National Repository of Grey Literature 40,497 records found  beginprevious40488 - 40497  jump to record: Search took 2.15 seconds. 

The Contemporary Family and the Moral Development of Pre-School Children
Veselá, Jana ; Havlová, Jana (advisor) ; Kropáčková, Jana (referee)
The dissertation focuses on contemporary family and on development of pre-school child as regards teaching moral values. It observes undergoing changes in family environment and their influence on raising a child after epochal democratic changes in society. It focuses on examining and finding differences in two distinct groups of families (agnostic and worshipping) in the Czech Republic. Several years of practice and experience in both traditional and clerical nursery schools are also reflected in the dissertation. Powered by TCPDF (

Development of Schooling in Konice and the Surrounding Areas in regards to the Social Studies Characteristics of the Region
Zbořilová, Zdeňka ; Uhlířová, Jana (advisor) ; Křivánek, Zdeněk (referee)
D ě j i n y p e d a g o g i k y p o j e d n á v a j í o p r a x i a t e o r i i v ý c h o vy v z d ě l á n í a v y u č o v á n í dětí a m l á d e ž e od vzniku lidské s p o l e č n o s t i . 1 " D n e š n í stav p e d a g o g i c k é praxe a t e o r i e je z v e l ké č á s t i v ý s l e d k e m ú s i l í n a l é z a t t a k o v é t y p y š k o l n í , m i m o š k o l ní i r o d i n n é v ý c h o v y , k t e r é by o p t i m á l n ě v y h o v o v a l y k o n k r é t n ím h i s t o r i c k ý m , s o c i á l n ě - p o l i t i c k ý m a k u l t u r n í m p o d m í n k á m v ý v o je j# e d n o t l i v ý c h s t á t ů a n á r o d u . *2" C í l e m d i p l o m o v é práce bylo z p r a c o v a t h i s t o r i c k ý vývoj š k o l n í h o o b v o d u K o n i c e ( v i z . P ř í l o h a č. 1 ). P r á c i j s e m r o z d ě l i l a do n á s l e d u j í c í c h č á s t í: V p r v n í č á s t i j s e m p o d a l a s t r u č n ý p ř e h l e d v ý v o j e š k o l s t ví v č e s k ý c h z e m í c h , aby se t a t o ú v o d n í část m o h l a s t á t n á v o d em a m ě ř í t k e m při p o s u z o v á n í vývoje š k o l s t v í regionu v j e d n o t l i v ý c h č a s o v ý c h o b d o b í c h. Powered by TCPDF (

Integration of Children with Mental Disabilities in Nursery Schools
Hřebíková, Ivana ; Strnadová, Iva (advisor) ; Havlová, Jana (referee)
Jednu z nejpočetnějších skupin mezi občany se zdravotním postižením tvoří lidé s mentálním postižením. Na lidi s mentálním postižením se vztahují všechna lidská práva stejně jako na všechny ostatní lidské bytosti. Kulturní společnost se musí naučit žít a komunikovat i s odlišnými jedinci, s občany se zdravotním postižením.Tento trend se označuje pojmem integrace (Valenta, Múller, 2003). Integrace je postoj společnosti k občanům se zdravotním postižením, který je neodmítá, ale naopak se snaží vytvářet optimální podmínky pro jejich začlenění do společenského života. Powered by TCPDF (

The Game NIM - a Non-Traditional Environment for the Teaching of Mathematics
Lebedová, Miroslava ; Slezáková, Jana (advisor) ; Hejný, Milan (referee)
In the main part of my thesis I looked for winning strategy of different types of the game NIM. I focused on my own process which led to discovery of a general formula of concrete type of NIM. After that its validity was proved. The whole process was accompanied by self-reflection. The following aim of thesis was to find out if NIM is an appropriate game for pupils of primary schools. Therefore on the basis of my own experiences I chose one type of NIM and I used it for experiments with pupils (aged 10-11). I observed pairs of pupils looking for winning strategy and I made notes of their reactions. Then deep analysis of one pre-experiment and one experiment followed. Powered by TCPDF (

The Preparation Period for Reading and Writing
Hessová, Jitka ; Wildová, Radka (advisor) ; Křivánek, Zdeněk (referee)
I called my thesis "Preparatory period for reading and writing". It is concerned with conception o f reading and writing and its target, readiness o f children o f early school age for reading and writing schooling. It contains also didactic material with didactic games and w orking sheets for skills training, necessary for reading and writing. My aim is to provide teachers integral file o f preparation for reading and writing. According to my research, teachers would be interested in it. The complex o f m aterials has been verified by teachers and it has been helping children to overcome problem s o f reading and writing beginnings for all this school year. Powered by TCPDF (

The Influence of Language on Numerical Literacy in Pupils of the Lower Grades of Primary Schools
Jalůvková, Zuzana ; Novotná, Jarmila (advisor) ; Kaslová, Michaela (referee)
This work is about the influence of language on the children's conception of numbers. The object of the research were children of primary school. In the theoretical part, the work is based on the result of J. Piaget's research and the experiments of L. S. Vygotskij. The practical part, influenced by the method of A. R. Lurija, describes the experiment in which children were solving different tasks that would reveal their understanding of numbers. Powered by TCPDF (

Volleyball at Primary Schools
Havlásek, Miroslav ; Hájek, Jeroným (advisor) ; Růžička, Ladislav (referee)
A new document. Educational Framework, which has effect upon the teaching inclusive of the subject Physical Education, should come in operation in 2007. The requirement of thematical plans for Physical Education will bring its modifications for teaching the game - volleyball. The results of teaching volleyball in schools were compared and conditions of the volleyball teaching at the basic schools too. The school children's motory test, school children's inquiry, interviews with the schoolteachers and expert opinions of the conditions of volleyball teaching at the basic schools are parts of the research. The students and teachers representing two Dutch schools were involved in the research and compared with Czech ones. The schoolchildren underwent a test of the most basic game rules of volleyball. To make the recommendation for the compiling thematical plans of volleybal school teaching was the objective of the thesis. This recommendation should be especially useful for the schoolteachers of Physical Education, who are supposed to develop and tlach plans for the Physical Education. Powered by TCPDF (

Inter-Departmental Cooperation at Primary Art Schools and How it is Organized
Jindra, Vratislav ; Šimáčková, Eva (advisor) ; Mach, Václav (referee)
This bachelor final project deals with the current situation on the field of cooperation between various departments at the contemporary basic art schools in the Czech Republic. The first part is devoted to the generally given facts concerning the legislative regulations in the field of education. In the second part of this project confronts the author the theory with its practical application in the functioning of the school of this type on the daily basis. The final part is set up as a critical evaluation of the present situation that is among others based on the analysis of the data obtained in the form of two questionnaires distributed to a number of basic art schools in the Czech Republic. This interpretation of the results of the small research includes also suggestions with regard to solving various problems and stimulating further development in the field of co-operation among different departments of the basic art schools. Powered by TCPDF (

Inter-subject Relationships in Textbooks for the Teaching of Czech for the Lower Grades of Primary School
Lipská, Klára ; Pišlová, Simona (advisor) ; Janovec, Ladislav (referee)
V diplomové práci se zabývám vztahy mezi jednotlivými složkami učebního předmětu český jazyk i mezi českým jazykem a ostatními vyučovacími předměty. V praktické části jsem pozornost soustředila na rozbor některých dostupných učebnic českého jazyka pro 1. stupeň ZŠ a na vyhledávání cvičení se zaměřením na mezipředmětové vztahy, vybraná cvičení jsou uvedena v přílohách. Poslední část práce tvoří sborník nápadů k různým činnostem a cvičením s týmž zaměřením. Powered by TCPDF (

Problem solving strategies of school children
Brázdilová, Michaela ; Provazníková, Hana (advisor)
Using a questionaire, problem solving strategies of children aged 9-12 were studied. The hypothesis that communication in the family influences efectivity and strategy of problem solving was stated and studied. Data was collected on two primary schools in Prague. Out of all the usable questionaires, there were 58 boys and 68 girls. 89 children stated, they had gone through a crisis situation in the last half a year, most of the problems were with (in this order, beginning with the most often) school achievements, friends, classmates, parents. In choosing help, children most often turned to (again in this order) mother, friends, father, wider family. 54% stated, that the sought help did help them, whereas 17% stated it did not. Even after repeated seeking of help, 15.4% of the children said, they didn't manage to solve the problem. If they would experience a crisis now, they would turn to the following people: mother, father, friends. 5It wasn't proved, that communication in then family affects problem solving. The comparison of happy and unhappy children gives some indirect results. The unhappy children turn to themselves in their problems and don't seek help. This strategy of theirs doesn't help, it doesn't lead to succesful problem solving. This supports the notion, that proximity of a close, trusted...