Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 5 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.01 vteřin. 
Let There Be Light? Impact of Light Pollution on the Environment
Svoboda, Lukáš ; Mihai, Hana (oponent) ; Ellederová, Eva (vedoucí práce)
Light pollution is one of many types of pollution that threaten our planet. The main reason for its creation is the fact that light pollution is a side effect of industrial civilization. The adverse effects of light pollution can have a serious impact on human health, wildlife and climate. The aim of this bachelor’s thesis is to define the concept of light pollution, describe means of its measurement and its adverse effects. The theoretical part of this thesis deals with defining what the light pollution is and it describes how it is manifested. Furthermore, possibilities of how light pollution can be measured are discussed. Subsequently, impacts on human health, wildlife, economy, safety, and astronomy are described and discussed. Towards the end, common light sources used for public lighting and their parameters are defined. Lastly, basic practices that help to reduce light pollution are presented with examples of correctly designed luminaires for outdoor lighting. The practical part of the thesis is concerned with quantitative research, whose purpose was to identify the level of awareness of light pollution among the general public. The data were gathered by means of the questionnaire survey.
Světlo jako médium. Umělé světlo v českém výtvarném umění od 90. let po současnost
Předmětem diplomové práce je fenomén světla jako specifického výtvarného média. Hlavní pozornost bude zaměřena na otázky nenarativních světelných instalací, dichotomie obrazu a světla (promítání světla, promítání obrazu), světla a prostoru (proměny vnímání prostoru vlivem zásahů světla) a jejich syntéze, symbolice světla a jeho proměnám. Práce si klade za cíl popsat souvislosti příklonu vybraných umělců*kyň k práci se světlem jako výtvarným médiem a vysvětlit vazby tohoto posunu k proměnám podob výtvarného umění zvláště po roce 1989. Argumentace bude vystavěna na dílech klíčových osobností tuzemského i zahraničního uměleckého dění, jmenovitě například na dílech Zdeňka Pešánka (1896-1965), Dana Flavina (1933-1996), Jamese Turrella (*1943) a dalších. Skrze kritické pojmenování metod a postupů tvorby světlem u těchto umělců*kyň bude text mapovat spřízněné projevy a tendence v současném českém výtvarném dění.
Let There Be Light? Impact of Light Pollution on the Environment
Svoboda, Lukáš ; Mihai, Hana (oponent) ; Ellederová, Eva (vedoucí práce)
Light pollution is one of many types of pollution that threaten our planet. The main reason for its creation is the fact that light pollution is a side effect of industrial civilization. The adverse effects of light pollution can have a serious impact on human health, wildlife and climate. The aim of this bachelor’s thesis is to define the concept of light pollution, describe means of its measurement and its adverse effects. The theoretical part of this thesis deals with defining what the light pollution is and it describes how it is manifested. Furthermore, possibilities of how light pollution can be measured are discussed. Subsequently, impacts on human health, wildlife, economy, safety, and astronomy are described and discussed. Towards the end, common light sources used for public lighting and their parameters are defined. Lastly, basic practices that help to reduce light pollution are presented with examples of correctly designed luminaires for outdoor lighting. The practical part of the thesis is concerned with quantitative research, whose purpose was to identify the level of awareness of light pollution among the general public. The data were gathered by means of the questionnaire survey.

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