National Repository of Grey Literature 10 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
How sibling constellations can be affected by health disadvantage
Plachá, Lenka ; Květoňová, Lea (advisor) ; Šumníková, Pavlína (referee)
The diploma thesis on the topic "How sibling constellations can be affected by health disadvantage" deals with mapping the influence of living with a sibling with a disability and the effect of the family environment and relationships on intact siblings in the field of career choice and attitudes towards planning one's own parenthood. Furthermore, it also examines the possible influence of the gender of the intact sibling on the aforementioned areas. The aim of the research investigation was therefore to find out whether intact siblings in adulthood tend to work in helping professions, specifically whether living with a sibling with a disadvantage led them to choose a profession with persons with disabilities and also whether it influenced their attitude towards their own parenting. Qualitative research was used for the investigation, specifically the design elements of grounded theory. An in-depth, semi-structured interview with five respondents, adult siblings of persons with various types of health handicaps (autism spectrum disorders, Down's syndrome, cerebral palsy) was used to obtain data. The interviews were analyzed using open coding. The answers to the research questions are documented by verbatim citations of respondents' answers in individual categories. Since only elements of grounded...
Factors influencing the quality of life of family with multiple health disabity of children in context with specific life story
The thesis deals with factors, which influence a quality of life of family with three handicapped children, and gets resolutions for help from particular social organization. The theoretical part represents various approaches to the issue of quality of life of families caring for handicapped child. The practical part based on example of particular family with three handicapped children deduces resolutions for supportive activity of Charity Foundation Fund for benefit of this family.
Practicing self care activities for school age children with mental retardation
Stříbrná, Kristýna ; Valešová Malecová, Barbara (advisor) ; Němec, Zbyněk (referee)
Stříbrná, K. Training of self-service activities in children of younger school age with mental retardation. Bachelor thesis. Prague: Department of Special Education, Faculty of Education, Charles University in Prague. Supervisor: Mgr. Barbara Valešová Malecová, PhD., 2019. 68 s. The bachelor thesis deals with the problem of self-service training in children of younger school age with mental retardation. The work contains definitions of mental retardation and activities of everyday life with an emphasis on self-care. The aim of the bachelor thesis is to create an educational plan for a particular girl with moderate mental retardation, which is focused on the practice of self-service activities that could be applied in practice.
A child with celiac disease in kindergarten.
This thesis is focused on health handicap at nursery school children who suffer celiac disease. It points out to problems which are connected with this diet restriction. Wheter it means food restriction, financial demands or constant caution. The aim of this thesis is to point out to fact that if children with celiac disease strictly observe gluten-free diet, they can live fully - fledged and satisfied life as children of the same age who have no special diet restriction. The practical part is worked out as case study at nursery school child who suffers celiac disease. The thesis points out to situations when this health handicap influences child, her/his family, children of the same age and nursery school. Another aim was to find out feelings of child who suffers celiac disease, feelings of child's parents and also find out the influence of this disease to child's stay at nursery school.
Music Therapy and use for disabled children
NOVÁKOVÁ, Veronika
The thesis contains a theoretical and a practical part. The theoretical part deals with a concept and a definition of music therapy, history, aims, methods of music therapy and also organisations where music therapy is done. The thesis deals with connection of music therapy and children with disabilities. The topic of disability is described in several categories. It lists the types of disabilities, connection between disabled children and music therapy. It also deals with a funcion of a music therapist and it inroduces different therapists who work with us. The practical part contains my personal project, which consists of 3 lesson in length of 45 minutes each. I took advantage of the fact that in my surrounding there is a disabled child and I organized lessons of music therapy with him.
The Importance of the Social Therapeutic Workshop for Integrating Clients in their Future Activity in the Sheltered Workshop
This Bachelor´s thesis deals with the importance of the social therapeutic workshop for integrating clients in their future activity in the sheltered workshop (sheltered workplace). The main objective is to map necessary work skills of clients for their transfer to the sheltered workshop (sheltered workplace). The thesis consists of the theoretical part, which contains literary information, and the research part where the established objectives are being evaluated. The chapter named "Current State" is focussed on the target group of persons in the social therapeutic workshop and the sheltered workshop (sheltered workplace), and further there is mentioned the importance of work and self-fulfilment for people with the health handicap. There is described the concept of social services, their characteristics and the proper definition of the social rehabilitation and the social therapeutic workshop. Next chapter deals with the work rehabilitation directed at the sheltered workshop (sheltered workplace). And consecutively, the attention is aimed at the social worker and workers in the sphere of social services. The last chapter is focussed on the family in the context of their care for the child with the health handicap from the point of view of the family, and the cooperation with them from the point of view of professional workers. The research part established the following objective: To identify necessary work habits of clients in the process of the social rehabilitation which they obtain in the social therapeutic workshop. The main research question "What are the necessary work skills of clients for their transfer to the activity in the sheltered workshop?" was further divided into 5 partial research questions. The qualitative research strategy was used for obtaining information. Data were collected by means of the questionnaire, in particular the technique of the semistructured interview. The research sample was made up with the method of the intentional (purpose) selection which defined particular criteria for integration in the research sample. There were made up two research samples involving clients of the social therapeutic workshop and professional leading workers of the social therapeutic workshop and the sheltered workshop (sheltered workplace). The obtained information was processed with the method of coding and consequent categorization. The results are mentioned in the subheads corresponding with the partial research questions. The research shows that clients come to the social therapeutic workshop in order to use their time meaningfully and to train new skills which they can use both at work and in their daily life. The big motivation is also the team and related social integration. The family represents irreplaceable role which includes support in everyday activities and the feeling of security. The professional leading workers consider the social therapeutic workshop to be the very important first stage of the job. They see the advantage of the social therapeutic workshop in providing possibility to map knowledge and skills of individuals who try to move from the social service to the sheltered workshop.
The integration of handicaped children and youths in the camp "Společenství harmonie těla a ducha"
Tremlová, Gabriela ; Hubertová, Lucie (advisor) ; Dočkal, Jan (referee)
The bachelor thesis deals with integration of handicaped children and youths in the camp "Společenství harmonie těla a ducha". Goal of the thesis is to present non-profit organisation "Společenství harmonie těla a ducha", to focus on issue of integration and to analyse scale of integration within the frame of particular activities of the camp. Another goal is to make a suggestion for measures for next running of the camp for the year 2014. Following basic terms are described in this thesis: "integration" and "free time in the camp". Text is divided into two part: theoretical one and practical one. Those two parts are connected through each chapters. Proposals for better integration in the year 2014 are mentioned. Closing part of the thesis summarizes the results which were found out by participating in the camp. Powered by TCPDF (
Difficult personal position of client after serious industrial accident
Any health damage or death suffered by an employee independently of their will by a short-term, sudden and violent impact of external circumstances in the course of their fulfilling work obligations or in direct connection with them is classified as an industrial accident. Serious accidents usually result in disability and full dependence of the care provided by others. The objective of this work consists in the monitoring of the personal position of clients after serious industrial accidents. The work deals with industrial accidents, their consequences and the chances to get reintegrated into a work position after suffering an industrial accident. It is further concerned with managing the current personal situation after a serious industrial accident by applying the instruments of active employment policy and social services. The research sample consisted of employees who suffered serious industrial accident. I have applied the research questionnaire method. The result of my work based on collecting, sorting out and completing information from a wide range of sources is a survey of several chapters dealing with the issue of the consequences of serious industrial accidents as well as the consequences of a potential health handicap. The research has shown that after a serious industrial accident resulting in the disability of a client the client can make use of the instruments of active employment policy and social services provided by the social network of the Czech Republic. The work results can be used by physicians and social workers providing physiotherapeutic care for clients after serious industrial accidents as well as by the employees themselves and their employers. They can also find use as information materials for the purposes of Regional Labour Departments. The issue of serious industrial accidents should be tackled from the very outset of the problem, i. e. by prevention. The law stipulates the obligation for employers to create a safe labour environment, to make the employees acquainted with potential work risks as well as with the appropriated safe work proceedings. Regular checks related to the fulfilling of the stipulated work proceedings can minimise the risks of accidents. I recommend to carry out work safety instruction sessions for a group of employees in a comprehensible way using active feedback proceedings.
Use of Supported Employment by People with Health and Social Disability
FENCLOVÁ, Kateřina
I have focused my bachelor work from the theoretical and practical aspects to the problems of employment of people with health handicap and I have pointed out one of possible solutions - supported employment. The first (theoretical) part of my work describes the conditions of handicapped people on the labour market and the state measures in this area. Further I present the quite new service - supported employment, which helps people with health or other handicap to find and keep the suitable job. The second (practical) part of this work is devoted to the analysis of supported employment; there have been done two researches. The first research has been made in the agencies of supported employment and followed the position of people with health handicap on the labour market {--} seen from side of agencies. The goal of the second research was to find out the efficiency of activities of Agency of supported employment Ledovec {--} Rokycany, the research has been done among the agency clients.
The comparison of services of early care in Zlín and South Bohemian regions
The Bachleor work deals with comparison of services of early care in Zlín and South Bohemian regions. The sphere of early intervention has been neglected for a relatively long time in the Czech Republic. The investigative section deal with availability early intervention in Zlin and South Bohemian regions. Secondary data anylysis was also employed as an additional method for mapping early intervention providers in this two regions. The data collection technique selected for the purpose of the bachleor research was the technique of questionnaire. Necessary information was gained from information materials of providers and on-line sources. The main objective of the bachleor work was comparison facilities providing all-inclusive early intervention in this both regions. The results was collected of clients and providers answerback. The results, which resulting of investigation from parents, who have a child with handicap are same in both regions. Services of early care in Zlín and South Bohemian regions aren´t same.This Bachleor work can be used for a further planning these service. It can help for the providers of this regions improve the services of early intervention.

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