National Repository of Grey Literature 10 records found  Search took 0.02 seconds. 
Right to education in European documents
Pehrová, Klára ; Tymofeyeva, Alla (advisor) ; Honusková, Věra (referee)
Right to education in European documents Key words Education, right to education, European documents, Court of Justice of the European Union, European Court of Human Rights, Human Rights Abstract The right to education is a fundamental human right that has been enshrined in numerous international legal documents. This thesis deals with the enshrinement of the right to education in European documents and in the complex of human rights since its enactment. The aim of the thesis is the analysis of the right to education in the European context while its main focus is to provide a characterization, analysis and comparison of the codification of the right to education in Euroepean documents. Firstly the thesis presents the enshrinment of the right to education in the European convention on human Rights as amended by the Additional Protocols which served as important source for the creation of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union. Secondly the thesis presents the enshrinment of the right to education in the Charter of Fundamental rights of the European Union which is one of the youngest and most comprehensive catalogues of the human rights in the world. The thesis contains key case law from the European Court Human Rights and the Court of Justice of the European Union. Thrirdly in the...
Integration programmes for immigrant children in the Czech Republic and Great Britain
Tůmová, Lenka ; Ženíšek, Jakub (advisor) ; Farrell, Mark Robert (referee)
This bachelor thesis deals with immigration integration politics and programmes of the Czech Republic and the Great Britain, with the main focus on the integration of immigrant children into the society and education system. The work is divided into two parts: each one gives information about Czech and British immigration history and development, integration policies, and the main issues that each of the country is dealing with. All the information and data used in the text come from the latest research and from updated source documents.
The Right to Education of Members of Ethnic Minorities in the European System of the Human Rights Protection
Kalenská, Petra ; Bílková, Veronika (advisor) ; Šturma, Pavel (referee) ; Bayerová, Monika (referee)
v anglickém jazyce The thesis deals with the right to education in the European system of the protection of human rights. It examines theoretical approaches to judicial protection of the right to education. It compares the right to education in the European system of the protection of human rights with the United Nations' human rights protection and the human rights protection system with the system of the Organization of American States. The thesis shows the development of the right to education through the general commends and recommendations and views of the UN human rights committees and through judgments of the European Court of Human Rights. The thesis analysis six cases of violation of the right to education of ethnic minorities, namely the D.H. and Others v. the Czech Republic, Sampanis v. Greece, Oršuš v. Croatia, Sampani v. Greece, Horváth and Kiss v. Hungary and Lavida v. Greece. These cases show that the judgment of the European Court of Human Rights stating the violation of the right to education and the award of the symbolic just satisfaction are not sufficient for the effective protection of the right to education of ethnic minorities. The paper shows that violation of the right to education of ethnic minorities are always related to racial discrimination. This fact must be taken...
Right to education under European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and Czech Republic
Zelnerová, Eliška ; Bayerová, Monika (advisor) ; Flídrová, Eliška (referee)
1 Right to education under European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms and Czech Republic Abstract: This thesis deals with the issue of protection of the right to education. It focuses on the conception of the right to education defined by the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. It also compares the article concerning the right to education with other international documents concerning human rights protection such as Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union and Convention on the Rights of the Child. It partly examines the definition of this right under the Czech law. The thesis especially pays attention to the case of the Grand Chamber D.H. and others versus Czech Republic, since it is the only decision of European Court of justice concerning right to education which found Czech Republic in breach of the Convention. The aim of this thesis was to find out what influence had this decision on the Czech Republic as well as other member states of the Council of Europe and whether It was succesfully implemented into the Czech legal system. This decision is significant not just for the Czech Republic. It has shed light on the issue faced by many European countries. It became a pilot judgment and was followed by other...
Constitutional Guarantees of the Right to Access to Education with Focus on Persons with Disabilities
Haiselová, Laura ; Hofmannová, Helena (advisor) ; Kindlová, Miluše (referee)
The topic of the thesis is constitutional guarantees of the right of persons with disabilities to education. Both physically and mentally disabled persons form a significant part of the society. However, they have not been considered a specific subject of human rights until the second half of the 20th century. At first, they were protected as a subject of social security and charity. Nowadays the regulation is focused on social inclusion of persons with disabilities. The most important international legal instrument in this field is the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities which was adopted by the United Nations in 2006. The right to education is a substantial human right and it arises from human dignity itself. Education is also a requisite for the execution of other rights and it is a key means for social inclusion of persons with disabilities. Disability can often be an obstacle or a reason for discrimination in access to education. Thus it is necessary to pay special attention to persons with disabilities in this field. The aim of the thesis is to name the main constitutional guarantees of the right of disabled persons to education. The source of these guarantees is the Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms with regard to the Constitutional Court's practice. The thesis also...
Integration programmes for immigrant children in the Czech Republic and Great Britain
Tůmová, Lenka ; Ženíšek, Jakub (advisor) ; Farrell, Mark Robert (referee)
This bachelor thesis deals with immigration integration politics and programmes of the Czech Republic and the Great Britain, with the main focus on the integration of immigrant children into the society and education system. The work is divided into two parts: each one gives information about Czech and British immigration history and development, integration policies, and the main issues that each of the country is dealing with. All the information and data used in the text come from the latest research and from updated source documents.
Inclusive Practice in Education of Refugee Children
Bačáková, Markéta ; Květoňová, Lea (advisor) ; Šotolová, Eva (referee) ; Šiklová, Jiřina (referee)
TITLE: Inclusive Practice in Education of Refugee Children AUTHOR: Markéta Bačáková DEPARTMENT: Department of Special Education Research in refugee education is currently almost non-existent in the Czech Republic, even though internationally, it represents a topic much researched and debated. Its importance lies within the high vulnerability of persons fleeing their homes due to persecution as well as within the area of human rights enshrined in many international conventions together with the current educational trends, such as the inclusive education. Moreover, international research shows that refugee children provide us with an utmost unique view on the education system. Listening to their voices, therefore, has the potential to help us find new answers for the ever-increasing diversity in school population. The presented doctoral project aims to support the discussion in the area of educational experiences of refugee children in the Czech Republic and simultaneously, to reflect the practice of countries with long experience with international migration. The thesis builds on a case study of a group of resettled Burmese refugees in the Czech Republic and poses the question whether these children and their families have the possibility to fully enjoy the right to education embedded in many...
Role of educational system in integration of people with mental retardation
Calábková, Anna ; Kotrusová, Miriam (advisor) ; Tomášková, Vladimíra (referee)
This thesis is focused on analysis of educational system during the process of integration of mental disabled pupils - especialy during basic education at primary schools in mainstreaming. Characteristics of the educational system and its opportunities, considering the specification of mental disability, is the main intention of this dissertation. Another accents are put on main problems in educational system for mentaly disabled people as well as designing the ways that lead to improvement of attainment of pupils with special needs.There are used methods of expert investigation - especially of interviews with principal actors and question-forms. Basis for this are: rights of everyone to recieve education, premise that everyone is educatable and theory of streel level-byrocracy. Detailed look is focused on terms 'integration' and 'inclusion' plus its explanation in terms of matters that is related to education of mental disabled pupils. Issue is incorporated to the wider international and juridical connection. Considering Czech Republic I joined a special characteristic of general problems in the field of professional preparation, financing and attitude. I have mentioned how good examples in foreign countries could be the true kind of inspiration that leads to improvement of actual educational statement for...
The Right to Education
The thesis deals with the right to education, it's historical conception up to the current suggested reform of the tertiary education. The main aim of the thesis is to map attitudes of specialists and students to education and the educational reform. In the thesis I applied my mind to the rate of awareness of fees at universities in the Ceske Budejovice region. The bachelor thesis is divided in two parts. The one is theoretical and the second is practical. The basic terms which are connected with education are defined in the theoretical part. The thesis concerns with the development of education from the first compulsory education, which was implemented by a Habsburk monarch Marie Terezie in 1774, up to a current educational system in the Czech republic. The information about an educational system in the field of preschool education, elementary education, secondary education, higher technical education and tertiary education are described here. The current reform of tertiary education where the Project of tertiary education reform is involved is also the part. The main target of the project is to propose an ideal system of the tertiary education management and financing. The legislative confirmation of a right to education is the essential part of the thesis. In the end of the work I focus on the current state of the reform and it's continuous changes. The last updated information concerned with the problem are from the month of April, this year. The practical part of the work describes the specification of a target, hypothesis, a personal research and a data evaluation.Results of a research after a good concordance calculation Chí ? kvadrát showed that according to students' and specialists' opinions a reform of a tertiary education will influence the right to education. A school fee and an enrolment fee will also influence the right to education mainly by a reduction of university students. It will hurt mainly students from poors families. Results also showed that from the whole number of students which were asked 13% of them prolong their studies. The bachelor's thesis can be used as a study or information material for students to clarify information connected with the school system in the Czech republic. A reform of an university education system is not finished in this time.
Recognizing of rights of mentally disabled individuals and school integration.
The attitude of society towards persons with mental disabilities and recognizing their rights and dignity are important evaluation aspects of the society. The Czech Republic follows modern European trends that provide the mentally disabled with the same extent of activities as people without disabilities. As a topic of my thesis I have chosen the mentally disabled children´s right to education. The thesis addresses attitudes of primary school headmasters as well as attitudes of the staff of special education centers for children and youths with mental disabilities to integration of pupils with mental disabilities into a regular primary school. The theoretical part of the thesis deals with important documents discussing the rights of individuals with mental disabilities. It describes not only mental disability and its degrees, but in particular education of children with mental disabilities in schools set up for pupils with special educational needs and the possibility of integrating these pupils into mainstream education. The theoretical part is followed by the practical part. The objective of the thesis was to identify the attitude of primary school headmasters as well as that of the staff of a special education center for the mentally disabled staff to the integration process of children with mental disabilities into mainstream primary schools and implementation of the right to education of children with mental disabilities. The research was conducted by the interrogation method using anonymous questionnaires. The results show that a majority of primary schools headmasters in the South Bohemian region support the right to education of pupils with mental disabilities in the form of their integration into regular classrooms. All the respondents, both primary school headmasters and the special education center staff, give the priority at education to individual learning abilities of each child with a mental disability. At the integration of a pupil with a mental disability into a regular primary school the crucial criterion is health and social motivation, not economic motivation. This thesis can be used as a survey of current attitudes and opinions of primary school headmasters and special education centers´ staff on the possibility of pupils with mental disabilities integration into mainstream education.

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