National Repository of Grey Literature 8 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Mechanisms of membrane protein quality control in the endoplasmic reticulum
Jirout, Matěj ; Stříšovský, Kvido (advisor) ; Bařinka, Cyril (referee)
Integral membrane proteins (IMPs) undergo extensive quality control (QC) within the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) to maintain ER proteostasis and the integrity of the ER proteome. ER-associated ribosome quality control (ER-RQC) responds to ribosome stalls during translocation and helps "de-clog" blocked translocon. ER-associated degradation (ERAD) targets misfolded IMPs for proteasomal degradation. ERAD-resistant IMPs are degraded by different ER-phagic pathways, collectively referred to as ELRAD (ER-to-lysosome associated degradation). Coordination of these mechanisms is facilitated by the unfolded protein response (UPR), although UPR receptors are most likely not activated by aberrant IMPs, as all these mechanisms function in the QC of ER-luminal proteins.
Substrate specificity, mechanism and activity regulation of the rhomboid family intramembrane proteases
Škerle, Jan
Intramembrane proteases from the rhomboid-like superfamily are enzymes widely distributed and conserved in all domains of life. They participate in many important processes such as membrane protein quality control or mitochondrial dynamics. Their activity is also linked with diseases like Parkinson's disease or cancer. This makes them potential therapeutic targets. In this work we tried to elucidate in more detail the mechanism of action of the main model intramembrane protease, GlpG from E. coli. We also focused on the mechanism of eukaryotic rhomboid RHBDL2, one of the four mammalian rhomboids, function of which is poorly understood. To acquire more detailed information about substrate-enzyme interaction, we synthesized a series of novel peptidyl-chloromethylketone inhibitors derived from natural rhomboid substrate TatA from P. stuartii. Crystal structure of the complex of GlpG with these inhibitors revealed four substrate binding subsites (S1 to S4) of the enzyme and explained its observed substrate specificity structurally. This study showed that substrate cleavage rate can be dramatically modified by changing the substrate sequence in positions P1 to P5. This helped us develop fluorogenic transmembrane peptide substrates for rhomboid proteases, which are usable in detergent and liposomes, and...
Rhomboid family intramembrane proteases in prokaryotes: mechanism, substrate repertoires and biological functions in the Gram-positive bacterium Bacillus subtilis.
Began, Jakub
Rhomboid proteases are a class of serine intramembrane proteases, a large family of enzymes that catalyze the proteolytic cleavage of membrane proteins within their transmembrane regions, in the hydrophobic environment of cellular lipid membranes. Rhomboid proteases were discovered in 2001 in Drosophila. In their pioneering study, Lee et al. identified the essential role of Rhomboid-1 protein (Rhom-1), which proteolytically activates the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor signaling pathway, in the early stages of fly eye development. Members of the rhomboid superfamily - active proteases (rhomboids) as well as their catalytically-dead counterparts (rhomboid-like proteins, including iRhoms and Derlins) - are widely conserved, implying their biological significance. Rhomboids are present in all kingdoms of life from archea to humans, while proteolytically inactive rhomboid-like proteins are present in eukaryotes only. Rhomboid superfamily proteins play roles in a wide range of processes, as diverse as signaling in metazoan development, mitochondrial biogenesis in yeast, host- cell invasion by protozoan parasites, protein quality control in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) or bacterial quorum sensing. Rhomboids are the best understood intramembrane proteases from a structural and mechanistic points...
Substrate specificity, mechanism and activity regulation of the rhomboid family intramembrane proteases
Škerle, Jan ; Stříšovský, Kvido (advisor) ; Hof, Martin (referee) ; Heidingsfeld, Olga (referee)
Intramembrane proteases from the rhomboid-like superfamily are enzymes widely distributed and conserved in all domains of life. They participate in many important processes such as membrane protein quality control or mitochondrial dynamics. Their activity is also linked with diseases like Parkinson's disease or cancer. This makes them potential therapeutic targets. In this work we tried to elucidate in more detail the mechanism of action of the main model intramembrane protease, GlpG from E. coli. We also focused on the mechanism of eukaryotic rhomboid RHBDL2, one of the four mammalian rhomboids, function of which is poorly understood. To acquire more detailed information about substrate-enzyme interaction, we synthesized a series of novel peptidyl-chloromethylketone inhibitors derived from natural rhomboid substrate TatA from P. stuartii. Crystal structure of the complex of GlpG with these inhibitors revealed four substrate binding subsites (S1 to S4) of the enzyme and explained its observed substrate specificity structurally. This study showed that substrate cleavage rate can be dramatically modified by changing the substrate sequence in positions P1 to P5. This helped us develop fluorogenic transmembrane peptide substrates for rhomboid proteases, which are usable in detergent and liposomes, and...
Rhomboid family intramembrane proteases in prokaryotes: mechanism, substrate repertoires and biological functions in the Gram-positive bacterium Bacillus subtilis.
Began, Jakub
Rhomboid proteases are a class of serine intramembrane proteases, a large family of enzymes that catalyze the proteolytic cleavage of membrane proteins within their transmembrane regions, in the hydrophobic environment of cellular lipid membranes. Rhomboid proteases were discovered in 2001 in Drosophila. In their pioneering study, Lee et al. identified the essential role of Rhomboid-1 protein (Rhom-1), which proteolytically activates the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor signaling pathway, in the early stages of fly eye development. Members of the rhomboid superfamily - active proteases (rhomboids) as well as their catalytically-dead counterparts (rhomboid-like proteins, including iRhoms and Derlins) - are widely conserved, implying their biological significance. Rhomboids are present in all kingdoms of life from archea to humans, while proteolytically inactive rhomboid-like proteins are present in eukaryotes only. Rhomboid superfamily proteins play roles in a wide range of processes, as diverse as signaling in metazoan development, mitochondrial biogenesis in yeast, host- cell invasion by protozoan parasites, protein quality control in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) or bacterial quorum sensing. Rhomboids are the best understood intramembrane proteases from a structural and mechanistic points...
Rhomboid family intramembrane proteases in prokaryotes: mechanism, substrate repertoires and biological functions in the Gram-positive bacterium Bacillus subtilis.
Began, Jakub ; Stříšovský, Kvido (advisor) ; Bařinka, Cyril (referee) ; Krásný, Libor (referee)
Rhomboid proteases are a class of serine intramembrane proteases, a large family of enzymes that catalyze the proteolytic cleavage of membrane proteins within their transmembrane regions, in the hydrophobic environment of cellular lipid membranes. Rhomboid proteases were discovered in 2001 in Drosophila. In their pioneering study, Lee et al. identified the essential role of Rhomboid-1 protein (Rhom-1), which proteolytically activates the epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptor signaling pathway, in the early stages of fly eye development. Members of the rhomboid superfamily - active proteases (rhomboids) as well as their catalytically-dead counterparts (rhomboid-like proteins, including iRhoms and Derlins) - are widely conserved, implying their biological significance. Rhomboids are present in all kingdoms of life from archea to humans, while proteolytically inactive rhomboid-like proteins are present in eukaryotes only. Rhomboid superfamily proteins play roles in a wide range of processes, as diverse as signaling in metazoan development, mitochondrial biogenesis in yeast, host- cell invasion by protozoan parasites, protein quality control in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) or bacterial quorum sensing. Rhomboids are the best understood intramembrane proteases from a structural and mechanistic points...
Analysis of substrate specificity and mechanism of GlpG, an intramembrane protease of the rhomboid family.
Peclinovská, Lucie ; Stříšovský, Kvido (advisor) ; Konvalinka, Jan (referee)
Membrane proteins of the rhomboid-family are evolutionarily widely conserved and include rhomboid intramembrane serine proteases and rhomboid-like proteins. The latter have lost their catalytic activity in evolution but retained the ability to bind transmembrane helices. Rhomboid-family proteins play important roles in intercellular signalling, membrane protein quality control and trafficking, mitochondrial dynamics, parasite invasion and wound healing. Their medical potential is steeply increasing, but in contrast to that, their mechanistic and structural understanding lags behind. Rhomboid protease GlpG from E.coli has become the main model rhomboid-family protein and the main model intramembrane protease - it was the first one whose X-ray structure was solved. GlpG cleaves single-pass transmembrane proteins in their transmembrane helix, but how substrates bind to GlpG and how is substrate specificity achieved is still poorly understood. This thesis investigates the importance of the transmembrane helix of the substrate in its recognition by GlpG using mainly enzyme kinetics and site-directed mutagenesis. We find that the transmembrane helix of the substrate contributes significantly to the binding affinity to the enzyme, hence to cleavage efficiency, but it also plays a role in cleavage site...
The function of palmitoylation of membrane proteins in immune cells
Hanusová, Zdeňka ; Otáhal, Pavel (advisor) ; Pavlů, Barbora (referee)
Protein palmitoylation is a post-translation modification, which typically regulates the protein interaction with a membrane; apart from that, it can have various functions in protein regulation. Process of this modification covers covalent attachment of palmitate to an aminoacid residue in the target protein; identity of the aminoacid than determines the palmitoylation type. Most common is modification of a cystein residue - in that case we speak about so-called S-palmitoiyation. The exceptionality of this lipid modification type is in the reversibility of the whole process; this enables for example trafficking regulation of many proteins between various membrane compartments and ragulation of proteins' function. In vivo, palmitoylation of many proteins is mediated by enzymes protein acyltransferases, while depalmitoylation is mediated by enzymes acylprotein thioesterases. Palmitoylated proteins can be identified in wide spectrum of cellular types, also in immune cells. Palmitoylation plays here an important role, especially in interaction of signal proteins with lipid rafts and the related modulation of protein's function. Significance has palmitoylation also as a dynamic process, which mediates the right identification of protein's subcellular localization. This work is a review and it's aim is...

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