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Design of Headphones
Vítek, Jan ; Rubínová, Dana (referee) ; Zvonek, Miroslav (advisor)
The theme of my bachelor thesis is analysis and design of headphones suitable for sport, with headband and volume and song control. In this thesis I focus on ergonomic, construction and esthetic quality of my design. The target of my thesis is to unite modern design with intuitive control.
Image processing of MRI
Němcová, Simona ; Jiřík, Radovan (referee) ; Krátká, Lucie (advisor)
This thesis deals with the cartilage imaging using magnetic resonance. At first, there is mentioned physical principle of the magnetic resonance phenomenon and the most commonly used excitation sequences, followed by the description of the 9.4 T MR imaging system Bruker BioSpec 94/30 USR, which was used for measurement in the practical part. The next part is dedicated to the composition of cartilages and describes the temporomandibular joint, due to its suitability as an object for cartilage imaging. The series of MR scans of temporomandibular joint were taken with different acquisition parameters and evaluated by program designed through the MATLAB software. The program can be used for viewing scanned images, evaluating their contrast and determining the T1 relaxation time of the tissues by creating T1 maps.
Analysys of magnetic field homogenity at computer tomography
Hrach, Petr ; Drexler, Petr (referee) ; Hadinec, Michal (advisor)
The dissertation deals with nuclear magnetic resonance, its projection technologies, measurement of magnetic induction and evaluation of magnetic field homogenity by the help of measuring probe. Further, the methods of NMR measurements are being described. The dissertation concentrates on methods of spin and gradient echo. The experimental part describes measurement of magnetic field homogenity in tomography and subsequent projection of measured field map. Users application, created in terms of dissertation, has more save labour imagery magnetic fields.
Media representation of spin doctoring in audiovisual narrative context of last fifteen years
Kopřiva, Štěpán ; Šoltys, Otakar (advisor) ; Trampota, Tomáš (referee)
This paper is dealing with media reflection (manipulative activity that is trying affect form of media texts for its own profit) which is manifesting itself in representative selection of audiovisual works. This has arisen in period from second half of the ninetieth years of 20th century to present day (namely: movies Wag the Dog, Thank You for Smoking and serial House of Cards). This paper assumes that through the analysis of this reflection is possible to learn how knowledge of possible influence of spin doctoring effects interpretation activity of audience and whole media communication. In opening, there is a definition of spin doctoring, brief outline for its history and examination of its contact points with a propaganda. After that there is narrative analysis of selected audiovisual works, comparison of spin doctor strategies in movies with existing methods of public relation and examples of manipulative influences. After that there is breakdown of media reflection of spin doctoring from position of three different theories of representation and final topic of influence of a semiotic power on form of interpretation which anticipates manipulative technologies.
Úhlové korelace v rozpadech Higgsova bosonu
Pleskot, Vojtěch ; Davídek, Tomáš (advisor) ; Dolejší, Jiří (referee)
The Standard Model predicts existence of one Higgs boson with combined parity CP = +1. In MSSM there exist Higgs boson with CP = −1 in addition. The work develops one method of Higgs boson CP determination on the basis of angular correlations of pions and ρ-mesons born in cascade decay H/A → τ− τ+ → ρ− /π− ντ ρ+ /π+ ¯ντ . The calculations are done in the leading order of perturbation theory. Further, the possibility of signal (Higgs boson decay) and background (Z boson decay) differentiation is studied. The processes in question are simulated using Monte Carlo generators Pythia and Tauola. Simulation outputs are compared with calculated theoretical results. 1
The Methodology of Gliders Pilot Training
This thesis is focused on the list and the comparison of methodologies and texts used in the training of flying gliders from the mid 20th and the early 21st century. The thesis contains the description of their advantages and disadvantages in term of teaching flying and my own proposal of new teaching materials and the metodology based on the theoretical and practical experience. Parts of the proposal contain the chapter concerning initial and follow-on training. This thesis contains also the evaluation of methodologies by an active instructor and student of pilot training.
Media representation of spin doctoring in audiovisual narrative context of last fifteen years
Kopřiva, Štěpán ; Šoltys, Otakar (advisor) ; Trampota, Tomáš (referee)
This paper is dealing with media reflection (manipulative activity that is trying affect form of media texts for its own profit) which is manifesting itself in representative selection of audiovisual works. This has arisen in period from second half of the ninetieth years of 20th century to present day (namely: movies Wag the Dog, Thank You for Smoking and serial House of Cards). This paper assumes that through the analysis of this reflection is possible to learn how knowledge of possible influence of spin doctoring effects interpretation activity of audience and whole media communication. In opening, there is a definition of spin doctoring, brief outline for its history and examination of its contact points with a propaganda. After that there is narrative analysis of selected audiovisual works, comparison of spin doctor strategies in movies with existing methods of public relation and examples of manipulative influences. After that there is breakdown of media reflection of spin doctoring from position of three different theories of representation and final topic of influence of a semiotic power on form of interpretation which anticipates manipulative technologies.
Episodes from History of Spin
Pšenička, Milan ; Kapsa, Vojtěch (advisor) ; Skála, Lubomír (referee)
Název práce: Z historie spinu Autor: Milan Pšenička Katedra: Katedra chemické fyziky a optiky Vedoucí bakalářské práce: RNDr. Vojtěch Kapsa, CSc., Katedra chemické fyziky a optiky Abstrakt: Tento text by měl sloužit jako doplňkový materiál při výuce spinu a fyziky 20.století. Zábývá se historickým pozadím zavedení spinu a dvěma experi- menty, které přímo vedli k potvrzení jeho existence a to pokusem Einsteinovým - de Haasovým a pokusem Sternovým - Gerlachovým. Rozbor těchto experimen- tů je proveden na základě původních článků a historický kontext je čerpán z přehledových publikací o historii fyziky. Klíčová slova: spin, Sternův - Gerlachův pokus, Einsteinův - de Haasův pokus Title: Episodes from History of Spin Author: Milan Pšenička Department: Department of Chemical Physics and Optics Supervisor: RNDr. Vojtěch Kapsa, CSc., Department of Chemical Physics and Optics Abstract: This thesis can be used as a supplementary material for teaching the 20th century physics and the history of spin. It deals with the historical bac- kground of discovery of spin and two experiments that confirmed directly its existence, namely the Einstein - de Haas and Stern - Gerlach experiments. Dis- cussion of these experiments is based on the original articles and the historical context is drawn from the publications on the...
Image processing of MRI
Němcová, Simona ; Jiřík, Radovan (referee) ; Krátká, Lucie (advisor)
This thesis deals with the cartilage imaging using magnetic resonance. At first, there is mentioned physical principle of the magnetic resonance phenomenon and the most commonly used excitation sequences, followed by the description of the 9.4 T MR imaging system Bruker BioSpec 94/30 USR, which was used for measurement in the practical part. The next part is dedicated to the composition of cartilages and describes the temporomandibular joint, due to its suitability as an object for cartilage imaging. The series of MR scans of temporomandibular joint were taken with different acquisition parameters and evaluated by program designed through the MATLAB software. The program can be used for viewing scanned images, evaluating their contrast and determining the T1 relaxation time of the tissues by creating T1 maps.
Spin Doctoring
Vozková, Markéta ; Švantner, Martin (advisor) ; Fišerová, Michaela (referee)
1 ABSTRACT The aim of this text is to provide an analysis of the phenomenon of spin doctoring in the Euro-Atlantic area. Spin doctors are educated people in the fields of semiotics, cultural studies, public relations, political communication and especially familiar with the infrastructure and the functioning of the media industry. Critical reflection of manipulative communication techniques puts spin phenomenon in historical perspective and traces its practical use in today's social communication in Western society. Using the concept of semiology and explore possibilities of interpersonal communication techniques and characteristics of the spin doctor. We present a compilation of persuasive techniques. We follow the sign systems, specific channels and media that are used by spin doctors. We evaluate how the different channels vary in relation to the effective application of spin. We focus on the significance of the rise of new media in social communication and mediation and explore the impact of proliferation of Access to the Net to individuals' participation in the democratic process. We ask for reconfiguration mode of participation in democracy, media influence and manipulation of public opinion. The study is supplemented by examples and case studies. Key words: spin, spin doctoring, spin doctor,...

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