National Repository of Grey Literature 38,114 records found  beginprevious38105 - 38114  jump to record: Search took 2.70 seconds. 

The most used physiotherapy methods (concepts) for people with multiple disabilities
Fialová, Dana ; Kohoutová, Hana (referee) ; Gerlichová, Markéta (advisor)
The purpose of this bachelor project which title is: Most physiotherapy methods (concepts) for persons with combined disabilities, how is known from a term, it has been to find out the most exploited and best concept at the people with combined disabilities. To find out some issue and results for all we followed up quantitative analysis, exactly questionnaire inquiry, which was sent out and circulated through several sites with the physiotherapy specialization for people with combined disabilities. I analyzed 20 questionnaires in total. This resulted into that Vojta's principle of reflexive locomotion is still not only the most exploited at the specimen with these difficulties, but also the most useful and healthiest.

Modelling impacts of minimal quality standards and protection against misleading advertising on consumers’ utility
Chaloupka, Jan ; Burian, Jan (advisor) ; Řepa, Václav (referee)
In this thesis we explore the importance of consumer protection (concretely protection against misleading advertising and minimal quality standards of product) for providing consumers' utility. Our target is to discover whether these protections are necessary for providing consumers' utility or not, and whether are the consumers able to provide themselves equal or higher utility (then can mentioned protections do), scilicet through their mutual communication and buying behavior. Furthermore, we want to discover, if can happen a situation in which the mentioned protection decline the consumers' utility, in comparison with situation, when no protections exist. These conclusions are stated for concrete product (LCD TV) and concrete society (little community within the Czech Republic society), whereas we explore the influence of consumer protection both on utility of whole community and on utility of each social class within different proportions of these classes within society. For this research has been created an original multi-agent model, in which we simulate consumer behavior and companies behavior on market. The important parts of the model architecture are presented in this thesis: principles of social structure creation (based on the knowledge about social groups and different types of social ties), buyer behavior and principles of consumer communication through social network, and decision of companies about product characteristics. In conclusion we have interpreted the simulation results and have stated an importance of consumer protection in tested society buying tested product.

Personal and family budget
Michalička, Jan ; Smrčka, Luboš (advisor) ; Zajíc, Ladislav (referee)
The aim of this bachelor work is to bring theoretical and practical knowledges about making up family budget. The work is divided into three parts. First part is about basic principles, that must be adhered in order to make up a family and personal budget. Second part is about theoretical and practical knowledges concerning about the issue of personal portfolio. This part contains comparation of financial products, that can be used by building up a family budget. Second part can be also used as a source for choosing the suitable financial product. Last practical part is about making up a financial plan by using knowledges from previous two parts of the work.

Application For Task Management Support
Varadinov, Petr ; Buchalcevová, Alena (advisor) ; Tichý, Vladimír (referee)
This bachelor thesis deals with the development of an application for task management support in a company environment, in a quality assurance department. The goal of the thesis is to analyze and develop an object oriented design of the application with flexibility and options of use in mind together with a relative simple solution. The sense of aim is to prepare for a fluent and smooth implementation and to put in operation successfully. The development is being led on an agile basis. Basic principles have been taken from OpenUP methodology. The thesis completes the project documentation and brings a very flexible solution of the defined problem, which enables the general conception of the application as a tool for the task management support, not only a tool for the testing support. There are six chapters. The first three chapters introduce the problem definition and its analysis. Chapter 4 deals with the solution design. At the end you can find the summary of the achieved results during the development and project prospect.

Solidarity and equivalence in social insurance system
Běloch, Petr ; Krebs, Vojtěch (advisor) ; Vybíralová, Ivana (referee)
Solidarity and equivalence are basic principles on which is built not only social policy, but also the underlying structure of society as a whole. If the people's look at these principles doesn't correspond to their integration in social security systems, people find it as unjust and the social policy as illegitimate. It will be a task for new government elected in 2010 to solve long lasting problems derived from negative impacts of aging society together with more legitimate setting of solidarity and equivalence. This work analyzes income inequality in Czech Republic compared with other countries, follows the development of replacement rate of retirement pay to wage in time and in comparison with the level of previous income. The work compares the observed data with people's views on the pension system which are presented in the public opinion research. Next part compares two different approaches to solve the "pension crisis" -- the Swedish system of virtual accounts and the Chilean fully funded scheme -- and outlines a new pension system, which doesn't create explicit costs during transition from the current system, increases the involvement of merit principle, supresses excessive redistribution and thus constitutes a long-term sustainable system solution.

International and national aspects of double taxation
Doležalová, Veronika ; Novotný, Petr (advisor) ; Boháč, Radim (referee)
Veronika Doležalová Mezinárodní a vnitrostátní aspekty dvojího zdan ní 160 International and national aspects of double taxation - Resumé This thesis pays attention to the area of double taxation and its related national as well as international aspects. The reason for discussing this subject was its importance for removing the obstacles that double taxation presents to the development of economic relations between countries. The thesis is divided into five chapters. There are six annexes attached that are important to grasp the topic in its complexity. The first chapter is devoted to theoretical questions of double taxation. It is concentrated particularly on issues such as legal framework of taxation, the national and international treatment of double taxation from the point of view of the principle of origin, measures to eliminate double taxation by way of national unilateral measures or international Double Tax Conventions. The end of the chapter presents examples of national double taxation in the Czech Republic. The rest of the thesis discusses international double taxation. The second chapter is concerned with national aspects of international double taxation and describes legislation related to double taxation in the Czech Republic. As the point of departure to the analysis the following acts were...

A notary in inheritance proceedings
Lebedová, Martina ; Pohl, Tomáš (referee) ; Macková, Alena (advisor)
87 The Role of Notary in Inheritance Proceedings Notary is a person, who makes a lot of legal activities, legal documents and legal agreements. One of his activity is an activity during the inheritance procedure. I am very interested in the Civil law and I think, that the inheritance proceedings is really important for all person, because It is the proceedings, which starts always, when somebody die. This is one of the reasons, why I decided on this question. Firstly, I engaged in the historical development of the notary. Secondly, I defined the term of "Notary", according to the relevant Czech legislation and I defined the principles of the inheritance procedure. In the following chapters I focus on the role of a notary in the inheritance proceedings. The premise to start inheritance proceedings is the death of a personal entity. Only then a notary is appointed by court to incapacitate for single acts in the inheritance proceedings. At first I determine the basic principles of such a procedure as they are important for both the court and the notary. Next, I describe the aspects according to which the court appoints a notary and how to cognize a notary within the inheritance procedure. I determine the participants to the proceedings, for only with those can the court as well as the notary proceed within the...

Data Quality, Data intagrity and Data Consolidation in BI
Smolík, Ondřej ; Pour, Jan (advisor) ; Zajíc, Ján (referee)
This thesis fights with the data quality in business intelligence. We present basic principles for building data warehouse to achieve the highest data quality. We also present some data clearing methods as deviation detection or name-address clearing. This work also deals with origin of erroneous data and prevention of their generation. In second part of this thesis we show presented methods and principles on real example of data warehouse and we suggest how to get sales data from our business partners or customers.

Disarmament and ensuring international security: the case of the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe
Jančárková, Taťána ; Ondřej, Jan (advisor) ; Hýbnerová, Stanislava (referee)
DISARMAMENT AND PROVISION OF INTERNATIONAL SECURITY: THE CASE OF THE TREATY ON CONVENTIONAL ARMED FORCES IN EUROPE Since times immemorial, security has been one of the mankind's principal concerns. In the 20th century, the concept of international security entered the vocabulary of international law. International security can be defined as a "state of international relations where nor national security interests of individual states, neither international peace are challenged". The question of international security is thus inseparably linked to international peace, a connection confirmed in key documents of contemporary international law such as the United Nations Charter. Notwithstanding two approaches, to peace, negative and positive, it is evident that international security reflects the theme of war and use of force. The understanding of international security evolved in parallel with the perception of war as a means of dispute settlement. In the traditional international system, war was considered legal as long as it was justifiable. The relations between states were governed by the principle of efficiency. One of the traditional ways of strengthening a state's power and ensuring its security was to increase its levels of armaments. Gradual complexity of international relations along with...

Reciprocal corelations of interest rates and exchange rate described in the example of selected countries
Mihalik, Miroslav ; Durčáková, Jaroslava (advisor) ; Mandel, Martin (referee)
This final work is aimed at the concept of relationship between exchange rate and interest rate differential. The introductory part briefly describes exchange rate as a macro-economical parameter, which can be seen in many different systems of exchange rate. Next part consists of theoretical principles of uncovered interest parity and the dynamics of this process and also the process of international Fisher effect. In the analysis part the relation between interest rate and exchange rate is explored in various conditions of exchange rate arrangements in the countries of Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Slovakia. The uncovered interest parity is valued by graphic analysis made by calculation of the theoretical rate based on uncovered interest parity and the off-set index rate. International Fisher effect is tested on the graph of change in exchange rate depending on the interest rate differential. The graphic analysis is followed by the analysis of linear regression. Afterwards with the use of VAR model we find not only the dependence of exchange rate on interest rate differential but also whether the interest rate differential is dependent on exchange rate or not.