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He is the figure or image of the spiritual temple, which is our body. The temple as a metaphor
Havelka, Tomáš
The paper mainly deals with literary metaphorizations of the Christian temple in three basic typologies of the temple, as metaphors of the human body, a prefigurative pattern of the history of Solomon’s temple transferred to the history of church communities and the metaphor of knowledge. In any religion, the temple is not just a place for believers to gather, it has always been understood as a transcendent gate connecting the created world and God’s presence. It represented the “center of the world” and gradually took on various typological and metaphorical realizations: Solomon’s temple, the heavenly Jerusalem, the divine circle, whose center is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere. This led to the fulfillment of various dispositions. On the other hand, remarkable practices are also present in the literature of the 17th and 18th centuries, interpreting the temple in the opposite way, namely as an anthropomorphic metaphor of the human body, most prominently in the case of J.F. Beckovský.
Bedřich Vašek and the "Christian Sociology" in the Context of the Development of the Church's Social Teaching in the First Half of the 20th Century. Implications for the 21st Century
M. Demartini, Lenka ; Ovečka, Libor (advisor) ; Štica, Petr (referee) ; Halama, Jindřich (referee)
The dissertation seeks an answer to the question of the content of the somewhat paradoxical phrase "Christian sociology", specifically the content of Christian sociology as conceived by the Moravian scholar of the first half of the 20th century Bedřich Vašek (1882-1959). At the same time, however, as a result of the insights brought by the research itself, the original thesis was supplemented by the question of the current state of this specific rejuvenating field. The idea of Christian sociology remained virtually dormant from the 1950s until the later 1970s. The revival of the field can be seen as an apparent response to both the methodological changes of the Second Vatican Council and the advent of postmodern society. The research has provided a wealth of stimuli for exploring the relationship between the historical phenomenon of Christian sociology and contemporary notions of the Christian or Catholic perspective in sociology and, more broadly, the relationship between the social doctrine of the Church, theology and sociology in international and domestic settings. Through a specifically chosen methodological approach, which combines the study of authentic papal documents from the first half of the 20th century, the study of archival materials related to the person of Bedřich Vašek, the...
The Concept of the Church in the work of Walter Kasper
Hovancová, Magdaléna ; Brož, Prokop (advisor) ; Mohelník, Tomáš (referee)
Diploma thesis " The Concept of the Church in the work of Walter Kasper " is about ecclesiology of German Cardinal Walter Kasper. The first part describes briefly his personality and his work in academic role and pastoral role as the diocesan episcopus and his work in the Roman Curia. This marked his understanding of the church. It follows a description of his journey from pneumatological ecclesiology to communio ecclesiology. The concept of communio is the key word in his understanding of the Church. The main part is devoted to Kasper understanding of communio, communio mystery and his vision of the Church as congregatio fidelium and communio sanctorum. Communio ecclesiology is the key concept after the Second Vatican Council and the fundamental expression of the Christian understanding of salvation. Kasper sees the church as an institution and a event. It follows a description of particular forms of church as communio. Kasper distinguishes in the Church different charisms and services, that serve the unity of the Church. The work is completed of Kasper vision of the Church in today's world and its importance for future generations. Keywords Walter Kasper, communio, ecclesiology, church
Between spirit and tangibility. Dynamics in the life of the New Testament church and limits of its application in history
Šály, Martin ; Beneš, Ladislav (advisor) ; Hanuš, Jiří (referee) ; Mrázek, Jiří (referee)
Bibliographic citation Martin Šály, Between spirit and tangibility: Dynamics in the life of the New Testament church and limits of its application in history (Mezi duchem a hmatatelností: Dynamika života církve v Novém zákoně a meze jejího uplatnění v historii). Dissertation, Charles University in Prague, Evangelical Theological Faculty, Prague, 2016. Summary The subject of the paper is the New Testament church. The author first draws attention to hermeneutic difficulties of the subject. These include e. g. a distinction between (1) the theological language of the church, which can be found in the NT in the form of many various images of the church, and (2) the NT passages intended to talk about the church as a religious organization, to target church ethics and so on. In the NT, however, the perfect distinction between the two areas is not always possible. Methodically, the work conceives the New Testament church to live in a dynamic space formed with various axes between different poles. Therefore, the NT church is not described here using certain typical attributes, but it is viewed in the dynamic space of "tensions between poles". The following pairs of poles are described for the New Testament church life: spirit - tangibility; The tradition of Jesus of Nazareth - The church tradition; ideal - reality;...
The post-conciliar Renewal of the permanent Diaconate - History, Theology, Spirituality
Seifert, David ; Kohut, Pavel Vojtěch (advisor) ; Opatrný, Aleš (referee) ; Opatrný, Michal (referee)
CHARLES UNIVERSITY PRAGUE Catholic Theological Faculty Department of Theological Ethics and Spiritual Theology ThLic.Mgr. Ing. David Seifert THE POST-CONCILIAR RENEWAL OF THE PERMANENT DIACONATE HISTORY - THEOLOGY - SPIRITUALITY Doctoral thesis Resume Thesis adviser: ThLic. Vojtěch Kohut Th.D. PRAHA 2011 2 CONTENT CONTENT ................................................................................................................................. 2 RESUME.................................................................................................................................... 3 List of sources and literature ...................................................................................................... 4 3 RESUME The trends of the contemporary theology of diaconate are based on the old-christian practice of diaconate mainly in sense of the variety of the services in church and plurality within the frame of the church office, which is justified richly theologically, namely trinitarily. In the light of relationship between the service and the community is just the variety of services in the local church understood as the fullness of the mission, which just the local Church is called to accomplish and live. The question therefore is to answer the question of identity of diaconate through...
Ecclesiology of Antonín Salajka (1901-1975)
Nosek, Lukáš ; Novotný, Vojtěch (advisor) ; Pospíšil, Ctirad Václav (referee) ; Vogel, Jiří (referee)
Ecclesiology of Antonín Salajka (1901-1975) The following work presents an ecclesiological analysis of the publication by prof. Antonín Salajka (1901-1975). In the first part, it submits the biography of the author. This author was the first czech catholic priest laureated in Pontifical Institute of Oriental Studies in Rome (in 1930). In the second part, it closely inteprets the very ecclesiology of the author itself. Salajka - theologist is introduced from several perspectives as well. First we supplied a suggestion for periodization of his scientific work. There we proposed two periods in congruence with a paradigm change of ecclesiastic-social circumstances, including changes of theological studies, which evidently affected our author's life and scientific work. The two proposed periods are: (1) 1930-1950, i.e. scientifically paramount and fundamental; (2) 1950-1975. Further, we introduced areas which fell under Salajka's interest: unionism, eastern christian churches and the problem of christian unification, eastern dogmatic theology, Church Slavonic, the study of christian East, dogmatic theology, so called theologia comparata, but also ecumenism, theological realisation, method in theology, fundamental theology, moral theology, last but not least pedagogical activity. The main subject in his...
Ecumenism in the work of Josef Kubalík
Chocenská, Vlasta ; Bouma, David (advisor) ; Houkal, Jan (referee)
The thesis "Ecumenism in the work of Josef Kubalík" provides an overview of several works of professor Josef Kubalík. His works influenced generations of students of Catholic theology. Author was a professor of Fundamental Theology at Cyrilometodějská bohoslovecká faculty in Litoměřice in the second half of the 20th century. He wrote a lot of books, university textbooks and ariticles in specialized press. Theologia Fundamentalis has been his most known work. Which is partly still under the influence of manualistic, apologetic-polemical theology. In his later reissues are added council documents Dei Verbum and Lumen Gentium. He translated documents of Second Vatican Ecumenical Council for professional public. We compare his work to these documents and to Ut Unum Sint. At the end it is said, that professor Kubalík grew in the openness and friendliness towards non - Catholics. But he was unable to change given schemes of his thinking.
The Importance and Influence of Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Non-religious Interpretation and Concepts of Adult Man on Czech Postwar Christian Theology, Ecclesiology, and Expansion
Janovský, Marek ; Hošek, Pavel (advisor) ; Hájek, Matěj (referee)
The Meaning and Impact of Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Concept of "an adult person"and "a non-religious interpretation" on Czech Post-War Christian Theology, Ecclesiology and a Christian Preaching. In this diploma thesis I deal with a debate held in religious studies in the Czech region on a meaning and impact of Dietrich Bomhoeffer's concepts of "an adult person" and "a non-religious interpetation". For a deeper understanding of concepts itself the thesis presents context of Bonhoeffer's life and work. This part discusses what he intended to say by using his concepts although he wasn't able to finishe them. The aim of my thesis is to answer two religious studies questions related to Dietrich Bonhoeffer'concepts with respect to Czech region only. The first query is: Became a human being in a religious field mature (Is he grown up of religion)? A situation of Czech society provides unique conditions of secularisation for a verification of Bonhoeffer's theses. To prove them I will examine only Czech sociologists, religious scientists and psychologists of religion. I will examine the second research problem (What does Bonhoeffer's claim for non-religious interpretations mean for Czech Christian religious tradition?) within the writings of Chech non-catholic theologians. Their own contributions to...
Between spirit and tangibility. Dynamics in the life of the New Testament church and limits of its application in history
Šály, Martin ; Beneš, Ladislav (advisor) ; Hanuš, Jiří (referee) ; Mrázek, Jiří (referee)
Bibliographic citation Martin Šály, Between spirit and tangibility: Dynamics in the life of the New Testament church and limits of its application in history (Mezi duchem a hmatatelností: Dynamika života církve v Novém zákoně a meze jejího uplatnění v historii). Dissertation, Charles University in Prague, Evangelical Theological Faculty, Prague, 2016. Summary The subject of the paper is the New Testament church. The author first draws attention to hermeneutic difficulties of the subject. These include e. g. a distinction between (1) the theological language of the church, which can be found in the NT in the form of many various images of the church, and (2) the NT passages intended to talk about the church as a religious organization, to target church ethics and so on. In the NT, however, the perfect distinction between the two areas is not always possible. Methodically, the work conceives the New Testament church to live in a dynamic space formed with various axes between different poles. Therefore, the NT church is not described here using certain typical attributes, but it is viewed in the dynamic space of "tensions between poles". The following pairs of poles are described for the New Testament church life: spirit - tangibility; The tradition of Jesus of Nazareth - The church tradition; ideal - reality;...
The Concept of the Church in the work of Walter Kasper
Hovancová, Magdaléna ; Brož, Prokop (advisor) ; Mohelník, Tomáš (referee)
Diploma thesis " The Concept of the Church in the work of Walter Kasper " is about ecclesiology of German Cardinal Walter Kasper. The first part describes briefly his personality and his work in academic role and pastoral role as the diocesan episcopus and his work in the Roman Curia. This marked his understanding of the church. It follows a description of his journey from pneumatological ecclesiology to communio ecclesiology. The concept of communio is the key word in his understanding of the Church. The main part is devoted to Kasper understanding of communio, communio mystery and his vision of the Church as congregatio fidelium and communio sanctorum. Communio ecclesiology is the key concept after the Second Vatican Council and the fundamental expression of the Christian understanding of salvation. Kasper sees the church as an institution and a event. It follows a description of particular forms of church as communio. Kasper distinguishes in the Church different charisms and services, that serve the unity of the Church. The work is completed of Kasper vision of the Church in today's world and its importance for future generations. Keywords Walter Kasper, communio, ecclesiology, church

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