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Effective Strategies of Forming Legal Consciousness of Upper-Secondary School Students
Urban, Michal ; Gerloch, Aleš (advisor) ; Maršálek, Pavel (referee) ; Večeřa, Miloš (referee)
The presented PhD. thesis deals with effective strategies of forming legal consciousness of upper-secondary school students, and with methods that can be used for developing it. So far, legal scholars have paid only insufficient attention to this topic, even though many law experts have repeatedly pointed out its importance. Moreover, they stress the fact that a more detailed understanding of legal consciousness of citizens and of ways of influencing it can help us better understand how law works within the society. The thesis opens with the theoretical part, which defines the concept of legal consciousness, describes its level captured by the available empirical research and identifies effective strategies, which possess the potential to cultivate legal consciousness of the youth. In the following practical part, the author seeks to verify effectiveness of these strategies by means of student questionnaires, interviews with teachers and observations of their lessons. The theoretical part firstly introduces legal consciousness as the basic concept of the whole thesis. The first chapter presents the understanding of legal consciousness as one of the key terms of every law because it connects the world of law in books with the world of law actually experienced by people on day to day basis. Legal...
Axiological aspects of the effectiveness of law application
Čechák, Petr ; Gerloch, Aleš (advisor) ; Maršálek, Pavel (referee) ; Večeřa, Miloš (referee)
I. Values and value judgment represent phenomena influencing effectiveness and efficacy of law. More precisely the fact whether definite values are reflected in a content of law influences (or at least has a capacity to influence) efficacy of law. A value judgment relating to law, i.e. question whether law is believed by valuing subject (addressee of legal norms as commands of holder of authority) to reflect definite values influences (or at least has capacity to influence) effectiveness of law. Effectiveness as well as efficacy of law represents measure in which purposes relating to law are fulfilled as an effect of law. Effectiveness represents a measure in which behavior of addresses of legal norms complies with a content of law. The purpose that is to be fulfilled there is a reduction of entropy of social relations so that law could create an order. Efficacy of law is itself conditioned by effectiveness of law (achievement of decent level of effectiveness of law as a purpose represents a means in relation to achievement of efficacy of law as well). In case of efficacy of law the purpose that is to be realized is achieving a common good or in other words providing such a setting of social relations that enables a "social reproduction", i.e. not just biological reproduction but also reproduction...
The question is, what law applies
Krzyžanková, Katarzyna ; Gerloch, Aleš (advisor) ; Maršálek, Pavel (referee)
The aim of this paper is to provide the identification and the analysis of the major factors which affect the answer to the question: What is found legal [i.e. according to law] in the particular case? Primarily analytical - descriptive method in association with the multidisciplinary approach is chosen to illuminate the complex nature of this issue. In other words, the diverse pieces of knowledge stemming from the various social science sub- disciplines such as psychology, sociology, jurisprudence, ethnology and anthropology are brought together to reveal frequently hidden constituents of the response to the question 'quid iuris?' The paper consists of 6 chapters. The introductory chapter, which offers a preliminary insight into the problem, is followed by the four major parts that gradually, as a whole, give a steadily more accurate picture of different variables reflecting in the answer, what is legal. More precisely, in Chapter 2 the mutual relation between the law on the one side and human culture and human instincts on the other side is investigated. A dissection of an extensive body of the anthropologically oriented literature leads to the deduction that the appearance of law is mostly influenced by the human culture and that universal instincts have an effect just on the resemblance of...
Presumption of illegitimacy of the state power
Gregárek, Matěj ; Kysela, Jan (advisor) ; Maršálek, Pavel (referee)
The thesis challenges the established "myth of easy legitimacy" and argues for more cautious attitude toward involuntary social arrangements by shifting the burden of proof in favour of the rigorous individual rights. Any State action shall be held for impermissible unless it is shown to be unavoidable - beyond reasonable doubts. With the assumption of existence of individual rights as a starting point, the thesis inquires into the attempts to derive State's legitimacy from individual rights. Finding this task virtually impossible, it comes to the conclusion that the only way how to legitimize the State is to compromise the individual rights somehow. Yet, to maintain some meaning of the rights, this compromise need to be restricted in scope, so the thesis analyses further the meaningfulness of "necessary and proper" provisos and the notion of "ideology" as a factor driving collective action and as the ultimate check of the State's power.
Legal theoretical and philosophical aspects of formal and material truth in judicial proceedings
Ondřejek, Pavel ; Gerloch, Aleš (advisor) ; Maršálek, Pavel (referee)
Ve své práci se pokusím nastínit některé aspekty problematiky zjišťování skutkového stavu, konkrétně problematiku různého pojetí formální a materiální pravdy. Téma je to podle mého názoru aktuální, neboť v současném rychle se měnícím právním řádu České republiky se snaha po urychleném návratu mezi vyspělé právní kultury mnohdy nesetkala se stejným úsilím po teoretickém zdůvodnění té či oné právní úpravy. V zásadě stejný závěr lze učinit podle mého názoru o procesu sbližování českého práva s právem Evropské Unie. Otázkami pojetí formální a materiální pravdy se ve své judikatuře zabýval několikrát i český Ústavní soud, přičemž ne všechny jeho závěry lze bez kritických připomínek přijmout. Jako příklad uvedu nález Ústavního soudu v kauze navrácení zámku Opočno, kde základem odůvodnění ÚS bylo tvrzení, že česká právní úprava občanského soudního řízení neopouští ani ve sporném řízení tzv. zásadu materiální pravdy, jejíž dodržování je předpokladem pro dosažení účelu soudního řízení, totiž zajistit spravedlivou ochranu práv a oprávněných zájmů účastníků řízení.4 Pojetí formální a materiální pravdy s sebou nese přirozeně řadu filosofických aspektů. Samotný pojem pravdy je předmětem zkoumání filosofie, konkrétně filosofické disciplíny ontologie. Problematikou poznatelnosti se zabývá teorií poznání, nazývaná též...
Relationship between law and morals in the contemporary society
Pastoráková, Mária ; Tryzna, Jan (referee) ; Maršálek, Pavel (advisor)
ZÁVĚR Soudobou společnost charakterizuje řada jevů, které přispívají k nárůstu komplexity sociální skutečnosti. Vývoj je velice dynamický a probíhá do velké míry spontánně - není kontrolován z jednoho či několika center, nýbrž je výsledkem aktivity mnoha různých nehierarchizovaných subjektů a skupin. Jednotící obecný rámec společnosti je rozrušován a v oblasti hodnotové orientace dochází k partikularizaci. Společenská morálka se proměňuje - do pozadí ustupuje objektivní vzorec správného života, který je nahrazen akceptací různých životních stylů. Paralelně s tím se jako primární morální hodnota prosazuje princip snášenlivosti a tolerance. Nastoluje se otázka, do jaké míry je další existence společnosti tímto vývojem ohrožena, nebo-li zda je morální a hodnotový konsenzus tím, co společnost stmeluje a umožňuje tak její další pokračování. Stoupenci konzervativního názorového proudu se domnívají, že morální shoda je vitální podmínkou společenského života a vnímají právo jako efektivní nástroj k vyjádření resp. prosazení hodnot společnosti. Naproti tomu převažující liberální názorová pozice je, pokud jde o dopad morálního relativismu na společnost optimističtější a brání se obecnému stanovení omezujícího hodnotového rámce realizace svobody jednotlivce, pokud výkon individuální svobody neohrožuje svobodu jiného....
The development and differentiation of Islamic law in Near East countries
Janoušková, Tereza ; Wintr, Jan (referee) ; Maršálek, Pavel (advisor)
Resumé Development and differentiation islamic law in countries of the Middle East Islamic law influences to a greater or lesser extent the nature of the system of governance in every Muslim country, the legal system and the social order in general. The aim of my work was to make an introduction to Islamic law, as seen from the angle of its historical evolution, sources and differentiation in evidence in every Muslim country in the Middle East. In the first chapter I defined the term the Middle East. This term is frequently used in the media but it is not always correctly interpreted. This is followed by a chapter devoted to the development of Islamic law, where I examined the main periods in its genesis, from the first appearance of Prophet Muhammad and the rule of the first four orthodox Caliphs, the dynasties of the Umayyads and Abbasids, to the advent of the Ottoman Empire. To the character of Islamic law I dedicated the fourth chapter, which describes its dominant features, so that the reader can put together a picture of how Islamic law should be approached. In the chapter on the sources of Islamic law I focused my attention on the four principal sources, i.e. the Qur'an, the Sunnah, and the consensus of scholars and analogies. I equally paid attention to some supplementary sources and methods that...
Contract as understood by the economic analysis of law
Bartošek, Jan ; Maršálek, Pavel (referee) ; Kühn, Zdeněk (advisor)
142 Abstract Economic Analysis of Contract and Contract Law (Master Thesis) Jan Bartošek This thesis analyzes contracts and contract law from the Law and Economics point of view. In other words, in this thesis, economic approach is utilized to assess the above mentioned areas of law introducing and employing crucial concepts such as the Coase Theorem (and its underlying notions of the efficiency of law), Posner's theory of market-mimicking law, or Guido Calabresi's concept of legal rules. Moreover, various attitudes toward the economic analysis of law are addressed; and the status and future of Law and Economics (with regard to the European and especially Czech context) are considered. The argument is structured in three parts: the first part summarizes the historical development of Law and Economics and presents its standard analytical tools; the second part embraces the problems of contract and contract law within the framework of Law and Economics (perfect and imperfect contracts or the problem of efficient breach); and, finally, the third - analytical - part of the thesis applies the economic tools to the judicial decisions-making process both in general and in real life by reviewing two sets of decisions made by the Supreme Court of the Czech Republic. In sum, the thesis' three-tier structure does not...

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2 Maršálek, Petr
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