Národní úložiště šedé literatury Nalezeno 4 záznamů.  Hledání trvalo 0.02 vteřin. 
Proposal of Marketing Mix for New Product in Starting-up Company
Babičová, Kristína ; Kita, Peter (oponent) ; Mráček, Pavel (vedoucí práce)
The subject of this bachelor’s thesis is to provide a proposal of marketing mix and commercialization for a company entering market with a new product. This proposal is based on theoretical background, providing information that affect company from different angles: US market environment, introduction and promotion of a new product and company, contemporary marketing concept, and general recommendations for marketing planning. Other part of this thesis is based on current company information and its analyses, which provide us practical application of general statements. These analyses include current marketing mix, PEST analysis, competitor’s analysis and summary of this analyses. Therefore, the proposal is a result of theoretical search and practical study of the company and its environment.
Evaluation of the marketing communication of a research project and proposal of its output promotion based on the STP model
Novotný, Petr ; Kaňovská, Lucie (oponent) ; Chlebovský, Vít (vedoucí práce)
Diploma thesis proposes a marketing strategy for the output of the project “Collaboration in Higher Education for Digital Transformation in European Business”, shortly CHEDTEB. The theoretical part explains the principles of marketing communication. The results of the already carried out activities are examined in the analytical part for the purpose of development of the proposal. Evaluated results will be used for the creation of the promotion strategy based on the STP model.
Evaluation of the marketing communication of a research project and proposal of its output promotion based on the STP model
Novotný, Petr ; Kaňovská, Lucie (oponent) ; Chlebovský, Vít (vedoucí práce)
Diploma thesis proposes a marketing strategy for the output of the project “Collaboration in Higher Education for Digital Transformation in European Business”, shortly CHEDTEB. The theoretical part explains the principles of marketing communication. The results of the already carried out activities are examined in the analytical part for the purpose of development of the proposal. Evaluated results will be used for the creation of the promotion strategy based on the STP model.
Proposal of Marketing Mix for New Product in Starting-up Company
Babičová, Kristína ; Kita, Peter (oponent) ; Mráček, Pavel (vedoucí práce)
The subject of this bachelor’s thesis is to provide a proposal of marketing mix and commercialization for a company entering market with a new product. This proposal is based on theoretical background, providing information that affect company from different angles: US market environment, introduction and promotion of a new product and company, contemporary marketing concept, and general recommendations for marketing planning. Other part of this thesis is based on current company information and its analyses, which provide us practical application of general statements. These analyses include current marketing mix, PEST analysis, competitor’s analysis and summary of this analyses. Therefore, the proposal is a result of theoretical search and practical study of the company and its environment.

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