National Repository of Grey Literature 91 records found  beginprevious82 - 91  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Selected support programmes for SME's
Horák, Lukáš ; Černá, Iveta (advisor) ; Taušer, Josef (referee)
In the first part of this thesis there is described sector of SME's in detail and support they get from state. There is elaborated influence of SME's on Czech economy, particularly on added value, employment, investments and foreign trade. Apart from that there are specified some of their advantages and disadvantages that arise mostly from their size. In the first part there is further described support programme OPPI which focuses on innovative oriented SME's. There is also described JEREMIE initiative that is based on cooperation of public finance together with venture capital funds. Furthermore there is stressed the importance of innovations for flowering of economy based on knowledges. In the second part there is described venture capital in detail, especially there is explained how it works, types of venture capital investments and linkage between venture capital and innovations. The thesis then focuses on presence of venture capital in CEE region and particularly in Czech Republic. There are also pointed out typical types of investments in CEER and Czech Republic.
Comparison of business background of small and medium firms in Czech Republic and Great Britain
Schirová, Věra ; Svobodová, Ivana (advisor) ; Kešner, Martin (referee)
Business background. Legislation. Government, civil servants and administration. Finances. Taxes. Definition, function and specificity of small and medium firms. Business background of CR and GB - comparison. Business background of Czech Republic - investigation.
Comparative study of public business support systems in Czech Republic and Austria
Beneš, Ladislav ; Lukáš, Zdeněk (advisor) ; Černá, Iveta (referee)
First chapter depicts the different business environments in Czech Republic and Austria. The following second chapter describes the both systems of business support and their most important features. Third chapter compares various aspects and finally there's a short evaluation in the conclusion. The final chapter also includes a list of possible measures, how can Czech Republic find an inspiration on the case of more developed Austrian system.
Implementation of project management in IT company
Kříž, Lubomír ; Řepa, Václav (advisor) ; Ptáček, Jiří (referee)
This thesis deals with the implementation of project management in an IT company from the sector of Small and Medium Enterprise. Its goal is to prepare the project management framework based on the robust methodics PMBoK, by which the company can begin to perform its business cases by using projects. The minor goals are the clear definition of project management and the summary of PMBoK and its features customized for the SME sector. This thesis consists of three parts: first one defines the basic terminology related to project management and includes the selection of the ideal organizational structure for project management in smaller company. Next part analyses the methodics PMBoK and it is used to derive a customized methodics for Small and Medium Enterprises.This methodics is then described more in detail in the last part with emphasis on process description. The main contribution of this thesis lies in creation of customized methodics of project management, which will be used in real life. Next minor contribution is the process of customization of PMBoK for SME.
The Business Environment in the Czech Republic
Hnilicová, Anna ; Lukáš, Zdeněk (advisor) ; Cupák, Patrik (referee)
The business environment is an important factor of growth in entrepreneurship and competitiveness. The thesis aims to analyze key aspects of the Czech business environment and consequences for its development.
Plan of sale of elevator communication product to the chosen countries of EU
Mansfeld, David ; Král, Petr (advisor) ; Tyl, Ondřej (referee)
This thesis presents 2N Telekomunikace a.s. company and describes its strategy when entering chosen countries of European Union with lift communicator. Part of this work provides theoretical view, which focuses on steps that are usual when companies enter international markets. Knowledge from this part of thesis is used in practical approach of 2N company that entered these foreign markets.
Methodologies of information processes management - Implementation of ISO 20 000
Rajnyš, Michal ; Voříšek, Jiří (advisor) ; Tolar, Jan (referee)
The text is considering methodologies of information processes management in MSP and is highlighting problems that can arise in this segment. The work consists of theoretical outputs as well as experience from planning the implementation of ISO 20000 in a small Business Intelligence company. In the first part of this work are methodologies put in general frame of informatics management (IT Governance) and is discussed their purpose and impacts of standardization of management processes to which their use is leading. The main attention is paid to ITIL and ISO 20000 and their mutual relationship. In both methodologies is apprised suitability for segment MSP. In scope of the practical part are defined conditions that need to be fulfilled in order to achieve successful implementation of ISO 20000 in MSP. The main output of this part is concrete methodology of implementation of ISO 20000 in a small company.
Support of SMEs after EU accession
Poláková, Martina ; Klosová, Anna (advisor) ; Gullová, Soňa (referee)
The goal of this thesis is to define the SMEs' position in the Czech Republic and to underline their essential significance as well es to draw attention to their vulnerability. It includes integrated general overview of MSEs' support opportunities in the Czech Republic, but also critical valuation of the effectivity of each form of support. At the end the thesis recommends the most effective forms of SMEs' support in each stage of their life cycle.
Analýza informačních systémů pro malé a střední podniky v ČR
Diviš, Ondřej ; Basl, Josef (advisor) ; Novotný, Ota (referee)
Téma diplomové práce zní Analýza informačních systémů pro malé a střední podniky v ČR. Po vymezení pojmu malé a střední podniky podle definici Evropské Unie (resp. Ministerstva průmyslu a obchodu) se budu v teoretické části práce věnovat průzkumům trhu s ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systémy jiných autorů, jako například Centrum pro výzkum informačních systémů nebo Zpravodajský portál časopisu IT systems, SystemOnLine anebo průzkum ERP trhu časopisu Business World. Nejdříve se zaměřím na to, jak uvedené subjekty definují pro své průzkumy nezbytné pojmy jako malé a střední podnikání, ERP, ERP pro segment MSP, jak odlišují (v případě SystemOnLine) ERP systémy od ekonomických informačních systémů nebo jestli vůbec segment malých a středních podniků ve svých průzkumech zohledňují. Další část bude zaměřena na metodiku provedených průzkumů, tzn. jaká kritéria byla u daných systémů sledována a také jakým způsobem byla publikovaná data zjišťována, případně jak probíhalo jejich ověření nebo aktualizace. Také zde uvedu vlastní metodiku použitou při získávání některých dat. V poslední části jsou uvedeny a okomentovány výsledky a shrnutí uvedených průzkumů a tam, kde to je možné, jsou údaje jednotlivých průzkumů navzájem porovnány. V případě Business Worldu budou také zkoumány trendy ve vývoji charakteristik ERP systémů pro MSP a jejich dodavatelů. Zkoumané období jsou roky 2002 ? 2007. Vlastním průzkumem je také poskytnut bližší pohled na licenční politiku dodavalů ERP systémů a omezení a výhody přednastavených variant ERP systémů pro segment MSP. Uvedeny jsou také základní podmínky a možnosti získání dotace ze strukturálních fondů Evropské unie, průzkum dostupných informací a přehled subjektů nabízejících dotační poradenství.
ASP (Application Service providing) - importance of this distribution model to small and medium enterprises in Czech Republic
Smolík, Ondřej ; Žídek, Tomáš (advisor) ; Hejtmánek, Jakub (referee)
Tato práce se zabývá poskytováním aplikačních služeb v prostředí malých a středních firem (SME ? Small and Medium Enterprises). Model ASP pochází z 90. let dvacátého století, takže je ještě celkem mladý, přesto však prošel už velkým vývojem. Jeho využití by mělo být výhodné hlavně pro malé a střední firmy, které nemají dostatek finančních zdrojů, aby mohly investovat do hardware a software. V práci jsou uvedeny klady a zápory tohoto modelu. Je zde uveden příklad vládní podpory poskytování aplikačních služeb pro SME v Koreji. Seznámení s možnostmi jak ASP aplikace integrovat pomocí standardů založených na XML a webových službách

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