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The origins of the sacral center in Stara Boleslav in the early 10th century
Pisančiková, Jindra ; Scholz, Stefan (advisor) ; Šmied, Miroslav (referee)
This bachelor thesis, "The Establishment of the Stara Boleslav at the beginning of the 10th century", is devoted to the establishment of Stara Boleslav and the first sacral center in this area, curch of St. Cosma and Damian. First of all it deals with the founding of the Přemysslid castle , chat was the ground plan, if it was fortificated and what was the type of the fortification, what kind of buildings were situated in this area. Finally, this chapter deals with the legends of St. Wenceslav, in which the authors afer to the Stara Boleslav or just to the Boleslav's castle. This is followed by chapter which is dealing with the church of St. Cosma and Damian, where it was situated, waht it looked like, from what material it was built. In connection with the material of hic construction, the thesis also deals with analogies from the same period. The last chapter then deals with the archeological researches of the the area, the beginnigs of researches, researches in the church of St. Wenceslav and above all with the churchyard findings in the area of the castle and its bailey.
Vraclav in Early Middle Ages
Kučera, Karel ; Sláma, Jiří (advisor) ; Štefan, Ivo (referee)
Bachelor thesis deals with the historical and archeological recognition of medieval castle Vraclav. It summarizes current state of research of this centre which was included in the middle of 12th century to the castle system. Except for administrative function it is noticing significance nearby so-called Trstenice path, alleged connection of provinces Hrutov and Úsobrno, consequently Bohemia and Moravia. In the following the thesis deals with archeological researches which were on the hillfort or in its proximity realized. The research of hillfort's acropolis from 1962 which has never been published in more detail is developed here. The aim of this thesis is historical contextualization of castle Vraclav and via processing the research better understanding not only about it but also about belonging province.
Roman consulship and its status in the political life of the Byzantine Empire
Havlík, Tomáš ; Picková, Dana (advisor) ; Drbal, Vlastimil (referee)
- 5 - Abstract: Bachelor thesis "Roman consulship and its status in the political life of the Byzantine Empire" deals with the development of consulate in the Eastern Roman Empire between 395 and 641. Thesis tries to identifiy the role of consulship in Byzantium, its importance and perception thereof by emperors, citizens of Constantinople and the rest of the empire. To that end this thesis utilizes contemporary juridical, narative and artistic sources. It also focuses on the way in which this magistracy was filled and ultimately merged with imperial dignity.
Kou Qianzhi (365-448) and the Daoist Reform during the Northern Wei Dynasty
Otčenášek, Jakub ; Lomová, Olga (advisor) ; Vávra, Dušan (referee)
Filozofická fakulta Univerzity Karlovy v Praze Ústav Dálného východu Diplomová práce Jakub Otčenášek Kou Qianzhi (365-448) a reforma taoismu za dynastie Severní Wei Kou Qianzhi (365-448) and the Daoist Reform during the Northern Wei Dynasty Vedoucí práce: Olga Lomová 2011 Konzultant: Jakub Hrubý Poděkování Chtěl bych poděkovat Olze Lomové za vstřícnost, ochotu a cenné rady při vedení mé práce. Můj velký dík patří také mým francouzským pedagogům z École Pratique des Hautes Études (EPHE) v Paříži - Sylvii Hureau za pomoc s rešerší v buddhistických textech, Alainu Arraultovi za další rady a především Johnu Lagerweyovi, který mi pomohl proniknout do jazyka studovaného textu. Pobyt na EPHE mi byl umožněn studijním programem Erasmus. Svým rodičům děkuji za podporu při studiích. Prohlášení Prohlašuji, že jsem diplomovou práci vypracoval samostatně, že jsem řádně citoval všechny použité prameny a literaturu a že práce nebyla využita v rámci jiného vysokoškolského studia či k získání jiného nebo stejného titulu. V Praze dne 5. září 2011 Abstrakt Diplomová práce Kou Qianzhi (365-448) a reforma taoismu za dynastie Severní Wei analyzuje dílo Laojun yinsong jiejing 老君音誦誡經, připisované Kou Qianzhiovi 寇謙之, který v letech 424 až 448 působil na dvoře čínské dynastie Severní Wei jako hlava taoistické tradice nebeských...
Dental enamel hypoplasia in early medieval population of Rajhrad.
Zahradníková, Mariana ; Trefný, Pavel (advisor) ; Stránská, Petra (referee)
The objective of this study was the assessment of linear enamel hypoplasia (LEH) in early medieval Great Moravian population sample - Rajhrad. Linear enamel hypoplasia represents the disruption of enamel matrix secretion during the growth of the tooth crown, which is related to a generalized growth disturbance. This is why it is considered as a nonspecific stress marker. The incidence of LEH could reflect stress factors during the life of early medieval population. The aim of this study was to asses the frequency and timing of the LEH. The incidence of LEH was supposed to be high because of poorer nature of this cemetery. The results of our study could confirm or falsify this assumption and determine relation between LEH and socio-economic status. The timing of LEH was estimated from regression equations consisting of distance from LEH to CEJ (cemento-enamel junction) and crown height of upper and lower canines. 108 individuals from approximately 4 - 15 years were observed. The frequency was high according to the assumption - 88 %. That confirms poorer life conditions. The range of mean age of LEH formation was from 2,94 - 4,72 years in individuals with multiple LEH incidence. The mean age of single LEH formation was approximately 3,98 years. The earliest onset of LEH in the pooled sample occurred...
Non-agrarian production in early middle ages. Archeological evidence of metalworking.
Wollnerová, Dorotea ; Štefan, Ivo (advisor) ; Havrda, Jan (referee)
This paper analyzes archeological evidence of metalworking during the period of the Early Middle Ages (i.e. from the 6th to the 1st half of the 13th century) in Bohemia and Moravia. The chronological and spatial development of the evidence will be discussed, which should illustrate the dynamics of the ferrous and nonferrous metallurgy. The main focus lies on the changes in the social context of metal production both in the central and peripheral areas. The basis of the paper is the catalogue evidence and the analysis of the various sites where metalworking took place. The catalogue is based on the data from published literature as well as from the Archeological Database of Bohemia. In the material the sites where some evidence of metalworking was found are included, but finds which were discovered by surface survey were not considered since these can never be fully reliable. Keywords: The Early Middle Ages, non-agrarian production, ferrous metallurgy, colored metallurgy
An early mediaeval cementery by Mlékojedy whittin his regional context
Derner, Kryštof ; Štefan, Ivo (advisor) ; Tomková, Kateřina (referee)
The basis of the presented thesis is a description of an early mediaeval burial ground in Mlékojedy "Nad hřbitovem", which was discovered in the year 2007. Based on the grave goods, it is dated back from the beginnig of the 10th to the half of the 11th century. The relation of the grave goods to anthropological attributes of burried individuals shows namely an increase in ratio of equipped graves up to an early adulthood and then its gradual reduction.The arrangement of a grave was dependent on dating. The grave with an elite female gariture and the grave with weapons are compared with the similar ones discovered in hinterland of the Litoměřice fortification. A regular positioning of burial grounds on the left bank of the river Labe as early as at the beginning of the 10th century shows an early settlement of this area and allows to dicover the extent of the Litoměřice agglomeration.The author of this thesis proposes, that a simultaneous abandoning of the both known burial grounds in the Mlekojedy estates is an evidence for a transfer of the burial grounds closer to a sanctuary located in the center of the contemporary village. Key words Burial ground, early mediaeval, Mlékojedy, Litoměřice distr., 10th. century, 11th. century, earrings, weapons, social topography, history of settlement,...
Historical trails and early medieval coin findings. Contribution to knowledge of remote and regional communications in the southern and western Bohemia.
This diploma thesis deals about the findings of early medieval coins in the southern and western Bohemia, which are used as a source base for understanding the long-distance and regional communications. The basic sources of research of this subject are early medieval coinage findings with regard to the settlement at that time known primarily from archaeological knowledge. Further consideration is given to the passage of proven historical roads and map background, which caught scenery before the industrial revolution. The main goal of this work is to determine how the findings of early medieval coins associated with long-distance communications. Another aim is to capture all the previously known findings of the study area and to attempt a possible reconstruction of the regional communications, which could interconnect settlement areas. The aim of the work is not and cannot be directly detected historic roads in the field, since the work is guided from above ,,from the table" too large area.
Early Medieval Graphite Pottery from South Bohemia
On the early medieval sites in South Bohemia, the graphite pottery can be found very often. This kind of pottery can be considered as a topic arising many questions and problems. With the help of the interdisciplinary way, the diploma thesis aims to summarize these issues for the early middle age, especially in South Bohemia.

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