National Repository of Grey Literature 8 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Comparison of knowledge in the field of terrorism in primary and secondary school pupils
Jančík, David ; Fiala, Miloš (advisor) ; Vilášek, Josef (referee)
Title: Terrorism and cyberterrorism as threats for the present Objectives: Describe the principle, history and typology of terrorism. Approach and describe the problematics of cyberterrorism. Analyze and compare available terrorist attacks which happened from 11th September 2001 to 19th February 2020. Methods: The theoretical part was developed on the basis of study, analysis and research from Czech and foreign literature about problematics of terrorism and cyberterrorism. The practical pard included the collection of electronic and printed information about terrorists attacks which were further analysed and compared using five factors, which were: the year of terrorist attack, method of execution, country that tooked place of the attack, number of injured and number of victims. Results: The result of this diplama thesis is the description of the principle, history and typology of terrorism, description of problematics of cyberterrorism and analysis of terrorist attacks which happened from 11th September 2001 fo 19th February 2020. Keywords: Terrorism, terrorists, attack, cyberterrorism, threat.
Security of Work with Electronic Data in Industrial Enterprises
Žáčková, Eliška ; Šisler, Vít (advisor) ; Souček, Martin (referee)
The aim of this thesis is not only to characterise the key terms related to this field, but also to analyse the possible solutions to the area in a particular industrial enterprise in the Czech Republic by means of a case study which is a reliable method of qualitative research. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical part. In the theoretical part the terms such as information, electronic data, know-how, enterprise information systems, cybercrime, and cyberterrorism are defined. The practical part drawing on the theoretical part gives a thorough analysis of the initial state of an industrial enterprise in food industry. Furthermore, it deals with the implementation of the ECM (Enterprise Content Management) which is considered a possible solution to the security of work with electronic data in industrial enterprise.
Terrorism in Cyberspace
Citta, Adam ; Černý, Karel (advisor) ; Maslowski, Nicolas (referee)
Although it seems to be a global phenomenon, the internet is a part of human society for relatively short time. Existing in different forms there are phenomena that are present in human society for decades, and that we might not expect in cyberspace. In addition to a mutation of social pathologies such as bullying, child pornography and stalking, internet is used by extremist movements and terrorist groups for their activities such as propaganda, mutual communication, but also for invasive activities. This thesis is focused among other things on terrorism in cyberspace. The introduction places the issue in the current state of society, connecting it with technological and social changes. The second section presents a brief overview of the relevant literature, which is focused on the issue of conventional terrorism and terrorism in cyberspace. The following chapters attempt to define its form, find its essence, and describe the similarities and differences especially in relation to conventional terrorism. These findings are achieved by confrontating both forms of terrorism, its fundamental aspects and classification criteria. This work provides an unusual insight into the relationship of technology and society, which despite its relative youth requires more and more attention. It shows that...
Comparison of knowledge in the field of terrorism in primary and secondary school pupils
Jančík, David ; Fiala, Miloš (advisor) ; Vilášek, Josef (referee)
Title: Terrorism and cyberterrorism as threats for the present Objectives: Describe the principle, history and typology of terrorism. Approach and describe the problematics of cyberterrorism. Analyze and compare available terrorist attacks which happened from 11th September 2001 to 19th February 2020. Methods: The theoretical part was developed on the basis of study, analysis and research from Czech and foreign literature about problematics of terrorism and cyberterrorism. The practical pard included the collection of electronic and printed information about terrorists attacks which were further analysed and compared using five factors, which were: the year of terrorist attack, method of execution, country that tooked place of the attack, number of injured and number of victims. Results: The result of this diplama thesis is the description of the principle, history and typology of terrorism, description of problematics of cyberterrorism and analysis of terrorist attacks which happened from 11th September 2001 fo 19th February 2020. Keywords: Terrorism, terrorists, attack, cyberterrorism, threat.
Cybercrime: Selected issues of prosecution in international environment
Rademacherová, Kristina ; Jelínek, Jiří (advisor) ; Vokoun, Rudolf (referee)
The thesis deals with an issue of cybercrime prosecution in international environment. The text focuses on particular problems met by law enforcement agencies when prosecuting cybercrime. Within the prosecution, the emphasis is put on the aspects of detection and investigation of cybercrime. Within the thesis, cybercrime is understood as a part of computer crime. Computer crime is approached rather as global crime due to typical characteristics of information and communication technologies. Therefore, the international cooperation of law enforcement agencies is considered crucial. First chapter introduces the issue of computer crime, including adopted terminology. It discusses the transformation of computer crime and cybercrime following its historical development and broad forms of modus operandi. Criminological findings about perpetrators and victims of computer crime are discussed likewise. Second chapter deals with criminal law jurisdiction and enforcement within cyberspace. The accent is put on local applicability of criminal law and related jurisdictional conflicts with possible remedies. Third chapter concentrates on the interconnection of computer crime and organized crime, as well as computer crime and terrorism. Why and how are the perpetrators of organized crime and terrorism abusing...
Security of Work with Electronic Data in Industrial Enterprises
Žáčková, Eliška ; Šisler, Vít (advisor) ; Souček, Martin (referee)
The aim of this thesis is not only to characterise the key terms related to this field, but also to analyse the possible solutions to the area in a particular industrial enterprise in the Czech Republic by means of a case study which is a reliable method of qualitative research. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical part. In the theoretical part the terms such as information, electronic data, know-how, enterprise information systems, cybercrime, and cyberterrorism are defined. The practical part drawing on the theoretical part gives a thorough analysis of the initial state of an industrial enterprise in food industry. Furthermore, it deals with the implementation of the ECM (Enterprise Content Management) which is considered a possible solution to the security of work with electronic data in industrial enterprise.
Terrorism in Cyberspace
Citta, Adam ; Černý, Karel (advisor) ; Maslowski, Nicolas (referee)
Although it seems to be a global phenomenon, the internet is a part of human society for relatively short time. Existing in different forms there are phenomena that are present in human society for decades, and that we might not expect in cyberspace. In addition to a mutation of social pathologies such as bullying, child pornography and stalking, internet is used by extremist movements and terrorist groups for their activities such as propaganda, mutual communication, but also for invasive activities. This thesis is focused among other things on terrorism in cyberspace. The introduction places the issue in the current state of society, connecting it with technological and social changes. The second section presents a brief overview of the relevant literature, which is focused on the issue of conventional terrorism and terrorism in cyberspace. The following chapters attempt to define its form, find its essence, and describe the similarities and differences especially in relation to conventional terrorism. These findings are achieved by confrontating both forms of terrorism, its fundamental aspects and classification criteria. This work provides an unusual insight into the relationship of technology and society, which despite its relative youth requires more and more attention. It shows that...
EU fight against terrorism - "cyberterrorism" as a new security threat
Snížková, Žaneta ; Druláková, Radka (advisor) ; Dubský, Zbyněk (referee)
This diploma thesis deals with European Union and current security threats, concretely with Cyberterrorism. Cyberspace and internet became essential parts of our living over the last decades due to rapid development of information and communication technology. The increased dependency on cyberspace is visible in all governmental operations, public-private sector, financial and business operations, as well as communications between individuals and groups. As a result our society is facing new threats. On one hand cyberspace is a place for economic growth and innovation, on the other hand criminals, spies and terrorist use cyberspace as a place for their activities. Our society should be aware of these negative impacts as well. Cyberterrorism by its nature is considered to be a very dynamic phenomenon. Regarding this fact this thesis provides a dynamic way how to define Cyberterrorism and reveals main perspectives of Cyberterrorism. Tracking the European Unions Convention on Cybercrime and main means to fight Cyberterrorism, this thesis analysis whether European Union disposes of appropriate means to engulf the dynamic nature of this phenomenon.

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