Analysis ofelectrical output from the power plat working in the middle of town
Hrubý, Radek ; Brno,, Luděk Ondroušek - Teplárny (referee) ; Matoušek, Antonín (advisor)
The work focuses on outlet of the electrical power from power plants operating in urban areas. After a short analysis of the general possibility of leading out electric power from power plants of various types, thesis continues to describe of outlet electrical power from PPC Červený Mlýn. Subsequently, are calculated short-circuit conditions in the main switching station. It follows an analysis of power lines. The last part dealt with the issue of reliability of sources in connection with random transition processes in the electrical network and the light of the operational reliability of electrical power equipment.
Utilization of renewable energy sources in Czech Republic
Kopička, Marek ; Bok, Jaromír (referee) ; Matoušek, Antonín (advisor)
This thesis deals with consideration of energy facilities structure in Czech Republic. It is depicted in it their evolution from point of: electric energy consumption, structures of energy facilities and electricity prices. Further, is here depicted a production of electric energy for the year 2009, from the point of: produce, sources, consumption and ratio of factories. Of course, the RSE (renewable sources of energy) effect and share of scope on this evolution and structure, is also mentioned here. The next part is pointed to basic description of each sources of electric energy. It is not mentioned here only factories which uses for it´s production renewable primary sources but also another types of factories. Their pros and cons are also summarized. The last part of this work is a thought of realization of fictive project, which could replace a part of steam power plants' share by producing electric energy through renewable sources. It is re-counted and suggested here a few possibilities of this realization from the point of needed installed power and approximate estimation of capital expenditure.
Influence of electricity generation on the environment
Žák, Jiří ; Novotný, Jan (referee) ; Matoušek, Antonín (advisor)
The concern of this Bachelor Thesis is current structure of electric energy sources in Czech Republic and their influence on the environment. The theoretical part maps the current state of energetics, structure of sources, consumption and installable output in ES CR. In the thesis, there is shown evolution of balance of electricity since 1988 and netto production of electricity in CR. There is also decribed export and import of electricity in the year 2008 and determination of the influence of different energetic equipments on the environment. The practical part deals with the emission of individual types of power stations, their manufacturing, calculation and possibilities of decreasing amount of carbon dioxide emission from the electric energy manufactories. Next point considers predicted development of equipments in relation to the environment. In the end, there is the overall evaluation of achieved information and results with influence on the environment.
Utilization renewable energy sources inside of EPS Czech Republik
Zmeškal, Pavel ; Procházka, Zdeněk (referee) ; Matoušek, Antonín (advisor)
The purpose of this work was the analysis of current state and further development of renewable energy in the Czech Republic. And next their effects on the electricity system of the Czech Republic. On the basis of established facts has been developed actual state of renewable energy sources. The current situation is only orientation and is still changing at this time. Another objective was to evaluate the various renewable energy sources in terms of their impact on the electricity system and recoverability in the Czech Republic. In more detail were read up the conditions for the wind power plants operation and their connection to the electricity system of Czech Republic. In fine were discuss the impact of renewable energy sources on electricity system and prerequisite for their further development in the Czech Republic.
Assessment of emissions into the atmosphere
Fialová, Lada ; Kulich, Vladimír (referee) ; Matoušek, Antonín (advisor)
In my master thesis I focus on evaluation of gas emissions from the Nuclear Power Station (NPS) Dukovany. My goal is to judge a fulfilment of czech legislative demands and Euratom “Commison recommendation on standartised information on radioactive airborne and liquid discharges into the environment form nuclear power reactors in normal operation” by operator of the NPS Dukovany. I give an acount of resources of gas radioaktive waste in the NPS Dukovany, methods of their cleaning and monitoring in air-conditioning systems in the NPS. Moreover, I sumarize czech legislative demands on monitoring of gas emissions from nuclear power stations and valide decisions of State Office for Nuclear Safety (SONS) for discharges of radionuclids from NPS Dukovany into environment, where autorised limits for gas emissions into atmosphere are set. In the folowing part of the thesis, I describe separate elements bound for monitoring of gas emissions, including technical parameters of individual measuring instruments. Sumary of radioactive emissions to athmosphere during 2007 and sumary of emissions within last 10 years are also included. Finaly, I deal with an analysis on the fulfilment of Euratom Commission demands for monitoring of gas emissions in the NPS Dukovany and I evaluate imperfections to be found during the proces of monitoring of gas emissions from the NPS Dukovany and I make some recommendatios for their correction and improvement of the monitoring. In conclusion, the NPS Dukovany fulfils demands of the czech legislation and decisions of SONS in the field of monitoring of gas emissions into atmosphere. The NPS Dukovany is aware of above mentioned imperfections and focuses on up-dating of measuring instruments in the course of investments, which are under preparation.
Project for an automouse source of electrical energy
Vinkler, Stanislav ; Bok, Jaromír (referee) ; Matoušek, Antonín (advisor)
Purpose of the thesis is enlarged the theory about potential utilization of an autonomous (autonomic) electric power supply used for a family house. Forepart will dealt with description of the resources in accordance with conversion of different kinds of energy to electric power. There will be always given the principle of the power generation as well as a list of main components of the system for each single source. Second part will be focused on generator output assessment of the autonomous source to ensure the power supply for the model family house. There will be my own design of the autonomous sources namely a project of a small hydropower plants and a project of a cogeneration unit in the third section of the thesis. The last part is aimed at the techno-economical evaluation of the engineered sources.
Study of the small water power plant which is situated in the middle and lower reach of river Morava
Dočkal, Jiří ; Malý, Jiří (referee) ; Matoušek, Antonín (advisor)
The present thesis deals with the description of the current state on the course of Morava river from small hydro Kromeriz after a small water plant Hodonin. Subsequently, I deal with the description of search of weir plants and weirs for the construction of small hydropower (especially their heads, structures and, where appropriate, possible adaptation). Then I deal with completion new hydroelectric plants on this founded weir plants and weirs which are in section between the small hydroelectric power Kromeriz and Lanžhot city on the Czech Republic side (Brodské on the Slovak Republic side). In this work is mainly focus on the calculation of installed performance in individual locations (and also the calculation of achievable performance in these locations), machinery design (for the use of selected sets from Hydrohrom company) and the way the configuration of the power switch. If it is in those places, řeším even more possibilities of this construction is splavnění view of the river, especially in the field of Hodonin - Lanžhot. In addition, deals with the design of line side cubicle of each switch to local distribution networks (draft routes). In the last phase deals with the size of the production in each generation, calculations of costs of constructing these plants, approximate calculation of the production (of the flows of 2007) and time of return on your investment in the construction.
The calculation of the adequacy of energy supply lines DPMB
Bednařík, Jaroslav ; DPmB, Jiří Šebor - (referee) ; Matoušek, Antonín (advisor)
This paper contains an introduction that describes the current situation of the problem and its energy supply improvement. It discusses everything from power substations to trolleys which are fed through sections. There is a reference to the network operating deficiencies and possible solutions. The second part describes the development of these networks and their modernization in a growing city. It is verified by calculation if were our considerations good and proposed network will be normally reliable and capable. The final part deals with the economic balance of the project and its various alternatives. Development of energy networks and facilities cost many finance and these investments do not show immediately. Future will be paid off because as soon the changes come less problems may occur.
Renewable resources of energy in Czech Republic
Trachta, Jiří ; Mastný, Petr (referee) ; Matoušek, Antonín (advisor)
The aim of the present thesis is the introduction of the issue of biomass and of its usage in the Czech Republic. The international of biomass growing as well as the waste product usage are discussed. The waste products are turned into biomass instead of being simply thrown away or burnt down. As far as the renewable resources are concered the Czech Republic is only at the begining. It is important to pay attention to the renewable resources as the amount of fossil fuels (coal, oil, gas) has been decreasing considerably. There are a few green alternative sources that are possible to be used in the Czech Republic. The biggest eletrical energy supplier in the Czech Republic, the ČEZ Company, has decided to start using water power stations in the future. Water energy has been increasingly used by hydro elektric power plants and booster power plant. Also wind energy has been used but not as much as in the countries with more appropriate climate. One of the most modern energy sources nowadays is the sun energy, to put it more clearly, the energy gained by the fotovoltaic method. The least used, but still possible way to gain energy is the geothermal energy that has been used especially in Island. In the Czech Republic, the most promising way to gain energy is the biomass that can be effectively burnt in the carrent power plants. Two main approaches to biomass usage developing in the Czech Republic have been the use of wood or the use of remnants of wood, be it wood chips, shavings, pellets etc. As I have already uttered earlier, the second source of biomass is the waste material from earlier human activites. Waste materials from households, agriculture and husbandry, muck or slurry can be made use of. This kind of biomass is burnt in the fermentation gas stations that are usually part of waste-treatment plants.
Design of domestic energy supply system using renewable energy sources
Gaborčík, Michal ; Pavelka, Tomáš (referee) ; Matoušek, Antonín (advisor)
This bachelor thesis deals with possibilities of utilization of renewable energy sources for domestic power supply. In theoretical part is created research about available technologies using solar collectors, photovoltaic systems and heat pumps. In practical part there are calculated expected values of energy needed for heating of family house, domestic hot water heating and electrical consumption of appliances. These values are bases for system design using air to water heat pump for heating and domestic hot water heating. As far as photovoltaic system is concerned there is comparative design of systems using polycrystalline and thin-layer technology. At the end both designed systems are evaluated from technical and economical points of view.