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Special educational needs of disabled pupils from the point of view of
ČERNÁ, Veronika
The thesis on the topic "Special educational needs of disabled pupils from the point of view of" includes definitions such as the integration, inclusion and condition of integration and integration types. These concern the basic special educational needs of pupils with hearing impairment, visual impairment, mobility disorder, a cephalonia, and pupils with disturbed communication skills. The results of my inquiry from the centre for special education and ordinary primary schools in my thesis are also presented.

Application of art therapy elements for students at high special school (practical)
Koubská, Patricie ; Valešová Malecová, Barbara (advisor) ; Šiška, Jan (referee)
Application of art therapy elements for students at high special school (practical) The theme of this bachelor thesis is the use of art therapy procedure for pupils from practical two-year high school. The aim of this thesis is to consider the possibilities of using elements of group art therapy for the development of self-knowledge, communication, for strengthening of prosocial ties and increasing of a sense of group belonging. In the narrower sense, art therapy is underwood as a fine art therapy. Theoretical basis of the thesis will be the methods of art therapy, their possibilities and procedures, developmental aspects of maturing, specifics of maturing for pupils with handicaps (mental retardation issues, specific disorders of behavior problems of pupils with social and physical handicaps). In the practical part of the thesis there is described the use of these methods in my own art lessons.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of prevention of tobacco smoking in secondary schools in the district Strakonice
This thesis deals with the issue of smoking. It is a serious global problem. Illnesses and death associated with smoking are among the most important problems of Public health in most countries. The risk of damage threatens not only to active smokers but also those who are exposed to passive smoking. Abuse of tobacco is clearly linked to cardiovascular diseases, cancer and other serious diseases. Most smokers begin to smoke no longer in secondary schools. According to Kalina (2003) is modus 14 years. Therefore, preventive activities must be realized before this period. School (outside of family and peers) affects education, attitudes and values of the student. Compulsory school attendance does from primary schools ideal environment for implementation preventive activities. That is reason why I wanted to know if and how well schools use an education as a means of primary prevention. Theoretical part contains the terminology associated with tobacco issues, further a history of tobacco and methods of tobacco and nicotine use. The following chapters provide information of substances contained in cigarettes, selected diseases, prevention, legislation, cessation and withdrawal symptoms and methods of quitting. I used a quantitative method for research in the practical part. Respondents were selected from among pupils from primary schools of Strakonice. At each of the schools in Strakonice I addressed to 50 pupils. First half of them were educated and second half were not. Two hundred of students were interviewed together. I discarded two questionnaires. Total quantity of respondents was 198 students. Questionnaire contained 20 questions, which was designed for students of second grade of elementary school. I set three targets. The main target was to map the problem of smoking among pupils of primary schools in Strakonice, evaluate the impact of education on the knowledge of the respondents and ascertain the views of students on the quality of education. Research has shown that the prevalence of smokers among students of second grade of elementary school in Strakonice is lower than prevalence by GYTS. Older pupils (who were educated) smoke to the greater extent (15.3 %) than younger (uneducated) pupils (6 % smokers). More than 70 % of smokers want to quit the smoking. Almost 26 % of respondents tolerate smoking of other people. Impact of education was assessed by the knowledge part of the questionnaire. It contained eight questions with a choice of four answers, only one was correct. The quality of information obtained in the school, most pupils assessed as good or marginal. These three hypotheses were created: the prevalence of smokers among respondents is higher with higher age, there is a statistically significant difference in knowledge of the issue of smoking between educated and uneducated pupils, and school provides respondents more information than other sources. For statistical verification was used the chi-square test at a significance level of 5 %. The first and second hypothesis was confirmed. A third hypothesis was refuted. Most pupils answered: media (television, internet...), school and family. The quantity of answers was balanced and so we can't talk about a statistically significant difference. Survey has enabled me to become a teacher for two hours. I was able teach sixth grade pupils in the issue of smoking. I have gotten so complex idea about the role of education in primary prevention. I was also convinced that it is necessary to grasp the issue from the perspective of pupil, not teacher. The theoretical part of the thesis can serve as educational material for students, teachers and the public. The practical part can be used to compare the results with other works or to monitor trends of smoking in Strakonice.

Bussiness Project – Family Education Center
Bahushevich, Alena ; Hartman, Ladislav (advisor) ; Mísař, Jan (referee)
The main purpose of the Master Thesis is creation of the business plan on the establishment of the new preschool education institution Family Education Center. The center will be specialized in operating a kindergarten as well as in organizing educational and personal development activities for children and adults. The theoretical part of the thesis gives some insights on the importance of the entrepreneur and enterprises in the society, provides description of the basic requirements for a business plan and characteristics of the preschool education system in the Czech Republic. Practical part provides an application of the theoretical findings on the creation of the actual business plan. This part verifies the viability and competitiveness of the business project on the basis of the market analysis, marketing and financial plan.

Integrated Education of a Pupil with Special educational needs - Case Study
Habartová, Iva ; Mrkosová, Eva (advisor) ; Ptáčková, Klára (referee)
The aim of this thesis is to analyse the current situation in integrated educating of a pupil with special educational needs, or more specifically, of a child with high functioning autism combined with practical deafness. Through analysis of specialised literature, the theoretical part defines the expression integration; other definitions include hearing disability and autism as the causes limiting the pupil's inclusion in educating in a mainstream elementary school. The practical part of the thesis includes a case study - description of the pupil's case. Experience is described from the current integrated education in a special elementary school where the pupil is educated according to the Framework Educational Program for Elementary Schools, with the prospective of upcoming re-integration into the mainstream elementary school, or, as the case may be, depending on the parents' decision, his integration in an elementary school for hearing impaired children. In drawing up the case study, the following methods were applied: observation and analysis of the pupil's educational products.

Leisure time of children and family surrounding.
Bachelor thesis on "Activities for children and family environment" is focused on the issues of free time for children, especially for its use from the perspective of children themselves, as well as their parents. The theoretical part deals with a functionality of free time processed form of questions relating to education which in this area blends together with a family atmosphere. Analysing how parents can intervene positively and negatively to the use of leisure time of their children. Further work their way the function of the family and also the function of family environment on development of children especially their interests and abilities. I focus on leisure activity outside of the classroom and on the distribution of teachers who go in for of this free time. . An integral part of the thesis is the result of the negative impact on children in their free time, describing the consequences that may arise and we should try to avoid them. The practical part contains a survey: analysis of the views of parents whose professional focus is not pedagogical direction, parents with at least one of them is a teacher and an analysis of the answers of the children themselves. The research goal of my work is to analyse the general view of children's free time. How children use leisure time as guidance from parents, to what extent their leisure time is influenced by different factors and how far their ideas, wishes are taken into account.

Description of dental injuries in adolescent boys in micro České Budějovice and design of health educational material.
ČAPKOVÁ, Martina
Stomatology is a medical specialization which deals with prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases and injuries of orofacial system. If we want to have clean and healthy teeth without ache, gingivitis and other problems, we have to take care of our teeth properly. To do so effectivly, we need to have konwledge of tooth structure and development. Dentists meet tooth injuries very often, nowadays dental traumatology is considered as a specific stomatology specialization. Even separate international conventions are organizaed to discuss with this topic. Prothetic dentistry deals with tooth replacement in such cases when teeth are demaged by dental caries, injury or other reasons. By using prothetics it is possible to replace individual tooth, its part or groups of missing teeth and even complete all teeth into entirely toothless jaw. Today´s trend is leading towards to usage of fixed replacements, which are considered as the best solution from both views, esthetic and functional. Theoretical part deals with tooth anatomy, individual injuries, their diangnosis and treatment, esthetic solutions after tooth injuries, dental hygiene and first aid when teeth injured. Pratical part presents reults of the most common tooth injuries, their causes, their impacts on human health and if injuries affect dental hygiene.

Arrangement and proving of nature excursion model for students of education for health in the National park Šumava.
This thesis deals with the arrangement and proving of examples of nature excursions for the course methods of natural excursions for students of Health education in the University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice, within the area of Sumava National Park and Sumava Landscape Protected Area. The model course is designed so that the graduates of this subject can gain the required theoretical and practical knowledge in organising natural excursions. The natural excursions implemented within the course support nature protection with an emphasis on explanation of how important exposure to healthy and undamaged nature is for the health of the human body and mind and soul. With the help of questionnaires it was confirmed, that the students expect to obtain theoretical and practical knowledge on this subject. The students are interested in practical training of first aid in the terrain, and learning about activities for natural excursions. The final part provides a worked detailed theoretical lecture for this subject. This thesis was developed pursuant to two years research carried out with the cooperation of the Faculty of Healh Education and the Administration of Sumava National park and Landscape Protected Area.

Analysis and Projection of Health Education in Sports Training of Ice Hockey Players.
ČERNÝ, Kamil
This thesis examines the impact of psycho-training based on yoga techniques in sports training of young ice hockey players. The psycho-training was aimed to develop the attention, the concentration, to improve self-confidence and psychical resilience and finally to master relaxation techniques. The intervention program of psycho-training "Intensity" (ČERNÝ, KREJČÍ, 2012) was realized within a one week season training camp. The study group consisted of 12 hockey players of ice hockey club Tabor. All volunteered players who intended to this intervention were approximately 16 years old. The participants passed through the psychological input tests before the start of study program. Psycho-training consisted of 7 sessions, each lasting 80 minutes. The education took place before training on the ice during the morning. After completion of the intervention program the participants passed through the output psychological tests. The acquired data were compared and statistically validated. The results confirmed the hypothesis. Psycho-training program "Intensity" was recommended for education of coaches of young players youth with applications in-season training camp.

Evaluation of the educational systems in the companies in the Czech republic
Daňhelková, Barbora ; Křečková Kroupová, Zuzana (advisor) ; Cetkovský, Pavel (referee)
Employee education alongside with skilled employees motivated to further development is currently becoming both an important part in the development of companies and a significant competition advantage in all markets worldwide. The aim of this thesis is to analyze educational systems in Czech companies and to evaluate the educational process of employees. The thesis is divided into two parts, theoretical one and practical one. The first part deals with defining theoretical concepts related to education, the theory of corporate education and trends in corporate education. The second part is focused on the research of corporate education in Czech companies. The research is based on the internal documentation and interviews with the HR representatives in the company HOCHTIEF CZ, and interviews with experts in the field of corporate education from the company DMC management consulting.