National Repository of Grey Literature 9 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Management of Informal Care
Informal care is a care provided by a lay caregiver, who is usually a family member (husband/wife, daughter/son) or a neighbour and is provided in the natural home environment of the person being cared for. The main goal of the thesis is to find out how the issue of informal care is solved in the administrative district of the municipality with extended jurisdiction of České Budějovice in the context of health and social care. A partial goal is to find out the experiences of informal caregivers with caring for a close person. The thesis was prepared as part of the project of the Technological Agency of the Czech Republic, ÉTA program "Support of informal caregivers in the South Bohemian region through audiovisual means including virtual reality (no. TL03000518). A qualitative research strategy was chosen for the research part of the thesis. The interview method and the in-depth interview technique were chosen as the method. The data was processed by thematic analysis. The research group consisted of 11 informal caregivers who take care of a close person aged 65+ in a home environment in České Budějovice The research showed that informal care is addressed within the National Strategy for the Development of Social Services for the period 2016-2024. The South Bohemian Region deals with informal care within the medium-term plan for the development of social services of the South Bohemian Region for the period 2022-2024. The Statutory City of České Budějovice deals with informal care in the strategic framework R-Social Services Plan of České Budějovice for the period 2022-2024 and in the Action Plan of the R-Plan of Social Services České Budějovice 2022-2024 for the year 2024. The experiences of informal caregivers revealed barriers such as lack of information about health and social services, ignorance of social benefits and contributions, little awareness of support programs, especially at the beginning of caregiving. Research has shown that caregiving affects several areas of informal caregivers' lives.
Intergenerational Solidarity In Terms Of The Non-formal Care
The issue of eldercare has been increasing both political and public interests. Families are the main eldercare providers at present. At present it is mainly the family who provides care for elderly dependants. The aim of the thesis is to map this issue and to ascertain the eldercare development over the course of the years, the position of a caring family member and possible help by other family members and by the healthcare system. Population aging is currently an increasing problem in all countries. The Czech Republic also ranks among those states. The problem of providing elderly care is both present and future. It is important to provide the care system of elderly members of the society, which emphasises the key role of the support for caring family members. Independent care is also very difficult to ensure. The thesis deals with the issue of eldercare, the support for the family members caring for elderly dependants. Historical and current senior care development, actual issues affecting aging population and the influence on the quality of life of the caring family members are discussed in the thesis. The thesis deals with possible future development of informal care. The thesis also defines the terminology of the topic above mentioned, for example "senior age, aging", etc. Requirements for becoming a senior carer and ways of the care and elderly dependant needs and possible proposals for positive changes of the system are discussed.
The importance of health services for caring families
This thesis deals with the topic of informal care linked with health care services. Many people are not aware of the variety of fields that can be classified as health care services and where to find these services outside of hospitals and surgeries. Often people have to look for information in the moment when they need to start caring for someone else which is usually difficult for them. One part of the thesis focuses on informal care, who carries it out, what it involves. The main goal of the practical part of the thesis is to identify the significance of health care services for caring families. To discover this goal two research questions were set: 1. Why does a member of a family become an informal carer? 2. Why do caring families utilize health care services for a non self-sufficient member of a family? In order to accomplish the goal, qualitative strategy was used, in particular the method of questioning. During the interviews, the semi-structured form was used. The acquired data were then processed using the method of creating clusters. On the basis of the acquired results I believe that the goal of the thesis has been fulfilled. Caring families seek out and utilize health care services when they need to add professional acts to their care. The example of such situation would be if a non self-sufficient person would have to be moved into a hospital or a housing facility (such as a retirement home) where formal care is carried out on a common basis. Families also seek out health care services if they need to stabilize or improve the health condition of the person they care for.
The Informal Care for People with Disabilities in the Czech Republic
Hošťálková, Jitka ; Dobiášová, Karolína (advisor) ; Háva, Petr (referee)
This diploma thesis deals with the system of the informal long-term care for people with disabilities in the Czech Republic. The first aim of the diploma thesis is to describe this non-conceptually solved issue and confirm the European prevalent tendencies to refamilization and deinstitutionalization in the Czech Republic. Author tries to identify the main problems within the system of informal long-term care through interviews conducted with informal carers and workers from selected social services. The diploma thesis emphasizes the target population of informal carers, who face many obstacles, whether it is the cooperation between the systems of formal and informal care, lack of finances, deterioration of quality of life or insufficient recognition of the status of informal carers from the society and the state. Informal carers are presented on the basis of theoretical perspectives as well as the results of conducted research as the invisible stakeholders of the Czech public policy.
Possibilities of support for family caregivers in providing care for adults with a serious health handicap
Kaplanová, Tereza ; Mužáková, Monika (advisor) ; Mlčková, Marie (referee)
KAPLANOVA, Tereza. Possibilities of support for family caregivers in providing care for adults with a serious health handicap. Prague: Faculty of Education, Charles University, 2021, - 69 p. Diploma thesis. The aim of the diploma thesis is to present the possibilities of support for caring families for adults with severe disabilities and to create appropriate recommendations for caregivers who care for their loved ones with severe disabilities in the home environment. The theoretical part defines basic information about home care, families in the role of caregivers of adults with severe disabilities. It defines the system of counseling care in the Czech Republic and focuses on informal home care. It also describes respite care as assistance to carers and defines palliative care. The practical part presents in the form of case studies specific cases of 4 families caring for adults with severe disabilities in home care. Furthermore, the work focuses on the specific needs of carers and the possibility of adequate support and assistance to these people. Based on case studies, research questions and analysis of practice with professional literature, a brochure is created, which is focused on the support of caring families. Key words: Home care, informal caregiver, family, palliative care, respite care.
Caregivers in senior age caring for adults with mental disabilities
Hekšová, Tereza ; Dobiášová, Karolína (advisor) ; Angelovská, Olga (referee)
This bachelor thesis elaborates on the issue of ageing informal caregivers who care for the mentally handicapped. An informal caregiver provides care that is not at a professional level and is unpaid. Nevertheless, it is informal carers who are the primary providers of long-term or lifelong care for the mentally or physically handicapped. This care is most often provided by a person from the family, a partner or close family relatives. The thesis describes how the provision of this care to a mentally handicapped individual affects the life of an ageing informal caregiver. These are negative effects on the social and family relations, psyche and health of the caregiver, the financial security of the whole family and especially the security and safety of their mentally handicapped child in the future in all the needs. One of the purposes of the thesis is to identify primary needs and determine the current position of ageing informal carers in the context of social policy. Informal older carers face different and more diverse barriers than younger carers. They are a neglected and forgotten group, among other things due to the unanchored status of an informal caregiver in the Social Services Act. The work is based on qualitative research and with the help of interviews with carers and experts, it was...
Informal client care after CMP.
The focus of the thesis is on the informal caregiver and family, who cares for a family member who has had a stroke. This topic is very relevant because CMP is one of the most common causes of disability and death, both in the Czech Republic and worldwide. The thesis consists of theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part is focused on the study of literature and is divided into 4 basic areas. The first area characterizes the concept of brain and stroke, describes the causes, distribution, symptoms, treatment and consequences of this health and life-threatening event. The second area is the division of coordinated rehabilitation, which is necessary after a stroke, whether it be medical, social, pedagogical, work rehabilitation or spa care. The third area focuses on poststroke therapies such as physiotherapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy and psychology. The next area focuses on forms of social assistance, without which home care for a close person would not be possible, and includes a care subsidy, a special aid subsidy, a mobility subsidy, a disability card and pension. Last but not least, terms such as formal and informal care are explained. The method of qualitative research using semi-structured interview technique was chosen for the elaboration of the practical part. The research group consisted of seven members of the South Bohemian Region who take care of a close member of their family for a long time at home. The interviews were recorded and then literally rewritten. In my research, I tried to answer the question: "What are the family's difficulties in caring for family members after having suffered from CMP and what are their most common problems?" In the discussion, I summarized the findings and hypothesised, based on research. The results of the diploma thesis can serve as a source of information for persons after the stroke and thein families and help to educate the public.
The Informal Care for People with Disabilities in the Czech Republic
Hošťálková, Jitka ; Dobiášová, Karolína (advisor) ; Háva, Petr (referee)
This diploma thesis deals with the system of the informal long-term care for people with disabilities in the Czech Republic. The first aim of the diploma thesis is to describe this non-conceptually solved issue and confirm the European prevalent tendencies to refamilization and deinstitutionalization in the Czech Republic. Author tries to identify the main problems within the system of informal long-term care through interviews conducted with informal carers and workers from selected social services. The diploma thesis emphasizes the target population of informal carers, who face many obstacles, whether it is the cooperation between the systems of formal and informal care, lack of finances, deterioration of quality of life or insufficient recognition of the status of informal carers from the society and the state. Informal carers are presented on the basis of theoretical perspectives as well as the results of conducted research as the invisible stakeholders of the Czech public policy.
Problems with the dismission of patients in a vegetative state to home care
VRÁNOVÁ, Magdaléna
The aim of this thesis is to inform in detail about the latest clinical and nursing practice trends concerning the needs of patients in vegetative state and their carers. It also deals with relations in the system of long-term nursing care, providing medical and social services and rehabilitation. It also tries to point out the most pressing problems of the current situation of patients in vegetative state and their families, especially in terms of patient discharge to home care and availability of services specified for this target group. The latest findings and proven methods will be summarized in a simple and understandable form, which will serve as a guide both for health professionals and caregivers.For this thesis the Review and synthesis method will be used. The overview of current knowledge and studies in the field of care for patients in vegetative state will be synthesized and focused on home care with recommendations for practice and indications of weak spots.Long-term follow-up nursing and rehabilitative care is necessary for these patients. A special chapter is focused on the specific needs of patients in vegetative state and appropriate nursing care, rehabilitation and release issues. The fundamental part is the consistency of formal and informal care, caregiver preparation for their future role and related socio-economic issues. In conclusion the legal and ethical aspects of the whole field are mentioned regarding medical and nursing care of patients in vegetative state.In line with the objective of this thesis a manual will be created for potential informal carers on how to care for their loved ones, where to go in the case of emergency and what steps to take during the intermediate stage of institutional and home care. The results can be used for further exploration and as an additional source of information for health professionals.

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