National Repository of Grey Literature 10 records found  Search took 0.00 seconds. 
Gallery and museum education of Deaf
Marešová, Veronika ; Novotná, Magdalena (advisor) ; Fulková, Marie (referee)
In this thesis I am concerned with gallery and museum education for deaf people. I visited the innovative, interactive Głusza exhibition at the Silesian Museum in Katowice, dedicated to Deaf culture, which subsequently inspired me to design an educational programme for Deaf and hearing audiences. Subsequently, I compared my findings with programmes and opportunities in Prague. I attempted to create a proposal for an educational program for both hearing and deaf audiences. The aim of my bachelor thesis is to highlight an issue that is still marginal in education, to explore the possibilities of gallery education for deaf pupils and to design my own project for lower-secondary pupils of primary school. From this knowledge and professional reflection, I have made recommendations on how to create educational programmes for deaf and hearing audiences and how to improve cooperation between galleries and museums and the deaf.
The role of boarding schools for the Deaf in the Czech Republic - since 1786 to present days
Ondráčků, Alex ; Hudáková, Andrea (advisor) ; Okrouhlíková, Lenka (referee)
(in English): This bachelor thesis presents the history and development of institutional care at the Czech boarding schools for the hearing impaired, as well as at the then institutes for the Deaf and dumb from 1786 to present. It describes the regime at these boarding schools, extracurricular activities of the pupils, pedagogical supervision and the schools facilities. The school regime is dealt with according to centuries. The bachelor work also brings up the issue of the Deaf communities, both home and abroad and explores the impact of the boarding schools on the community. The findings are interpreted in the light of individual development of the child staying in a boarding school, namely its impact on child's personality. The work draws data from the specialized past and present bibliography, legislative norms and other relevant documents. The final part of the bachelor thesis presents the results of the findings concerning the issue of hearing impaired children in residential care. They prove that children staying in boarding schools suffer from deprivation which is, furthermore, enhanced in case of deaf children who lack an opportunity to communicate in their mother tongue, i.e. sign language with the peers. They neither have a contact with their surrounding, nor are exposed to every day...
Deaf culture focused on visiting castles in the Czech Republic
Pospíšilová, Olina ; Hádková, Kateřina (advisor) ; Kotvová, Miroslava (referee)
This Bachelor thesis is focused Deaf culture in the Czech Republic. The purpose of this paper is examining attitude of the Deaf community towards culture, especially cultural landsites. Secondly, it is supposed to inform about the insufficient translating capacities available considering the access barier of such cultural events. Theoretical part describes ear anatomy, diagnostics, hearing aids and individual problems and needs of respective handicapped people. Second theoretical part is focused on Deaf cummunity and culture built around it. Emprirical part is based on survey conducted in the Deaf communities around the Czech Republic. This method shows how does this community evaluate the quality of cultural life (visiting castles and chateaus) and what could be done to enhance it.
Portrayal of d/Deaf People in Cinematography
Švábová, Adéla ; Zbořilová, Radka (advisor) ; Prokšová, Hana (referee)
The bachelor's thesis analyzes the topic of deaf people and deafness in feature-length motion pictures made by hearing directors. At the beginning of this thesis the author focuses on the terminology concerning deaf people, the relationship between art and deaf people and deafness, brief history of cinematography with the accent on important events concerning deaf people and deafness and then the author focuses on influence of movies on public opinion with the accent on terms stereotype, prototype and myth. Author afterwards focuses on analysis of the selected sample of movies. There are two types of analysis in this thesis, first one looks into purpose of the topic in those movies, the second one analyzes chosen movies in detail. The second analysis ends with comparison and evaluation of those movies. The purpose of this thesis is to make first insight into the topic of deaf and deafness in feature-length motion pictures made by hearing directors.
Who has eyes to see, let them see: Deaf pastoral possibilities in Czech Republic
Müller, Karel ; Beneš, Ladislav (advisor) ; Hudáková, Andrea (referee)
In my diploma thesis I deal with the problematic of people with hearing impairment. I introduce Deaf culture to Czech theological reflection and then concrete Christian communities in the Czech Republic, where deaf people gather. I analyze specifics of these communities, what is the role of the deaf people and using of sign language. I end up with theological reflection from the perspective of people with disabilities and then I introduce specifics of theology from the perspective of the Deaf. Keywords Hearing Impairment, Deaf culture, Deaf studies, Disability Theology, Deaf Christian Communities, Deaf Theology
The role of boarding schools for the Deaf in the Czech Republic - since 1786 to present days
Ondráčků, Alex ; Hudáková, Andrea (advisor) ; Okrouhlíková, Lenka (referee)
(in English): This bachelor thesis presents the history and development of institutional care at the Czech boarding schools for the hearing impaired, as well as at the then institutes for the Deaf and dumb from 1786 to present. It describes the regime at these boarding schools, extracurricular activities of the pupils, pedagogical supervision and the schools facilities. The school regime is dealt with according to centuries. The bachelor work also brings up the issue of the Deaf communities, both home and abroad and explores the impact of the boarding schools on the community. The findings are interpreted in the light of individual development of the child staying in a boarding school, namely its impact on child's personality. The work draws data from the specialized past and present bibliography, legislative norms and other relevant documents. The final part of the bachelor thesis presents the results of the findings concerning the issue of hearing impaired children in residential care. They prove that children staying in boarding schools suffer from deprivation which is, furthermore, enhanced in case of deaf children who lack an opportunity to communicate in their mother tongue, i.e. sign language with the peers. They neither have a contact with their surrounding, nor are exposed to every day...
The Identity of Czech Deaf Roma
Kalousová, Josefina ; Nováková, Radka (advisor) ; Šormová, Kateřina (referee)
With the definition of Deaf people as a cultural and linguistic minority the research of Deaf identity became possible. Following this, questions of identity of minority deaf persons emerged. Do these persons affiliate to the Deaf community or to their ethnic minority? This bachelor thesis focuses on the topic of Czech deaf Roma identity. The underlying assumption of the paper is that identity is a continuing process dependent on the interaction of an individual and society and that it constitutes of various levels different form each other. The research the thesis is based on aimed to collect data about experience, opinions and attitudes of deaf Roma. In analyzing the collected data, the process of identity development in these individuals was explored. Deaf community and Deaf culture is described from different perspectives and the results of present research of deaf minority members is summarized in this thesis.
Integration of Persons with Hearing Disabilities into Socio-Cultural Environment of Majority Society
This diploma dissertation is focused on integration of hearing handicapped people in the society. The objective of the diploma dissertation is the analysis of possibilities to integrate the hearing handicapped people in socio-cultural milieu of the majority society. The diploma dissertation is an investigation work and it is divided into two parts, namely to theoretical and practical ones. In the first theoretical part, I am dealing with a brief division of hearing defects, communication and personality types of hearing handicapped individuals and further with areas of education, employment and culture. Methods and techniques of the qualitative research are described in the practical part. The research method is used in the diploma dissertation and data collection technique is represented by the semi-controlled conversation with hearing handicapped people. The research was implemented on the territory of the capital city of Prague. The research set is made up of 10 respondents altogether having different types of hearing handicap. The cardinal question set within the framework of the research is What are the chances of integration of the hearing handicapped people in the socio-cultural milieu of the majority society? Further, other secondary investigative questions were set. It resulted from the research that chances for education of hearing handicapped persons are not sufficient and further that the hearing handicapped people have a limited access to labour market due to their hearing defects. In addition, the investigation showed that the highest barriers in relation to the hearing society consist in communication and information barriers and further in persistent prejudices of the society and that the hearing handicapped people do not have an adequate access to cultural enjoyment equally over the entire Czech Republic territory. One of the outcomes of the dissertation thesis for practical utilization is the description how to find out the chances of integration of the hearing handicapped persons in the socio-cultural milieu of the majority society, which may contribute not only to better awareness of both the expert public and general public, but also to finding conceivable needs of social services for these people.

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