National Repository of Grey Literature 34 records found  previous5 - 14nextend  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Software for patients and brain regions selection suitable for analysis of connectivity in fMRI
Slavíček, Tomáš ; Lamoš, Martin (referee) ; Jan, Jiří (advisor)
The aim of this thesis is to create an exploratory tool for functional magnetic resonance imaging data, which allows quickly and easily making a selection of persons and areas suitable for group analysis of connectivity. In the first chapters of this work is mentioned history of brain research and comparison of methods used in functional imaging. Next they are discussed the theoretical basis of fMRI methods, such as the formation of BOLD signal, acquisition parameters of MRI images and methods for designing experiments. The following chapter describes in detail the analysis of recorded data from the pre-processing to the interpretation of results. The last chapter of the first part describes problems of group analysis in SPM8 software. The second half of this work is dedicated to the description of developed program from data input to saving the results, including detailed descriptions of key features. In conclusion, there is a chapter characterizing the application of developed program on real data from clinical studies, including the results and evaluation of the usability of program. The program will mainly be used in neuroscience research.
Establishing Mutual Links among Brain Structures
Klimeš, Petr ; Hlinka,, Jaroslav (referee) ; Krajča,, Vladimír (referee) ; Halámek, Josef (advisor)
The Human brain consists of mutually connected neuronal populations that build anatomically and functionally separated structures. To understand human brain activity and connectivity, it is crucial to describe how these structures are connected and how information is spread. Commonly used methods often work with data from scalp EEG, with a limited number of contacts, and are incapable of observing dynamic changes during cognitive processes or different behavioural states. In addition, connectivity studies almost never analyse pathological parts of the brain, which can have a crucial impact on pathology research and treatment. The aim of this work is connectivity analysis and its evolution in time during cognitive tasks using data from intracranial EEG. Physiological processes in cognitive stimulation and the local connectivity of pathology in the epileptic brain during wake and sleep were analysed. The results provide new insight into human brain physiology research. This was achieved by an innovative approach which combines connectivity methods with EEG spectral power calculation. The second part of this work focuses on seizure onset zone (SOZ) connectivity in the epileptic brain. The results describe the functional isolation of the SOZ from the surrounding tissue, which may contribute to clinical research and epilepsy treatment.
The influence of deep brain stimulation on the brain connectivity
Horváthová, Ľubica ; Výtvarová, Eva (referee) ; Klimeš, Petr (advisor)
Hĺbková mozgová stimulácia (DBS) predstavuje účinnú liečbu pre pacientov s Parkinsonovou chorobou (PD) alebo farmakorezistentnou epilepsiou. Avšak mechanizmy, ktorými znižuje počet záchvatov a zlepšuje pohyb, zostávajú ešte do značnej miery neznáme. Pre lepšie pochopenie a určenie, v ktorých frekvenčných pásmach je zmena najdôležitejšia, boli urobené porovnania medzi vypnutou a zapnutou DBS pomocou korelačnej metódy a indexu fázového posunu. Jedenásť pacientov s PD a naimplantovanými neurostimulátormi z firiem Medtronic a St.Jude Medical bolo predmetom nahraných dát použitých v tejto práci. Výsledky dokazujú, že zmena konektivity počas DBS nastane a zároveň, že najviac ovplyvňuje najvyššie frekvencie ako beta, nízka gama a vysoká gama. Zmeny v týchto frekvenciách, zodpovedné za motorickú aktivitu, sústredenie a spracovanie informácií, sú v súlade s klinickou teóriou o PD. Počas tejto choroby je patologická beta aktivita hypersynchronizovaná a gama aktivita je znížená práve v motorických oblastiach. Ak sa gama aktivita počas zapnutej stimulácie zvyšuje, fyziologický stav pacientov sa čiastočne znovuobnovuje a tým zlepšuje ich hybnosť. Metódy a výsledky tejto práce budú použité pre ďalší výskum pacientov s PD a epilepsiou.
Design of communication network at a company headquarter
Kohoutek, Jan ; Sedlák, Petr (referee) ; Novotný, Vít (advisor)
The bachelor's thesis focuses on the design of a communication infrastructure project for a company building. There are production, storage and administrative premises, including Open Office space for rent. The basic documents for the work are the requirements of the investor and the floor plans of individual parts of the building. The result is an analysis, a proposal for the selection of individual components of the communication infrastructure, project documentation and, at the very end, an economic evaluation.
City House – Mixet Use Architecture
Veselá, Jana ; Urbášková,, Hana (referee) ; Menšíková, Naděžda (advisor)
The territory lies in the City of Brno, in the urban district of Zábrdovice. From the east it is demarcated by the Svitava River, from the south by the Cejl Street, and from the west by the Jan Svoboda Street. Its area is approximately 18,790 m2. From the standpoint of urban planning¸ the intensive house is a separate city block, which is, nevertheless, open in the eastern direction towards the Svitava River, thus communicating with the embankment. In the other direction there is both private and semi-private space inside the block as a relaxation green “garden” in several levels. The mass of the object links up in the prolonged line with the existing neighbouring blocks and thus respects the integrity of the territory. Intensive use of the territory consists in the achievement of high density of built-up area, and at the same time preserving the surroundings of quality for life and habitation. Functions are mixed here and a city of short distances is created here with nearly excluded traffic. In order to achieve such intensity, space urbanism is employed. The principle consists in a simple linear form of masses respecting the shape of the lot, which is vivified with an ellipsoid located in the courtyard, which is an accent towards the linear form. The ellipsoid serves as a small cultural and exhibition centre, at the same time connecting all the arms of the defining block and bringing daylight to the first floor. The block is open in the direction to the river and its half-public space is connected with the embankment with a staircase and verdure. Verdure is also made use of on the roofs. The defining mass is perforated, thus creating covered terraces. The principal architectonic intention was to create an integrated structure, where a significant role is played by the introduction of nature and polyfunctionality to the whole territory, thus increasing its attractivity. From the dispositional perspective the individual functions interpenetrate at al
Internet Service Provider's Activities Expansion Project
Šarman, Luděk ; Šulkovský, Lukáš (referee) ; Ondrák, Viktor (advisor)
This work deals with the expansion of domestic and corporate clients expanding into new uncovered locations. The proposal will include the selection of acceptable areas, including the delivery of connectivity and network design.
Analýza propustnosti krajiny pro zvěř na příkladu dvou pilotních oblastí v Rakousku
Jurečka, Mořic
The landscape of Central Europe is experiencing an increase in anthropogenic development and linear infrastructure. Landscape fragmentation has a number of negative environmental impacts. To mitigate the negative impacts, ecological corridors have been designed through GIS programmes. This paper focuses on the evaluation of the proposed ecological corridors and the analysis of potential impact factors in two pilot areas in Austria. Eighteen mammal species were recorded along the ecological corridors. The permeability of the areas in the pilot areas is problematic for large mammals. The work suggests that the degree of ecological stability and the presence of vegetation positively influence the number of mammal species on ecological corridors. Vegetation cover and other mitigation measures around the ecological corridors will be needed to ensure permanent permeability of the landscape.
Primary School Computer Network Design
Rozlílek, Radim ; Novotný, Vít (referee) ; Ondrák, Viktor (advisor)
The thesis focuses on the development of a complete computer network design for a primary school. The building in which the project is implemented has two floors, which house classrooms, offices and classrooms. The starting point for the thesis are the documents in the form of a floor plan of the building and the specification of the investor's requirements. The main parts of the work are the analysis of the current situation, the detailed design of the new network infrastructure, the development of the project documentation, the risk analysis, the Gantt chart of the project and the economic evaluation with the presentation of the benefits of the project.
Brno Connectivity / Brno Democratic City
Šujanová, Radka ; Zvonková, Monika (referee) ; Nový, Vítězslav (advisor)
The task of the diploma thesis was to find a suitable place in Brno and propose an intervention. An essential part of the design was thinking about the connection between building objects and the people between them. My work deals with social housing. The project stops the existing brownfield at the Cyrilská - Mlýnská intersection near the Vlněna Business Center. The choice of location is not random. In the center of the city, on the border of the new and the old, an opportunity arises for social diversity and the overall connection of different societies.
Brno Connectivity / Brno Democratic City
Ondrišák, Matej ; Žáčková, Iveta (referee) ; Nový, Vítězslav (advisor)
The conceptual-architectural design represents the restoration of the brownfield of wine cellars in Brno- Zábrdovice. It reflects on the possible use of the area, following the direction of the city’s philosophy in the improvement of dysfunctional, abandoned and neglected so-called vague places. It deals with the solution of the renewal of public space, the trend of urban interventions and brings to the owner a direct way of opening up the area of the currently unused space above the wine cellars. The restoration proposal responds to the historical context of the area, the continuity of the environment. Its main role is to bring an attractive public space to the site, with the added value of opening up the wine cellars and the opportunity to create a natural setting for the site, and bringing the proverbial genius loci to the site. The second part of the conceptual-architectural design provides detailed procedures, use and discussion of the functional program of the different parts of the proposal. The analytical-volumetric reflection formed the basis for this, which resulted in the site program. By organizing programmes, the ideas of the functioning of the functional fillings and their deployment in synergy with each other, a primary space was created with the possibilities of their year-round, but also seasonal use.

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