National Repository of Grey Literature 57 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Cultural Image of Northern Bohemia in Contemporary Czech Literature
Kubelka, Jan ; Čeňková, Jana (advisor) ; Malý, Radek (referee)
This thesis focuses on literary representation of North Bohemia region in five prose works of contemporary Czech literature. These pieces consist of Grandhotel (2006) by Jaroslav Rudiš, Daniel Petr's Straka na šibenici (2015), Jakub Dotlačil's Až zhasneme (2019), Veronika Bendová's Vytěženej kraj (2019) and Tři kapitoly (2020) by Daniel Hradecký. First part of the thesis follows geographical, historical, and socioeconomic context of North Bohemia. Second part firstly analyses the difference between literary and non- literary reality, with focus on the theory of possible worlds. Furthermore, it covers key concept of space while using perspective of structuralism and narratology combined with perspective of thematology. In practical part of the thesis selected literary works are being analysed. This interpretation is based on presented literary and media theory and on the analysis of critics and reviews published in media. The aim of the thesis is to summarize individual analysis and to map, how North Bohemia region is being presented by contemporary Czech literature.
The Translation of Problematic Passages from Lemony Snicket´s Series All the Wrong Questions
The aim of this thesis is to take a closer look at the contemporary theory of translation and its changes throughout history. The theoretical part of this thesis is a summary of the works of prominent Czech and foreign scholars of the translation theory field and their research and results. In the second section of this work, these pieces of information, as well as the author's knowledge of the work of Lemony Snicket, are going to be used to translate the problematic parts of All the Wrong Questions series by Lemony Snicket, which at the time of writing doesn't have an official Czech translation. The problematic elements are play-on-words, ambiguous or unclear dialogues or fictitious names of people and places. The translation is commented by the translator, who describes and explains the use of particular techniques and methods.
Literary awards in France
Marková, Žaneta ; Kalfiřtová, Eva (advisor) ; Müllerová, Eva (referee)
Title of the thesis: Literary awards in France Keywords: Literary award, laureate, literary work, literary award jury, granting literary award, prose, poetry. Abstract: The thesis is focused on the most remarkable French literary awards. Discourse about particular literary awards is divided into two main chapters according to their correspondence to prose or poetry. Within these main chapters the referred awards are sorted in time consequence according to the date of origination. Furthermore the thesis deals with laureates of awards, whose pieces were translated into the Czech language and published thanks to the financial funding of Program for support of publishing activity "František Xaver Šalda" at French embassy at Prague. The aim of this project is to achieve the recherche and form the coherent text dealing with French literary awards which are one of the most important domains of French and in general of francophone culture.
Allusions of fantastic German literature of the romantic period in fantastic proses of Jakub Arbes and Julius Zeyer
Cingrošová, Veronika ; Brožová, Věra (advisor) ; Mocná, Dagmar (referee)
- Aj In this work we focused on the literary genre of the fantastic short story, a genre that has its specific features, working with mystery and ambiguity, and relying on the interactive relationship between the reader and the text. We looked at terms fantastic literature, fantastic short story and we studied which attributes are typical for this literature (such as individual motifs, composition, atmosphere and language-specific resources). Than we were looking for the presence of these attributes in individual works of selected authors. The most important representatives of Czech fantastic stories were compared with selected German Romanticists who were the inception for our authors who followed them and in whose work we find the fantastic phenomena. Then we tracked the similarities and differences in work of these authors. We found, that despite substantial conformity in the use of specific attributes of fantastic stories, the individual works of our authors differs significantly, not only in the frequency of use of these attributes, but also in the overall tone of the work and its effect on the reader. To better understand all the work, we have included in addition to the parts of the works and typically observed phenomena, the key biographical details of all authors, because as it was finally...
Paths of child - the reciter at primary school
Čurdová, Jana ; Marušák, Radek (advisor) ; Svobodová, Radmila (referee)
The theoretical part of the diploma is focused on the analysis of particular areas and concepts related to children's recitation regarding the first level of primary school. The first half of the practical part looks into primal motivation resulting into the decision to dedicate oneself to recitation, as well as the method of text selection by children and their reasons for preference of poetry to prose. The method of controlled interview was used for researching child reciters at the first level of primary school. The same method was applied to research methods of management, preparation and evaluation of children's reciter by adults who work with and assess the reciter. The second half of the practical part offers and describes examples of both group and individual approaches to a particular text.

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