National Repository of Grey Literature 35,019 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 2.23 seconds. 

Long-term monitoring of mechanical damage on historical structures
Zíma, Pavel
Important information for the risk assessment of some damages on the historical structures represents data of failure development. Cracks in the load-bearing walls are one of the observed failures. This article focuses on remarkable method of damage measurement, their long-term monitoring and devices used for measurement

The Model of Financial Compensation for placement of a Deep Geological Repository of Radioactive Waste in the Czech republic in period from 2010 to 2016
Englerová, Anna ; Zeman, Martin (advisor) ; Vebrová, Ludmila (referee)
Author examines a way of allocation of governmental financial resources to municipalities in locations preselected for deep geological repository. She is searching for a way how to add a motivational incentive to the process of allocation of financial resources in order to improve municipalities attitude towards deep geological repository. Hypothesis, examined in this thesis, contains two related questions. It is assumed that (1) amount and structure of financial resources can significantly affect municipalities decision making and also that (2) current mechanism of allocation of compensations is ineffective and does not create sufficient incentives. Currently (end of the year 2016), negotiations between government and municipalities are in crisis despite significant financial compensation from government nuclear account to the municipalities. This thesis have potential to change municipalities negative stance on deep geological repository through motivational model of resource allocation. Theoretical part reviews basic economic background and introduces historical, sociological, technological and economic views of radioactivity and deep geological repository. In practical part author analyzes socio-economic situation, compares evolution of transfers from government to municipalities with their attitude towards deep geological repository in time and shows that current system of resource allocation does not motivate the municipalities to change their stance on deep geological repository. That confirms second part of our hypothesis. Author also proposes a motivational model of resource alllocation. She confirms its viability by comparing it with similar models from other countries, by surveying mayors of concerned municipalities and also by examining experts opinion. Verification of the model confirmed its motivational effect. By that, first assumption of our hypothesis, that structure of resource allocation can significantly affect municipalities decision making, was confirmed.

Accounting Frauds in Russia
Kontsova, Anna ; Purina, Marina (advisor) ; Hora, Michal (referee)
The subject of this thesis is the characteristics and detailed classification of accounting frauds in Russia. The whole work is based on current government regulations, expert articles and statistical data related to the issue of accounting frauds. This bachelor thesis is divided into two parts: theoretical and practical. Theoretical part focuses on characteristics of the system of accounting frauds in Russia from the perspective of government regulations, indicates historical assumptions and current tendencies and presents classification of accounting frauds based on several parameters. The practical part illustrates the issue with examples of accounting frauds in two different companies and assesses their impact on economic situation in each company.

Business Plan of Testing committee of Veteran Car Club Strakonice
Horáková, Bára ; Novák, Michal (advisor) ; Dvořák, Jiří (referee)
This thesis solves the emergence of a new club testing committee of the historic vehicles in Strakonice. The aim of the thesis was to determinate under what real conditions can be the new commission, functional, have enough costumers, successful and profitable. The thesis calculated three possible variants of financial analysis. For a better understanding of the market was used questionnaire survey of the market. Thesis also contains Porter´s Five Forces Analysis and SWOT analysis. Finally, were summarized all the findings, especially what competitive advantage should the commission use to succeed in the market, and in what a number of tests, and financial situation it makes sense to work and when it would terminate its activities.

The issue of church restitutions in Czech Republic
Novopacká, Zuzana ; Louda, Tomáš (advisor) ; Matula, Miloš (referee)
This bachelor thesis deals with the issue called church restitutions and the topic of the separation between churches and the state in the Czech Republic. Its main goal is to provide a comprehensive view on this controversial theme. The theoretical part provides basic definition of related concepts and contains a historical analysis of church property. The practical part consist of analysis of the Act. No. 428/2012 Coll. and highlights its strengths and weaknesses. It also contains some examples of contentious cases dealing with the return of church property. Based on this bachelor thesis we can say there is a many irregularities and critical points of adopted Act and we may find this topic very debatable.

Impact of low oil and natural gas prices on the economy of Qatar since 2014
Šamánek, Ondřej ; Stuchlíková, Zuzana (advisor) ; Hasík, Gabriel (referee)
The bachelor thesis examines the impact of the oil and gas prices slump, which befell the world in 2014, on the economy of Qatar. The main objective of the thesis is to evaluate if and to what extend the price collapse influenced the relevant economic indicators and behaviour of the state and companies active in the affected field. The selected objective is examined using the method of data comparison, namely before and after the price slump, and with the help of the case study, in which the qatari company operating in the oil and gas is examined. From the conducted analysis it is possible to conclude that Qatar was directly influenced by the oil and gas prices collapse: its GDP slumped, fiscal deficit increased. The analysed company also experienced troubles caused by low prices: one year after the price slump, total amount of assigned tenders to company decreased substantially and historically high number of tenders was cancelled. Conclusions deriving from the thesis might be applied to other oil and gas export economies in the Persian Gulf, for fundamental traits of such economies are shared with the economy of Qatar.

Urban development of the town of Lomnice nad Popelkou
Musilová, Barbora ; Kouba, Vojtěch (advisor) ; Lindner, Milan (referee)
This thesis deals with the urban development of Lomnice nad Popelkou and conservation areas within its territory. Describes the history of the city and examines causes of the current condition of the monument fund. Describes the efforts of the city representatives in buildings restoration, through the City Development Strategy for period of 2016 - 2023. This thesis assesses the extent to which this strategic document managed to respond to the condition of historic buildings and also the needs of city residents.

Possible applications of Asian medicinal methods on the spa tourism and wellness market in the Czech Republic.
Jedličková, Lenka ; Valentová, Jana (advisor) ; Machová, Božena (referee)
This thesis deals with the possible application Asian curative methods on the market of spa tourism and wellness in the Czech Republic. The thesis is divided into five chapters, theoretical and practical. The aim of this work is to define Indian culture in the area of treatment and relaxation in the context of historical development and measure of use in the domestic tourism. Partial aims of this thesis are analysis of utilization Indian therapeutical technique and facilities dedicate these procedures in the Czech Republic. The introductory chapter is devoted to definitions tourism and health tourism. The second chapter is focused on spa tourism and the third chapter is devoted to wellness and quality of life. The fourth chapter is oriented on India, ayurveda and typical methods of usage ayurvedic massage. In the last chapter is description of situation in the Czech Republic, centres concentrated on ayurveda are mentioned and there is also questionnaire construction and in conclusion there are some proposed attractive products.

Industrial Heritage in Ostrava CityTourism
Štefelová, Iveta ; Netková, Jarmila (advisor)
The aim of the work is to analyze a specific technical monument in Ostrava in the context of its influence on tourism. The chosen monument is an industrial area Dolní Vítkovice which was declared as a national cultural monument and European Heritage and belongs to the Czech Tentative List for inscription on the World Heritage List UNESCO. Theoretical part of this work deals with tourism in the Czech Republic and in Ostrava and also with industrial heritage definition and classification, its restoration, historic preservation and how to integrate industrial heritage into tourism.

Dynamic model of human resources in project management
Hančar, Michal ; Mildeová, Stanislava (advisor) ; Šviráková, Eva (referee)
This thesis is focused on dynamics of soft factors influencing workers during projects. These factors include motivation, workplace atmosphere, team synergy of workers and their emotions, and attribute of project manager who manages the project. Identification of soft factors and their relationships was achieved by examination of scientific literature in psychology and system dynamics. Description of managing project matters was achieved by examination of scientific literature dealing with project management. The main objective of this thesis is to create a dynamic model which simulates behavior of these soft factors influencing the project staff. The primary metric of the model is efficiency of workers participating on the project based on input parameters. Validation of the model was achieved by verification of historic behavior of key elements. Results of validation experiments correspond with historic behavior with roughly 95 % accuracy. At the end of this thesis is presented an ICT project case study. Based on the results of simulation experiments is performed a scenario analysis which tries to bring possible suggestions for project management.