National Repository of Grey Literature 112 records found  beginprevious91 - 100nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
An agreement on guilt and punishment
Pišvejc, Lukáš ; Jelínek, Jiří (advisor) ; Vanduchová, Marie (referee)
The aim of my diploma thesis is to deal with recently enacted institute named agreement on guilt and punishment which was incorporated to the Code of Criminal Procedure by Act No. 193/2012 Coll. This Act also widen field of application of existing alternative procedures. The aim pursued by legislator is to achieve the increase of effectivity of criminal proceedings in the Czech Republic. My diploma thesis is divided into three main chapters. In the first chapter can be found presentation of existing alternatives procedures in the czech criminal proceedings with accent to the changes made by Act No. 192/2012 Coll. At the end of the first chapter there are statictical records showing the use of particular alternative procedures. In the second chapter I present and analyze the agreement of guilt and punishment. This chapter contains definition, history of evolution and conditions of use of the agreement of guilt and punishment. In the last chapter we can find comparison of the agreement of guilt and punishment to french institute named la Comparution sur reconaissance préalable de culpabilité which aims to provide inspiration for potential future changes of this procedure.
Efficiency of criminal procedure and adjustment of pre-trial proceedings
Marková, Ljuba ; Herczeg, Jiří (advisor) ; Gřivna, Tomáš (referee)
v anglickém jazyce Efficiency of criminal procedure and adjustment of pre-trial proceedings The purpose of my thesis is to analyse relationship between basic principles of criminal procedure and the purpose of criminal procedure. The reason for my analysis is fact that basic principles are ground of criminal proceedings. They influence all institutes of criminal procedure law and the way how they are applied. The thesis is composed of five chapters. Chapter One is introductory and defines basic terminology used in the thesis: criminal procedure, purpose of criminal proceedings, pre - trial proceedings and other section of criminal proceedings. The chapter is subdivided into four parts. Part One describes term of criminal procedure and it's purpose and explains relationship between criminal proceedings and human rights. Part Two deals with history of criminal procedure codes in the Czech lands. Part Three deals with relevant Czech legislation connected with criminal proceedings and Part Four explains term of sections of criminal procedure and briefly describes individual sections. Chapter Two focuses on basic principles of criminal proceedings. The Chapter consists of sixteen parts. Part One focuses on term and importance of basic principles of criminal proceedings. The rest of the Chapter concerns...
Criminal law practice of the district prosecutor in Humpolec 1949 - 1960
Rokoský, Jiří ; Kindl, Vladimír (referee) ; Soukup, Ladislav (referee)
After a short reference to the historical evolution of the profession, the thesis focuses on the examination, description and evaluation of selected activities of the rather negative character of the district public prosecutor of the District Public Prosecutor's office in Humpolec, which served in compliance with the administrative division only from 1949 to 1960. It was a rural district with a prevalence of farming and the activity of the district public prosecutor's office thus concentrated mainly in this field. The author focuses on the practical steps of the public prosecutor in criminal proceedings following opinions of the contemporary legal theory, collectivization of agricultural production enforced by the state and persecution of particular farmers declared wealthy men or kulaks. The prosecution of former local textile industrialists and the suppression of any disagreement with the promoted communist policy were also ascertained and documented.
Selected criminal law aspects of youth criminality
Baranová, Michaela ; Musil, Jan (advisor) ; Vanduchová, Marie (referee)
Selected criminal law aspects of youth criminality Abstract The aim of this thesis is to point to selected aspects of criminal law, which distinguish prosecution and sanctioning of youth offenders from general provisions applicable to adult offenders. Youth offenders can be divided into two groups according to the Act No. 218/2003 Coll., on Liability of Juveniles for Illegal Acts and on Juvenile Justice. The first group consists of children, i.e. those offenders who do not reach fifteen years of age at the time of the offense. The second group consists of adolescents, i.e. those offenders who reach fifteen years of age but do not reach the age of eighteen at the time of the offense. These two groups of offenders are treated somewhat differently than adult offenders in the criminal proceedings, and the system of sanctions used to punish these offenders is also different from sanction schemes imposed on adults. In this thesis, the author outlines these differences and discusses selected aspects in more detail. The thesis also provides a historical excursion into the Czech criminal law that regulated the juvenile justice on the territory of the Czech Republic before the Act on Juvenile Justice came into force. Moreover, the thesis provides an overview of the minimum age for criminal responsibility in the Czech...
Criminal Trial
Kantorová, Lucie ; Šámal, Pavel (advisor) ; Říha, Jiří (referee)
I have chosen the topic "Criminal Trial", because I am interested in criminal law and during my studies I completed an internship at court, which gave me the opportunity to experience criminal trial in practice. The aim of my thesis is to provide a comprehensive view of criminal trial as the most important part of criminal proceedings with its actual issues. The thesis begins with an introduction and ends on a conclusion. Between that, the thesis is divided into three main chapters. The first chapter is called the general characteristics of criminal trial and deals with the Czech legislation governing criminal trial, purpose and meaning of criminal trial and describes the basic principles of criminal proceedings, especially those most used in criminal trial. The second chapter focuses on the preparation of criminal trial, which is very important. Only a precise preparation can lead to a fluent criminal trial without any adjournment, as law requests. This chapter also discusses presence of the public and media at the court. The chapter tries to answer the question whether it is appropriate if the presiding judge permits making video and audio broadcast from the hearing. The third chapter analyses the course of the criminal trial, especially its beginning, rights and obligations of parties in the...
The criminal liability of legal persons
Krátká, Lenka ; Jelínek, Jiří (advisor) ; Vokoun, Rudolf (referee)
The thesis discusses the new institute, which was introduced in the Czech criminal law, the criminal liability of legal persons. Until the adoption of the law on criminal liability of legal persons and proceedings against them, could be the perpetrator of the crime only an individual person. From 1st January 2012, which came above the law in force, the offense can be committed by persons in addition to physical and legal person. The first part is focused on defining the term of a legal person and criminal liability. The next section is then analyzed foreign legislation, which is to see the different concepts and embedding corporate liability. Finally, it analyzes the new act, along with the author's proposals de lege ferenda a description of the use of the new institute in practice. In the Czech Republic, the first discussions about the introduction of criminal liability unleashed already in the twenties and thirties of the last century. In the very beginning the idea of introducing criminal liability of legal persons rejected, but with the passage of time and the development of crime committed by legal persons anchoring penalties and sanctions to those already seemed as unthinkable. The adoption of the law on criminal liability of legal persons Czech Republic live up to their commitments to it arising from...
The principle of subsidiarity of criminal law
Vychyta, Jan ; Jelínek, Jiří (advisor) ; Vanduchová, Marie (referee)
The right of any person accused of a crime to be defended at a court by a professional defence counsel is a fundamental element of a democratic criminal proceeding. The aim of this diploma thesis is to analyse the position of the defendant as it is regulated particularly within the code of criminal procedure and the advocacy act, to gather and to summarize available information from various publications written by important Czech jurists and to add a brief introduction to the history of the position of defence counsels in the Czech legal system as well as some own minor remarks related to this topic. The thesis consists of 10 main chapters further divided into two levels of sub- chapters. After a brief introduction (chapter 1) follows the chapter related to a general concept of the defence right and relating issues such as the formal and material defence and the relevant sources of law. The third chapter contains short summary about the development of the counsel's position and the law regulating it throughout modern history from 19th century, up to this day. The following chapter which is the largest is called "Position of the defence counsel in the criminal proceedings". It contains a several sub-chapters dealing with various issues from general ideas of a role of the defence counsel to the...
Legality of Evidence in Criminal Proceedings in the Light of the European Convention on Human Rights
Nejedlý, Josef ; Hýbnerová, Stanislava (advisor) ; Hofmannová, Mahulena (referee) ; Hubálková, Eva (referee)
1 Abstract This PhD thesis focuses on the legality of evidence in criminal proceedings in the light of the European Convention on Human Rights ("the Convention"). At first sight it might seem that this field is only remotely connected with the Convention. In fact, none of the provisions of the Convention expressly regulates issues of evidence and the European Court of Human Rights ("the ECtHR") traditionally refuses to rule on the legality and the admissibility of evidence having regard to its subsidiary role and the doctrine of fourth instance. Yet the days when the question of the legality of evidence was exclusively a matter of domestic law are now long gone, as is evidenced by the relatively abundant jurisprudence of the ECtHR and the former European Commission of Human Rights (jointly "the Convention organs"). Moreover, Strasbourg case-law has been evolving dynamically in this area. It is thus one of the challenges currently facing both legal science and practice which stand before the difficult task to capture and influence these developments. The gathering of evidence in criminal proceedings often conflicts with the fundamental rights of individuals. Consequently, it is not surprising that the jurisprudence of the Convention organs dealing with issues of evidence has developed particularly in the...
Defence lawyer in pre-trial procedure
Gilarová, Monika ; Herczeg, Jiří (advisor) ; Gřivna, Tomáš (referee)
Defence counsel in criminal proceedings Criminal law was always my favourite subject at Law faculty and that is the reason, why i choose this topic at first. Because in this moment, I am still just student, and I don't have any personal experience with criminal proceedings, I have to search information largely from specialized publications and sentences od Czech courts. In the begining, i mentioned right of defence and international agreements, where is this right based and described how important is this right for criminal proceedings and for the defendant espacially. I wanted to show consequences of this right and Czech penal code as well. In my opinion, it was necessary to start with right of defence, because position of defence counsel in criminal proceedings in many thing depends on person of defendant. In next parts, I was paying attention to person of defence counsel, and especially conditions, which are necessary to his profession. Most important condition in general is that defence counsel has to have passed advocate exams and he has to be registered in list of advocates in Czech republic. Then I was describing his rights and duties to defendant, I meantioned for example his duty of descreetness, his duty to pay attention and behavior by wishis of his client and many others. I was try to divide the...
Witness in Criminal Proceedings
Bílý, Martin ; Vokoun, Rudolf (advisor) ; Tlapák Navrátilová, Jana (referee)
Witness in Criminal Proceedings The aim of this thesis is to provide a compact overview of the rights and duties related to a witness, which affect his position in criminal proceedings. The witness is considered as a one of the fundamental institutions of criminal law. The witness's testimony with its irreplaceable role also ranks among the most important evidence provided by criminal proceedings. The witness in principle can be found in all stages of on-going criminal proceedings, whereas the circle of persons, which may be witnesses, is not a priori restricted. The witness's role is in particular very significant in preparatory stage of criminal proceedings as without his testimony there is often impossible to identify the perpetrator of a committed crime. He is also important in such a trial, where the court based on his testimony is able to decide, whether an accused is in truth guilty, i.e. decide on his punishment, or on acquittal. The thesis itself is divided into six chapters, which are further divided. The first chapter deals with the definition of a witness and the conditions of being legally qualified to perform as a witness and finally with the necessity of distinguishing a witness from other persons being involved in criminal proceedings. The second chapter is devoted to all duties...

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