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Immunochemical detection of tissue damage
Vytášek, Richard ; Herget, Jan (advisor) ; Pavelka, Karel (referee) ; Nečas, Emanuel (referee) ; Fučíková, Terezie (referee)
Primární podnět, vedoucí k tkáňovému poškození, je obvykle exogenního původu. Endogenního původu jsou zřejmě ta poškození tkáně, kdy dochází k soustavnému, dlouhodobému modifikování (např. vlivem stárnutí) některé její komponenty, která vede k ztrátě její funkčnosti (např. glykace proteinů čočky či racemisace jejich aminokyselin). Exogenní zásah, vedoucí k poškození tkáně, může být fyzikální podstaty (mechanickýporanění, tepelný - popálení, ionizující záření atd.), chemický (např. toxiny, alergeny, ale i přebytek či nedostatek kyslíku) nebo biologický (např. infekce). Chemický či biologický podnět vyvolává primární odpověď a tou je obvykle uvolnění cytokinů do extracelulárního prostoru anebo produkce volných radikálů. Účinek cytokinů na ostatní buňky je velmi různorodý a závisí na jejich typu, ale cytokiny jako takové tkáně nedegradují. Oproti tomu volné radikály mohou sice mít vlastnosti hormonů (oxid dusnatý) a mít protektivní účinek, ale mnohem častěji tkáně poškozují, ať už jako takové nebo svými reaktivními produkty (po reakci s kovy, oxidanty nebo reduktanty). Volné radikály, díky své reaktivitě, mají krátkou dobu existence a proto jejich stanovení je obtížné a často se převádí na stanovení stabilního produktu vznikajícího reakcí volného radikálu. Příkladem může být měření produkce oxidu dusnatého na...

Indebtedness of households-causes, impacts, comparison
Suchánková, Martina ; Jílek, Josef (advisor) ; Rybáček, Václav (referee)
The thesis will deal with reasons that lead to households becoming in debt on one hand, and on the other hand, the impacts that are caused by this process. Households are the biggest economic subject that create savings. They are also the second biggest debtor of the financial sector. From this point of view, there is an important role for the banks and financial institutions that offer households many kinds of credit products. The role of the central bank and its monetary policy and supervision are also important. In the theoretical part of the thesis some approaches of various economists will be described and monetary policy and defined economic subjects will be explained . In the second part of the thesis, ways that can run people into debt and the evolution of interest rates will be analysed. Focus will be also put on innovation that has arisen in financial markets, that have made credit expansion possible, mainly securitisation. After that an analysis of negative and positive macroeconomic impacts will follow, which are brought on by excessive financing of consumption and housing. The thesis will finish with a comparison of the households' debt in the Czech Republic and in other developed countries.

Pregnancy, childbirth and child care during the first years of the life in the early-modern noble household in the light of ego-documents
Mejsnarová, Zdeňka ; Velková, Alice (referee) ; Šedivá Koldinská, Marie (advisor)
The bachelor thesis investigates the daily life of the Czech Early-Modern nobility during the period of pregnancy, childbirth, early childhood and especially iťs picture in ego-documents. On the basis of enunciation of the epistolary material, family memoirs and diaries describes essential aspects of the reception of this life cycle with reference to the specifics of the noble background and with emphasis on the differences or resemblances of present time. It observes both woman and man views of this problem and tries to implicate the significance of a child for the family, the importance of the christening, the choice of servants, the ways of health complication treatment and facing up to the death.

Bioethic in the public discourse
From time to time there comes to a stirring up of a society-wide discussion on bioethical issues ? abortion, prenatal diagnosis, assisted reproduction and euthanasia in the Czech Republic. This social discussion is largely influenced by media which present to us interesting news or a story, but it is necessary to realize that these topics have a much broader scope and potential impacts than it is served up to us by media. A wide range of debaters as well as professional and lay public regularly express to bioethical issues relating to the beginning and the end of life. For a fruitful discussion it is necessary to clearly define and specify concepts, because often there is a misguided discussion without any expected results. In the past there was no need to deal with such issues very much, because the order was in hands of Nature. Not completely healthy individuals failed to conceive a child, an unwanted foetus was carried to term and its sex was a surprise for parents and finally, people died naturally according to their age or after a lost match with a disease. For many people Nature, for others some Higher Order. Of course, an incredible scientific development enabled such miracles of which we would have not dreamt hundred years ago yet. We have gained many rights, freedom and democracy as well as a wide-ranging choice. Today we can decide whether to become pregnant and in the same way we can decide that we get rid of the full womb from different reasons. Using diagnostic methods we can determine what a child we carry bellow the heart, but with the help of the same technique it can become uncomfortable for us. We can be treated and live even a century and in many places we can lawfully decide that our life has no meaning and we can finish it. The aim of the diploma thesis is to map readers´ awareness of bioethical issues using a secondary analysis of printed documents from three chosen Czech dailies in 2000 ? 2010 years. To track what triggered a debate among the readers, who discussed and what stance adopted the readers on the issue. The secondary objective was also the mapping of all proponents´ and opponents´ arguments of selected topics and comparing the results with the professional literature. The research shows that the public debate was always sparked by an event presented by the media, to which subsequently responded readers from all areas. According to the research results the public awareness of bioethical issues has been formed mostly by experts directly involved in bioethical dilemmas or carrying out such a profession, in which bioethics greatly interferes. Readers of diverse composition participated in the discussion and the most represented group was a group of experts and a group of lay debaters.

Electronic communication with state administration and self-government of the Czech Republic.
This diploma thesis deals with an electronic communication with Civil Service and local government authorities in the Czech Republic. The introductory part defines the Civil Service and local government, in the other parts the thesis deals with the electronic communication itself. Further the thesis focuses on a communication through data boxes. Data boxes were put into practice in 2009 year. They are mandatory especially for institutions of Civil Service and local government authorities and business entities. An individual can also set up the data box voluntarily. Using the data box with an electronic signature, the individual can communicate with authorities electronically. The aim of the thesis was to map a state of the electronic communication in the Civil Service and local government authorities in the Czech Republic, South Bohemian region. This goal was carried out by means a questionnaire survey that took place in February 2012. Employees of the Regional Authority in České Budějovice were addressed, as well as employees of municipalities and job centres in chosen cities. The questionnaire survey showed that respondents evaluate the project of the data boxes mostly positively. Most respondents use the data boxes at their work as well as the electronic signature. This diploma thesis could serve to people who will start to work with the data boxes or they are thinking to set it up. However, the thesis also can serve to people who are interested in the topic of the electronic communication.

Civil protection is one of the most important activities governments of all states have to deal with. This certainly happens in civilized world, numerous rescue units and armed forces are involved in civil protection and substantial funds are spent on this activity. Fight against terrorism, the activities of which people all over the world have to face, is highly stressed nowadays. Terrorist attacks are most often aimed against civilians. They are most often led by locating explosive systems at places where large numbers of people gather, setting fires at such places or by actions of shooters who try to injure or kill as many people as possible. This is why civil protection has to involve searching for possible means used for these attacks, namely for explosives, fire accelerants and guns. However it is not only terrorism, which endangers inhabitants. Abusing narcotic and psychotropic substances or similar criminal activities are very dangerous too. These phenomena should be prevented as much as possible or investigated very quickly so as the persons committing such offences can be captured. Finally the bodies participating in civil protection have to be ready to search for lost people in large areas, finding people buried under rubble or avalanches. Dogs, the animal companions closest to a man, can be used in all these activities. The animal has such properties that even nowadays it has its irreplaceable position in numerous activities directly related to civil protection. This thesis describes methods used in special kynology for civil protection; it also describes their uniqueness and irreplaceability.

Management of post-term pregnancy
The choice of the topic of thesis has been based on my practical experience gained from working as a midwife in the delivery room. The post-term pregnancy, i.e. pregnancy after the expected date of delivery, could be encountered in the delivery room very often. Despite the fact that we live in a time of unrestricted access to information, women are not always well informed about the risks associated with the above mentioned condition. I believe that in such a case women should know and be sufficiently informed on the labour conduct process, without distinction between primiparous and multiparous women. This fact should be taken into account in the post-term pregnancy management.The theoretical part of the thesis is primarily focused on the pregnancy, its diagnosis, duration and the date of delivery calculation. Nowadays, the most accurate method for calculating the date of delivery is considered to be the calculation of the date of delivery by the foetal ultrasound, which is performed in the first trimester of pregnancy, until completed 12th week. The ultrasound can reduce the number of false post maturities. Without having a reliable screening ultrasound examination it is very difficult to perform an adequate post-term pregnancy management. Subsequently, I will deal with the post-term pregnancy of pregnant women. We can talk about the post-term pregnancy in case the woman does not give birth until the expected date of delivery, i.e. until the 40th week of pregnancy. Prolonged pregnancy means a pregnancy that has extended beyond 42 weeks, or 294 days from the first day of the last menstrual period, or 280 days from ovulation. According to the Czech Gynaecological and Obstetrical Society?s recommendations, the pregnant woman is sent no later than at the beginning of the 41st week for further prenatal monitoring to the facilities where the woman has decided to give birth. Beyond the 41st week all necessary steps should be taken to end the pregnancy. Thus, the pregnancy should be end no later than within the term 42 +0. Post-term pregnancy in duration of 7-14 days after the verified date of delivery represents the indication for labour induction. Midwife understands the holistic nature of the pregnant woman and treats her like an individual being. The aim of my thesis is to determine whether pregnant women are aware of all risks associated with the post-term pregnancy, reasons and procedures for the labour induction and whether the study group includes more primiparous or multiparous women. On the basis of the objectives various hypotheses have been established, which should have confirmed the objectives. In the practical part I have used quantitative research techniques to collect the necessary data - questionnaire. The study group is made up of a statistically significant number of women with the post-term pregnancy, hospitalized at the Gynaecological and Obstetrical clinic of the University Hospital in Plzeň. After the consultation with the statistician I was recommanded not to analyze the data obtained for the confirmation of the hypothesis statistically. The research results of my thesis have led to the preparation of a leaflet about nursing practice and labour conduct in women with the post-term pregnancy. The leaflets will be, with the approval of the Board of the Gynaecological and Obstetrical clinic of the University Hospital in Plzeň, available at CTG counselling centres and gynaecological and obstetrical outpatient departments of the Gynaecological and obstetrical clinic of the University Hospital in Plzeň.

Regulace tabáku v ČR
Zelenková, Tereza ; Písař, Pavel (advisor) ; Zajíček, Miroslav (referee)
Ve své práci ?Regulace tabáku v ČR? bych chtěla prozkoumat pohledy obou stran daného problému. Dotčenými stranami mějme na mysli stát a proti němu stojící tabákový průmysl. Úvodní slovo však bude patřit regulaci produktu jako takové. Mým cílem je tedy rozebrání úspěšnosti státu při regulaci tabáku a formy aplikací, jakými v dané oblasti zasahuje. Na druhé straně pak dopady těchto regulací na tabákový průmysl a spotřebitelské preference. Ke své analýze budu využívat různých statistik, na základě nichž se často k regulacím přistupuje. Vzhledem ke vstupu České republiky do Evropské unie se zaměřím i na kroky Evropské unie v dané problematice.

Southern gothic family in the works of Flannery O'Connor and Walker Percy
Malířová, Barbora ; Procházka, Martin (advisor) ; Onufer, Petr (referee)
The literature anthologized under the label "American Southern Gothic" should be described and a thorough definition of the term should be given before an examination of one aspect of Gothicism in selected works by Flannery O'Connor and Walker Percy. To do so, it is necessary to separate the two components of the term and define each of them individually, i.e. we must deal first with the concepts of "Southern literature" and "Gothic art," and only then present a comprehensive definition of the joint category. According to Veronica Makowsky, in its most basic sense Southern literature is writing about the South, but this definition, as Makowsky herself admits, has many complications and thus she presents a more satisfying, theme-based definition: "Topically, Southern writing can concern the South or a Southerner's experience elsewhere, but it can also include a Southerner's writing on a non-Southern topic from a non-Southern point of view.,,1 As the quotation makes clear, it is not at all easy to define the literature of the South concisely and completely. It is best to say that all Southern writers share a common nature; the fact that they were born and raised in a region so much stigmatized by its past, burdened by military and economic defeat, caused that the artists show a distinct affinity both in the...

Issues of structure Det + N1N2 in contemporary Portuguese
Matějovicová, Jitka ; Tláskal, Jaromír (advisor) ; Jindrová, Jaroslava (referee)
The aim ofthis work is to divide and analyse the structure Det + N1N2 in contemporary Portuguese. Hence we deal with expressions consisting oftwo side-byside substantives, which are not connected by preposition (cf. a palavra-chave, o navioescola, o Estado-nar;ďo ou o cantor/poeta; o Prémio Nobel). These structures are relatively frequent in spoken as well as in written language and they contribute considerably to the enrichment ofvocabulary. We can consider them as compounds or simple nominal groups, sometimes they are analysed within the framework of transposition. Authors, who apply themselves to the issue of compounds, usually deal with the distinction between compounds and simple nominal groups and with creation of criteria for their typology and c1assification. Those who study the structure in terms of transposition focus on transition of expression in the N2 position from the c1ass of substantives to the c1ass of adjectives. Generally we can say that iťs possible to find several theoretical attitudes, which blend together in some aspects and differ in others. Thaťs why we introduce in the first part different conceptions of the structure Det + N1N2 in contemporary Portuguese. In addition to the work ofPortuguese linguists we also take into consideration works ofFrench and Czech experts. In the...