National Repository of Grey Literature 1,377 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.14 seconds. 

Industrial properties and their share of business development in a chosen company
ZEMAN, David
I have selected the topic for this Thesis in particular because the area of study is very appealing and the range of issues highly varied and issues of this kind have not been approached in this way so far. The choice of topic has also been influenced by the possibility to obtain production, technical, business and economic information directly in the enterprise concerned and by the fact that I would have a chance to obtain much information on industrial property issues during consultations with professionals, well aware of the situation of the enterprise in question. The enterprise investigated in the Thesis should find the specific output to be instructive on the utilization of its personnel?s current creative potential, well-preserved tradition, documentary funds and production capacities in conjunction with a consistent application of the opportunities brought by the valid legislation to protect designations and the results of creative technical activity. Having analyzed the enterprise, its financial situation, competitive environment, SWOT landscape and particularly the current condition of its industrial property, I have concluded that investments in the legal protection of industrial property are meaningful. In this specific case, it is possible to use industrial designs to protect the results of creative activity in the field of product appearance or to protect the names of individual product types. And subject to an examination of foreign markets, it is also possible to provide for an efficient protection of trade marks and the names of individual product types abroad. Last but not least, the protection of designation of origin could be of major importance. The specific proposed measures, which constitute the core of the practical part, could help the selected enterprise maintain or improve its position on the domestic market and to establish itself on its existing as well as potential future foreign markets. The speed and sequence of implementation of the proposed measures will depend on the will and financial possibilities of the enterprise owner.

Analysis of strengthening intellectual property rights on selected economic indicators in selected world countries in years 2013 to 2015
Tománek, Michael ; Zeman, Martin (advisor) ; Maule, Petr (referee)
This paper analyzes the relationship between the protection of intellectual property rights, and selected economic indicators between 2013 and 2015. The topic is the impact of intellectual property protection to economic growth and development. The theoretical part analyzes the different views on the issue of intellectual property, its forms of protection and analysis of international protection. It also defines GDP, GDP per capita, foreign direct investment and research and development expenditure. The practical part analyzes the correlation between these economic indicators and index of intellectual property rights, as an indicator of the strength of protection of intellectual property rights in selected countries. The work focuses on industrial property.

Recycling of steel-works flue dusts from electric arc and inductive furnaces
Huczala, Vít ; Koplík, Jan (referee) ; Šoukal, František (advisor)
This bachelor thesis deals with an application of electric arc furnace dust from steel production as secondary raw material for production of zinc and industrially process able zinc products. In this thesis the dust was processed by methods based on various physical and chemical properties. The most experiments were performed during the treatment with leaching in sulphuric acid. For this leaching the optimal concentration of sulphuric acid and the optimal ratio acid:dust was determined. The final products were prepared by precipitation or by evaporation of filtrate obtained after leaching. There were also used hydrolysis of dust and oxidative precipitation of filtrate during the processing. These steps led to increase of the quality of the final products. The price balance was also performed for the prepared products.

Laser cutting with air pressure assistance
Kramoliš, Lukáš ; Hála, Michal (referee) ; Mrňa, Libor (advisor)
This project, elaborated within the engineering studies (code of field of study: N2301), deal with air supported laser cutting and its practical usage in industry. The project is divided into theoretical and experimental sections, consisting of detailed description of several successive steps of the experiment. The theoretical section describes the principle and function of laser, individual types of lasers and their classification, laser beam properties, laser cutting, etc. The practical part is focused on finding of a set of optimal cutting parameters, assessment of results of air supported laser cutting in terms of quality and accuracy of cutting surface. This part is followed by comparison of cutting surfaces with a conventional technology of laser cutting that uses oxygen and nitrogen. Final part of the project evaluates applicability of this unconventional technology from the economic point of view.

Determinants of Industrialization in sub-Saharan Africa and Possibilities for their Development
Sejkora, Jiří ; Jiránková, Martina (advisor) ; Šaroch, Stanislav (referee) ; Fárek, Jiří (referee) ; Adamcová, Lenka (referee)
Sub-Saharan economies need structural changes that would enhance their productivity, increase economic growth and development. In this regard, industrialization plays a key role. Using regression analysis, the aim of this dissertation thesis is to identify main factors (determinants) of industrialization in sub-Saharan Africa. The results indicate that infrastructure and economy size (measured by population size) represent main determinants of industrialization in the region. The thesis also deals with possibilities for development of those determinants. Case study of infrastructure development in Mauritius emphasizes privatization, cooperation with external subjects etc. Negative consequences of small economy size can be overcome by preferential trade agreements (under certain circumstances), as shown by analysis of the three smallest economies in the region.

Alternative drives lifting mechanism for pallet truck
Korčián, Michal ; Wilda, Libor (referee) ; Škopán, Miroslav (advisor)
This thesis discusses the design replacement solution current hydraulic actuator stroke for low-lift truck to be completely electric. The aim is to propose the most optimal compensation due to the conservation of existing properties. To use this truck transportation in industries where the emphasis on increased health protection from potential leaks operating fluids.

Utilization of unconventional biomass for energy production
Boumová, Markéta ; Kropáč, Jiří (referee) ; Pavlas, Martin (advisor)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá netradičními druhy biomasy využitelnými v České republice a Španělsku a jejich srovnáním. V prvních kapitolách jsou popsány netradiční druhy biomasy, mezinárodní projekty, smlouvy a legislativa. V následujích kapitolách je rozbor netradičních druhů biomasy zejména vznikajících z potravinářského průmyslu každé země s detailním rozborem a srovnáním zbytků z průmyslového zpracování slunečnice a oliv. V závěru je uděláno celkové srovnání těchto druhů biomasy České republiky a Španělska z aspektů výkupních cen, výhřevností, vlhkosti a množství popelovin.

Hydrogen Production from Biomass
Ožana, Ferdinand ; Beňo, Zdeněk (referee) ; Houdková, Lucie (advisor)
First part of this master´s thesis decribes the basic properties of hydrogen, its utilization in industry and economy. Greater attention is focused on the possibilities of hydrogen produciton. Next part describes anaerobic fermentation and optimum conditions for hydrogen production. The main part of the thesis deals with posibility of hydrogen production in an experimental laboratory unit using brewer´s grains as a primary material. The experiment was aimed to find suitable process conditions for hydrogen production. The quantity of produced gas and his quality depending on the amount of brewer´s grains and frequency of the dosage was observed. Based on the experiment, some recommendations are proposed for further research. An automatic feeding system is the most important of them. It will improve the quality of experimental work. A separate chapter is devoted to the automatic feeding system.

Use of software of third parties in commercial applications
Panáček, Jan ; Holcová, Irena (advisor) ; Křesťanová, Veronika (referee)
Užití software třetích stran v komerčních aplikacích 99 English summary and keywords. Usage of third party software in commercial applications. This thesis deals with the legal implications of using software written by other parties (hereafter referred to as "third party software" in conformance with industrial practice) in the process of developing a commercial application. Software developers worldwide have always been looking for a way to minimalize their costs and efforts by reusing already available software components in their own new programs and thus not investing into reinventing the wheel. This process is mainly done by incorporating open source or public domain software. It is readily available through the Internet download under seemingly non-restrictive licenses. Other options are also possible, like adopting industrial standards or settling for commercial licensing of relevant technology from other developers. The goal of this thesis is to analyze this usage of third party software. From the legal point of view, main focus is on open source licensing, international copyright law and conformance of the Czech legal system with US, European and international licensing requirements. It also deals with other issues which arise from internet distribution of works, software development and patent...

Analysis of chip forming mechanism with a high-speed digital camera
Frňka, Václav ; Kalivoda, Milan (referee) ; Polzer, Aleš (advisor)
This thesis is focused on possibilities of high-speed digital cameras and their use in different fields of industry. It describes the mechanism of chip forming in orthogonal turning. Subsequently experiments focused on comparison and select the right lens and method of illumination are implemented. These findings are then used in obtaining the record of chip forming by using high-speed digital camera. Key words