National Repository of Grey Literature 6 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Gender roles in fairy tales
Lechnýřová, Lucie ; Smetáčková, Irena (advisor) ; Francová, Veronika (referee)
Fairy tales have an educational and socialization impact on children. In fairy tales children find answers to questions, problems and situations, that life brings them. Fairy tales reflect true life - people come into the world, fall ill, die, get poorer, steal, get jealous, love and hate to death and they are willing to lay down their life for helping others. A child feels genuineness of story, finds something what it had experienced itself. Children identify themselves with fairy tale characters and their characteristics, heroes of stories are their models. So naturally children create their hierarchy of values, because moral message of fairy tales is clear and that is its advantage for children. Fairy tales interfere in all aspects of life and education. One of the aspects is the area of gender. In my research I presented the children a traditional fairy tale and less traditional fairy tale, where male and female roles are reversed. The aim of the research was to find out how boys and girls perceive the division of roles in fairy tales. I led structured interviews with children and compared the collected data with the gathered theoretical information.
Diatopic changes in the range of characters of the French-Czech fairy tales
Rozhonová, Maria ; Jančík, Jiří (advisor) ; Fučíková, Milena (referee)
THE ABSTRAKT This thesis aims to cover typological differences between the fairy tale characters from French (Charles Perrault, Marie-Catherine d'Aulnoy) and Czech (Božena Němcová, Karel Jaromír Erben) folklore fairy tales. First, the author presents the definition of fairy tale (Vladimir Yakovlevič Propp, Karel Čapek), which is defined from the point of view of different theories. This thesis covers only the characters from folklore fairy tales, therefore the folklore fairy tale will be shortly defined as well. The thesis also analyses the differences of the behaviour and the portrait of the characters appearing in thematically similar fairy tales. At the end, the author creates a summary of all achieved knowledge and the final generalized comparison of the fairy tale characters. key words: fairy tale characters, folklore fairy tale, Charles Perrault, Marie-Catherine d'Aulnoy, Božena Němcová, Karel Jaromír Erben, brothers Grimm, Vladimir Jakovlevič Propp, Karel Čapek, attributes of characters, morphology of fairy tale, Finnish school, folklore, function
Gender roles in fairy tales
Lechnýřová, Lucie ; Smetáčková, Irena (advisor) ; Francová, Veronika (referee)
Fairy tales have an educational and socialization impact on children. In fairy tales children find answers to questions, problems and situations, that life brings them. Fairy tales reflect true life - people come into the world, fall ill, die, get poorer, steal, get jealous, love and hate to death and they are willing to lay down their life for helping others. A child feels genuineness of story, finds something what it had experienced itself. Children identify themselves with fairy tale characters and their characteristics, heroes of stories are their models. So naturally children create their hierarchy of values, because moral message of fairy tales is clear and that is its advantage for children. Fairy tales interfere in all aspects of life and education. One of the aspects is the area of gender. In my research I presented the children a traditional fairy tale and less traditional fairy tale, where male and female roles are reversed. The aim of the research was to find out how boys and girls perceive the division of roles in fairy tales. I led structured interviews with children and compared the collected data with the gathered theoretical information.
Characteristic of Charles Perrault's Fairy Tales
Šuráňová, Kateřina ; Pohorský, Aleš (advisor) ; Voldřichová - Beránková, Eva (referee)
The theme of this work is the characteristic of fairy tales of French writer Charles Perrault. The aim of the analysis is to refute a clear polarization of fairy tales' characters and shows their ambivalence. Further, the work explores the moral significance of the stories and their impact on readers, discusses the morals of tales attached to the end, looks for if the author during his work was inspired by the texts and if the characters themselves are the bearers of moral message. The paper is divided into three parts. In the first chapter there is created a primary character typology. The study characterizes the fabulous hero in terms of mental and physical characteristics, social status and material security, interpersonal relations and polarization. In this part we can already see the fact that the characters can not be clearly divided into positive and negative ones, they should be further classified as neutral heroes. Moreover, the analysis finds out the fact that in fairy tales in verse miraculous element is not necessary, it is essential for the storyline only in Ridiculous wishes. In fairy tales in verse, the existence of supernatural powers is inevitable. The chapter is crucial for further analysis of the figures in following chapters. The second chapter deals with the polarization of...
Popular and Unpopular Fairy Tales Characters by Pre - School Children at Kindergarten
The aim of my thesis was to find out what fairy-tale characters are prefered by children in kindergarten and which ones they do not like. I was interested in the attributes of fairy-tale characters which kids like and dislike, how is their choice and what motivates them and which reasons they have. The theoretical part explains the topic of preschool age through evolutionary theories (Freud, Piaget, Erikson). It deals with the theories of fairy tales (Bettelheim, Jung von Franz), attitudes, prejudices and stereotypes of children. The methodological part defines the basic concepts related to the topic (qualitative research, grounded theory method of interview and observation). In the practical part conducted qualitative research methods are reported observing of children at play and during interviews about fairy tales. The thesis also recorded interviews about the fairy-tale characters. In conclusion, I summarize likes and dislikes, fairy tale characters and attributes which kids decided that they are sympathetic and which do not.
The fairy-tail characters influence on a mentally affected children progression The influence of fairytale characters on the development of mentally handicapped children
Fairy tales are a basic way of mediating social, ethic, and cultural values to children. The form of a story is accessible and understandable to children. By their definiteness fairytale characters enable children to understand and differentiate the good and the evil, the right and the wrong, the positive and the negative more easily. Mental handicap influences the whole personality and proves by a lower level of rational abilities and a different way of perception. Nobody has specified so far to what extent fairytale characters influence the development of mentally handicapped children. The aim of my work was to find out whether mentally handicapped children know and perceive fairytale characters and whether they are influenced by them similarly to healthy children. The examined complex included ten children with a medium-severe mental retardation aged 12 {--} 19. The research was carried out by semi {--} structured dialogues with children, their parents, and school workers. I also used a method of structured observation and anylysis of products. All the ten children meet with fairy tales regularly. All children prefer audiovisual forms of fairy tales. The parents of three children stated that they also read fairy tales to their children. The children were able to name 3 {--} 18 fairy tales. They were able to present their favourite characters together with their characteristcs. In nine cases it was a positive character, one child gave a negative character. Eight children could name both positive and negative characters. A typical fairytale character of a devil is understandable better than a character of a water sprite, which is ambiguous for them. In a free drawing fairytale topics occured only sporadically in figural and technical motives. The occurence of fairytale motives in spontaeous children´s play and their conversation was also sporadic. Understanding a fairy tale and fairytale characters is limited with mentally handicapped children. Although audiovisual forms of fairy tales are criticised in literature, for these children they seem to be more accessible. TV interpretation of a fairy tale is more understandable for them. It mediates information for more senses simultaneously and thus it has a bigger chance to capture them.

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