National Repository of Grey Literature 8 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Appeals in criminal proceedings
Pícha, Lukáš ; Vokoun, Rudolf (advisor) ; Mulák, Jiří (referee)
APPEALS IN CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS Abstract This thesis analyses the legal regulation of appeals in criminal proceedings. The introduction describes the author's motivation for choosing this particular topic, as well as the basic goals of the work the thesis. The main intention of the author was to thoroughly analyze the valid legal regulation of the institute of appeal, with the aim of making a comprehensive analysis. For this purpose, the author gradually discusses the inclusion of the institute of appeal in the system of remedies, the basic principles of the remedial proceedings as well as the development of appeals in the Czech Republic. A partial aim of the thesis was to present problematic issues related to the appeal, to argue over them and to propose their de lege ferenda solution. In this context, the views of leading experts, including key court decisions, are also presented. Finally, the aim was to compare the legal regulation of appeal with foreign legal regulations. The author decided to compare the institute of appeal with the regulation in the German and Slovak legal systems. The first chapter of the thesis is devoted to the general characteristics of remedies in criminal proceedings. The author gradually comments on the essence and purpose of the remedial proceedings and continues with...
Přestupkové řízení
Skřičková, Martina
This bachelor thesis deals with the misdemeanour proceedings. The theoretical part describes the basic concepts and principles related to the misdemeanour proceedings. It also describes the course of the proceedings and subsequently, gained knowledge of proceedings is applied to the present case. The thesis also refers to the amendments of § Law.
Appeals in criminal proceedings
Staněk, David ; Vokoun, Rudolf (advisor) ; Bohuslav, Lukáš (referee)
APPELS IN CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS ABSTRACT The goal of this Diploma thesis is to analyse the legal regulation of appeals in criminal proceedings and the issue of this regular remedial measure in general. Author's goal is to present readers with the historical genesis of the institution of appeal since early feudalism until the adoption of current Criminal Procedure Code, considering the most important amendments of this law, and to put the intrastate legal regulation into the context of international law and embedment of the right of appeal in criminal proceedings in international treatises. The author also aims to explain appeal as regular remedial measure together with other remedial measures in Criminal Procedure Code and to introduce basic and specific principles, that impact the legal regulation. In the main chapter the recent regulation of appeals in Criminal Procedure Code is critically analysed. The author further deals with the admissibility and effects of the appeal, by all parties that are legitimate to appeal, the time limit, place and means of filling it, while listing practical examples of abnegation of the right to appeal to a higher court and withdrawal of the appeal, content requirements and possible problems in practice, the operation of the court of first instance after appealing, and also...
The system of remedial measures
Musilová, Markéta ; Frintová, Dita (advisor) ; Vyskočilová, Silvia (referee)
Theme of thesis The system of remedial measures Abstract This master's thesis deals with the issue of correction systems and remedial measures based on them in the Czech legislation. The aim of this work was to describe individual aspects of the appeal, cassation and revision correction system on the current regulation. This thesis includes the characteristics of correction systems from a theoretical point of view and the application of the principles of correction systems in the Czech legal regulation of remedial measures. The master's thesis consists of seven chapters. The first chapter is a general introduction to the correction procedure. It explains the concept of a correction system and describes the general features according to which the individual systems are divided. The second chapter characterizes the individual correction systems. The chapter is divided into three parts. First, the appeal system is characterized, which is divided into the complete and incomplete appeal system, then the cassation system and finally the revision system. The third chapter is devoted to remedial measures in our legislation. Remedial measures are characterized and proceedings of individual remedial measures within the current legislation are further discussed. This chapter has two parts. The first one is about a...
Appeal in civil procedur
Němečková, Bára ; Kubešová, Silvia (advisor) ; Frintová, Dita (referee)
Appeal in civil procedure The aim of this diploma thesis is to describe the law regulation of appeal in czech civil procedure in connection with application of law by judges. I tried to describe the process of appeal procedure in Czech Republic and also describe a practical problem connected with application of law. This type of legal remedy is the most applied way how to examine or change the verdict of the judge. I have choosen the topic Appeal in civil procedure, because I am interested in civil procedure at all and in the future I would like to become a judge assistant. I think that knowledge of civil procedure is very important for each lawyer. The legal regulation of appeal and other legal remedies is enshrined in the legal act No. 99/1963, called Občanský soudní řád (Civil Procedure) in Czech Republic. The regulation we can find also in other legal acts (e.g. No. 292/2013 called Zákon o zvláštních řízeních soudních). This thesis is divided into twelve chapters, each charter is focused on different issue of this topic Appeal in civil procedure. The thesis is consisted of theoretical explanation of the institution of appeal in civil procedure and I also tried to emphasize the meaning of the practice of the courts, because the practical application of law is maybe more important than the...
Action for the failure of justice
Šrámková, Lucie ; Winterová, Alena (advisor) ; Smolík, Petr (referee)
1 SUMMARY The nullity plea is one of the three extraordinary remedies provided for in the Civil Procedure Code. Its purpose is to correct substantial procedural errors that occurred in judicial decisions or in the preceding civil proceedings. If one of the nullity grounds, regulated by Article 229 of the Civil Procedure Code, is present and all other conditions of admissibility are fulfilled, the court cancels the earlier final decision which terminated the proceedings, regardless of whether or not it is correct from the matter-of-fact point of view. The nullity plea represents a unique institute that solves the conflict between the interest in protecting legal certainty founded by a final decision of the court, and the interest in a defective decision being eliminated. The conditions of its admissibility are therefore set so as to only limit its application to cases in which the second interest prevails. The purpose of the diploma thesis is to provide a complex analysis of the nullity plea, in particular the conditions of its admissibility and the proceedings pertaining thereto. It is divided into six chapters. Chapter One describes the historical development of the nullity plea; nevertheless, it is not only restricted to this institute, but also contains a description of other remedies which were used to...
Protection of Rights in Public Administration
Plisková, Hana ; Sládeček, Vladimír (advisor) ; Průcha, Petr (referee) ; Kopecký, Martin (referee)
1 Summary The public administration itself is bound by applicable laws rules. Therefore, in case of breach of individual rights stemming from the legal system of the Czech Republic, every person is guaranteed a strictly legal procedure with corresponding legal mechanisms, which aim to remedy of status cause by unlawfull action or inaction of the public administration. Moreover, if conditions laid down by European Convention on the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms are met, an individual has a right to apply to the European Court of Human Rights (Strasbourg) for a revision of a challenged act of public administration, which is considered to be as a final and conclusive from the point of view of national law. The object of this Thesis focuses, in particular, on analysis of individual means of protection of rights in public administration and their mutual relationships between them at level of legal regulation de lege ferenda. Also, it cannot be disregarded the assessment of effect of courts' decisions or doctrine, including stating own knowledge based on the practice particularly in the area of administrative law. The Thesis focuses on the issue of the protection of individual public rights. As a consequence, legal means designed to provide protection of law in objective sense (that is...
Přestupkové řízení
Skřičková, Martina
This bachelor thesis deals with the misdemeanour proceedings. The theoretical part describes the basic concepts and principles related to the misdemeanour proceedings. It also describes the course of the proceedings and subsequently, gained knowledge of proceedings is applied to the present case. The thesis also refers to the amendments of § Law.

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