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Marketing v pojišťovnictví
Pašová, Kateřina ; Bílková, Diana (advisor) ; Brousil, Petr (referee)
Tématem diplomové práce je marketing v pojišťovnictví. Cílem díla je naznačení vývoje trhu životního pojištění a jeho možný způsob segmentace. Zaměřila jsem se na vybrané ukazatele tohoto trhu, včetně analýzy trendu a odhad budoucích hodnot hrubého předepsaného pojistného, postavení České republiky ve srovnání s ostatním světem. Zajímaly mě také příčiny zpomalení růstu tohoto trhu, ke kterému došlo v posledních dvou letech. Segmentaci jsem zahájila teoretickými východisky, zmínila jsem také současné trendy segmentace trhu. Další kapitoly jsou věnovány analýze dat, probíhající ve dvou stupních. Obsahují popis přípravy dat pro shlukovou analýzu a výsledné charakteristiky odhalených segmentů. Závěrečná kapitola obsahuje pro odhalené segmenty trhu životního pojištění možná marketingová doporučení.

The Effects of the New Deal on the social status of Afro-Americans in selected sectors of the US economy
Schwammenhöfer, Tomáš ; Tajovský, Ladislav (advisor) ; Johnson, Zdenka (referee)
This bachelor thesis deals with the effects of the New Deal legislation on Afro-Americans in the 1930s. Specifically, the thesis analytically focuses on the influence of various politician of this program on their social environment within the US economy. For the ease of understanding of whole issue is needed to know the situation of Afro-Americans in the previous decade as well as in the Great Depression. That is the content of the first two chapters. Subsequently there is the outline of the situation leading to the election of F. D. Roosevelt, US President. The last and as well the most important chapter of the whole thesis is devoted to analysis of individual programs and their impact on Afro-Americans. It concludes that the New Deal had both positive and negative influence on this minority, depending on the economic sector and the relevant administration. New Deal generally meant a huge progress in their economic and political affairs.

Is import of goods from european countries to Czech republic more or less influenced by changes in nominal and real exchange rates than in non european countries?
Vereš, Jan ; Stroukal, Dominik (advisor) ; Slaný, Martin (referee)
This bachelor thesis analyses the connection between import of goods from foreign countries to Czech Republic and the exchange rate changes. The initial hypothesis of this paper is to prove that the depreciation of domestic currency has positive influence on balance of trade balance. For this purpose there is eight econometric models which were created by using time series from years 2003 to 2016. These models are divided in pairs among four chosen countries. For each country two models were created that follow the development of trade balance between Czech Republic and one of the countries in two different time frames. All the models always use the real effective exchange rate, growth rate of GDP for Czech Republic and growth rate of GDP for one of the countries as explanatory variable. It is connected with the second task of this thesis, which is the analysis of the differences in the behaviour of the models that belong to the countries which are members of the EU and these that are not. The aim is to find out whether the existence of tariffs on imported goods from countries out of the EU causes visible differences in the behaviour of the variables that were included in the models. Based on the outcomes of all eight models the main hypothesis has been proved right for three out of four countries. In the models for Germany, China and France the relation of real exchange rate and trade balance came out as positive in long term, in short term the outcome was ambiguous. The second question of this thesis has been answered, but its added value is questionable. The final models for each state do show some noticeable differences and they can be used to determine if the influence of the change of exchange rates on trade balance is smaller or bigger in the countries where tariffs are used. On the other hand, from the results we can learn that the sample of only four countries is insufficient for the deduction of any conclusions.

Unconvential monetary policy adopted by ECB and FED in 2008-2015
Pörner, Marek ; Šetková, Lenka (advisor) ; Ševčíková, Michaela (referee)
The main aim of this thesis is to analyse the accomplishment of the goals set, namely those of the selected unconventional monetary policies approved by the Federal Reserve System and the European Central Bank in response to the last financial crisis. With the FED the attention is focused on Quantitative Easing, whereas with the ECB it is focused on the programmes called Enhanced Credit Support, SMP, OMT and EAPP. Important parts of this thesis are also the explanation of the transmission mechanism of the unconventional monetary policy, the evaluation of macroeconomic impacts of these non-standard tools, the comparison of procedures of the two monitored central banks, but mainly the analysis of selected risks related to those tools. The principal method was an empirical analysis supported by economic studies dealing with the issues mentioned above. In the thesis it was discovered that the individual goals of the monitored programmes were achieved (with the exception of the SMP). With the programme EAPP no conlusion can be drawn because the programme has not been finished yet. Nevertheless, these non-standard tools bring certain risks such as a creation of a bubble in the markets of assets, a redistribution of wealth, a spillover effect, etc. For that reason it will be possible to evaluate the overall effect of the unconventional monetary policies only after a longer time period.

Accounting Frauds in Russia
Kontsova, Anna ; Purina, Marina (advisor) ; Hora, Michal (referee)
The subject of this thesis is the characteristics and detailed classification of accounting frauds in Russia. The whole work is based on current government regulations, expert articles and statistical data related to the issue of accounting frauds. This bachelor thesis is divided into two parts: theoretical and practical. Theoretical part focuses on characteristics of the system of accounting frauds in Russia from the perspective of government regulations, indicates historical assumptions and current tendencies and presents classification of accounting frauds based on several parameters. The practical part illustrates the issue with examples of accounting frauds in two different companies and assesses their impact on economic situation in each company.

Systém odměňování v malém IT podniku
Novotný, Lukáš ; Dvořáková, Zuzana (advisor) ; Cetkovský, Pavel (referee)
The topic of this thesis is reward management and its application in a small-sized IT enterprise. Its goals are to properly document and describe current reward system in the company, evaluate the system and recommend improvements for the system. The first two goals are reached via thorough research of the company through semi-structured interviews, employee satisfaction survey, participant observation and document examination and the last one by applying principles from the current literature and education to the results of the two previous goals. The findings are that the reward system, despite growing organically instead of designed, is relatively effective in some areas, but needs improvement in other areas. The main improvement areas are motivation by contingent pay, communication management and performance management. Relatively well working rewards are especially non-financial reward connected to the work environment and work itself.

Strategic Trade Policy in Defence and Security Industry
Neumannová, Pavla ; Žamberský, Pavel (advisor) ; Jiránková, Martina (referee)
The master thesis is devoted to a nontraditional, however, in the todays world to a very current topic, arms industry and its support. The thesis connects the theoretical concept of the strategic trade policy (defined by P. Krugman or J. Brander) to its practical interpretation and application in the defence and security industry. The first chapter explains the strategic trade policy using the Brander Spencer analysis. The topic of the second chapter is strategic industries and this chapter answers the question whether the defence and security industry is a strategic industry or not. The third chapter analyses the possibilities of the support of DSI and compares approaches of different EU member states. The last chapter is devoted to the solution of this problem. The main contribution of this thesis is a new interpretation of the strategic trade policy, analysis of the importance of the defence and security industry and its support and suggestion of practical measures for Czech companies and for the Czech Ministry of Defence.

Luxury goods and the specifics on the Chinese market
Poláčková, Kristýna ; Stuchlíková, Zuzana (advisor) ; Jiránková, Martina (referee)
The paper deals with the consumption of luxury goods in the People´s Republic of China. The main objective of this work is to clarify the reasons that have caused the strong advancement of the sector of luxury goods in China. Next, the thesis focuses on current trends that have been getting on pace. In the first two chapters the theoretical base for the entire thesis was provided.

The Controlling Study
Herda, Tomáš ; Mikovcová, Hana (advisor) ; Herda, Zdeněk (referee)
The main goal of this Diploma´s Thesis is to make a model for calculation of water and sewer rates for the company Vodovody a kanalizace Náchod, a.s. when sticking to the set criteria both from the side of VaK Náchod, a.s. and law regulations. Based on the theoretical part an analysis of customer sensitivity to the price changes using the data for last 20 years follows. Findings from the first two parts are used in risk analysis in next part. The created model calculates the water and sewer rates based on the information from the company accounting system in the way to generate sufficient financial resources to fulfill the renovation plan of infrastructural property plant and equipment and to transfer given amount to the company funds. In addition, the model monitors whether the legal condition of maximal allowable increase of profit per m3 is met. In the customer sensitivity to the price changes part the price elasticity of demand for water and sewer rates is calculated based on the data from 1995 to 2015. The assumption of inelastic demand is confirmed. Risk analysis part is deals with potential risk regarding the demand and prices. Potential impacts for the most significant risk are quantified. The analysis uses knowledge gained in the first two parts. It was confirmed that potential risks are exiting but do not have any significant impact on the going concern of VaK Náchod, a.s. The created model has been already used for the calculation of prices for the year 2017. Customer sensitivity analysis to the price changes and link to the potential risks is an additional information for VaK Náchod, a.s. which validates that nowadays, there are no significant threats which could affect the demand and water and sewer rates significantly.

Products with Protected Designations of the European Union and Their Position in Regional Tourism
Licková, Kamila ; Kalábová, Markéta (advisor) ; Abrhám, Josef (referee)
The master thesis deals with products with protected designations of the European Union. The main objective of the master thesis is to evaluate the importance of the chosen product with protected designation of the EU in regional tourism and analyse the perception of the product by a producer and by tourists. The sub-objective is the description of the European system of food labelling. The thesis is divided into five main chapters. The first part explains basic concepts which are related to the thesis. The second chapter introduces the best known food quality labels. Greater attention is devoted to the description of the food protection system of the EU. The third chapter deals with the characteristics of the chosen region Beskydy-Wallachia. The second part of this chapter is focused on the chosen protected product Štramberské uši. The forth chapter includes a structured interview with the chosen producer of Štramberské uši and a survey research, which was conducted in two phases. The last chapter contains the evaluation of the implemented survey. The main finding of this thesis is the fact that a relatively high percentage of respondents know the product Štramberské uši. An interesting finding is the fact that only a small portion of them know that the product Štramberské uši is the holder of the protected designation of the European Union. The chosen producer of Štramberské uši sees the main benefit of the label in greater publicity. Among problems he ranks the enforceability of the label and lack of general promotion of Štramberské uši.