National Repository of Grey Literature 21 records found  1 - 10nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Design and optimization of device for characterization and recycling of plastic radioactive waste
Hrbáček, Tomáš ; Vojáčková, Jitka (referee) ; Katovský, Karel (advisor)
This thesis focuses on the generation, management and monitoring of radioactive waste in nuclear power plants in the Czech Republic. After the Second World War, with the development of nuclear power and armaments, radioactive waste management became an important field. The main sources of waste are the nuclear fuel cycle and a variety of industrial, research and medical activities. This work focuses on the detection of gamma radiation on plastic foils that are used as protection during reactor maintenance shutdowns. The objective is to contribute to more efficient waste management and to promote the recycling of materials in nuclear power plants with the collaboration with the company MIFRE s.r.o.
Analysis of possibilities for use of III. and IV. generation of nuclear reactors for the Czech Republic
Gajdzica, Lukáš ; Kopřiva, Radek (referee) ; Kopřiva, Radek (referee) ; Matal, Oldřich (advisor)
The thesis deals with the analysis of possibilities for use of III. and IV. generation of nuclear reactors for the Czech Republic. Introduction deals with basic principles of nuclear energetics and fuel cycle which is closely associated with the issue and its development and application in practice will have a significant effect both for choice of future types of nuclear reactors of IV. generation and the matter of settlement with spent nuclear fuel. In other parts the thesis deals with the present state of nuclear energetics in the Czech Republic, compares concrete chosen types of nuclear power plants of III. generation and generally describes nuclear reactors and power plants of IV. generation. Final part of the work is focused on questions concerning the possibility of construction of new blocks of nuclear power plants in the Czech Republic and presents concrete recommendation from author´s point of view.
Křivánek, Robert ; Kolat, Pavel (referee) ; Liszka, Ervin (referee) ; Fiedler, Jan (advisor)
The aim of the thesis is to analyze the state of preparedness of nuclear power plants (NPP) for long term operation (LTO) based on the IAEA SALTO (Safety Aspects of Long Term Operation) peer review service, analysis of the most significant failures, accidents and operational experience with type reactors PWR/VVER focusing on cases caused by equipment ageing and identification of major structures and components limiting life time of PWR/VVER-type nuclear power plants, and possible measures to ensure their required service life. Based on the results of the IAEA SALTO peer review service, an analysis of the main deficiencies and measures of NPPs in preparation for a safe LTO was performed, focusing on topics whose deeper knowledge is important for the future more precise determination of technical factors limiting the lifetime of NPPs. The main deficiencies and measures in the preparatory phase for LTO and the most important technical measures are summarized in chapter 4.5. The main deficiencies and the most important technical corrective measures in the area of ageing management of structures and components are discussed separately. The history of major failures and operational experience of nuclear power plants with PWR/VVER reactors from the point of view of ageing of structures and components is analyzed in chapter 6.2. The result is a statistic analysis of ageing-related events, an overview of the most significant PWR/VVER reactor failures with an impact on their service life, a statistical overview and discussion of the most important degradation mechanisms, and other important findings from the history of major failures and operational experience. Chapter 6.3 analyzes factors limiting the operation of nuclear power plants with PWR/VVER reactors with focus on structures and components potentially limiting the life of PWR/VVER reactors and possible measures to ensure their required life. In conclusion, the main reasons of permanent shut down of NPPs (actual and potential) for 40, 60 and 80 years of operation and the measures to ensure their required life are summarized.
Intermediate heat exchanger natrium - natrium
Kupčík, Petr ; Martinec, Jiří (referee) ; Šen, Hugo (advisor)
This paper deals with intermediate heat exchangers in nuclear power plants. First section of this paper is devoted to analysis and divide of construction designs of intermediate heat exchangers in commercial and experimental power plants. There is a description of thermal, hydraulic and strength calculations during projection of IHX in the second chapter. There has been made a blueprint of loop type IHX in the final chapter of this paper.
Ecological problems energetics CR
Šilar, Martin ; Bok, Jaromír (referee) ; Matoušek, Antonín (advisor)
This project presents the current status of power resources and supply in the Czech Republic and examines its different connections with ecology. The existing situation in energetics is described in the first chapter of the thesis. This chapter contains general information as well as an analysis of the progress to date related to the structure of installed power and to the amount of electricity generation and their consumption. The description of the common influence of energetics on the environment is provided in the following chapter, which also introduces the next step, namely a short survey of the characteristics of the currently used energy resources and their direct relationship to the monitored ecological problems. The practical part of the project is based on the calculation of emission in the fifteen biggest thermal power station in the Czech Republic. The calculated amounts of emission are compared with the related features of nuclear waste. The last chapter contains information about the EU legislation concerning the reduction of carbon dioxide. In this respect, there are presented also the measures planned to facilitate the reduction of carbon dioxide in Czech Republic.
Role of Czech NPP within grid power regulation
Kostečka, Jan ; Martinec, Jiří (referee) ; Katovský, Karel (advisor)
The aim of the Bachelor’s thesis is the involvement of Czech nuclear power plants in the Czech energy networks, but also in the European Network and their adaptation. Effect of expansion of renewable electrical energy produces the asymmetry in the network and places formed with an excess of electrical energy and places with lack of electrical energy. Flows of electric energy can affect the security and safety of distribution lines. Excessive overloading can cause them to collapse. Therefore, this work is focused on solutions and avoids this problem and minimizes this potential damage. However, the impact of energy revolution has a giant proportion about these overflows network energy. Uncontrollable wind and solar power source may create regionally region surge and flow of this energy goes to areas with shortages of electrical power. The regulation has an impact on fuel. This renegade production could extend fuel cycle, or expand the campaign to more years at least a year. The calculations can show the amount of fuel that can still be used, and thereby increase the yield and economic benefit conditions for extending the life of the reactor units.
Electric and heat energy sources
Kosek, Stanislav ; Pitron, Jiří (referee) ; Mastný, Petr (advisor)
This thesis deals with different types of electric power sources in the Czech Republic. It describes power plants located in the Czech Republic and also those which do not have such potential of use in the Czech Republic, but are used much more elsewhere in the world. In the Czech republic approximately one third of power plants are nuclear. They are less harmful to the environment than thermal power plants, because they leave out to their surroundings only water vapour from the cooling towers, while thermal ones leave out various harmful gases despite the effort to reduce them as much as possible. Thermal power plants use mostly fossil fuels such as black or brown coal to generace electricity. Some of them are designed to be able to burn biomass, e.g. wood chips, bark or another wood processing industry waste. Finally, renewable energy sources are depicted in this thesis. They appear to be the cleanest source of electricity, but the problem is that this type of power plants cannot be build anywhere. We can take a wind power plant as an example. It is not effective to build it in a windless place and that is why they are build on a higher located places.
Nuclear Power Plants Design and Safety: A Case Study of the Temelín Nuclear Power Plant
Marečková, Kristýna ; Baumgartnerová, Alena (referee) ; Ellederová, Eva (advisor)
Bakalářská práce je případovou studií jaderné elektrárny Temelín. Jejím cílem je popsat projekt, princip provozu a bezpečnostní opatření jaderné elektrárny Temelín, porovnat projekty a bezpečnostní opatření vybraných jaderných elektráren v České republice i mimo ni a diskutovat výhody a nevýhody jaderné elektrárny Temelín ve srovnání s ostatními vybranými jadernými elektrárnami. Práce je založena na rešerši literatury z různých zdrojů, aby byla zajištěna její maximální validita. Zdroje zahrnovaly odborné knihy, články, brožury, online přednášky, virtuální prohlídky a interní výukové materiály. Lze konstatovat, že jaderná elektrárna Temelín je Státním úřadem pro jadernou bezpečnost a jejími provozovateli udržována na vysoké bezpečnostní úrovni. Přestože má projekt mnoho výhod, existují i určité nevýhody, které však nemají na bezpečnost této jaderné elektrárny zásadní vliv.
Křivánek, Robert ; Kolat, Pavel (referee) ; Liszka, Ervin (referee) ; Fiedler, Jan (advisor)
The aim of the thesis is to analyze the state of preparedness of nuclear power plants (NPP) for long term operation (LTO) based on the IAEA SALTO (Safety Aspects of Long Term Operation) peer review service, analysis of the most significant failures, accidents and operational experience with type reactors PWR/VVER focusing on cases caused by equipment ageing and identification of major structures and components limiting life time of PWR/VVER-type nuclear power plants, and possible measures to ensure their required service life. Based on the results of the IAEA SALTO peer review service, an analysis of the main deficiencies and measures of NPPs in preparation for a safe LTO was performed, focusing on topics whose deeper knowledge is important for the future more precise determination of technical factors limiting the lifetime of NPPs. The main deficiencies and measures in the preparatory phase for LTO and the most important technical measures are summarized in chapter 4.5. The main deficiencies and the most important technical corrective measures in the area of ageing management of structures and components are discussed separately. The history of major failures and operational experience of nuclear power plants with PWR/VVER reactors from the point of view of ageing of structures and components is analyzed in chapter 6.2. The result is a statistic analysis of ageing-related events, an overview of the most significant PWR/VVER reactor failures with an impact on their service life, a statistical overview and discussion of the most important degradation mechanisms, and other important findings from the history of major failures and operational experience. Chapter 6.3 analyzes factors limiting the operation of nuclear power plants with PWR/VVER reactors with focus on structures and components potentially limiting the life of PWR/VVER reactors and possible measures to ensure their required life. In conclusion, the main reasons of permanent shut down of NPPs (actual and potential) for 40, 60 and 80 years of operation and the measures to ensure their required life are summarized.
Hodnocení spolehlivosti lidského činitele v procesní průmyslu
Výzkumný ústav bezpečnosti práce, v.v.i.
Today, the human factor has become a common theme in many sectors of human activities. These include the military sector and the military, because improper use of weapon systems or their conscious abuse is considered a very serious threat. In terms of civilian operations are mainly operating nuclear power plants, chemical plants, air transport, but also health, where great emphasis is placed on reliability (and accuracy) of man.
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