National Repository of Grey Literature 125 records found  beginprevious86 - 95nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Fractional-order filter structures
Lefler, Filip ; Langhammer, Lukáš (referee) ; Dvořák, Jan (advisor)
Semestral thesis deals with fractional-order frequency filters. There is descripe proposal of the filter, their simulations and practical realizations. The first part is focused at the introduction to a frequency filters. The following is chapter which explore various proposals fractional-order frequency filters. The next chapter describes used activ elements in this thesis. Then there is briefly described a method of the signal flow graphs. The following is a description of the theoretical design of lowpass and highpass frequency filter, where order of the filter is between the first and second. Another part deal with the design and simulation of the four circuits. There are two curcuits consists of transconductance amplifiers (BOTA) and two curcuist consists of current followers. The last part of the thesis deals with practical realization of the two fractional-order filters.
Electronically reconfigurable frequency filters
Gajdoš, Adam ; Langhammer, Lukáš (referee) ; Jeřábek, Jan (advisor)
The aim of the thesis was design of reconnection-less and electronically reconfigurable filters of SISO type with non-traditional active elements. Adjustability of bandwidth or quality factor is also required. First part of the thesis deals with theoretical analysis of filters, their operation modes and design of frequency filters using Signal-flow graph method aswell. Last but not least, electronical reconfiguration of transfer function and parasitic analysis was discussed. Another part describes active elements used in the practical part of thesis. Behaviors and design of active elements using existing circuits (e.g. UCC,EL2082) are described and their transformation into the Signal-flow graph form too. In the practical part five reconnection-less and reconfigurable filters of SISO type was designed using SNAP program. Simulations were done using Orcad program with ideal and real simulation models of active elements. Last part deals with filter design in EAGLE and experimental measurement.
Differential and pseudo-differential frequency filters
Sládok, Ondřej ; Herencsár, Norbert (referee) ; Koton, Jaroslav (advisor)
This thesis deals with fully differential and pseudo-differential frequency filters. Significant emphasis is placed on the characteristics of common-mode signal. Further, the text deals with the design issue of fully-differential structure and transformation of non-differential to pseudo-differential structures. In the thesis one non-differential structure, one fully-differential and three pseudo-differential structures are proposed, one of them working in current mode. The thesis also describes the analysis from the perspective of non-ideal properties of the active element of two circuit solutions, which is trying to find the optimal solution. In each case, functionality of new solutions is verified by simulations and in several cases also by experimental measurement.
Design of frequency filters by the method of autonomous circuit with multi-port current-controlled current sources
Janeček, Martin ; Herencsár, Norbert (referee) ; Kubánek, David (advisor)
The aim is to study the principles of controllable frequency current-mode filters. The paper summarizes the general characteristics of current elements. The work focuses on the element GCMI and its use in multi frequency current-mode filters. The filter is designed autonomous method. The filter is simulated with active elements of the OPA860 and AD844. Finally, in this work is multi-filter is implemented in a practical implementation of the active element OPA860.
Microstrip lowpass filter
Kubín, Petr ; Pítra, Kamil (referee) ; Vágner, Petr (advisor)
This thesis is focused on the design of an elliptic microstrip low pass filter. In the introduction, there is discussed theory of the filter design with discrete components. Then, the following part describes the design of the microstrip filter with distributed parameters. To simulate the characteristics of the designed filter structure, the simulator Ansoft Designer V2 was used. This software was also used for final optimization of the microstrip filter.
Selective Circuits - Laboratory Experiment
Košťál, Stanislav ; Vágner, Petr (referee) ; Urbanec, Tomáš (advisor)
The aim of this thesis is to describe the distribution and behavior of selective circuits and methods for their implementation. There are formulas provided for the calculation of the frequency components of selected second-order RLC filters. It further describes the choice of filter frequency components and computing relationships needed for the construction of coils. The work also includes a description and complete information needed for making measurements of the measurement of the RLC band-pass. The annex to this work includes all the materials needed for implementation of laboratory tasks designed to measure using the product.
Higher-order non-cascade filters using multi-output current mirror
Habr, Jiří ; Jeřábek, Jan (referee) ; Lattenberg, Ivo (advisor)
This thesis describes the design of frequency filters using active current elements.First section is devoted to the theory of frequency filters.Next part deals with specific circuits with active elements and their jet simulation in the appropriate program.
Frequency filters with OTA amplifiers
Naider, Jan ; Kubánek, David (referee) ; Vrba, Kamil (advisor)
Work is bent on problems frequency-selection filter with OTA amplifier. Analyses suggestions frequency-selection filter 2.order with OTA amplifier plus frequency-selection filter highers order. Smoothing - out proposal multifunction frequency-selection filter 2.order with by three OTA amplifier in suspense regime, with the support computer methods proposal plus his realization. Establishes temporary carrier function designed filter command plus malingers his temporary carrier frequency characteristics. Designed frequency-selection filter implements plus experimentally checks his characteristics. Record confront with abstractedly gained values computer malingering.
Current-Input Current-Output Active Circuit Elements and their Applications
Vávra, Jiří ; Sedláček, Jiří (referee) ; Maschke, Jan (referee) ; Biolek, Dalibor (advisor)
The thesis deals with definitions of new current- or mixed-mode circuit elements and their implementations and applications. Based on the analysis of the state-of-the-art, novel application circuits employing the above circuit elements are designed. For the purpose of the experimental verification, the active elements are implemented via commercial integrated circuits, and their applications are simulated via PSpice. The application circuits are focused on frequency filters, rectifiers, oscillators, and current-copy circuits. Selected applications are analyzed with respect on real influences, and measurements on circuit prototypes are also performed.
Unconventional Circuit Elements for Ladder Filter Design
Shaktour, Mahmoud ; Dobeš,, Josef (referee) ; Mišurec, Jiří (referee) ; Biolek, Dalibor (advisor)
Kmitočtové filtry jsou lineární elektrické obvody, které jsou využívány v různých oblastech elektroniky. Současně tvoří základní stavební bloky pro analogové zpracování signálů. V poslední dekádě bylo zavedeno množství aktivních stavebních bloků pro analogové zpracování signálů. Stále však existuje potřeba vývoje nových aktivních součástek, které by poskytovaly nové možnosti a lepší parametry. V práci jsou diskutovány různé aspekty obvodů pracujících v napěťovém, proudovém a smíšném módu. Práce reaguje na dnešní potřebu nízkovýkonových a nízkonapěťových aplikací pro přenosné přístroje a mobilní komunikační systémy a na problémy jejich návrhu. Potřeba těchto výkonných nízkonapěťových zařízení je výzvou návrhářů k hledání nových obvodových topologií a nových nízkonapěťových technik. V práci je popsána řada aktivních prvků, jako například operační transkonduktanční zesilovač (OTA), proudový konvejor II. generace (CCII) a CDTA (Current Differencing Transconductance Amplifier). Dále jsou navrženy nové prvky, jako jsou VDTA (Voltage Differencing Transconductance Amplifier) a VDVTA (Voltage Differencing Voltage Transconductance Amplifier). Všechny tyto prvky byly rovněž implementovány pomocí "bulk-driven" techniky CMOS s cílem realizace nízkonapěťových aplikací. Tato práce je rovněž zaměřena na náhrady klasických induktorů syntetickými induktory v pasivních LC příčkových filtrech. Tyto náhrady pak mohou vést k syntéze aktivních filtrů se zajímavými vlastnostmi.

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