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The Hartz IV judgment: Study 5.330
Černá, Martina
Rozsudek Hartz IV, jehož název odkazuje na balíček zákonů pojmenovaný podle předsedy komise pro reformu sociální politiky a trhu práce Petera Hartze, je jedním ze stěžejních rozhodnutí Spolkového ústavního soudu v oblasti sociálních práv. Spolkový ústavní soud v této věci přezkoumával ústavnost předpisů, které reformovaly poskytování sociální podpory, přičemž shledal, že určité elementy přezkoumávané úpravy jsou v rozporu s čl. 1.1. a čl. 20.1. německé Ústavy, tedy s právem na lidksou důstojnost a sociálním charakterem Spolkové republiky Německo. Díky brilantní argumentaci a celkově přesvědčivému stylu se rozsudek stal inspirací i pro český Ústavní soud, jenž na něj výslovně odkazuje např. v rozhodnutí Pl. ÚS 8/07. Český překlad rozsudku pro Parlamentní institut vyhotovila Bc. Martina Černá.
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Judgment by Acknowledgement and Judgment by Default
Klein, Jakub ; Pohl, Tomáš (advisor) ; Macková, Alena (referee)
70 Abstract This diploma thesis is focused mainly on the judgment by acknowledgement and judgment by default which are institutes of the civil procedural law, which purpose is mainly to increase the efficiency of the legal proceedings. The aim of the thesis is to offer a complete overview of the current legal legislation and its practical usage. At the same time this thesis attempts to cope with problems, which the current legislation suffers with, and offers convenient conceptual solutions. This piece of work is divided into five chapters. The first chapter generally concerns the judgment by acknowledgement and clarifies the conditions in details that are essential to meet for its issuance. It concurrently distinguishes the judgment issued on the basis of actual acknowledgement by defendant and a judgment issued on the basis of legal fiction of acknowledgement of claim. The second chapter is dedicated to the institute of judgment by default. In the first subchapter the individual preconditions for the judgment by default issuing are being discussed in details, whether the formal or the material ones. This subchapter is divided according to these individual preconditions. The second subchapter deals closely with the defence of the defendant consisting in the proposal of cancellation of the judgment by...

Judgment by default
Hudečková, Kateřina ; Winterová, Alena (advisor) ; Frintová, Dita (referee)
5. Záv r Diplomová práce pojednávala o jednom druhu tzv. kontuma ních rozsudk , a sice o rozsudku pro zmeškání. Autor diplomové práce má za to, že i když úprava v ob anském soudním ádu není na první pohled tak obsáhlá, jako úprava obdobného institutu v procesním p edpisu Spolkové republiky N mecko, tak p esto, aby mohl být vydán rozsudek pro zmeškání v eské republice, vyžaduje spln ní pom rn velkého po tu zákonných p edpoklad . Diskutabilní se skute n zdá zejména být, zda je 10 dn dostate nou lh tou, když vezmeme v potaz, že za prvé platí u rozsudku pro zmeškání fikce doru ení a za druhé je t eba vzít na mysl skute nost, že v dnešní dob je b žné odjížd t nap íklad na m síc nebo ješt delší dobu mimo své bydlišt , i dokonce mimo eskou republiku. A pak se skute n m že stát to, že se žalovaný nedostaví k jednání, a koliv by se ho jinak cht l zú astnit. Toto jist není smysl kontuma ního rozsudku, ten si práv klade za ú el, aby svým vydáním jakoby potrestal stranu, že se k jednání nedostavila. Další zamyšlení bylo nad otázkou, zda je i není povinností soudu vydat rozsudek pro zmeškání. Na tuto otázku existují v literatu e dva protich dné a nutno podotknout, že dob e argumentované názory. Je otázkou, ke kterému z t chto názor se p iklonit a definitivní odpov m že dát až praxe. Je ale jist t eba zastávat názor, že...

The claim and the judgment (mutual relation)
Kapuscinská, Kristína ; Zoulík, František (advisor) ; Smolík, Petr (referee)
Univerzita Karlova v Praze Právnická fakulta Kristína Kapuscinská ŽALOBA A ROZSUDEK (VZÁJEMNÝ VZTAH) Diplomová práce Abstrakt v anglickém jazyce Action and Judgment (mutual relation) Action and judgment are the key instruments of procedural law. The central topic of my thesis is the mutual relation between them; nevertheless we can not define the mutual relation without the basic definitions and a brief description of the action and judgment as process instruments, especially concentrating on its requirements, so that it should be possible to formulate the essence of its procedural consistency. I tried to express its mutual relation and complex context in my thesis. The mutual relation is evident when interpreting the law action theories, which tried in more or less successful way to resolve the relation between substantive and procedural law. Finally, the whole development of the action is illustrated by the comparison with the system of actions in Roman law which were understood as pure substantive institutes. The mutual relation is reflected in the components of the action and judgment. It is clearly evident in the case of the petit and the body of judgment which follows. The mutual relation is also evident in the case of the dispositive acts, the applicant may within his procedural rights dispose of the...

European audiovisual politics: public service broadcasting and the competition rules of European
Friedrichová, Magdaléna ; Šlosarčík, Ivo (advisor) ; Kasáková, Zuzana (referee)
For the broad problematic of European public broadcasting service (PBS), we chose a rather narrow view point of its financing. The competition law in EU, which is called by many an economic constitution for its force and prime role in the process of European integration, has much larger impacts than solely economic ones. The respect of competition rules in PBS financing can also indicate a good level of political end economical media independence. This thesis consists of three main parts. The first part treats PBS as a fraction of a far larger field of general economic interest services. Those services, essential in European social model, are represented on EU level legislation mainly as exceptions of strict competition rules. Regarding this topic, we follow the development in practice of the European court of justice. We follow the struggle between two conceptions - the "compensatory" and the "state aid" conception which ended in compromise Altmark judgment of the European court of justice in 2003. The problems of services of general economic interest and its place in European national societies represent a strong social dimension, to which PBS add also the cultural and national one. Beside general articles of treaties, the key documents for PBS in EU are the Amsterdam protocol and the 2001 PBS...

The Principle of Concentration in Civil Proceedings
Onderková, Kristýna ; Kubešová, Silvia (advisor) ; Frintová, Dita (referee)
The principle of concentration as one of the fundamental branch principles of civil proceedings consists in the obligation of the parties to perform certain procedural actions in specific stages of adversarial proceedings in order to speed up the proceedings and the decision of the court. Its purpose is to avoid delays in proceedings and provide effective judicial protection of subjective private rights of the parties. This principle plays an important role in Czech civil law. At the same time, some elements of the statutory concentration, which apply in the Czech legal system, are connected with certain problematic aspects. These particularly include rigidity of statutory concentration associated with the absence of the possibility of court's flexible actions and the anchor of fictitious judgment by acknowledgement as a consequence of the defendant's procedural passivity. The main goal set out by the author of this piece of work is to introduce individual elements of concentration in the Czech law, analyze their shortcomings, and propose some possible solutions through comparison with the Slovak adjustment mechanism of concentration. In the first part, the author analyzed the individual elements of concentration in the current applicable Czech legislation and put them in historical context. The author...