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Performance Testing for LTE Infrastructure
Polanka, Martin ; Tůma, Petr (advisor) ; Hnětynka, Petr (referee)
In the past few years, new standards of telecommunication networks brought new approaches to the internal architecture and introduced new components. One of them is the PCRF server component which manages an allocation of bandwidth for all user devices, therefore, it is a performance sen- sitive application. Yet there are no suitable smart traffic generators for such server and there is no comprehensive study of implementations. Based on the server provided by one of the major Czech telecommunication providers, the traffic generator for real scenarios and performance testing was designed and implemented. In addition, the statistics collection from the server was realized with the use of instrumentation. Both of these parts were put to- gether in the form of testing framework which was used for measurements of the designed test cases. The results from the measurement were evalu- ated and describe the behavior of the server in a real-life utilization and also under heavy load. Based on the evaluation, the provider can improve the server implementation and perform further analysis. The traffic generator can be extended to support more test cases and even reused by different telecommunication providers. 1
Performance Testing and Analysis of Qpid Dispatch Router
Stejskal, Jakub ; Rogalewicz, Adam (referee) ; Fiedor, Tomáš (advisor)
Výkonností testování aplikací nabírá v poslední době na důležitosti během vývoje všeho druhu. Tato práce mapuje základy testování výkonu, které jsou aplikovatelné na libovolné aplikace a následně analýzuje testování výkonu komponent používaných v Messaging systémech a to konkrétně Apache ActiveMQ Artemis a Qpid-Dispatch. Využívané metody testování výkonu je zaměřeno zejména na Apache ActiveMQ Artemis pomocí systému Messaging Performance Tool s názvem Maestro. Práce navrhuje vylepšení této aplikace o rozšíření testování systému Qpid-Dispatch a její možnosti při automatizovaném testování. Řešení je demonstrováno na sérii experimentů s různými topologiemi. Výsledná zpráva závěrem vyhodnocuje navržené rozšíření systému Maestro, zhodnocuje výkon komponenty Qpid-Dispatch a rozvíjí myšlenky pro další rozšíření.
Methodology for testing the security and performance of firewalls
Sasko, Dominik ; Člupek, Vlastimil (referee) ; Frolka, Jakub (advisor)
This bachelor thesis focuses on analysis of security and performance of firewalls and designing a methodology for testing them. Theoretical part is devoted to explaining firewalls and its' division and describing functions of next generation firewalls. Beginning of practical part focuses on testing security using penetration programs and shows results of each security test. Practical part continues with performance tests in various scenarios using Spirent Avalanche and compares the results with values stated by the manufacturer of firewall Hillstone.
Video on Demand Protocols Testing using Apache JMeter
Srnec, Tomáš ; Smékal, David (referee) ; Číka, Petr (advisor)
The master’s thesis deals with testing the application protocol HLS and RTSP in JMeter program. The aim of this thesis is to design and implement a test modules for both protocols, which will perform stress tests. The first part of thesis describes the types of stress tests, JMeter program for performance testing and video on demand services. Next chapter describes selected protokols, especially HLS and RTSP, which are used in this thesis. The practical part contains the design and implementation of test modules including test plans. Finally, the results are processed and commented.
Unified Reporting for Performance Testing
Kůrová, Martina ; Vojnar, Tomáš (referee) ; Šimková, Hana (advisor)
Moderní pokrok v oblasti technologií pro vývoj dnešních softwarových aplikací umožnil vývojářům více se soustředit na vývoj funkčnosti aplikace na úkor sledování jejího výkonu a správy zdrojů. V důsledku toho se zvýšily požadavky na nástroje pro výkonnostní testování, které by měly poskytovat vývojářům jasný a srozumitelný přehled o stavu systému z hlediska jeho výkonu a umožnit rychlou interpretaci naměřených výsledků. Tato práce zkoumá typické výkonnostní problémy dnešních aplikací a navrhuje přístupy, pomocí kterých je možné tyto anomálie automaticky rozpoznat. Pomocí statistických metod, jako je regresní a korelační analýza, je provedena analýza dat naměřených během výkonnostního testování s cílem rozpoznat ve výsledcích odchylky od normálního chování a z nich identifikovat výkonnostní problémy. Výsledkem je report o celkovém stavu systému z hlediska jeho výkonu. Implementací regresní analýzy je možné detekovat výkonnostní problémy jako je například zhoršující se reakční čas odpovědi, nízká propustnost systému či odhalit únik paměti. Navrhovaný přístup byl implementován v podobě nové komponenty v open-source nástroji pro výkonnostní testování PerfCake. Vyvinutá komponenta je schopna detekovat a reportovat potenciální výkonnostní problémy a jejich pravděpodobnost.
Performance Optimization of Testing Automation Framework Based on Beakerlib
Heger, Jakub ; Smrčka, Aleš (referee) ; Šimková, Hana (advisor)
Cílem této práce je analyzovat a optimalizovat výkon testovací knihovny BeakerLib, konkrétnělogovacího mechanizmu, který byl nahlášený jako problematický z hlediska výkonu. Prvníčást práce se zabývá analýzou daného problému, v druhé jsou popsány navržená řešení ajejich implementace. Na závěr bylo provedeno měření výkonu implmentovaných řešení abydošlo k ověření úspěšnosti. Tato práce byla řešena ve spolupráci s firmou Red Hat.
Run-time performance testing in Java
Kotrč, Jaroslav ; Horký, Vojtěch (advisor) ; Tůma, Petr (referee)
This work focuses on relative comparisons of individual method's performance. It is based on Stochastic Performance Logic, which allows to express, for example, that one method runs at most two times longer than another method. These results are more portable than absolute values. It extends standard unit tests with performance assumptions, which are evaluated during actual run-time of a released application. Dynamically added and removed instrumentation is used for automatic modification of the production code. Instrumentation part uses DiSL framework to be able to seamlessly measure even Java system classes. Methods are measured sequentially, the number of concurrently measured methods is dynamically changed and the measurement code is removed as soon as required data are obtained. The results show that this approach may bring appreciably lower overhead peaks than measuring all methods at once. The prototype was compared with JMH tool and the results show that it is able to accurately measure methods running longer than 1 ms. Powered by TCPDF (
Run-time performance testing in Java
Kotrč, Jaroslav ; Horký, Vojtěch (advisor) ; Tůma, Petr (referee)
This work focuses on relative comparisons of individual methods performance. It is based on Stochastic Performance Logic, which allows to express, for example, that one method runs at most two times longer than another method. This results are more portable than absolute values. It extends standard unit tests with performance assumptions, which are evaluated during actual run-time of a released application. Dynamically added and removed instrumentation is used for automatic modification of the production code. Instrumentation part uses DiSL framework to be able to seamlessly measure even Java system classes. Methods are measured sequentially, number of concurrently measured method is dynamically changed and measurement code is removed as soon as required data are obtained to avoid high overhead. The results show that for processor demanding application this approach may bring up to 3-times lower overhead peaks than measuring all methods at once. Powered by TCPDF (
Capturing Performance Assumptions using Stochastic Performance Logic
Trojánek, Tomáš ; Tůma, Petr (advisor) ; Bednárek, David (referee)
Performance testing is a mean used to evaluate speed of software projects. In an ideal state a project has a set of tests attached to it and such set may be repeat- edly executed in order to verify that all performance expectations are satisfied. The most widespread method of constructing these tests nowadays is based on measuring absolute time values. A test executes a chosen application unit and then compares the time it took to complete with a precise bound, which has been determined in advance. However, this approach has several disadvantages that affect reliability of such tests. First of all, the way in which those precise bounds should be established is not clear. And even if it is, then the bounds are tied to a certain hardware configuration. As a remedy, this thesis demonstrates a whole another approach, which is based on relative performance comparison. Using a logic built on top of a research published by the issuing department, chosen application units are compared together in a manner that makes results of such tests more reliable even to a change of hardware configuration. The presented theory is also implemented and verified on selected use cases. 1
Automated creation of statistics of network traffic
Benedikt, Jan ; Frolka, Jakub (referee) ; Číka, Petr (advisor)
This Bachelor Thesis aims to process and present outcomes of stress testing. The frst chapter depicts basic terms closely connected to stress testing. Second part is concerned with the analysis of possible resolutions and their comparison between each other. The obtained theoretical knowledge is then applied to model sketch for a report, generated in form of the website. The model itself is created in JMeter program and it is written in the Java coding language. The generated website is programed in HTML, CSS and JavaScript languages.

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