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Comparing significance of the land register in the Czech Republic and its equivalent in Ireland with regard to the transfer of real property under Czech and Irish law
Kostová, Tereza ; Salač, Josef (advisor) ; Dvořák, Jan (referee)
61 Název práce a její resumé v anglickém jazyce Comparative study of significance of Real Estate Cadastre and its Irish equivalent for transfers of real estate property under Czech and Irish law There are no doubts about the great importance and significance land has had for the human race throughout its existence. Land is the space within which our lives evolve and is also one of the most important and valuable comodities we recognize. Even the ancient Romans understood its special character and began to treat immovable objects differently from other (movable) things not only in their every day life but in law, too. Naturally, one of the basic needs of every person is to be certain about their entitlement to the land and home they occupy or own. Despite being two very different legal systems, both Czech and Irish law have developed registration systems to provide for such a certainty and to compare the role and importance of these systems of registration in connection with transfers of ownership of real estate property is the main focus of this thesis. For Irish legal system is one of the Common Law systems, its concept of ownership of land is quite different from the Czech one. Whereas our law recognizes ownership as a legal domain over an object, Irish law has developed a different theory, according to...

The Internet and copyright - the mode of use and the scope of protection of a work
Osadský, Andrej ; Dobřichovský, Tomáš (advisor) ; Císařová, Zuzana (referee)
Práce je zaměřené na problematické aspekty, které vyvstávají v souvislosti s užitím autorského díla na Internetu jako jsou odkazy (především inlining) nebo peer-to-peer sítě. Právní úprava nedává jednoznačnou odpověď na mnohé aspekty a na jejich řešení neexistuje ani jednotný názor v rámci České republiky. Dále je práce zaměřena na směrnice Evropské unie týkající se autorského práva a doporučení Evropské komise, které navrhují jakým směrem by se měla úprava autorského práva na Internetu ubírat.

Legal regulation of the liquidation of a business company
Tvrdíková, Jana ; Zahradníčková, Marie (advisor) ; Oehm, Jaroslav (referee)
Resumé Liquidation of a company is the process whereby the life of a company is brought to an end and by which its property should be administered for the benefit of its members and creditors. Most of the liquidations occur because a company has cash flow problems and can't pay its debts. The liquidation of a company occurs in the Czech Republic between the winding-up and dissolution of a company. The legal regulations of liquidation can be found in the Commercial Code (Act No. 513/1991 Coll., as amended). A company becomes dissolved on the day it is deleted from the Commercial Register. The dissolution of a company is preceded by it's winding-up. A company should be wound-up with the liquidation, unless the law provides for otherwise. A company comes into liquidation at the day it is wound up. During the period when the company is in liguidation, it's commercial name shall be followed by the words "in liquidation". The main person who takes control of the company is the liquidator. The powers of the statutory organ to act in the name and on behalf of the company shall pass to the liquidator on his appointment. The liquidator shall execute only legal transactions which relate to the company's liquidation. Liquidation shall be completed by distribution of the liquidation remainder. After completing...

Neighbours' rights
Havlíčková, Lucie ; Švestka, Jiří (advisor) ; Salač, Josef (referee)
Sousedská práva 80 Resumé Legal relations between neighbours and their protection The legal relations between neighbours and outgoing rights and obligations, are the important part of human relations, which are existing between men from the beginning of evolution of the human society, as well as legal relations between neighbours are the relevant part of the legal orders of each individual state. In the Czech Republic nowadays, the legal relations between neighbours are stated in the act No. 40/1964 Coll., the Civil Code and it has the unfungible place in our legal order. The legal relations between neighbours belong into the area of the jura in re and they are connected with the problems of the property right. They represent one of the areas of the legal restrictions of propriety, which are necessary to respect in the interest of the same rights of the neighbouring proprietor. If the proprietor wants to exercise his powers, he has to suffer some of the restrictions of his powers, for the benefit of the same powers of the neighbouring proprietor, in the legal frame. The property right represents one of the most basic rights in the full scope of the legal systems, which is declared by the rules with the supreme legal force. My dissertation is systematically divided into the eight main sections. Leaving aside...

Legal protection of domain names
Seibert, Michal ; Malý, Josef (advisor)
Internet domains and legal protection of domain names are enjoying a rapid growth in awareness among businesses and individuals not only world-wide, but also in the Czech Republic. Undoubtedly it is the internet, what has been the biggest change in our lives in past 15 years. Originally a military project, which turned to be "something" more than anticipated. Internet alone is a brand new world and therefore there must be certain rules to run and to control it. Thanks to rapid improvement of connectivity, above all after broadband connections had been implemented with vast majority of citizens, this medium has become a mass medium and the law enforcement of rules has become more important and common. The goal of this diploma thesis is to create a view of field of internet domains and related law issues, above all concerning the protection of the names of domains. The essential part of the thesis is so called ADR part. It handles the way of resolution of disputes. Information in this thesis is based both on professional sources and on own experience which I gained with my internet projects or even with domain disputes. This document is not intended to be solely an academic text but also a practical guide that will help "everyday users" of internet. This diploma thesis is divided into theoretical beginning and then it focuses on practical law part. Chapters are made of sections which build together a complex overview of the field of law issues. In the end of the thesis there is described so called "ADR" with ".eu" domains. The whole law framework in the thesis is supplemented by real examples from real life and therefore the thesis has the ambition to improve the readers' (law) knowledge in this field.

Real extate tax in England
Horáková, Daniela ; Sedmihradská, Lucie (advisor) ; Sedmihradská, Lucie (referee)
Firstly, my bachelors' paper deals with the importance of tax revenue for local budgets in the Czech Republic and in England. It composes and contrasts in tax laws in both countries. In the Czech Republic all land and building are under only one law, while in England everything is under two laws. All depends on the purpose of usage of the land. If the building and adjacent land is used for living, it must be regulate by the Council tax, if it's used for business purposes, it must be regulate by Business Rates. Consequently my paper investigates, how English land laws relate to the real estate, from the perspective of fulfillment of taxes' principles. It also discusses the possibility of these legal regulations being implemented in the Czech Republic

Acquisition of ownership
Tégl, Petr ; Dvořák, Jan (referee) ; Radvanová, Senta (referee)
"Nabývání vlastnictví" - toto téma jsem si zvolil za obsah svérigorózní práce. Vybral jsem si je nejen z důvodu mého hlubšího zájmuo tuto problematiku, ale též proto, protože by jeho zpracování snad mohlo zaplnit mezeru, která v recentní české odborné literatuře v této oblasti stále přetrvává. Nemáme žádné dílo, které by se podrobněji zabývalo výše uvedeným tématem a hlouběji zkoumalo jeho jednotlivé aspekty. Vzhledem k tomu, že vlastnictví (vlastnické právo) jako stěžejní a nejdůležitější věcné právo tvoří samotný základ právního řádu vůbec a soukromého práva zvlášť a je jeho neodmyslitelnou součástí, nabývá neexistence jakéhokoliv díla, které by tuto materii uceleně upravovalo, na významu. I když v současné odborné literatuře nenajdeme žádnou monografii, která by se týkala výlučně institutu nabývání vlastnictví, přesto je korektní poukázat na některá díla, jež se touto otázkou - alespoň okrajově - zabývají. Především lze uvést dílo autorů Holuba, Pokorného a Bičovského "Občan a vlastnictví v českém právním řádu". Pracovníci soudní praxe v něm podávají základní pohled na vlastnické právo, zabývají se pojmem vlastnického práva a jeho subjektů, pojmem věci v právním smyslu, obsahem a ochranou vlastnického práva, držbou, omezeními vlastnictví, dotýkají se též institutů spoluvlastnictví, společného jmění...

What everyone should know. Introduction to labour law
Němcová, Ladislava ; Dandová, Eva (referee) ; Beneš, Milan (advisor)
Ve své bakalářské práci jsem se snažila zpracovat otázky, které podle mne souvisejí s problematikou pracovněprávních vztahů, týkajících se převážně a hlavně občanů české republiky, ale i občanů jiných států, kteří působí na území ČR. Mnohdy si ani neuvědomujeme aspekty, souvislosti a vazby, které spolu úzce souvisí. V této práci poukazuji na význam pracovního práva a hledám souvislosti mezi pracovní silou a tržní ekonomikou. V první kapitole obeznamuji s počátky vzniku základů i soudobé tržní ekonomiky a s podstatou tak složitého jevu, jaký je tržní ekonomika. Popisuji rozlišení různých stavů nezaměstnanosti a okrajově přibližuji politiku zaměstnanosti. V dalších částech se zaměřuji na téma pracovního práva a hledám souvislost mezi právem a pracovní silou. Zároveň okrajově seznamuji s názory a úvahami některých dřívějších filosofů, týkajících se člověka. Popisuji roli odborových organizací v procesu práva na kolektivní vyjednávání a upozorňuji na důležitosti existence odborů ve vztahu k zaměstnavateli. Zájem o všeobecný přehled týkající se tržní ekonomiky, politiky zaměstnanosti a znalosti základních pracovněprávních dokumentů, s nimiž se zaměstnanci v každodenním životě setkávají, popřípadě, které, potřebují sami znát a zapojení se do pracovního procesu, by mělo být hybnou silou vývoje každého jednotlivce...

A minor as debtor in proceedings to enforce judgment (by judicial officers or private enforcement agents)
Procházková, Michaela ; Pohl, Tomáš (advisor) ; Macková, Alena (referee)
This Master's thesis describes the position of a minor debtor in enforcement proceedings. The aim of this thesis it to, first, provide with a complex summary of the issue, concerning primarily topical questions which are discussed by experts in connection with childrens' indebbtedness, and second, to further identify the key drawbacks regarding the enforcement proceedings against minor debtors, with an offer for a solution. The thesis is subdivided into two parts. In the first part, there is the notion of a minor defined - for the purposes of this text, a minor is a person who is younger than eighteen years old and, concurrently, who was not emancipated by a court. The following chapters describe the protection of a minor in the legal system in general, where there are principles of best interest of a child and the right of a child to be respected in their opinion described. Further, the procedural protection of a minor is discussed, concerning primarily the procedural specifics of trials where a minor is a party to the case, including enforcement proceedings. Proper representation of a minor and provision of information to minors is emphasized within the chapter. At the very beginning of the second part, enforcement proceedings is described, and then the particulars of this proceedings are...

Gambling industry in CR - history, legislature, internet gambling
Znamenáček, Jiří ; Ježek, Tomáš (advisor) ; Chalupníček, Pavel (referee)
Gambling is very controversial theme. There are many reasons, why this business is so controversial,for example : huge amount of money, chance for money laundering, chance for winning money. Gambling is wagering money on an event with an uncertain outcome with the primary intent of winning additional money. Purpose of my diploma work is a comparison situation of gamling industry in Czech republic and in the rest of the world. My diploma work has many parts.In the first one I describe the history of regulation in the United States and then I show economic dates from presents: casino locations by category, casinos per state, commercial casino tax revenue by state and national commercial casino revenue. Next I explain a special american category of casino and it is tribal casino and than I show tribal gaming revenues by region. In the next part I describe the history of gambling in the Czechoslovakia and contemporary situation in Czech republic, especially the situation in internet gambling. Internet gambling is the transformation of casino games of chance and skill to the internet. In the Czech republic is an unsatisfactory legal regualtions, because there is a obsolete rule. Therefore domestic operators can not obtain a licence for offering online gambling services to Czech residents, whereas foreign operators offers these services, but illegal. Therefore is necessary to create a new rule, which will be able to change this unsatisfactory situation. In the next part I write about three big cases, which are important for situation in european gambling industry. European commission and European court of justice have both a big influence and I describe, what they do for better situation in european gambling, because some states ( for example Germany ) prohibit internet gambling on their own territory, but this is problem, because this rule is in discrepancy with law of European union. In Czech republic is internet gambling for foreign company prohibited too and I explain, what is the reason for this situation. This diploma work contains my own research, how works telephone and internet gambling.