National Repository of Grey Literature 90 records found  beginprevious51 - 60nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Homeless Movement in Urban Area: Illustrated by the Example of Prague
Jakubec, Filip ; Soukup, Martin (advisor) ; Dědovský, Daniel (referee)
The following text deals with homeless movement in an urban area and is based on a qualitative field research carried out in the capital of the Czech Republic, Prague, from the early November 2014 until the beginning of May 2015. The research of such a sensitive topic as homelessness demands much higher attention, with regard to respecting the ethical rules of the field research and publication of materials gained. Therefore, my thesis deals with the motives of their movement usually based on meeting basic human needs, and with general characteristics of locations they stay in. This information clarify why homeless people move in the city without revelation of exact maps of their location, because this may endanger my informants.
Jewish Trilogy in Arnošt Lustig's Work
Hanyková, Martina ; Holý, Jiří (advisor) ; Mravcová, Marie (referee)
This bachelor thesis deals with three proses by Arnošt Lustig forming the Jewish Trilogy: Lea from Leeuwarden, Colette, the girl from Antwerp and Tanga from Hamburg. Lustig's characters are presented and their basic typology is determined. The focus is then moved to the female characters of the Jewish Trilogy. The thesis follows their development, characteristics and position among other author's female protagonists. In each story, development of basic narrative categories (the narrator, characters, time and space), recurring themes and use of language and style are discussed. The conclusion focuses on the mutual comparison of the books, and it also deals with the theme of eroticism and sex in Lustig's work. More details are also provided on author's life because his work is closely related with it. Keywords: Arnošt Lustig, Jewish trilogy, the Holocaust, the Shoah, women, Jewish characters, prostitution, eroticism, morality
Mapping the supply of social assistance to prostitutes in Dubí
Suchá, Hedvika ; Havránková, Olga (advisor) ; Vodáčková, Daniela (referee)
This work maps the supply of social assistance to prostitutes in Dubí. Its aim is to determine which organizations are active in this direction and what is their job. For this detection was used a method called "snowball", followed by an analysis of written documents of these organizations and data collection through interviews with their staff. It was found that five oraganizations were here. Of these are currently only three aktive: Rozkoš bez rizika, Diecézní charita i Litoměřice and WHITE LIGHT I. I managed to create an overview of the activities of all the identified entities. Some information about conditions that they have in Dubí were found at the same time. The results of my work can be used by organisations themself for their better work coordination, as well as for city hall, which could be able to gain a better view of services, which have been afforded in its scope.
Life's career of female sex workers - clients of organisation Bliss without Risk
Poláková, Jana ; Večerka, Kazimír (advisor) ; Malinová, Hana (referee)
This diploma thesis, called "Life's Career of Female Sex Workers - Clients of Organisation Bliss without Risk", concentrates on the topic of prostitution and on the particular period of Bliss without Risk clients' life. The theoretic part includes an explanation of terms of the prostitution scene as well as it mentions and considers new words of this branch such as a sex work or a sex worker. The diploma work tackles the problem of what is very specific for the difficulties of the prostitution branch (heath, social, law or criminal difficulties). It mostly concentrates on the problematic of on sex workers committed violence. The coping strategies being used by women in sex business are also described. The practical part includes the phone research based on information collected from the Bliss without Risk's ex-clients. The main goal of the research was to find out how the ex-clients are keeping and what was the reason they stopped using it's services (was it their dissatisfaction over provided services or did they just left the sex business at all etc.). It gives the basic view at the way of the ex-clients' living as well as at their personal, family and work situation. It also tries to summarise their feeling about the time period they have spent by working in sex business and thereof, if...
Stigma experienced by sexual workers
Aksamitová, Magda ; Buriánek, Jiří (advisor) ; Podaná, Zuzana (referee)
This Master's thesis follows the discourse on sex work represented by current academic studies (Sanders, Kong, O'Connell Davison, Malinová). The research is based in phenomenology of lived experience and it develops a theory of stigmatization. It aims to describe how Czech sex workers cope with their stigma. Attention is focused on the following areas: 1) What sense they give to them entering sex work. 2) How they feel about their work and the stigma which attaches to it. 3) What sense they give to management of their work and private identities. 4) Whether their profession has changed their perception of men. 5) What is their vision for leaving sex work. Keywords: Sex workers, sex work, stigma, lived experience,
Sin taxes in the Czech Republic
Mouček, Jan ; Janský, Petr (advisor) ; Klimešová, Andrea (referee)
This paper is concerning taxes on so called sin goods. Consumption of these goods is believed to be wrong, its consumption have its negative effects on either the consumer or others. Such taxes are called excise taxes. In particular we focus this paper on tax incidence, the effect of these taxes on price of taxed goods. In economic literature concerning excise taxes it is usually presumed that the price rises by the same amount that the tax. If this presumption was false, it might have significant effect on this literature. We have tried to empirically analyse the effect of excise taxes using data from Czech statistical office and of our own. In particular we focused on cigarettes, beer, spirits and fuels. Using OLS estimates we came to interesting conclusions regarding effects of excise taxes on price of taxed products. Our results show almost zero effect of tax on cigarette and spirit price and at the same time confirm the presumption of full effect of taxes on beer. Further we modelled effects of value added tax and lagged effect of taxes with a one year lag. All of our results are definitely questionable though, as we used very low number of observations and therefore conclusiveness of these results is very little
The intimate relations in ancient Greece and Rome and in the contemporary czech society
Špetlíková, Denisa ; Martinová, Marta (advisor) ; Kotík, Michal (referee)
This bachelor's thesis deals with the Greek (mainly Athenian) and Roman institutions of marriage, prostitution and homosexuality in ancient times, which analyzes in depth in the first part. It shows standards which the ancient society recognizes in these relationships and shows the boundaries of normalcy. It discovers the conditions under which the institutions evolved and what had an impact on their development or shows why the institutions and their individual aspects are beginning to decline. The second part discusses the same institutions in contemporary Czech society, especially through sociological surveys from the years 2000- 2011. It shows what specific differences exist here and what opinions have the contemporary society on them. It justifies and explains how and why the differences occurred and what are their significances. The thesis outlines too, how could possible future developments of some aspects of the institutions look like.

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