National Repository of Grey Literature 535 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.06 seconds. 

Freedom of access to information in the EU and in selected countries: Study 5.319
Tetourová, Eva ; Mylková, Petra ; Pohl, Michal
Práce se zabývá aktuálně velmi diskutovanou problematikou svobodného přístupu k informacím, a to zejména z pohledu přístupu vybraných států k poskytování informací ve veřejném sektoru. Pozornost je věnována v prvé řadě právní úpravě tohoto tématu na úrovni Evropské unie, jejíž legislativa podstatným způsobem ovlivňuje úpravu této problematiky v jednotlivých členských státech. Další část práce je pak věnována přehledu podmínek pro přístup k informacím ve vybraných evropských státech, a to především ve vztahu k subjektům, které mají právo o informace žádat, druhu informací, na které mají právo, orgánům, které jsou povinny informace poskytovat, či postupu jednotlivých subjektů v procesu poskytování informací a jeho kontrole.
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The influence of cultural specificities of Turkey on the accession to the EU
Puppová, Andrea ; Müllerová, Františka (advisor) ; Kopecký, Jan (referee)
The bachelor's thesis is focused on the characteristics of Turkey as a candidate country for European Union membership. The main goal of this work is to define the influence of the cultural specificities of the country on the accession negotiations and possible future EU membership. The first chapter focuses on the basic characteristics of Turkey in terms of geography, economy, domestic and foreign policy. The second chapter pursues the cultural development and specifics of the modern Republic of Turkey, focusing on the characteristics of the population, the definition of the Turkish national culture based on Hofstede's analysis as well as on the specifics of local business practices and protocol. The third chapter describes the issue of Turkey joining the EU from the geopolitical and economic as well as from the cultural and social point of view. The final chapter is devoted to the analysis of the survey focused on perceptions of Turkish culture in the Czech Republic and on public opinion of the Czech people on possible Turkish accession to the European Union.

Analysis of Accession Process between Turkey and European union
Kučera, Michal ; Spiesová, Daniela (advisor) ; Severová, Lucie (referee)
This bachelor thesis, witch title is the Analysis of the Accession Process between Turkey and the European Union, is divided into two parts. Theoretical part, in which are elaborated the basic facts about the European Union, the circumstances and the historical context of origin, history, institutions and principles. There is also the development of the euro area and also emphasized the importance of the Maastricht contract and its subsequent modifications. The first part is an introduction of the Republic of Turkey with historical, political and economic background. The analytical part presents Turkey as a candidate country to the European Union, with an emphasis on the strategic location. The following is an overview of all the accession criteria from the European Union as they have been updated over time, content, and depending on the changing political and economic circumstances in Europe after the collapse of the Eastern bloc, including the legal framework of the accession criteria laid down in the contracts. There are analysed in detail the accession negotiations between Turkey and the European Union, their development and evaluation of the actual results of performance of the access requirements of the Turkish side. There is listed an overview accession chapters (screening acquis) and feedback in the evaluation reports from the European Commission. In conclusion is evaluation of the overall accession process considering to the current political situation in Europe.

The proposal of tourism development project - Velešín
The main target of the Diploma Thesis was to develop situational analyses of progressing tourism in Velešín. To determine marketing aims, to choose marketing strategy and to build up marketing plan. On this base there has been evolved a proposal of a concrete project of tourism development in Velešín. The partial targets were to create the city Velešín for tourists and local inhabitants more attractive in tourism area and to make the city Velešín more visible. In 2008 there were negotiations with River basin Vltava (Povodí Vltavy s.p.) about accessing to some localities for regardful tourism which ended up successfully. The condition for usage of new available localities is to construct paths for pedestrians and to provide information for tourists. Based on that fact there was established a project. Its target was to create a touristic route along accessible places in close proximity of Římov´s dam and to install educational boards with texts and photographs on views. The photographs would give evidence about how the place looked like before Římov´s dam was built up.

Freedom of will and access to informations about one's own intentions
Havlíček, Ondřej ; Hvorecký, Juraj (advisor) ; Horáček, Jiří (referee)
This diploma thesis deals with the problem of free will and the reliability of an introspective access to action intentions. The traditional questions of free will, responsibility and determinism are currently receiving a lot of attention due to the advances in cognitive sciences. Because of various scientific findings, many authors claim that free will is just an illusion. The purpose of this study is to discuss traditional conceptualization of this topic and point out its problems. As an alternative, I am trying to suggest a compatibilistic theory of freedom and responsibility, which is internally coherent and compatible with scientific evidence. The core of my thesis is a replication and modification of a recent experimental study, investigating voluntary decision-making and an introspective access to one's own intentions. The participants of the experiment performed reflexive actions which they misjudged as intentional. The goal of the theoretical part of my thesis has been accomplished on the basis of examining a voluminous foreign literature. The method involves a philosophical analysis of concepts with an emphasis on contemporary scientific findings. In the empirical part of my work, results were obtained in a cognitive-psychological experiment involving reaction time and evoked potential data acquisition and their analysis. First, a discussion of concepts relevant to the problem of free will is undertaken. An explication of the most significant experiments that question traditional intuitions about the human mind and free will is then given. A detailed description of my experiment follows, including its results and implications. Finally, conclusions about the nature of free will and responsibility are made together with certain suggestions for both the criminal justice system and everyday situations. Although I base the theoretical part of my thesis on the results of many authors, I contribute to it to a substantial degree with my own opinions and arguments. The empirical study is the most significant contribution of mine as its realization demanded i.a. a development of a stimulus presentation software, execution of the experimental tasks with a relatively large number of subjects and a mathematical and statistical evaluation of the acquired data.

European Union policy in the area of public access to the legislation of European communities
Rudnik, Zuzana ; Hradilová, Jitka (advisor) ; Palivec, Jiří (referee)
The goal of this paper is to introduce information services and databases of the institutions of the European Union (mainly of the European Commission) which are freely available to the public. These services concern the legislation of the European Communities. It also presents information services concerning the legislation of the European Communities in the Czech Republic. The first chapter of this work describes particular institutions of the European Union (Council of the EU, European Commission, European Parliament, European Council, Economic and Social Committee, Committee of the Regions, Court of Justice, Court of First Instance, Civil Servants Tribunal, European Central Bank, European Court of Auditors); their position and role in the legislative process. The second chapter focuses on the European Communities' legislation and on the procedures of the legislative process (characteristics of particular procedures - consultation, assent, cooperation and codecision procedure). In the third chapter the paper mentions the simplification of the EC legislation (acquis communautaire). This process is the priority of the EU information policy in the area of the European Communities legislation (consolidation, codification and recasting). The fourth chapter describes information sources and services of the...

Public access to information about the salaries of senior officials in selected countries: Study 5.324
Beranová, Marie ; Syllová, Jindřiška
Práce se zabývá otázkou přístupu veřejnosti k platům vysokých úředníků. Jedná se o komparativní studii, která porovnává míru přístupu veřejnosti k platům vysokých úředníků ve vybraných státech. Cílem práce je zjistit jednotlivé právní úpravy a přístupy a vybraných zemí k poskytování údajů o platech vysokých státních úředníků třetím osobám. Jak z komparace vyplývá, většina států dosud považuje údaj o výši vypláceného individuálního platu úředníka (s výjimkou platů ústavních činitelů, které nekolísají, například platů poslanců, ministrů, soudců apod., tedy platů, jejichž celá výše je dána předpisem) za osobní údaj, který je takového charakteru, že je chráněn před povinností poskytovat ho podle zákona o poskytování informací ve veřejné správě. Ze zkoumaných států umožňují získat informaci o specifickém platu včetně jména úředníka především severské země jako Švédsko a Finsko. V žádném z těchto států však nejsou tyto individuální platy souhrnně uveřejňovány ani nejsou souhrnně veřejně přístupné. Nově se k této skupině států připojilo Slovensko. V Itálii byly platy vysokých úředníků uveřejněny v důsledku reformy veřejné správy, která proběhla v roce 2009 a jejímž cílem bylo zvýšení transparentnosti italské veřejné správy. Specifickou právní úpravu má Litva, kde jsou na internetu publikovány průměrné platy zaměstnanců na stejné pracovní pozici v určitém úřadě nebo organizaci. V případě, že na této pozici pracuje v dané organizaci pouze jedna osoba, je vyžadován její souhlas s uveřejněním takovéto informace. Další přístup k této problematice se momentálně vytváří ve Velké Británii, kde se uveřejňují nikoliv vyplacené přesné platy, ale vyplacené roční platy v intervalu 5000 liber. V Nizozemsku jsou úřady a právnické osoby, které jsou z větší části financovány státem, povinny sdělovat výši platů, pokud převyšují hranici odvozenou od průměrného ministerského platu.V některých státech, jako například v Norsku, se uveřejňují jen platy manažerů institucí a firem, navázaných na stát, pokud to vyžadují obchodně právní předpisy upravující transparentnost hospodaření. Práce dále obsahuje shrnutí rozhodnutí Nejvyššího správního soudu ze dne 27. 5. 2011 s komentářem A. Furka k rozsudku a na evropské úrovni shrnutí právního případu řešeného Evropským soudním dvorem ze dne 20. 5. 2003.
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Quality of life of patients using home parenteral nutrition
This diploma thesis deals with the issue of life quality of patients taking home parenteral nutrition. Its intention is to present the achieved life quality scores in the individual domains of physical and mental health in comparison with general population and to point out the differences in what dimensions the life quality of these patients is particularly affected. The theoretical section describes the present situation of the issue of home parenteral nutrition in the CR and the system of the care about the patients. The chapter about indications and contraindications to HPN is elaborated in more detail. The possibilities of the long-term vascular accesses, the care about them are also mentioned here, and particularly the role of a nurse in patient education in transferring parenteral nutrition to the domestic environment. The problems with long-term parenteral nutrition resulting from mechanic, metabolic and septic complications are also outlined. Parenteral nutrition failure is the most serious problem, which is why a chapter on small intestine transplantation as the last resort to save a patient with combined failure of intestine and nutrition is included. The second part of the theoretical section describes the life quality. I wanted to define the nature of this unambiguously graspable a term, determinants affecting life quality are also mentioned here. The possibilities of life quality measurement and assessment and particularly the follow-up use of the obtained data are mostly summarized here. Goals and hypotheses: Two goals were set to meet the main purpose of the thesis: Goal 1: To find whether the life quality of patients on HPN differs from that of the general public. Goal 2: To find the spheres in which the life quality of patients on HPN is mostly affected. A zero hypothesis was set to achieve the goals: Life quality of patients on HPN does not differ from that of the general public. There is no statistically significant difference between men and women. Eight alternative hypotheses to each life quality domain followed: H1: Patients on HPN show lower life quality score compared to the general public in the sphere of physical functions. H2: Patients on HPN show lower life quality score compared to the general public in the sphere of physical roles' limitation. H3: Patients on HPN show lower life quality score compared to the general public in the sphere of emotional roles' limitation. H4: Patients on HPN show lower life quality score compared to the general public in the sphere of emotional limitation of social functions. H5: Patients on HPN show lower life quality score compared to the general public in the sphere of pain. H6: Patients on HPN show lower life quality score compared to the general public in the sphere of general mental health. H7: Patients on HPN show lower life quality score compared to the general public in the sphere of vitality. H8: Patients on HPN show lower life quality score compared to the general public in the sphere of general health perception. A quantitative method of collected data analysis was applied to the research implementation. The research was based on the standardized questionnaire SF-36 supplemented with questions dealing with identification of respondents, time consumption of their treatment and their consequent satisfaction at the beginning. The questionnaire was distributed to patients using home parenteral nutrition in specialized nutrition centres of the Thomayer Faculty Hospital in Prague, Faculty hospitals in Brno and Hradec Králové and also by electronic means through the website of the citizen association Life without Intestine. The obtained data were statistically evaluated and processed into illustrative tables and graphs.Detailed mapping of the problems of life quality and highlighting of the neglected spheres of life quality of patients using HPN are the outputs of the thesis. The results will be presented to the members of the workgroup for HPN within their.

The Access of Public to the Parliamentary Committees of Enquiry: Study 1.151
Syllová, Jindřiška ; Kavěna, Martin
Veřejnost jednání parlamentních vyšetřovacích výborů v USA, Kanadě a vybraných státech EU.
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