National Repository of Grey Literature 2,590 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.34 seconds. 

Development of sickness insurance and its impact on profit company
The thesis is focused on the development of health insurance benefits under the social security system in the Czech Republic. Aiming to secure people for future social events, which may be predictable (age) or unpredictable (disability, funeral, sickness, widowhood, etc.) and prevent poverty or the worst consequences. This thesis briefly describes the system of social security. More specifically focuses on health insurance, health insurance benefits and their development. It also contains the characteristics of the selected business entity and cost analysis of selected companies of employing workers and their absence from work, which is associated with the payment of sickness benefits. Finally, it presents the identification of direct and indirect costs associated with health insurance benefits and their impact on the profit of the selected business entity. The conclusion describes the effect of the payment of health insurance benefits for profit companies, including negative and positive impacts.

Selected aspects of variable life insurance
Krajčovič, Michal ; Ducháčková, Eva (advisor) ; Daňhel, Jaroslav (referee)
The subject of this thesis is the analysis of unit linked insurance in the insurance market of Czech Republic. United linked insurance is presented as a successful combination of risks coverage and savings unit. We are talking about mixed insurance in case of death or survival exact age with single or normal insurance premium, where the size of indemnity depends on yields from investments. It is very complicated insurance product with many benefits and disadvantages. The thesis is divided into more chapters. The first chapter is devoted to determination of the concept and classification of unit linked insurance. In the second one I describe the situation and development trends in the field of unit linked insurance in Czech insurance market. Further chapters involve specific aspects and problems of the product, actual situation in regard of financial crisis and anticipated future development.

Comparative analysis of sickness insurance in Czech Republic, Germany and Austria
Hrušková, Tereza ; Vítek, Leoš (advisor) ; Bayer, Ondřej (referee)
This bachelor thesis persues sickness insurance in Czech Republic, Germany and Austria. Sickness insurance is important part of social security system, it provides partial substitution of wage in case of illness or incapacity for work and mitigates the decline in living standard due to loss of income. Main objective of this thesis is to describe the systems of health insurance and to compare selected elements of insurance in each country. The first part contains the historical development of social security in Europe. From the second to fourth chapter there is described the sickness insurance of individual countries . The last chapter is a comparative analysis of selected elements of health insurance.

A Comparison of Two Models of the Energy Market Development in Czech Republic from 2015 to 2040
Dvořáková, Jitka ; Zeman, Martin (advisor) ; Lukášová, Tereza (referee)
The bachelor thesis is focused on the prediction of the energy market in the Czech Republic between 2015 and 2040 and on the comparison of potential costs related to two models of energy portfolio management. The first model was created according to the National Energy Concept from 2014, while the other one was designed artificially to simulate usage of the renewable resources in 50% of the electric energy production. The theoretical part of the thesis discusses the recent situation of the Czech energy market, defines types of energy resources and explains terms related to the discussed topic. In the practical part, direct production costs of different kinds of power plants were computed and used to estimate economic demands of the two considered models. The efficiency of both models was compared and evaluated. The aim of the thesis was to decide, which of the two models would be more favourable for the Czech national economy. Key words: energy, energy market, direct costs, economic advantage JEL classification: Q40, Q41, Q43, Q47

The social atmosphere and possibility of guided activities clients with mental disabilities in CR and USA.
ABSTRACT The social atmosphere and possibility of guided activities clients with mental disabilities in CR and USA Finding out and contrasting a social atmosphere within the facilities in the Czech Republic (CR) and the USA as well as the possibilities of guided activities in there was the main objective of this thesis. The objective was met by observing the social atmosphere in organizations and analysing the responds of a questionnaire concerning the atmosphere. Following an interview with the facility{\crq}s management it can be stated that the American organization Road To Responsibility, Inc. does not offer 9 activities out of 36 referred to in the questionnaire (25%). On the other hand, Czech organizations do not make available 2 activities out of 36 activities listed in the questionnaire (5.5%). It can be therefore assumed that the hypothesis H1 - The US facilities provide a more extensive range of guided activities than the Czech ones - was NOT CONFIRMED. The questionnaire enquiries concerning the nature of the social atmosphere in organizations resulted in 10 points for the Czech ones as opposed to 12 points for those in the USA. Consequently, it can be stated that the hypothesis H2 - The awareness of the social atmosphere throughout the American Home Group system is higher than in the Czech facilities - was CONFIRMED. The research results concerning the H2 confirm that the US organizations look after their employees much more than in the CR. The Home Group system is similar to nursing homes in the CR. However, clients of all types and degrees of disability live there unlike in the CR. The Home Group{\crq}s task is to integrate disabled people into the society and afford them the opportunity to live a life most similar to a normal family life. The Home Group{\crq} houses are a part of a regular housing development and are not in any way separated. The life of American clients is more similar to the life of the intact population than the life of the Czech clients. In the CR, the clients are still considered sick patients who must be taken care of and be treated. The American clients do not meet medical therapies in such a way like in the CR and they are much more included in life similar to the life of the intact population. The Czech clients can satisfy most of their needs within the organization, therefore they do not feel the need to get out of the organization into the environment of majority population.

The Supreme Administrative Court of Czechoslovakia - its formation and development
Kučera, Miroslav ; Kuklík, Jan (advisor) ; Skřejpková, Petra (referee)
This thesis deals with the formation and development of the Supreme Administrative Court of the Republic of Czechoslovakia. Given that this institution in our country was built on similar principles as the previous administrative court in Vienna, there is a part of the work given to the development of Supreme Administrative Court in Vienna and also briefly discusses the development of directions of administrative judiciary in Europe, because only in mutual relations you can understand why after an establihment of the independent Republic of Czechoslovakia, the concept of the Supreme Administrative Court in Vienna used in our conditions as well. In particular, thanks to this and the legislative framework, the Supreme Administrative Court of Republic of Czechoslovakia could be constitued in a very short time after the establishment of the Republic of Czechoslovakia. The following is gradual evolution of the court changes its powers and jurisdiction, including amendments to the Act made about him. In addition, this work also addresses the issue of the seat of the Supreme Administrative Court, staffing its decision-making.

From defense alliance to security management: neoliberal institutionalism and NATO's transformation
Suchardová, Hana ; Karásek, Tomáš (advisor) ; Bureš, Oldřich (referee)
Changing environment of international relations, changing conflicts character, and new threats and risks influence North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and its role in international system. Clear structure of international system ended with end of bipolar division of Cold War. Unclear political equilibrium brought the question of future of NATO. Political concept that was used during Cold war was not sufficient and the Alliance stated again in front of transformation needs. Also during the Cold War the role of national security had been changing. Subject of this research is character of transformation of NATO and its adherence to theoretical premises of neoliberal institutionalism. International institutions are often subject of research in international relations. This thesis reacts on the deficiency of interest about changes and survival of institutions in literature. The thesis works with the theory of Robert O. Keohane that is rooted in the end of the Cold War but has been modified by further author's works. After basic analysis three variables were identified. These are three transformation areas - institutional development, and mission conduct. On the base of theoretical approach analysis three independent variables were added. These were - level of institutionalization, character of...

The examination of state of health of citizens for the purposes of social welfare benefits
The topic of the thesis is {\clqq} The examination of state of health of citizens for the purposes of social welfare benefits.{\crqq} Medical statement sevice ensures this activity, which has a wide medical, social, employment and economic importance. On 1st January 2006 the first instance medical statement service was divided into the insurance and non-insurance system. OSSZ and ČSSZ continues providing examinations for the insurance systems while the examination for the non-insurance system is carried out by physicians of the newly created examination services of employment agencies. The paper aims at analysing the so far experience of the medical statement service after the division into the insurance and non-insurance system. I presume that the division of the medical statement service and its transformation have been effective. I have dealt with the medical statement system in the most wide context. In the theoretical part I have concentrated on historical development of the medical statement service, on its system and the scope of activity of the medical statement service and I did not omit the examination of state of health of citizens for the purposes of the social welfare systems. In the practical part I concentrated on physicians carrying out medical statements for employment agencies and district administrations of social welfare, on their feelings, opinions on the reorganization of the medical statement service in 2006. The research was carried out in Central Bohemia region with the view to evaluate the division of the medical statement service in the insurance and non-insurance system. A quantitave attitude was chosen for this research usingt the questionnaire method. Two types of questionnaires were handed out: for physicians of the medical statement service of employment agencies and for physicians of medical statement service of district administration of social welfare system. In total there were 40 questionnaires handed out to the physicians of medical statement service of district administration of social welfare system and 25 to the physicians of the medical statement service of employment agencies. 34 (100%) questionnaires were used filled by the employment agencies physicians and 16 (100%) questionnaires filled by the physicians of the district administration of social welfare system. I chose the graph form to process the research part of the paper. The principal hypothesis was confirmed. For both the physicians of the medical statement service of employment agencies and physicians of medical statement service of district administration of social welfare system was proved that the division of the medical statement service into the insurance and non-insurance system was effective. Further activities within the organization of the medical statement service should endeavour to depict small discrepancies and to ensure a continuous improvement of the system.

Concurrence of functions – history, development and problems of past and current legal regulations
Bařinová, Petra ; Kříž, Radim (advisor) ; Hásová, Jiřina (referee)
According to the jurisdiction statutory representatives of companies, executives or members of Boards of Directors, cannot simultaneously be employed in the company on a position with a similar capacity. This problem has been discussed in the Czech Republic since 1993 when the first decision was held. In 2010 Supreme Administrative Court confirmed this statement and impugned the validity of health and pension insurance of this employee. The long-ignored problem has caused panic because the concurrence of functions is an issue for 80-90% of Czech companies and therefore the Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic has initiated a legislative solution to this problem and prepared an amendment to the Commercial Code which allows the concurrence of functions.