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Tvář české krajiny v prostoru a čase: Mapování CORINE Land Cover 1990–2018 v socioekonomických souvislostech
Grešlová, Petra ; Horáková, Kateřina ; Dastychová, Vendula ; Hloušek, Luděk ; Seidlová, Jana ; Laštovička, Josef ; Havránek, Miroslav ; Koblížková, Edita ; Kochová, Tereza
Publikace pojednává na podkladu dat mapování krajinného pokryvu CORINE Land Cover o fenoménech v české krajině. Zabývá se změnami krajinného pokryvu a využití půdy v Česku během tří desetiletí po sametové revoluci a uvádí změny krajinného pokryvu do socioekonomických souvislostí. Hlavní trendy změn krajinného pokryvu jsou zaměřeny na změny v osídlení, zemědělství a lesních porostech, a jsou doplněny o několik případových studií zaměřených na suburbanizaci, zemědělskou extenzifikaci v pohraničí nebo lesní změny na Šumavě a v Jeseníkách. Interakce mezi ekonomickým systémem a přírodou jsou zkoumány pomocí konceptu sociálního metabolismu a metody Analýzy materiálových a energetických toků s cílem popsat, do jaké míry závisí vývoj změn krajinného pokryvu a následných materiálových a energetických ukazatelů na socioekonomických podmínkách, a zároveň identifikovat hlavní procesy, z nichž tyto změny vycházejí. Analýza navazuje na prioritní oblasti Strategického rámce ČR 2030, které obohacuje o prostorový rozměr. Cílem knihy je oslovit a informovat ty, kdo rozhodují, odbornou veřejnost, pedagogy a absolventy vysokých škol i odborné novináře, jelikož pochopení dopadů změn krajinného pokryvu je předpokladem udržitelného rozvoje území a je důležité pro zachování funkčnosti ekosystémových služeb, zejména pak v reakci na vhodné územní plánování.
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Carbon sequestration in grassland ecosystems at various spatial scales
The aim of this work was to get information about the carbon sequestration in selected types of the grasslands ecosystems of regional study area (upper part catchment area of the Stropnice river), and upscale these results to the total area of regional study, eventually to larger areas on the base of maps with different size of minimal mapped unit.Three aspects of the carbon sequestration at sampling sites were studied: biomass production, quantity and quality of litter and decomposition rate. Appropriate aproach to up-scaling method and possibility of usage less detailed mapping layer Corine-LC for carbon stock study was verified through the biotope valuation method (BVM). This method allowed to compare the results on different levels of sample site data generalization.
Evaluation of Land Cover Changes Using the Object Detections
Skokanová, Eliška ; Štych, Přemysl (advisor) ; Kupková, Lucie (referee)
The aim of the project is to perform object based change detection of land cover in specific areas of Czech republic. Landsat 2000 and Spot 2006 satellite images are used as input data. The method used for evaluation of changes is Multivariate Alteration Detection unsupervised method which is based on statistical procedures and is available from e-Cognition software. The results of detection are compared with Corine Land Cover changes database to evaluate degree of parity on detected areas. Different mapping unit is used to be able to detect smaller changes than Corine database. First part of the work is review of literature sources aimed on processing of satellite images, description of the spectral behavior of landscape objects, origins of Corine Land Cover database and principle of change detection using MAD. Second part deals with data adjustment, change detection process and comparison of reached results with Corine. Keywords: object based change detection, satellite images, Corine Land Cover, mapping unit of changes, Multivariate Alteration Detection, e-Cognition
Differentiation of commercial suburbanization in Plzeň and Olomouc metropolitan areas
Štrba, Šimon ; Koloušek, Petr (advisor) ; Špačková, Petra (referee)
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the development of commercial suburbanization in Pilsen and Olomouc metropolitan areas between 1990 and 2018. The research of differentiation of commercial suburbanization was based on spatial data analysis, obtained from Corine Land Cover database, data from the Urban Atlas database was added in the time period 2006 - 2012. Change areas were extracted from databases within the areas of interest. Spatial data containing information about the area extent and period of origin, they were subsequently supplemented with the type of functional use (land-use). The comparison of metropolitan areas was based on the results of the analysis. The analysis showed that the main difference within the development of commercial suburbanization in the selected metropolitan areas was in the structure of functional categories. Then, there was a difference in development rate of commercial suburbanization and also in spatial distribution of commercial suburbanization within the metropolitan areas. The structure- based difference could to a certain degree be interpreted by different macro-location within the Czech Republic. There was a considerable influence of transport factor within the formation of a spatial distribution of commercial suburbanization in both MAs. Key...
Evaluation of area and changes of the agricultural land in Czechia 2006 - 2012
Hofrajtr, Martin ; Štych, Přemysl (advisor) ; Laštovička, Josef (referee)
Evaluation of area and changes of the agricultural land in Czechia 2006 - 2012 Abstract This thesis deals with the evaluation of area and changes of the agricultural land in selected regions in Czechia on the basis of the data from the years of 2006 and 2012, using the available international and national databases of land cover and land use. In the practical part, firstly the compatibility of classification systems of the surveyed databases is compared, then the state and changes of individual classes of agricultural land are analysed on two levels - national and regional - using functions of ArcGIS software. The overall result confirmed the assumption that the proportion of permanent grass cover in respect to agricultural land is increasing at the expense of that of arable land. Certain discrepancies between the results, however, point out different purposes of the surveyed databases and thus differences in their parameters and classification systems. Remote sensing, which enables to determine the real state of agricultural land and its classes, seems to be auspicious. Key words: change detection, agricultural land, CORINE Land Cover, Urban Atlas, land register - LPIS
Vývoj krajinného pokryvu dle CORINE Land Cover na území ČR v letech 1990–2012
CENIA, česká informační agentura životního prostředí
Publikace hodnotí změnu krajinného pokryvu v ČR v kontextu společenských, hospodářských a politických změn, které se během daného období v ČR odehráli. Popisované změny krajinného pokryvu jsou spjaty především s transformací zemědělské výroby a procesem suburbanizace.
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Šaffová, Michaela ; Štych, Přemysl (advisor) ; Holman, Lukáš (referee)
The work is focused to evalution of trends in the decline of agriculture land in the Czech Republic in the period 1990 - 2012 using data from CORINE Land Cover database. Assessment agriculture land decrease was done in terms of the total area of land occupation and in terms evalution of Agricultural land resources quality decrease on based on the soil protection classes available from VÚMOP SOWAC-GIS geoportal. Another objective was to find out whether Agricultural land resources losses are related to the physical geographic and socio-economic characteristics of the surveyed territories (districts). In the period 1990 - 2012 was seize 45,135.44 ha of agricultural land in Czech Republic which 38,324.42 ha of land could be assigned to the category of Agricultural land resources soil protection. It has been prove that the dynamics of agricultural land occupation are steadily increasing. In addition it was confirmed that the most valuable agricultural land from protection categories 1 and 2 was a lot occupation. The participation of these protection classes was 44.14 % over the whole monitored period. Most of the agricultural land was transformed into a rosy type of development (83.41 %). The biggest occupation of agricultural land was recorded in districts of large cities and their backgrounds...
Evaluation of Land Cover Changes Using the Object Detections
Skokanová, Eliška ; Štych, Přemysl (advisor) ; Kupková, Lucie (referee)
The aim of the project is to perform object based change detection of land cover in specific areas of Czech republic. Landsat 2000 and Spot 2006 satellite images are used as input data. The method used for evaluation of changes is Multivariate Alteration Detection unsupervised method which is based on statistical procedures and is available from e-Cognition software. The results of detection are compared with Corine Land Cover changes database to evaluate degree of parity on detected areas. Different mapping unit is used to be able to detect smaller changes than Corine database. First part of the work is review of literature sources aimed on processing of satellite images, description of the spectral behavior of landscape objects, origins of Corine Land Cover database and principle of change detection using MAD. Second part deals with data adjustment, change detection process and comparison of reached results with Corine. Keywords: object based change detection, satellite images, Corine Land Cover, mapping unit of changes, Multivariate Alteration Detection, e-Cognition

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