National Repository of Grey Literature 10 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Survival Game in Procedurally Generated World
Macháček, Luboš ; Tóth, Michal (referee) ; Milet, Tomáš (advisor)
Project is about developing a 3D computer game using procedural generation for game world creation. The development includes a game engine which powers the game. Various experimental approaches and mechanics are used during the development to find out their usability in practice.
Hippocampal activity during consolidation of complex spatial representations
Lavrova, Kseniia ; Kelemen, Eduard (advisor) ; Blahna, Karel (referee)
In the real world, we often need to understand complex spatial relationships and integrate existing knowledge. For example, when we learn a new route between familiar places, we need to integrate the new knowledge and create a new cognitive map of the space. Since the hippocampus is a key structure for episodic memory formation and spatial navigation, we examined the activity of hippocampal CA1 neurons when combining simple maps of a complex space. An experiment was designed, consisting of several phases, in each of which the rat was introduced to four different arms of the maze. In the first phase, the rat explored pairs of non-overlapping arms. In the second, it explored a combination of previously known arms, and in the third, all the arms of the labyrinth. During these visits, the rat had to understand the spatial relationships between the different combinations and create a complete map of the space. My results suggest that the rat was unable to understand the relationship between the independent arms before visiting the entire maze. While exploring the entire labyrinth, a completely new map for the maze was created, and there were also changes in the activity of neurons encoding already known combinations of arms. Keywords: hippocampus, sleep, remapping, place cells
Komunikace a paměť pro plausibilní agenty
Kopal, Vojtěch ; Sýkora, Ondřej (advisor) ; Plch, Tomáš (referee)
In the present work we have focused on comparation of different implementation of memory for plausible agents in multi-agent environment. I have created a simulation whereby the agent are strangling to fulfill their need to eat. To succeed they have to learn the locations of food resources using the implemented spatial memory and an ability to communicate with each other. Later the agents are evaluated according to the level of hunger throughout the simulation.
Use of dynamic environments in the study of spatial memory
Staňková, Anna ; Svoboda, Jan (advisor) ; Vodička, Martin (referee)
Spatial memory allows movable organisms to orientate and stay therefore alive in an environment. At the beginning of previous century general rules of spatial memory were studied in static experimental conditions. Today's goal is to extend knowledge about its function also in dynamic environment. As a part of declarative memory, spatial memory depends on proper functionality of hippocampus. Hippocampus is considered to be centre of spatial memory not only because of spatial impairment when damaged, but also thanks to presence of place-specific neurons in several areas of hippocampus. In research of spatial memory experimental mazes are used with possibility to manipulate with orientation cues, maze itself and surrounding conditions. It is possible to make one-shot changes or continual changes. It could be rotation of cues and landmarks, transition of maze across the room, rotation of maze etc. Tasks in dynamic environment are more demanding on cognition and so spatial orientation, which makes them more sensitive to damages of spatial memory. This could be the way of using them as a diagnostic method in medicine.
Role of hippocampal neurons in creation of cognitive schemas and higher-order spatial relationships
Lebedeva, Maria ; Kelemen, Eduard (advisor) ; Kopřivová, Jana (referee)
The hippocampus is the key structure in formation of representations of space (cognitive maps) in rats. Formation of spatial representations of simple environments has been described in details, in this work we focused on emergence of a spatial map of a complex environment from individual simple maps. A radial-arm maze was used to model a complex environment, where each arm was surrounded by unique pattern of proximal visual landmarks. Long Evans rats were allowed to explore gradually four different arms of the maze in a sequence of three sessions. During the first and second sessions rats separately visited two novel pairs of neighboring arms (arms 1 and 2 in the first session, arms 3 and 4 in the second session). In the third session rats were exposed to a new combination of already familiar arms (arms 2 and 3) to study how the two hippocampal maps, acquired originally as independent of each other, are integrated as the rat learns about their spatial relationship. Rats were exposed to this sequence of three sessions twice - before and after sleep. The activity of hippocampal neurons was recorded using a microelectrode system during the maze exploration and sleep. Our first observations suggest that representation of a complex environment neither is a simple combination of preexisting individual...
Survival Game in Procedurally Generated World
Macháček, Luboš ; Tóth, Michal (referee) ; Milet, Tomáš (advisor)
Project is about developing a 3D computer game using procedural generation for game world creation. The development includes a game engine which powers the game. Various experimental approaches and mechanics are used during the development to find out their usability in practice.
Use of dynamic environments in the study of spatial memory
Staňková, Anna ; Svoboda, Jan (advisor) ; Vodička, Martin (referee)
Spatial memory allows movable organisms to orientate and stay therefore alive in an environment. At the beginning of previous century general rules of spatial memory were studied in static experimental conditions. Today's goal is to extend knowledge about its function also in dynamic environment. As a part of declarative memory, spatial memory depends on proper functionality of hippocampus. Hippocampus is considered to be centre of spatial memory not only because of spatial impairment when damaged, but also thanks to presence of place-specific neurons in several areas of hippocampus. In research of spatial memory experimental mazes are used with possibility to manipulate with orientation cues, maze itself and surrounding conditions. It is possible to make one-shot changes or continual changes. It could be rotation of cues and landmarks, transition of maze across the room, rotation of maze etc. Tasks in dynamic environment are more demanding on cognition and so spatial orientation, which makes them more sensitive to damages of spatial memory. This could be the way of using them as a diagnostic method in medicine.
Komunikace a paměť pro plausibilní agenty
Kopal, Vojtěch ; Sýkora, Ondřej (advisor) ; Plch, Tomáš (referee)
In the present work we have focused on comparation of different implementation of memory for plausible agents in multi-agent environment. I have created a simulation whereby the agent are strangling to fulfill their need to eat. To succeed they have to learn the locations of food resources using the implemented spatial memory and an ability to communicate with each other. Later the agents are evaluated according to the level of hunger throughout the simulation.

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