National Repository of Grey Literature 6 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
The use of memory techniques in teaching English vocabulary - intervention study
Dámová, Alena ; Špačková, Klára (advisor) ; Kucharská, Anna (referee)
Diplomová práce se zaměřuje na problematiku osvojování slovní zásoby v cizím jazyce. Představuje intervenční studii ověřující přínos Metody slovíček v příbězích při osvojení nové slovní zásoby v anglickém jazyce u dětí mladšího školního věku. Teoretická část je rozdělena do tří kapitol, ve kterých představuje aktuální poznatky o paměti. Zabývá se také paměťovými technikami a možnostmi využití paměťových technik při osvojování a výuce slovní zásoby. Práce popisuje jak pojetí, tak současný stav poznání daných pojmů ve vztahu k učení a úspěšnému rozvoji cizojazyčných kompetencí. Praktická část se opírá o kvantitativní výzkum, ve kterém proběhla výuka slovní zásoby anglického jazyka pomocí vybraných paměťových technik. Samotné výzkumné šetření probíhalo ve dvou výzkumných skupinách žáků 4. ročníků po dobu 12 týdnů. Kromě úrovně osvojení jazyka a slovní zásoby včetně pravopisu slov byly sledovány také individuální rozdíly v paměťových schopnostech žáků. Výsledky výzkumného šetření poukázaly na statisticky významné rozdíly ve prospěch žáků experimentální skupiny v úlohách zaměřených na osvojování slovní zásoby, ale neprokázaly vliv paměťové techniky na rozvoj paměťových schopností a celkovou jazykovou komunikativní kompetenci. KLÍČOVÁ SLOVA anglický jazyk, mladší školní věk, paměť, paměťové techniky,...
Development of communication skills for people with learning disabilities
Malinská, Pavlína ; Klenková, Jiřina (advisor) ; Kopečný, Petr (referee)
The thesis deals with the possibilities of communication skills development for persons with learning disabilities. Problematics of vocabulary acquirement and the associated cognitive processes are of primary interest of the thesis. Part of the work is a proposal of several practical activities for improvement of these fields, all in agreement with the presented theoretical background. Qualitative study on a sample of 5 tenants of a nursing home was conducted. Subsequent analysis revealed that the nature, implementation and orientation of the proposed tasks is suitable for the clients. Recommendations on how to treat the encountered individuals are also presented. KEYWORDS learning disability, vocabulary analysis, vocabulary developement, cognitive processes, communication skills
Support for the development of reading literacy in preschool children with different mother language
Juránková, Klára ; Laufková, Veronika (advisor) ; Kučerová, Olga (referee)
This bachelor thesis is focused on preschool children with different mother language in Czech kindergartens and its aim was to support the development of reading literacy components, especially vocabulary development and comprehension of spoken word and read text in two preschool children with different mother language from different language families. The theoretical part contains basic information about the education of pupils with different mother language, including their language support and the methodological and teaching materials suitable for language support of children with OMJ in preschool age. Furthermore, the theoretical part is devoted to the definition of reading literacy and its components and to work with the book. The practical part was carried out in the form of action research involving two preschool children with different mother language from different kindergartens in order to support their reading literacy, especially through vocabulary development, comprehension of spoken word and read text and verify which methods have proven to be most suitable for support of the Czech language as a foreign language for children from different language families. The results of intervention activities pointed to the suitability of working with a book as a support for the activity, working...
Analysis of understanding words of Czech pupils
Matiasovitsová, Klára ; Šormová, Kateřina (advisor) ; Bozděchová, Ivana (referee)
Summary: This bachelor's thesis deals with vocabulary of pupils of younger school age, factually of their understanding of the word meanings of these special words. The theoretical part of this thesis intents on vocabulary development of a child in scope of language development from his/her birth till their younger school age and on internal and external factors that influence them during this development. Also an access to vocabulary growth during school teaching and a connection of initial reading literacy are referred. In practical part of this thesis there was analyzed the extent of the understanding of chosen words, the influence of the type of school (the school in the city, town and village) and the extent of the change of the word understanding after putting them into concrete context (it was made in the scope of the concrete sample, at first at the base of the questionnaire result). Then there was found out on the principle of the second part of the research, in what situations pupils meet these unknown words, how they behave when the meet them and whether they are instructed about the meanings of them.
Development of communication skills for people with learning disabilities
Malinská, Pavlína ; Klenková, Jiřina (advisor) ; Kopečný, Petr (referee)
The thesis deals with the possibilities of communication skills development for persons with learning disabilities. Problematics of vocabulary acquirement and the associated cognitive processes are of primary interest of the thesis. Part of the work is a proposal of several practical activities for improvement of these fields, all in agreement with the presented theoretical background. Qualitative study on a sample of 5 tenants of a nursing home was conducted. Subsequent analysis revealed that the nature, implementation and orientation of the proposed tasks is suitable for the clients. Recommendations on how to treat the encountered individuals are also presented. KEYWORDS learning disability, vocabulary analysis, vocabulary developement, cognitive processes, communication skills
Vocabulary and its development in children aged 8 to 10
Diploma work dealed with vocabulary and its development in children aged 8 to 10. The research was doing as a language tests, language games and essays during the longer time period. The target of this work is found out if the vocabulary is more developed. We examinated also children from another ethnic groups and children with developmental disorders.

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