National Repository of Grey Literature 8,929 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.40 seconds. 

Analysis of the EU regulations in the field of Information and Telecommunication technologies and their effect on the single market
Hart, Ludvík ; Procházka, Pavel (advisor) ; Strejček, Ivo (referee)
The bachelor thesis describes the EU regulations in the field of information and communication technologies (ICT), particularly the Digital agenda for Europe strategy. These regulations are then tested for their influence on the European single market. The major question answered here is whether the EU regulations in field of ICT have a positive impact on the EUs single market. Answer to this question helps us evaluate the ongoing Digital agenda strategy. The impact of the regulations is analysed by induction of the following indicators, international trade, ratio of population buying online, DESI index and NRI index. With this method it is possible to tackle the wide range of fields the Digital agenda covers. I conclude this work with the statement, that European ICT regulations do have a positive impact on the single market, although are problematic due to the slow legislative process and low efficiency in addressing the regulated issue.

Modern marketing communication tools and their use of a particular online store
Jochimová, Natálie ; Pešek, Ondřej (advisor) ; Kajfoszová, Dorota (referee)
This Master´s thesis entitled Modern marketing communication tools and their use of a particular online store dedicated to modern methods of promotion on the Internet market of fashion in the Czech Republic, namely the largest of these deals The aim of the work is based on quantitative and qualitative research to evaluate the use of modern tools of marketing communication in the example mentioned internet business when compared with other entities. The theoretical part of this thesis provides a definition of Internet marketing and the entire online environment, as well as a description of various marketing tools along with outlining their modern forms. In the practical part is to analyse these tools with an online shop The main sources of data are the results of a survey from ZOOT called Fashion Report, data from Sklik to new service Retargeting about the effectiveness of its use, as well as the conclusions of individual and group interviews with employees of ZOOT or internal documents online stores on the effectiveness of individual used instruments. The results of these studies show that if companies use modern marketing communication tools, they are still more emphasis on the rapid inclusion of innovations into business activities, providing superior customer service, but also a form of monitoring advertisements for competitors.

Epidemiological situation of scabies incidence in the Czech Republic within period 2003 - 2012
Theoretical part of dissertation was written on the basis of studying professional literature. It provides overview of Scabies disease, its epidemiological incidence, transmission, clinical course, diagnostics and also of its treatment. Practical part was formed retrospectively by qualitative research and secondary data analysis. These data were collected from different publications from the State Health Institute in Prague and the Health Information and Statistics Institute in the Czech Republic. The main aim of this dissertation was analyzing the trend of scabies incidence in the Czech Republic within ten years period (2003 2012). Moreover the practical part of this dissertation contains information related to trends of scabies incidence in individual districts of the Czech Republic depending on age, sex, team, seasonal index, or epidemiological scabies incidence as occupational disease. Linear regression was used to assess the incidence trend. Subsequently correlations were ascertained by using method of correlation coefficient calculation. In the research it was found that registered scabies incidence seems to more likely be decreasing from the beginning of followed period (i.e. from the beginning of 2003). According to the seasonal index the most common incidence of this disease within followed period was in October. On the other hand the lowest scabies incidence was in June. The highest sickness rate was recorded in the district Ústí nad Labem with almost 50 cases per 100 000 inhabitants. Scabies as occupational disease belongs to the most common recorded transmissible and parasitic disease in the Czech Republic, mainly at nurses in the hospitals, attendants in retirement homes, in internal wards and in social care institutes. The highest incidence rate was notified in age categories from 5 to 9 years. There exists strong positive linear correlation between scabies incidence and age. Epidemiological scabies incidence in the Czech Republic had two main peaks during period 1965 2012, in 1970 and 1993.

Multimedia communication
Vondra, Zdeněk ; Horný, Stanislav (advisor) ; Skrbek, Jan (referee) ; Jurášková, Olga (referee)
Multimedia is a form of communication and sharing knowledge using synergic effect of parallel connected communication channels. Its main use is in producing communications products and services and in design of user interfaces. Main objective of this dissertation is to develop and create a model of multimedia communication for better understanding of the meaning and the purpose of using multimedia forms in communication process. The model will describe a system of elements and parameters of multimedia communication within the internal and external context. Another objective of this dissertation is to develop multimedia communication methodology that will be used for the design, development and evaluations of concepts of multimedia communication. The methodology will be created by applying the model of multimedia communication into the procedure structure. In theoretical way this dissertation is based on analysis of different definitions and approaches to the multimedia communications topic. This is followed by an analysis of communication theories, concepts of media, multimedia, delivery channels, and communication functions. The theoretical part is followed by the outcomes of the research in practice of four different fields of multimedia use. The knowledge gained is analyzed in the following parts in purpose of creating the model of multimedia communication and the methodology which is derived from the model. The methodology is further validated through case studies and the recommendations for further development are formulated. The model and the methodology of multimedia communication created in this dissertation present complex view on multimedia communication topic that is considered as a useful tool for meeting a specific communication purpose. Dissertation provides mechanics for use and study of multimedia communication and also defines the opportunities for further development of the methodology.

Strategy of Corporate Social Responsibility in Hilton Worlwide company and its application in local conditions
Švábová, Kateřina ; Mokrejšová, Veronika (advisor) ; Filipová, Alena (referee)
This bachelor thesis focuses on strategy of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in company Hilton Worldwide. The bachelor thesis is divided into two parts. The theoretical part deals with concept of corporate social responsibility, with the philosophy of CSR, its history and the present. This part also defines key words related to corporate social responsibility like CSR, stakeholders, corporate philanthropy, sustainable development, business ethics and corporate citizenship. It also focuses on the important role of communication in general and also in CSR. The practical part introduces the concept and strategy of CSR in the company Hilton Worldwide. This part also presents hotels Hilton Prague and Hilton Prague Old Town and their activities within the CSR. SWOT analysis as strategy tool was used to evaluate the concept and communication of CSR in both hotels. The final results of analyses showed problems in internal and external communication. Based on results of SWOT analysis are suggested solutions and recommendations that should improve understanding and perception of CSR concept in both hotels, improve internal communication for employees, and use all modern communication tools and channels for communicating information about CSR activities. These measures will lead to increased loyalty and strengthening the company's competitiveness.

International involvement in the peacebuilding process on Sri Lanka
Mojžíš, Michal ; Havlová, Radka (advisor) ; Burešová, Jana (referee)
The final months of Sri Lankan civil war, the 26 year military campaign between the Government of Sri Lanka and the insurgent separatist organization Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, are marked by allegations of war crimes committed by both parties of the conflict, including attacks on civilians, summary executions of prisoners, enforced disappearances, restrictions on humanitarian assistance and recruitment of children. Since the attempts to put the Sri Lankan issue on the agenda of the United Nations Security Council failed on the unwillingness of China and Russia, the UN bodies in Geneva have taken a leading role in promoting the peacebuilding process on the island. The thesis aims to analyse the impact of the Geneva-based human rights bodies, in particular of the United Nations Human Rights Council, on the process of reconciliation in Sri Lanka, for which is crucial that the alleged violations of human rights in the last months of the civil war would be properly investigated and that the perpetrators would be held accountable. In order to put the activity of the UN Human Rights Council into broader context, the paper will examine the political development in Sri Lanka since the end of the civil war in 2009 as well as the failed efforts of Sri Lankan governments to launch the process of reconciliation.

International trade with fresh fruit and vegetables
Laketić, Aleksandar ; Štěrbová, Ludmila (advisor) ; Halík, Jaroslav (referee)
The main goal of my Master´s thesis is to evaluate dynamic environment of international trade with fresh fruit and vegetables. In the first part of my thesis I analyzed importance of the production of fresh fruit and vegetables for economies of selected countries. Next I had described the trade flows and patterns. In the second part I made a characterization of payment terms and trade negotiations in the context of international trade with fresh fruit and vegetables. Furthermore I made an analysis of import and export rules and regulations of the EU. Based on this analysis I came to general conclusions on the trade policies of countries and communities. In the last part of my thesis I applied findings from the previous parts on the analysis of two cases. The first analyzed case is the situation of imports of Chinese pomelo to the EU, with regards to maximal residue levels of pesticides. Second analyzed case is the situation of South African citruses imported to the EU, with regards to the problematic of citrus black spots.

Psychometric characteristics of Youth Self-Report in clinical sample
Urbánek, Tomáš ; Čermák, Ivo ; Štěpánek, Petr ; Schmidtová, Jana
The paper deals with reliability and validity analyses of the Youth Self-Report questionnaire by Thomas M. Achenbach. It is a method comprising eleven subscales, mostly syndromes of pathological conduct of children and adolescents. The data were obtained from the psychiatric patients (girls) from 12 to 18 years, most of them were exposed to family violence and abuse. The analyses of internal consistency and correlation analyses supporting the empirical validity of scales were conducted.

Composing Data-driven Circuits Using Handshake in the Clock-Synchronous Domain
Sýkora, Jaroslav
We present a technique for modelling and synthesis of fine-grained data-driven circuits in the clock-synchronous hardware, such as the field programmable gate arrays (FPGA), called the Flow-Transfer Level (FTL). The distinguishing property of the FTL technique is that it does not rely on FIFO queues to handle flow synchronization between the components (called operators). The communication channels, called pipes, employ conceptually a two-state handshake protocol. The handshake behaviour of each operator is defined logically using dependency subgraphs that are symmetrical for producers and consumers. The original data-flow netlist of operators is transformed into a global control dependency graph. Cycles in dependency graphs are allowed as long as they do not constitute real data dependencies but only dependencies in promises of handshake completions. A method is given that recursively eliminates these cycles.