National Repository of Grey Literature 63 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.08 seconds. 

Application of Instalment Regime System in Collecting Social Security Insurance in the Region of South Bohemia
The bachelor thesis is focused on the collection of social insurance which is pursuant to the Act of law number 582/1991 on the organization and implementation of social security which is entrusted to the Czech Social Security with the District Social Security Administration. It mainly specializes in the successfulness of the collection of the insurance premium and concerns about the application of the installment regime for the collection of insurance premium in the South Bohemian region to influence delinquency. The importance of the installment regime is especially for debtors to the effect that the debt in the installment regime is not recovered and the payment, is due to obligation, spread for 36 months. The aim of the thesis was to document the interest of payers and determine prognosis of the application of the installment regime with the aim to reduce delinquency. The research showed that the interest in allowing to pay owed insurance premium and penalties payable in installments was considerably influenced by the global economic crisis. This regime is not self-messianic and requires District Social Security Administrations individual treatment.

Motivation for education of healthcare assistants with regard to their future practice
ŠMÍDOVÁ, Jaroslava
After accession to the European Union and adoption of Act No. 96/2004 Collection, on non-medical healthcare professions, changes occurred, which concern mainly nurses. These changes affect mainly administration and competences of the nurses. The act currently differentiates between and defines the procedures of secondary educated staff as procedures without special supervision and procedures with special supervision, and also defines the process for obtaining the certificate for the performance of a profession without special supervision based on the credit system. In practise this means that if the health care assistant does not achieve a higher or university level education, he/she cannot work independently without any special supervision. And it is the interpretation of the term without special supervision and with special supervision that is the subject of discussion. The nurses refuse to be responsible for the work of somebody else and present this attitude openly. The main goal of this bachelor thesis is to find out what motivates current healthcare assistants to work in healthcare and what their approach to education is, which should be an integral part of their life. There was also a discussion as to whether the information about the speciality, provided to basic school children, is appropriate for such a life-long decision as the selection of occupation. There were two hypotheses established during the investigation. H1: The pupils of the basic schools have no information about studying in Nursing Schools, H2: The students are motivated for further education and H3: The graduates of the Nursing Schools want to study in order to improve their qualification in the higher level schools. Based on a questionnaire, all established hypotheses were confirmed and the goal of the thesis was accomplished. The research was therefore successful. Obtained information may be used mainly for improving the approach while providing information to the pupils in the basic schools before their decision about the choice of profession, since the education advisers are interested in the results obtained. For teachers in the secondary schools, this knowledge will be useful to improve motivation of students for future professions

The Bankruptcy of the FEREX-ŽSO spol. s r.o.
Procházka, Martin ; Schönfeld, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Smrčka, Luboš (referee)
This thesis is focused on the solution of the corporate bankruptcy. Its goal is not only to determine the causes of the bankruptcy of FEREX ŽSO spol. s r.o. after successful completion of the reorganization, but also to assess the suitability of the chosen method of solution in terms of the Insolvency Act. The work is divided into theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part describes the life cycle of an enterprise, important parts of the insolvency law and financial analysis methods. In order to meet the goals there are used financial analysis, analysis of the insolvency proceedings and comparison with results of researches in the field of insolvency.

Debt financing according to the Czech Insolvency Law within reorganization
Vohralíková, Monika ; Schönfeld, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Smrčka, Luboš (referee)
The new Insolvency Law came into the account in 2008. It brought number of innovations. New rules for reorganization and dealing with bankruptcy was established. Companies facing the bankruptcy are now allowed to get operational funds by loan financing in the scope of insolvency law. The aim of this thesis is to analyze the use of debt financing during the reorganization under bankruptcy law and identifying motives for his provision creditors. The work also focuses on success factors reorganization and find the main risk areas affecting the outcome of the healing process.

Analysis of reorganizations in Czech republic
Rakytová, Tatiana ; Schönfeld, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Smrčka, Luboš (referee)
The main objective of this work, except for clarifying the legislation which defines the process of reorganization under the Czech Insolvency Act 182/2006 as amended, is also to introduce a sample of allowed reorganizations from the perspective of selected economic and non-economic factors. The sample consists of all companies in which reorganization has been authorized by the court from 1.1.2008 to 31.12.2012. The fundamental factors of analysis are causes of default, the processes leading to the approval of reorganization, a way of ensuring operational funding, the duration of the reorganization, the methods of solution, the rate of satisfaction of creditors and others. The methods that were used in the analysis are analytical and descriptive, then evaluation method and comparison. The research was based on publicly available data of the reorganized companies located in the Insolvency register. According to the results it can be generally said that the reorganization is more favorable to creditors than bankruptcy, mainly due to higher rate of speed and satisfaction of creditors. However, the reorganization is not common way of resolving insolvency. For successful completion of the reorganization, directors should start insolvency process at a time when a company is only in a state of imminent bankruptcy. Also, an important aspect is realistic and well-prepared reorganization plan which should be sold to its creditors before deciding on the insolvency by the court. Debtor should have in his mind that just creditors are the crucial factor whether the whole reorganization process will be successful.

The Act on Educational Staff: an exploratory survey in the district of Zábřeh.
Novotná, Marie ; Smékalová, Lucie (advisor) ; Jana, Jana (referee)
My thesis is divided into two parts where the notional part presents the targets and methodology, describes the locality of the research, the system of education and the legislation. The applied part is based on the qualitative research carried out with four randomly chosen headmasters of the educational institutions in Zábřeh, representing different types and stages of the educational system. Based on the results of my research, the target of my thesis is to describe the impact of the amendment of the Act No.563/2004 on Educational Staff and the impact of modification of some related acts on the teaching stuffs of all kinds of educational facilities in the town, and at the same time to present the process of dealing with these legislative changes by the headmasters as the managers of the schools. By interviewing the headmasters I should find the answer to the question if their analysed responses conform the idea of an ideal manager (according to Jan Hron) who needs to have not only knowledge an competence to be a successful manager, but also authority and will. The results of the research should also confirm or refute the idea that in connection with the legislative changes many insufficiently qualified teachers were dismissed to be replaced by new employees. Therefore, I am comparing the results of my survey with the accessible data from the local employment agency. Although it is hard to generalize the data from the qualitative survey and a relatively small number of respondents, this thesis should bring a new insight into the whole issue in the town of fourteen thousand inhabitants.

Self-evaluation in primary schools practice
Šlajchová, Ladislava ; Smetáček, Vladimír (advisor) ; Prokop, Jiří (referee) ; Semrád, Jiří (referee)
This work deals with the topic of evaluating Czech schools. Its main focus area is the own evaluation of primary school, which is nowadays becoming inseparable part of school life. The theoretical part is devoted to the investigation in quality, control, signs of successful school, evaluation and self-evaluation. Besides this, it describes the plan and process of autoevaluation and does even avoid building of the corroborative system as necessary help to schools when implementing self-evaluation of the school from the practical point of view. The practical part checks, on the basis of the empirical research, ability of primary schools to realize the self-evaluation. The research is above all oriented to the process of autoevaluation in practice, it means the necessary conditions for the successful realization, evaluation areas, methods used, demandingness of the particular process phases and last but not least efficiency of using the gained results. The work ends with summary, some suggestions and recommendations.

Implementation of Eigh-Grammar School Foundation Project
Petrnoušek, Pavel ; Zachař, Ivo (advisor) ; Slavíková, Marie (referee)
Final bachelor essay is dealing with realization of establishing idea of eight-year grammar school - gymnasium. It brings theoretical and operative guide e. g. how to start from, what instructions to follow, how to proceed in the concrete in case you decided to initiate establishing of the state - e.g. public gymnasium. It goes from by the author made research work about number changes of grammar schools in the Czech Republic in last five years. This bachelor work results from the attitude of Ministry of Education towards the gymnasium question, from valid educational law and from the experience which the author - proposer gained by the realization of establishing project for eight-year gymnasium. For successful realization of establishing project for eight-year gymnasium

Preparedness members and employees of the Prison Service of the Czech Republic to incidents in South region
VLAS, Vlastimil
The choice of the topic Readiness of members and civilian employees of the Prison Service of the Czech Republic to the emergency in the South Bohemian Region for my thesis was my independent decision. This choice was entirely deliberate, since this service is also incorporated into the Integrated Rescue System (IRS). However the active service of the Prison Service of the Czech Republic in case of emergency can be very specific. The Prison Service of the Czech Republic may be according to Act No. 239/2000 Coll., on the Integrated Rescue System, used to deal with emergencies. It is incorporated among the other IRS bodies. All these bodies can be deployed to deal with emergencies, but only on condition of a written contract for the assistance. Usable forces and resources of the body must be known. Based on these facts I defined following objectives of the thesis: ? analysis of readiness of members and civilian employees of the Prison Service of the Czech Republic to the emergency in the South Bohemian Region, ? detection of methods, possibilities and conditions of use of the Prison Service in this context, ? training materials design for members and civilian employees of the Prison Service of the Czech Republic. There were also these two hypotheses tested: ? members and civilian employees are adequately trained and are ready to deal with emergencies, ? the Prison Service of the Czech Republic can be fully utilized for an active service in the solution of emergencies. If we focus on the first goal of my work, I have prepared an anonymous questionnaire containing eight questions to adequately analyse readiness. These questionnaires were distributed to all members and civilian employees of PS in South Bohemian Region. I would be able to confirm or refute the first hypothesis on the basis of these results. I could evaluate executed analysis on the basis of the obtained information and comment on the first hypothesis. The maximum number of points in the questionnaire was set for 24. The average score was between 19 to 20 points. It can be concluded that members and civilian employees are adequately trained, and the first hypothesis was confirmed. To be able to evaluate the second hypothesis, I had to perform historical analysis and due to this analysis I concluded that the second hypothesis can be confirmed only partially. The hypothesis was related to the possibility of deploying members and employees of PS on the incident. The historical analysis shows that this body was deployed in the past, however its forces and resources were not represented by members or civilians, but crews of convicted persons. This way of utilization was repeated and it could be said that the deployment of work crews is successful, so I concluded that the second hypothesis was confirmed, but only partially. The Prison Service is fully usable for dealing with emergencies, but its forces and resources are constituted mainly of work crews of convicted persons. If we focus on the legislation determining the use, communication or coordination of this body with the municipal authorities, this is provided only by contract for the assistance. I tried to design a document, how such contract for the assistance could look like. The next chapter outlines the information that could be used as a guide for the decision into what area and what depth members and civilian employees should be trained. Members and civilian employees are annually trained in this matter by the appropriate employee of PS. All objectives of the thesis have been met and are completed by own opinion of the author.

Advantages and disdvantages of the temporary foster care in the view of partakers - selected experts and applicants
URBANOVÁ, Magdalena
Abstract In the year 2000, an amendment about the social and legal protection of children was accepted. In this amendment, a special modification is anchored which enables a short-term foster care. For this type of substitute family care, the term ?temporary foster care? is used. The theoretical part is dedicated to the importance of the family, the transformation of the substitute family care, experience with temporary foster care abroad, positive consequences and risks of temporary foster care. In the introduction, there is a special chapter dedicated to the attachment, the importance of family and its influence on the child´s development. The chapter about experience with professional foster care in Slovakia follows. I chose this country because it has long-term experience with temporary foster care and its culture is very similar to the culture of our country. Then, two most important chapters follow. Their topics are positive causes of temporary foster care (in this chapter, three most important contributions of temporary foster care are mentioned) and seven risks of temporary foster care. The theoretical part of my thesis is closed by the chapter ?Theoretical Foundations and Suggestions of Explorational Research?. This part inspired the creation of the topics of the interviews. The aim of my thesis was to find out what the opinions of the respondents to the temporary foster care (it means workers from the organ for social and legal protection of children, psychologists, doctors, and applicants) are. To describe the positives and negatives of this form of substitute family care according to them. The interviews were led with specialists and temporary fosters. The specialists were chosen with the help of the director of the institute for children requiring immediate help, who arranged the contact to them. The other source was a worker for OSPOD, who mediated the contact to temporary fosters. For the collecting of data, I used the quantitative method, the technique of guided interviews. I evaluated the collected data by the approach of the thematic content analysis and so I created categories that were divided into two main groups: contributions and risks of temporary foster care. In the first category, I found out three basic contributions of temporary foster care: immediate placement of the child into a substitute family, establishing of the child´s emotional attachment to the foster mother and to other family members and preventing emotional deprivation. In the field of risks of temporary foster care, I was concerning with the question of interrupting the relation between the family members and the child from the parents? and ?siblings ´? point of view and also from the perspective of the child. The next question referred to the lack of temporary fosters and the succession of the long-term care for children. Then I wrote about the motivation of temporary fosters, the contact to the biological family, suitability for all children and also services for fosters ? preparatory courses and services of accompanying. In the next part of my thesis, in the chapter ?Discussion?, I think about the individual fields, especially about how these fields are linked together and how they influence and fill in each other. I finish my thesis with a conclusion, in which I briefly summarize the results. The aim of this thesis is to show what contributions and risks the system of temporary foster care can bring. Since this system is at the beginning of its functioning, it would be suitable to repeat this research in a certain period of time. Then, both the specialists and fosters had more experience and a lot of knowledge described here could be worked out more widely.