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Consequences of post-war ethnically based population exchange in the Czech borderland for the regional development
Vaishar, Antonín ; Dvořák, Petr ; Nosková, Helena ; Zapletalová, Jana
About 3,1 millions of Germans lived in Czechoslovakia in 1930s forming the biggest ethnical minority. This minority almost completely disappeared as a consequence of the WWII. About 300-500 thousands of them were killed in the war as soldiers of German military forces. Some dozens of thousands were killed by the Nazi regime (anti-Nazi and German Jews), about 300 thousands fled on the base of Hitler´s command, about 20-30 thousands were killed or died within "wild displacement". The majority (2,1 million) were transferred into individual occupation zones in Germany. Only established anti-Nazis, people from mixed matrimonies and indispensable experts in economic branches were allowed to stay.Excluding big cities and some inner enclaves, the majority of German population was transferred from the borderland. Before the WWII, almost all the borderland of Bohenia and Moravia was formed by German speaking regions.
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Plný tet: UGN_0391560 - Download fulltextPDF

Analysis of Communication Mix of Svatba jak má být, Ltd
Božejovská, Martina ; Novák, Michal (advisor) ; Kincl, Tomáš (referee)
To realize topic of my theses I chose Svatba jak ma byt, Ltd. The aim of the theoretical part of the theses is to explain to the reader basic concepts and contexts that are needed to analyse the communication mix. This theory has been used as a basis for practical part for the current situation of selected company. At first in practical part I introduce to the reader analysed company and then I processed it by descriptive analysis. In conclusion of the theses I will post carried out surveys related to the topic of theses.

Experiences of Communist Modernization in a Bulgarian Muslim Village, 1945-2005.
Nahodilová, Lenka ; Bouzek, Jan (advisor) ; Kandert, Josef (referee) ; Stewart, Michael (referee)
This PhD thesis, entitled "Experiences of Communist modernization in a Bulgarian Muslim Village, 1945-2005", examines the impact of a specific project of Communist modernization, analyzing how this state driven development was experienced and interpreted by the Bulgarian speaking Muslims ("Pomaks") during the Communist period and the post-socialist transition. Rather than analysing political structures, this research is principally concerned with the implementation of and responses to political ideas. The thesis approach to this particular Muslim community questions using of theories of ethnicity and attempts to deconstruct the way in which the Communist state created or invented the distinctive features of this group. Gender plays a central role in the regime's assimilation as well in the community's strategy of resistance against modernism. During the period of social and economic decline the former target groups of the development project experienced dramatic social and economic changes in which people had to find new economic means of subsistence and alternative consumer strategies. The former political elite and the existing system of power relations broke down and were replaced by new elites which introduced a new discourse and new political ideologies, based on an amalgamate of different ideological...

Analysis of Basic Mechanization Means for East African Countries
Špaček, Marcel ; Krepl, Vladimír (advisor)
The goal of this thesis is to create a survey of the most widely used means of mechanization for plant and livestock production with use of the available sources in the East Africa countries. It would be a survey of agricultural machinery and implements used for tillage, sowing and planting, plant protection, harvesting machines and post harvest technology. There would be a necessary mechanization and technology for livestock production. The basic division of this study would be on hand tools, animal drawn implements and tractor implements. Part of analysis would be a review of equipment and tools development from the past to the present.

Reconstruction of the bridge acros the valley near Dobruška
Dočkal, Miloš ; Krejčík, Vladimír (referee) ; Klusáček, Ladislav (advisor)
The final thesis is focused on design a bridge construction. across the valley near Dobruška. The existing bridge is convenient and it will be replaced by a new bridge construction. The bridge is situated on motorway I/14 and it is used to transfer across the valley and Brtevsky brook.The bridge construction is designed in three alternatives. The chosen variant is a post-tensioned two-beam concrete construction with a lenght of 88,5 metres and a width of 14,0 metres. The calculation of load is solved in Scia Engineer 2014. The construction is designed in accordance with valid standards and it is made a drawing documentation.

Factors affecting postmortem changes in pork meat
Seilerová, Michaela ; Čítek, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Lebedová, Nicole (referee)
The thesis focused on the summary of the quality of pork. The main indicators of the quality of pork and of meat generally together with a chemical composition and the external and internal factors dealing with the quality of meat are described in the thesis. The various histological structure, the variable chemical content, technological features are found in meat. The structure and composition depends on a way of living, the function of the parts of an animal body, on lots of intravital factors (a kind of an animal, breed, male or female, age, the way of nutrition, the state of health). Meat is a valuable source of nutrients and essential acids for a man. The human organism is not able to synthesize the essential acids itself. Lipids are the important part of meat, their main function is storing energy. They are found as a reserve tissue in the subcutaneus parts of animals or among muscular fibre. The amount of carbohydrates contained in meat is not important, meat is low in carbohydrates. They are only important for meat maturation. Meat is high in minerals and vitamins. It is necesary for a man and should be a part of our diet. The important factor for a meat quality is described as a formation of muscular fibres. There are the thin fibres in the meat of a high quality and the thick and fat fibres in the meat of a low quality. The meat quality depends on a number and charactes of animal fibres. The meat of a high quality is for example loin - it is the meat with fine fibres. The next factor which has influence on a meat quality is course of post mortem changes.We can differentiate four stages in these processes: prae rigor, rigor mortis, aging of the meat and deep autolysis. Post mortem aiging processes can deviate from teh standard from variety of reasons and as concequences we can see quality deviation of the meat for example PSE, DFD, RSE, Hampshire efect and cold shortening.Also the breed has the influance on the quality of the meat namely sensitivity to stress,growth characteristic and parameters of slaughter value, other internal factors are age and sex. External factors which has the influance on the quality of the meat are transport of the animals to the slaughterhouse, attitude of the employees during chasing after the animals, the rest before slaughter, stunning itself,bleeding thereafter and cooling down after slaughtery.

Jablonský, Petr ; Málek, Jiří (advisor) ; Kodera, Jan (referee) ; Lukáš, Ladislav (referee)
The thesis provides a comparison of different portfolio models and tests their performance on the financial markets. Our analysis particularly focuses on comparison of the classical Markowitz modern portfolio theory and the downside risk models of the post-modern portfolio theory. In addition, we consider some alternative portfolio models ending with total eleven models that we test. If the performance of different portfolio models should be evaluated and compared correctly, we must use a measure that is unbiased to any portfolio theory. We suggest solving this issue via a new approach based on the utility theory and utility functions. We introduce the unbiased method for evaluation of the portfolio model performance using the expected utility efficient frontier. We use the asymmetric behavioural utility function to capture the behaviour of the real market investors. The Markowitz model is the leading market practice. We investigate whether there are any circumstances in which some other models might provide better performance than the Markowitz model. Our research is for three reasons unique. First, it provides a comprehensive comparison of broad classes of different portfolio models. Second, we focus on the developed markets in United States and Germany but also on the local emerging markets in Czech Republic and Poland. These local markets have never been tested in such extent before. Third, the empirical testing is based on the broad data set from 2003 to 2012 which enable us to test how different portfolio model perform in different macroeconomic conditions.

Melnik during the Thirty Years' War
Kilián, Jan ; Maur, Eduard (advisor) ; Ledvinka, Václav (referee) ; Korbelářová, Irena (referee)
The objective of this work has been to provide a comprehensive micro-analytical perspective on a small royal town in centra} Bohemia which has been influenced by its position in the landscape at the convergence of two of the most important rivers in the Czech Republic- the Vltava and Elbe rivers. The focus is on the years between 1618 and 1648, with considerable attention devoted to the developmental aspects of the pre-war and post-war periods. This has been made possible by the exceptional degree of preservation of the town archives, which in contrast to the archives of other Czech towns have not been affected by wide-spread document destruction or shredding. Consequently, the town has preserved for modem times a remarkable material legacy, literally offering the insatiated scholar an opportunity for detailed exploration. The analysis of these materials, primarily divided into books and official documents, has been the focus of attention right from the first chapter, supplemented by alternative sources that are housed in other locations in the Czech Republic. Subsequently, the reader is invited to observe the town of Mělník on the brink of a turbulent period, to become acquainted with its position, monuments, fortifications, the buildings within the town and in the surrounding areas, as well as its...

Tuition of the holocaust at Prague primary schools
Flídrová, Jana ; Koťa, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Váňová, Růžena (referee)
ln the Tuition of the Holocaust at Prague primary schools thesis I dealt with the current state ofthe ninth grade studenťs knowledge ofholocaust, Terezin and anti-Semitism. Their knowledge is definitely better than in the post-revolutionary 90s. Students already know the meaning ofthe term holocaust, they can match Terezin with World War II and they at least partly understand the terms Osvetim and anti-Semitism. However, it is very complicated to want the students of this age to answer open questions and characterise the terms in their own words. The Research outcome informed me of a rather critical state of sympathy towards racism, especially the Romani population. It tumed out that a qualified and caring attitude of history and civics teachers is highly important. ln the research I sometimes missed demography of the involved students. It would be useful to know typology of the households they come from. I mean especially parents' employment and education. I believe so because according to sociology research parents' education is an important part of children's upbringing and education. This would be really important in the racism sympathy matter. For the future work with this dilemma I would love to know how many primary school teachers studied a specialised course and what the consequent difference in...

Hedge Funds and Their Impact on Financial Markets
Jeřábek, Tomáš ; Musílek, Petr (advisor) ; Daňhel, Jaroslav (referee) ; Čihák, Petr (referee)
The aim of this PhD thesis is to analyze the history and current situation of hedge funds and assess their potential to destabilize financial markets. The findings of the analysis are used to validate the assumptions underlying the major regulatory changes of hedge funds in the key global economic centres after the financial crisis in 2008 and 2009. Since their inception early last century hedge funds have gone through a period of great expansion in the sixties, followed by a decline due to large losses sustained in the early seventies. The nineties meant a real breakthrough for hedge funds as a result of which they became prominent players in the alternative investment space. As of today, there is over ten thousand hedge funds that globally manage close to 3 trillion US dollars. Compared to mutual funds and other financial institutions the volume of assets under management is still relatively small, the rate of growth over the past fifteen years has however been very significant. What is emphasized with respect to the impact of hedge funds on financial markets is the contribution to increasing the liquidity and efficiency and their role on the financial derivatives market where hedge funds are actively involved in the transfer of risk. They are at the same time subject of criticism for their purported destabilizing effect on financial markets and contribution to fluctuations in the prices of investment instruments. Although the share of hedge funds in triggering major financial crises has not been conclusively established, these investment entities were one of the targets of the wide-ranging regulatory changes following the financial crisis of 2008 and 2009. The dissertation first discusses the history and current situation of hedge funds and defines the term hedge fund. The following section describes the basic characteristics and principles of their functioning and reviews the regulation in the major domiciles. The final chapter is focused on the empirical analysis of the impact of hedge funds on financial markets. The inputs for this analysis include a global hedge fund index and representative market indices and data from the CFTC on positions in the 10 year US government treasury note futures. In the first step the descriptive statistics for the transformed time series are presented. The second part of the analysis focuses on lagged correlations between returns and volatility of the global hedge fund index and representative market indices. Granger causality tests are applied in the following section to determine the relationships between the returns and volatility of hedge fund and representative market indices. In the final step of the analysis Granger causality tests are used to analyze the link between the changes in positions in the 10-year US treasury note futures held by hedge funds and the change in settlement prices of these futures with the aim to assess whether hedge funds have the capacity to move the market. In conclusion, the results of this analysis are discussed in light of the recent regulatory changes and the potential for the future growth of hedge funds is assessed.