National Repository of Grey Literature 23 records found  previous4 - 13next  jump to record: Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Ukraine Constitutional reform in 2004 and Its Impact on the Development of the Country
Poloncarzová, Diana ; Šír, Jan (advisor) ; Zilynskyj, Bohdan (referee)
The thesis deal with the constitutional reform in Ukraine approved in 2004 There were optimistic expectations about the regime change and moving closer to the model of West European states in 2004. The scope is to identify whether Ukraine followed the path of democratic transition or remained as an unstable hybrid state. It is focused on constitutional changes of the following chapters - elections and referendum, parliament, president, council of ministers and redistribution of power between these roles and impact on legislation and executive power. The regime type is influenced by these changes. Ukraine was classified as an authoritarian regime during Kuchma's second term in the Presidential office. The political system had been changed in 2006 when the new constitution came to power. Between a various classifications the most common ones, which had been used, were a semi- presidential system or presidential-parliamentary system. The choice of improper political system could be one of the key reasons leading to the failure of democratisation of the country when attempted.
Democracy and Islam
Bláhová, Pavlína ; Kučera, Rudolf (advisor) ; Dopita, Tomáš (referee)
The bachelor thesis Democracy and Islam explores the compatibility of democracy and political Islam in its current and historical context. The main object of the study is to identify crucial principles, which are shared by both, democracy and Islam and also on the contrary, identify main principles of these two systems which exclude one another. The variables, which I examine in order to compare democracy and Islam, are following: political systems in democratic and Islam countries, which includes electoral system, sources of political authority, attitude toward the political opposition etc. Other elements that need to be examined are sources of law and compatibility of Islamic law Shari'a with the basic principles of human rights. Human rights are other important article that describes relationship between democracy and Islam. The comparison of theoretical Islam and democracy creates a first part of the study. The second part is dedicated to the implementing of democracy into the Islamic system in praxis. The first case shows Turkey's approach to the democracy, advantages and traps that transfer to the democracy can bring. Democratization of Turkey is then compared to Iran and its historical development toward the democracy. The two cases also show the difference between ideal, theoretical Islam...
Direct election of the president of the Czech Republic and the United States
The bachelor thesis deals with the direct election of the president in the Czech Republic and the United States. Subject of the thesis is the comparison of electoral systems for the presidential election and the comparison of competences resulting from these elections. The first part of the thesis includes a description of the electoral systems, position of the president in the various political systems and the subsequent description of political systems. In the second part of thesis, attention is paid to the comparison of the method of electing the president and his competencies. The aim of the bachelor thesis is to compare the constitutional institutions - presidents in the Czech Republic and the United States.
Reforms in the British political system after the 2010 elections: Study 1.214
Kuta, Martin
Volby v roce 2010 ve Spojeném království nevyprodukovaly jasnou parlamentní většinu. Ačkoli se takový výsledek ve společnosti i mezi politiky a politology předpokládal, situace způsobila značný rozruch. Především se jednalo o fakt, že britská politika není na neexistenci jasné parlamentní většiny jedné strany zvyklá (situace tzv. hung parliament, tedy parlamentu bez jasné většiny); za jeden z možných aspektů se dá považovat i jednokolový relativně většinový volební systém, který za běžných okolností produkuje vládní většinu. Tato práce popisuje právě v koaliční dohodě zmíněné snahy – reforma volebního systému a reforma parlamentu, včetně pevného funkčního období. Práce věnuje pozornost nejen vlastním reformám, ale předkládá nástin historického a politického pozadí jednotlivých reformních kroků.
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The Role of Parliament in the political system of the Kyrgyz Republic: Study 1.215
Suchý, Štěpán
Kyrgyzstánu se v poslední době dostává velké pozornosti. Práce přináší přehled historického a funkčního vývoje parlamentu v Kyrgyzstánu. Kyrgyzstán je první zemí ve střední Asii, která přešla od prezidentského systému k parlamentní formě vlády.
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The mid-term elections 2010: The changes of the policy and the position of the U.S. President
Blatná, Nikola ; Dvořáková, Vladimíra (advisor) ; Školkayová, Marta (referee)
The thesis discusses the importance of midterm elections in the American political system and on the example of the congressional election of 2010 analyzes the impact on the position of power players. The first part focuses on the definition of the midterm elections in the American environment. The next section presents the analysis of the results of the midterm election 2010, which is then used to determine the impact of the elections. The work aims to answer the question of how the election affected the relationship of the executive and legislative power. In addition it seeks to identify changes in the position and policies of U.S. President. The conclusion provides an outline of possible developments of the relations between the White House and the 112th Congress.
Political determinants of economic reforms: case study of of pension schemes
Lukeš, Tomáš ; Lehmannová, Zuzana (advisor) ; Klosová, Anna (referee)
The work aims to explain the character and success/failure of pension reforms with help of political explanatory variables. The constitution of given political system is considered, as well as the actual political alignment and the role of electorate, in explaining the processes underlying the pension scheme reforms - a major topic of today's aging societies. The case study approach is used, utilising the recent experience of Great Britain and Sweden in reforming the pensions. The findings are compared with the results and conclusions suggested by a dynamic economic model of pension scheme switch, demonstrating eventually what factors and conditions are favorable for pension reforms, both from the political and the economic point of view.
The Position of T.G. Masaryk as a Prezident in the Political System of the First Czechoslovak Republik
Rychlík, Jan
The Position of T.G. Masaryk as a President in the Political System of the First Czechoslovak Republik.

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