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The Sunday Christ
Záruba - Pfeffermann, Josef ; Royt, Jan (advisor) ; Kubík, Viktor (referee) ; Klípa, Jan (referee)
The work is a monograph on the late medieval devotional image of Sunday Christ (Feiertagschristus, Christo della Domenica, Svjeta Nedelja, Christ du dimanche, Sváteční Kristus). The main aim of this research was to create a complete catalogue of all examples of the "Sunday Christ" image and explain its origins and development. Origins of this image are found in the various conceptions of the continual Christ's suffering for our sins. The author is using the recent bibliography on this image (Koman, Reiss, and Rigaux) but the concept of the development is based more on the definition by Gertrud Schiller. The origins are seen in the mystical images from the cloister environment.- Sponsus pierced by Sponsa, Mystical nailing, nailing with various tools, Arma Christi, fabrication of Arma Christi, and other motifs found especially in the art of female convents. The pastoral care of nuns was usually practiced by Dominicans and other preaching orders, which probably modified some of the images of perpetual passion for the use of laity. As a certain reflection of this contemplative phase we may consider the Casatanense Manuscript (Rome, MS 1404) and mystical visions of Archbishop John of Jenstein, (1379) which included an ecclesiastical image of Christ attacked by Christians. The mural paintings had been painted in...
A Dictionary of Biblical Iconography
Royt, Jan ; Kuthan, Jiří (advisor) ; Beneš, Zdeněk (referee) ; Kořán, Ivo (referee)
The work covers the entire breadth of Biblical themes arranged alphabetically from the Creation of the World up to the book Revelation of Saint John - Apocalypse. Besides the stories of Old and New Testaments there are represented important personalities of both Testaments. There have also been added items inspired by apocryphal books of Old and News Testaments, items referring to the relation between Old and New Testaments /e.g. Typology/ or the items that are related to Biblical issues.Each item is profiled in a specific way - a short story of Biblical event is always mentioned and it is described in relation to its reflexion in art. Besides Biblical references the reader will find even the references to apocryphal literature, to commentaries of the Church authorities and to the examples of pieces of art in Bohemia and the world.
The Cross in Changing of Times and its Significance in Ancient Society
Roule, Radek ; Lášek, Jan Blahoslav (advisor) ; Weis, Martin (referee) ; Royt, Jan (referee)
The Cross in Changing of Times and its Significance in Ancient Society The cross is the most widespread symbol appearing worldwide right from the prehistoric times. Though being formed of a very simple shape of two intersecting lines the significance is far reaching. This dissertation looks at the cross both as a sign pointing beyond itself and concentrates on the diversity of its visual appearance. It tries to trace back the possible factors preceding Antiquity influencing the formation of the actual shape in that particular period of history. Although for most part the cross is understood in its connection with the Crucifixion of Christ its history is far more complex beginning in pre-Christian era. The biblical texts present more or less mere allusions of the cross itself. Seen typologically the cross may be understood as the element connecting both Old and New Testament creating a sort of a bridge between them. The careful analysis of the Early Christian documents brings several terms used for the same reality. The most significant are - σταυρός with the Latin equivalent crux and ξύλου (wood) with the Latin equivalent lignum. Later on these give a way to a more general term of σημεῖον (sign) and finally to a symbolic expression "σύμβολον σωτηρίας" (sign-symbol of salvation). The early Christian writers...
Decorative morphology of Italian book illumination (1250-1330)
Kubík, Viktor ; Homolka, Jaromír (advisor) ; Royt, Jan (referee) ; Hlobil, Ivo (referee)
The thesis does not include an abstract in English The thesis does not include an abstract in English The thesis does not include an abstract in English The thesis does not include an abstract in English The thesis does not include an abstract in English
Two Bavarian Pietas against a background of artistic and historical relations of Bavaria and Bohemia during the 2nd half of the 14th and the beginning of 15th Century
Kvapilová, Ludmila ; Homolka, Jaromír (advisor) ; Royt, Jan (referee)
Viděli jsme, že kompozičním a motivickým východiskem piet v Landshutu, Mnichově a Hagelstadtu byly horizontální piety 70. a 80. let 14. století. Piety v kostele St. Blasius v Landshutu a v kostele Panny Marie v Mnichově navazují na starší české horizontální piety přímo a nelze vyloučit, že vznikly ve stejné huti. Sídlem hutě byla s největší pravděpodobností Praha. Vzhledem k vyzrálé krásnoslohé typice tváří hagelstadtské piety a vzhledem k řadě zjednodušení a nepochopení v drapérii a ve výstavbě sochy je třeba v jejím případě počítat s větším časovým odstupem od základní skupiny horizontálních piet a s možností vzniku v jedné z domácích bavorských hutí. Dvě mnichovské sochy, pietu v kostele Panny Marie a pietu ze Seeonu, spojují gesta, typ Mariina obličeje blízký tvářím ženských postav Mistra Třeboňského oltáře, výstavba trůnu a téměř shodná kružba postranic. Na druhé straně představují piety v Bavorském národním muzeu a v kostele Panny Marie dva odlišné kompoziční typy a dva stupě vývoje krásnoslohé piety. Pieta v mnichovské Frauenkirche je starší. Uzavřenou kompozicí, robustnějším Kristovým tělem a fyziognomií tváří ještě velmi připomíná horizontální piety. Seeonská pieta patří k výše uvedeným pokročilým rysům vrcholné fázi krásného slohu.
Chapters on panel painting of the beautiful style
Klípa, Jan ; Homolka, Jaromír (advisor) ; Kuthan, Jiří (referee) ; Royt, Jan (referee)
The work has a character of two parts of an intended larger unit. The first part considers the development and the comprehension of the basic terms/conceptions inherent to the arts of the break of the 14th and 15th centuries. It aims to cover general tendencies which crystalized within the frame of the process of the formulation of the following terms: international style, court style, beautiful style and others. The most detailed focus is withal dedicated to the history of the term beautiful style and its meaning in which Czech research had a significant role during the last century. General issues of the style in the fine arts of the late Middle Ages play a substantial role within the frame of the study of art around the year 1400 and no other treatment of this theme can get along without a historiographic reflection which would entitle and accept the contemporary and ideal conditionality of the basic terms. In the conclusion of the first part there are formulated hypothetical views related to the direction of the future studies of the questions of art around the year 1400 on the European and the local levels. The second part of the work is dedicated to the concrete issues of the form of this art in the Viennese painting of the first third of the 15th century and its relations to the Czech art of the...
The cultural and historical development of the jesuit college and the church of the Assumption of Virgin Mary in Hradec Králové
Zářecká, Klára ; Royt, Jan (referee) ; Horyna, Martin (advisor)
K zasadnimu preruseni plynuleho vyvoje stavebni a umelecke cinnosti doslo, od doby pfichodu jezuitu az do zruseni radu v roce 1773, pouze j edinkrat diky velkemu pozaru mesta zalozeneho pruskymi vojaky v roce 1762. Z veskereho tehdejsiho chramoveho zafizeni byla ohne usetfena pouze kaple sv. Ignace z Loyoly. Vaznemu poskozeni neunikla ani jezuitska kolej. V ramci meho studia jsem se pokusila na zaklade pisemnych pramenu zrekonstruovat vyzdobu interieru kostela Nanebevzeti Panny Marie pred rokem 1762. Misty jsem upresnila prubeh zafizovani kostela, vznikajiciho za velke podpory dobrodincu koleje a misty Jsem se pokusila podobu jiz zaniklych 118 umeleckych del ozivit uvedenfm davneho pOpISU. V Diariu P. Vaclava Kolcavy se objevily zaznamy dokladajfcf jmena bratff - laiku, 0 nichz jsme se domnfvali, ze svym umenfm k vyzdobe chramu pfispeli, a upresnily dobu jejich pobytu v koleji v Hradci Kralove. Zjistene informace dokladajf skutecnost, ze pocet radovych umelcu na vyzdobe chramu znacne prevazuje. Po pozaru behem nekolika malo let vznikla nova chramova vyzdoba opet za znacneho podilu umelecky zdatnych clenu radu. Male rozmezf let obnovy svedcf take 0 dobre financnf situaci kralovehradecke koleje.
Pericopa about Joseph from Egypt in Christian art in the of middleage
Zachová, Jitka ; Lášek, Jan Blahoslav (advisor) ; Royt, Jan (referee)
This text works with the legend of Joseph about Old Testament, Ge 37,50. It is a last family story. Comments and paraphrases of latter origin continue from that point. The legend is advanced in apocrypha and pseudoapocrypha. Also the writers of early Christian texts worked with this legend to whom Joseph serves as an example of moral values.
Woodcarving in 13th century in Bohemia and Moravia. The chapters from the beginnings of woodcarving tradition in Central Europe
Mudra, Aleš ; Homolka, Jaromír (advisor) ; Hlobil, Ivo (referee) ; Royt, Jan (referee)
Řezbářství 13. století v Čechách a na Moravě dosud nebyla věnována velká pozornost a příliš toho o něm nevíme. Ještě před takovými třiceti lety by nedávalo příliš smyslu uvažovat o práci na podobné téma. Důvodů bylo hned několik. Některé řezbářské památky 13. století tehdy nebyly známy, jiné byly známy jen ze starých fotografií, další se nacházely v těžko dostupných zahraničních sbírkách a sakrálních stavbách a psalo se o nich v literatuře, kterou nebylo snadné získat. Ostatní sochy nebyly řazeny do adekvátních souvislostí nebo se předpokládalo datum jejich vzniku v pozdější době. O těch několika málo památkách, s nimiž mohli tehdy čeští historici umění pracovat, panovalo mezi odbornou veřejností jen velmi slabé povědomí.

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