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Merged Nursing Inpatient Ward from the Perspective of Nurses and Management
Merged nursing inpatient ward is in the last few years becoming a trend of smaller, but also medium-sized hospitals. Due to the restructuring of beds of acute inpatient care in the Czech Republic, separate inpatient wards are merged to one joint ward, in the context of surgical as well as internal medicine. Merged inpatient ward is a combination of various disciplines (specialisms) of inpatient care under one senior consultant, or there is a common nursing ward, where senior consultants of individual disciplines are retained, while nursing care is merged. The main reason for the establishment of a merged inpatient ward is the optimization of beds and the related effective use of bed capacity in connection with an effort to preserve access to health care. The aim of the thesis Merged Nursing Inpatient Ward from the Perspective of Nurses and Management was to evaluate the contribution of a merged nursing inpatient ward, to identify the reasons for the project and the complications that accompanied the project. This research should analyze the problems in nursing care in connection with the origination of the project, to assess the demands of nursing on the ward and map errors in the field of nursing care in the context of the realization of the project. The thesis should evaluate interdisciplinary collaboration and map the occurrence of conflicts in a multidisciplinary team. During the survey it was found that the main reasons for the project were the financial savings associated with the restructuring of acute care beds in the Czech Republic. The establishment of a merged nursing inpatient ward helped the hospital to keep some expertise and it unified nursing care of the separate wards. In connection with the establishment of a joint nursing care, some complications and disadvantages that accompanied the project initially were analyzed. The survey showed how sensitively employees responded to the major change in the organization and how the cooperation between superiors and subordinates functioned. The study analyzed in what form the selection of employees for a common bed fund was realized and whether managers themselves could choose subordinates for their departments. One part of the research was the evaluation of the quality of nursing care on the merged inpatient ward, which showed that the establishment of the project did not have a negative impact on the quality of nursing care. In contrast, nursing care was united and there was also unified organization of nursing on the ward. The research evaluated the feedback from the subordinates to the top managers which was implemented through meetings and sessions. The survey refers to the greater workload on nurses in the working process on the merged ward. The origin of the project had an impact on the creation of new multidisciplinary teams and interdisciplinary collaboration. The project of a joint nursing inpatient ward was realized that the hospital can continue to provide quality health services to all patients. Research has shown that although the project had certain disadvantages and complications, it was certainly beneficial for the organization. The conclusions of the thesis may be presented in seminars, conferences and may be offered to professional journals for publication. The results of the research can help organizations that are going to realize the project of merged nursing inpatient ward.

Problems of morning waking up patients in the hospital and it´s influence on a patient
The thesis deals with problems of morning waking up of patients in the ward and its influence on a patient. Morning waking up of patients is a situation faced by everyone who find themselves in a hospital {--} both a hospital employee and a patient. It is an everyday activity, although it may be one of great problems for hospitalized patients. The first aim of my thesis was to find out how morning waking up is perceived by patients hospitalized in a standard hospital ward. The second aim was to identify negative factors connected with morning waking up of patients hospitalized in a standard hospital ward. The third aim was to learn whether nurses working in a standard hospital ward respect the needs of their patients concerning morning waking up. The aims were fulfilled with the help of a questionnaire. A group monitored was formed by patients of an internal ward block. Three hypotheses were determined for these aims. Hypothesis one confirms that hospitalized patients are satisfied with morning waking up in a standard ward. Hypothesis two confirms that the most frequent factor concerning morning waking up with patients hospitalized in a standard ward is the time of waking them up. Hypothesis three confirms that nurses working in a standard ward respect the patient´s needs concerning morning waking up. The results will be handed over to senior executives of the ward where the research was carried out. They will have an opportunity to consider the problem of morning waking up of patients in their ward and, as the case may be, they can improve the situation.

Hodnotenie finančnej výkonnosti podnikatel'ských subjektov v Českej a Slovenskej republike v rokoch 2003 - 2012
Kačmárová, Nataša
The aim of the thesis is to evaluate the financial performance of SMEs in the Czech and Slovak Republic in the years 2003-2012. Slovak economy is from all EU Member States historically and structurally most similar to the Czech one. The year 2004 was crucial for both countries and also characteristic because of accession to the European Union. Both countries before 2009 had been using their own currency, but Slovakia separated from this direction and joined the euro area. This period is associated with unpleasant events in the world and therefore the economic crisis. The Czech Republic has committed to join the European Union to become a part of the Eurozone. The regression analysis used in empirical part of thesis provides the results of impact of the crisis on SMEs, especially for two observed countries to be able to compare development in the Czech Republic with the development of Slovakia, who entered this period with a common European currency.

Zásoby - účetní souvislosti
Šenkýřová, Kateřina ; Janhubová, Jaroslava (advisor)
Bakalářská práce ?Zásoby ? účetní souvislosti" se v obecné rovině zabývá problematikou zásob. Komplexně shrnuje účetní souvislosti spojené se zásobami pro všechny společnosti. Cílem práce je teoreticky ukázat, jak správně postupovat při účtování zásob v souladu se všemi právními předpisy. Je rozdělena do dvou velkých okruhů, jenž se soustředí na účtování zásob v České republice a účtování zásob celosvětově podle Mezinárodních účetních standardů IFRS a US GAAP. Problematika účtovaní zásob je dosti široká, proto práce nemůže postihnout celou škálu skutečností, které mohou nastat. Zaměřuje se jen na některé vybrané situace a problémy, které mohou účetní jednotky řešit.

Jak si založit podnik
Merklová, Eva ; Dvořáček, Jiří (advisor) ; Tyll, Ladislav (referee)
Práce se věnuje oblasti malého a středního podnikání. Zaměřuje se na první kroky podnikatele spojené se založením nového podniku. Popisuje počáteční rozhodování, tvorbu podnikatelského plánu i zásady úspěšné podnikatelské činnosti. Dále mapuje podporu podnikání malých a středních firem ze strany státu a Evropské unie. Snaží se o hodnocení využívání podpor českými podnikateli.

Zahraničně-politické souvislosti vývoje ekonomiky USA v sedmdesátých letech
Hudos, Jan ; Tajovský, Ladislav (advisor) ; Kovář, Martin (referee)
Sedmdesátá léta byla pro Spojené státy obdobím velkých změn, jak na straně vnitřní hospodářské politiky, tak i v rámci mezinárodního obchodu a zahraničně-politických vztahů.Monetární politika ustupovala do pozadí a cílem hospodářských politik vyspělých zemí se stal ekonomický rozvoj a dosažení plné zaměstnanosti. Hlavním nástrojem k dosažení těchto cílů byla fiskální politika, která povolovala používání státních deficitů v době recese.V druhé polovině šedesátých let ve Spojených státech nabírala inflace již na svém tempu, které ještě zrychlilo v následujícím období. Významně ekonomikou Spojených států a také celosvětovým hospodářstvím otřásla první ropná krize v roce 1973, která měla za následek růst cen energetických zdrojů a potravin.V zahraniční politice Spojených států došlo také k výrazným změnám, hlavně prostřednictvím diplomacie Henryho Kissingera. Zahraniční politika sedmdesátých let byla směrována do více oblastí, a potřebovala pevnou základnu v podobě silné vnitřní ekonomiky. Hospodářství Spojených států se však ale dostalo do hluboké recese ? objevil se problém stagflace. Nastupující restriktivní fiskální politika však situaci nezlepšovala, neboť stále docházelo k růstu vládních výdajů.Od poloviny sedmdesátých let se také měnil teoretický základ hospodářských politik západních ekonomik. Ve Spojených státech se postupně zájem hospodářské politiky přesouval ze strany poptávky na stranu nabídky a na konci období se již plně rozvinuly neokonzervativní principy hospodářské politiky. Spojené státy vstoupily do osmdesátých let s hospodářským oživením ekonomiky a následným hospodářským růstem v podobě reaganomiky a v zahraniční politice s rázným přístupem k Sovětskému svazu.

Towards a better understanding of ungulate diets: a methodological approach
Holá, Michaela ; Červený, Jaroslav (advisor) ; Stádník, Luděk (referee)
Populations of European ungulates have grown substantially over recent decades, resulting in considerable environmental and socio-economic impacts. Availability and quality of natural and supplemental food sources are among the main factors driving their population dynamics. Detailed knowledge of feeding strategies of management-targeted species is therefore of primary importance for their successful management. Over time, methods to study the feeding strategies of animals have also evolved considerably but each has its advantages as well as limitations. This doctoral thesis uses a combination of traditional methods (i.e. stomach content analysis) and novel methods (i.e. stable isotope analysis, near infrared reflectance spectroscopy) to achieve a better understanding of feeding strategies of two important ungulate species (i.e. wild boar and red deer) in the Czech Republic, where their populations are on the rise and supplementary feeding is rampant. Next, this dissertation aims to introduce and to establish a basis for these novel methodological approaches for the study of free-ranging individuals. In this respect, it also addresses methodological issues related to their application in this field. The diet composition of wild boar was investigated by examining stomach contents in order to identify their dependence on food resources of human origin (i.e. agricultural crops and supplemental foods). Foods of human origin were the dominant diet type and constituted the bulk of the diet of wild boar throughout the year. A necessary prerequisite for application of stable isotope analysis is the trophic discrimination factor (i.e. systematic difference between the isotopic composition of the consumer tissues and that of the diet), which was experimentally determined for stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes, the two most commonly used in ecology, in hair tissue of wild boar and red deer. Furthermore, possible sources of variation (such as sex, age, body weight, and lactation) on isotopic discrimination were investigated. The results of the experiments provide a starting point for the successful use of stable isotope analysis in field studies on wild boar and red deer. Finally, application of near infrared reflectance spectroscopy was proven to be useful in measuring faecal indices of food quality for red deer. The results of this thesis will contribute towards efficient management of wild boar and red deer in the Czech Republic.

Information System Assessment and Proposal for ICT Modification
Hvězda, Ondřej ; Zuščicová, Jana (referee) ; Koch, Miloš (advisor)
This bachelor thesis deals with the analysis and the proposal of changes in the information system in a form of conceptual application for Bosch Diesel s.r.o. This application helps with saving, summarizing and working with required data. The main objective is to analyze the existing information system, which addresses to the company events and proposes a new one in a form of application, which should solve problems connected with saving big amounts of data in MS Excel.

Hollywood blacklist - time, ideology, and motion picture industry
Srch, Daniel ; Kovář, Martin (advisor) ; Tumis, Stanislav (referee)
Jedny z nejdůležitějších momentů tzv. "velkých dějin" v diskutované době souvisely se vznikem bipolarity a položením základů postmoderní společnosti. 1) Od konce 30. let prožily Spojené státy zásadní změnu svého postavení. Již po první světové válce zaujaly pozici hospodářsky nejsilnější země světa, ale míra zapojení do mezinárodněpolitických záležitostí tomu neodpovídala. Především díky Rooseveltovi a Trumanovi se USA dostaly do role klíčové globální supervelmoci. Všichni následující prezidenti včetně současného šéfa Bílého domu Baracka Obamy nastolený kurz přijali. 2) Velkou hospodářskou krizi definitivně vyřešil až světový konflikt. "Dobrá válka" připravila půdu pro pokračující nebývalý ekonomický a technologický rozvoj, v jehož centru na dlouho stanula severoamerická mocnost. Její společnost jako první dosáhla konzumního způsobu života, jenž dominuje dnešní západní civilizaci. Základy této přeměny byly položeny rovněž ve zmiňovaném období. Vedle nepopíratelných uspěchů však existovala i "odvrácená strana". Blacklist rozhodně nebyl nejzávažnějším excesem, ale o Spojených státech vypovídá více, než by se mohlo na první pohled zdát.

High power traction converters
Žižka, Pavel ; Vorel, Pavel (referee) ; Patočka, Miroslav (advisor)
This master thesis is based on realization of the previous university project, design of locomotive reconstruction and solving accompanying problems. In this thesis there are described all parts of a converter. The end of thesis involved theory about driver circuits of power transistors IGBT. Nowadays is still more often to think about reconstruction of the old technology rather than design a complete new construction. Investors take this decision from the financial reasons and because to the old technology designer can add only the converter. In this instant we talk about electrical locomotive, there should be kept a supply transformer and a driving unit (DC engine). The aim of this thesis is to design the converter between these two basic parts. The converter must taking the quasi-sinusoidal current which is in the phase with the input voltage, also must be able to control the engine and recuperate energy back to the network. For realization of these conditions, the converter must contain the active rectifier working in the DC-link and from which the step-down DC/DC converter is fed. Converter output is connected to the driving unit. The digital control of the power transistors is provided by processor MOTOROLA DSP56F. The control impulses, switching the power transistors, go through the driver circuits to transistors. All problems are described in the following text.