health care centres. In the theoretical part, is described the Regional policy of the European Union together with its goals, principle and instruments and also structural policy and funds in relationship to this Regional policy. Finally is focused in explanation of system social services in the Czech Republic and resources of its financing. The practical part focuses on history, characteristics, the services offered and the funding of social-health care centres in Kdyně and in Domažlice from European and national sources. The thesis is evaluates and detects of potential differences of current funding of two social-health care centres, hereafter a finding, whether these facilities use all possibilities of the depletion of finances from the European or national sources, which are available.

Analysis of social services for seniors in the Czech Republic during the years 2007 - 2015
Fialová, Tereza ; Prudká, Šárka (advisor) ; Kotýnková, Magdalena (referee)
This thesis focuses on the theme of social services for the elderly and its development since 2007 to 2015. The goal is to describe the development of social services in the Czech Republic, in the regions of the Czech Republic and comparison between them. The Bachelor thesis also has the goal of informing about the current situation and future predictions. The theoretical part deals with the definition of social inclusion services within social policy. An integral part is the description of the basic forms of social services, social service providers and legislative and financial framework for social services in the Czech Republic. The method used in this part is the literature research focused on characteristics of social policies, particularly on social services. The empirical part follows information from theoretical part. The research is focused on the Czech Republic as a whole and then goes into exploring the specifics of individual regions and their comparison. Here, the methods used are: analysis of the existing system of social services and regional comparison. The data sources are mainly from Czech Statistical Office and Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs. The result of my investigation is the confirmation of the need for social services in the lives of seniors. The goal of this thesis is to highlight the current systemic shortcomings of providing and funding of social services, mainly because of increased number of seniors in Czech Republic.

Attacks on active network elements
Ščepko, Richard ; Kacálek, Jan (referee) ; Polívka, Michal (advisor)
The bachelor thesis deals with the topic of the security of computer networks. The tasks of the bachelor thesis are the attacks on active network elements with the aim of the catching of data between two users. In the created structure with a stellate topology, the user stations have connect to the active element (switch). In the thesis, the individual ways of attacks and the significance of ARP proceedings to MAC addresses have describ. Several programmes have use in order to take control over the device. Due to a big amount of these active elements the source code of the programmes had to be alter. The work with the programmes ARPtool and ARPoison demanded the operational system Linux, in our case the distribution of Ubunt. The programme WinArpAttacker could be set off under the system Windows XP as well. The achieved results and the description of the practical part are discuss in detail in the summary of the thesis. The result is the catching communication with the help of the programme WireShark.

External Sources of Finance for Business Projects in the Czech Republic
Kubíčková, Kateřina ; Filipová, Vladimíra (advisor) ; Drozen, František (referee)
This bachelor thesis is focused on external sources of finance for business projects in the Czech Republic. The theoretical framework summarizes the expertise and definitions relating to business, entrepreneurs personality, to legal forms of business and traditional external sources of finance. As the lack of resources or difficult access to traditional sources of capital can sometimes be an obstacle in the realization of a welcome and viable business plan, the second half of the thesis is devoted to alternative options of financing business projects with an emphasis on EU subsidies drawing. Other analysed external sources of finance are the investments of private investors called Business Angels, venture and private equity capital, crowdfunding and at the end preferential credits from banking institutions offered to start-ups or new business projects. The main target of this thesis is to provide an overview of the available external projects funding, to find out how they are going on in the Czech Republic and at the conclusion to assess, what kinds of projects are suitable for every single kind of funding. This thesis could help to entrepreneurs, who do not have enough funds for their idea, to be knowledgeable in current options of external financial sources.

Development of POS system application with support of EET for retail trade
Nguyen Manh, Tho ; Pavlíčková, Jarmila (advisor) ; Bruckner, Tomáš (referee)
The goal of this thesis is to design and develop an application software for the POS system. The main criterion of the developed system is to support online registration of sales, which meets the requirements stated by the Act no. 112/2016 Coll., on Registration of Sales. In this thesis the POS system is designated to support processes of retail trade. The theoretical part focuses on the description of the POS system and its components. To solve the issue of online registration of sales, an analysis of the legislation and the market with the POS systems was made. The thesis also presents an analysis of the processes and requirements, a solution design and the implementation of applications based on Java. To test the functionality of the developed application a test case was used. The final chapter summarizes the content of the thesis and outlines possible future developments. The output of this paper is a functional POS application, which will be available for download under open-source license. This paper could also serve as a business guide to understand the topic of POS systems and online registration of sales.

Web-based application for Czech language e-learning
Lam Van, Duyet ; Vodňanský, Daniel (advisor) ; Zumr, Jiří (referee)
Lack of knowledge of the Czech language means a serious problem for foreigners living in the Czech Republic. Czech language should help them in communication, business, studying, but for some people it is also the necessary condition for obtaining a permanent residence. The aim of this bachelor thesis is to design and implement a web application that should serve as a source of learning the Czech language for foreigners. To achieve this goal, the thesis first deals with the analysis of the existing solutions for Czech language e-learning. A design of a web application, user interface and the structure of the database model is suggested based on the finishing analysis. After designing the web application, its development follows, in which the client/server architecture and selected web technologies including Laravel Framework, jQuery and MySQL database system are used. The output of this work is a detailed web-based application that provides an access to educational lessons, instructions and exercises for users, who need to improve in Czech language. They can test their knowledge and determine their skill level.

Modern marketing communication tools and their use of a particular online store
Jochimová, Natálie ; Pešek, Ondřej (advisor) ; Kajfoszová, Dorota (referee)
This Master´s thesis entitled Modern marketing communication tools and their use of a particular online store dedicated to modern methods of promotion on the Internet market of fashion in the Czech Republic, namely the largest of these deals The aim of the work is based on quantitative and qualitative research to evaluate the use of modern tools of marketing communication in the example mentioned internet business when compared with other entities. The theoretical part of this thesis provides a definition of Internet marketing and the entire online environment, as well as a description of various marketing tools along with outlining their modern forms. In the practical part is to analyse these tools with an online shop The main sources of data are the results of a survey from ZOOT called Fashion Report, data from Sklik to new service Retargeting about the effectiveness of its use, as well as the conclusions of individual and group interviews with employees of ZOOT or internal documents online stores on the effectiveness of individual used instruments. The results of these studies show that if companies use modern marketing communication tools, they are still more emphasis on the rapid inclusion of innovations into business activities, providing superior customer service, but also a form of monitoring advertisements for competitors.

The Incidence of Suicide Among Alcoholics
LHOTSKÁ, Veronika
For my master thesis, I have chosen the topic of alcoholics' suicide occurrence. There were 1647 people who have committed a suicide in the Czech Republic during the year 2012. Out of the 1647 people, there were 1370 men, and 277 women (ČSÚ, 2013). The deaths of alcoholics are not recorded by the National Evidence Center. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical parts. The information for the theoretical part was gathered from academic sources. The two examined parts are the suicide commitment in the Czech Republic, and the alcohol consumption. The practical part is simply a primary research that I have done in PL Červený Dvůr. The research had two parts; quantitative and qualitative. The qualitative part was done through interviews with chosen respondents. The quantitative part was done through surveys distributed in PL Červený Dvůr. I have chosen to do the quantitative part first, so that I could choose the right candidates for the quantitative part based on their responses. The interviews helped me to complete the information I was looking for. I have set various goals that I wanted to reach through the research. The main goal was to chart the suicide behavior of alcoholics who are patients of PL Červený Dvůr. In order to reach such goal, I have set partial goals. The first partial goal was to contras the reason that lead the patients of PL Červený Dvůr to try to commit a suicide. According to the results I received, the most common reason for committing a suicide is either unfulfilled love, or the breaking-up with partner. Another goal was to discover the way the patients tried to kill themselves. As the majority responded so, the most common way is to cut the veins while drunk. The third goal was to compare and contrast the different reasons why as well as the ways how to commit a suicide. I have focused on two groups of patients of PL Červený Dvůr; the alcoholics and the toxicants. The alcoholics had proven that the reason why the tried to kill themselves was love, but the toxicants stated that they did it because they simply did not have a reason to live anymore. Both of the groups decided to end their lives by cutting their veins.

Design of methodology of administration and management of issues and its application in chosen organisation
Holub, Adam ; Stanovská, Iva (advisor) ; Novák, Tomáš (referee)
This thesis is focused on design methodology of administration and management of issues, using issue-tracking system. The objective is to create such methodology and deploy it to specific organization. During methodology creation, there were used best practices, acquired from source thesis and authors experiences. In theoretical part of thesis are described approaches, witch is this thesis based on. Then thesis describes what issue-tracking system is and lists mostly used issue-tracking systems. In practical part, the methodology itself is created. At first, target group is described. Then, types of issuse and roles used in issue-tracking system are described. Then is described, how to create lifecycle of issue and how to handle with its attributes. Last part is focused on data reporting from issue-tracking system. Last chapter of practical part describes how to implement methodology to issue-tracking system JIRA.

Innovation activities in Germany in the context of smart specialisation
Vlčková, Markéta ; Vlčková, Jana (advisor) ; Vošta, Milan (referee)
Economic growth is slowing in many countries. It leads to a discussion on what sources of growth should countries focus. For this purpose, EU created the concept of smart specialization, which puts an emphasis on the most efficient use of public financial resources dedicated to research and development. The aim of this thesis is to find out on what industry Germany as a leader of EU innovation and its individual regions specializes and to identify potential areas for targeting resources to innovation, research and development. This will be determined by using the patent network. The secondary objective is to interconnect findings of patenting and analysis of innovation activities in various regions of Germany with international trade and to determine whether there is a correlation between innovation activity in a particular sector and export of the sector's products abroad.