National Repository of Grey Literature 3,494 records found  beginprevious3485 - 3494  jump to record: Search took 0.23 seconds. 

Effect of exercise therapy to Morbus Bechtěrev patients
Kališ, Martin ; Strnad, Pavel (advisor) ; Levitová, Andrea (referee)
Title: Effect of exercise therapy to Morbus Bechtěrev patients Objectives: Aim of this Thesis is to collect and analyse the available information from Czech and foreign sources concerning the Morbus Bechtěrev disease. Aim of empiric part is to evaluate the effect of four-week spa therapy In the Lazne Bohdanec spa to the Morbus Bechtěrev patients. Methods: Method of work consists of the study of available sources, assembling of theory part, collection and analysing of data and their statistical evaluation. For this research was used the standardised questionnaire method with added questions needed for the evaluation of hypotheses. Results: By the analysing of 32 pairs of anonymous questionnaires was concluded that the effect of exercise therapy to patients is positive, but not permanent. It is necessary to look for new approaches to Morbus Bechtěrev cure and prevention. Keywords: Morbus Bechtěrev, ankylozing spondylitis, spa therapy, exercise therapy, physical therapy.

Therapeutic vasculogenesis in patients with critical leg ischemia
Skalická, Lenka ; Linhart, Aleš (advisor) ; Neužil, Petr (referee) ; Roztočil, Karel (referee)
PhD Aims: The aim of our study was to evaluate an efficacy and safety of intra-arterial injection of bone marrow mononuclear cells (BMMCs) in patients with chronic critical limb ischemia (CLI) Methods.In average 400ml bone marrow blood was harvested from posterior iliac crests in 24 CLI patients. BMMCs were obtained from the blood by standard procedure used for bone marrow transplantation. After digital subtraction angiography was performed in each patient, BMMCs were injected into arteries of 28 limbs. Primary outcome was the efficacy of BMMCs injection measured as a successfull healing of limb defects, a change of Fontain ischemia grade and a rate of high limb amputations. Secondary outcomes were a safety of the BMMCs injections, changes in angiographic findings after BMMCs injections and changes in quality of life (questionnaire SF-36). Results: After one year follow-up all patients were alive and 2 patients have undergone high limb amputation. Out of 14 limb defects, eleven have been healed completely and the average Fontain ischemia grade has changed from baseline value of 3.5 to 2.0 after one year (P<0.0001). Angiographic findings have improved in all examined segments of limb vessels. One year after the procedure patients have reported significant improvement. Conclusion: The intra-arterial...

Gene expression analysis in patients with myelodysplastic syndrome
Vašíková, Alžběta ; Votavová, Hana (advisor) ; Neuwirtová, Radana (referee) ; Jarošová, Marie (referee)
Myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) is a clonal disorder affecting maturation and differentiation of hematopoietic stem cells. MDS is characterized by ineffective hematopoiesis resulting in peripheral blood cytopenia in at least one lineage, and increased risk of development of acute myeloid leukemia (AML). This disorder mostly affects the elderly, with the incidence of 10-50/100000 people per year. Heterogeneity of MDS is further underlined by the presence of both idiopathic primary and secondary therapy-related forms, which arise from accumulation of mutational events induced by cytotoxic therapy (exposure to alkylating agents or after therapy with topoisomerase II inhibitors). In this thesis, we focused on determination of differential gene expression between MDS patients and control subjects using different microarray platforms. Using nylon membranes, we detected 4 genes (ERCC1, FLT1, NME4, PCNA) with increasing expression pattern in advanced MDS stages, which correlated with disease progression. Their strong up- regulation was also observed in patients with de novo AML, suggesting their involvement in the leukemic transformation of MDS. Comparison of gene expression profiles of early and advanced MDS obtained by Agilent microarrays resulted in the set of differentially expressed genes, which might...

The influence od educational to maintenance of secondary prevention rules of myocardial infarction
ŠÍMOVÁ, Martina
This bachelor thesis deals with the effects of educational plans on the compliance with the principles of the secondary prevention of myocardial infarction. The theoretical background covers atherosclerosis, acute myocardial infarction, the secondary prevention of myocardial infarction and the educational process in nursing. Prior to elaborating the practical part of the thesis we had established two objectives. Objective 1: To find out whether the patients educated without an educational plan are as knowledgeable as the patients educated through an educational plan. Objective 2: To compare whether the patients educated without an educational plan comply with the principles of the secondary prevention of myocardial infarction in the same way as the patients with an educational plan. A qualitative form of research had been chosen for this thesis, semi-standardized interview in particular. The analysis of the data gained was subsequently carried out. Two objectives had been established in the thesis. Objective 1: To find out whether the patients educated without an educational plan are as knowledgeable as the patients educated through an educational plan. Through the analysis of the obtained data we found out that the patients educated without an educational plan are as knowledgeable as the patients educated through an educational plan. Objective 2: To compare whether the patients educated without an educational plan comply with the principles of the secondary prevention of myocardial infarction in the same way as the patients with an educational plan. Having compared the results we found out that the patients with an educational plan comply with the principles of the secondary prevention more consistently than the patients educated without an educational plan. The objectives of the thesis were met.

Impairment of nasal mucociliary clearance in former smokers with stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease relates to the presence of a chronic bronchitis phenotype
Koblížek, Vladimír ; Salajka, František (advisor) ; Skřičková, Jana (referee) ; Marel, Miloslav (referee)
AJ Impairment of nasal mucociliary clearance in former smokers with stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease relates to presence of a chronic bronchitis phenotype Background: Associations between nasal and bronchial impairment have been repeatedly described in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) whereas nasal mucociliary clearance (MCC) in COPD patients is not yet fully understood. We studied nasal MCC parameters in COPD patients and compared them with healthy adults (HA) and with cystic fibrosis (CF) patients with compromised MCC. Methodology: Pilot study of seventeen COPD patients without exacerbation; all of them were examined to investigate and compare nasal and bronchial ciliary beat frequency (CBF) and ciliary beat pattern. Main observational study of 98 COPD ex-smokers and subjects from control groups (15 CF and 39 HA) evaluated for nasal MCC time (NMCCt) and by digital video microscopy of nasal mucosa recording ciliary beat frequency (CBF) and ciliary beat pattern (index of ciliary dyskinesia). Results: It was found no difference in mean ciliary beat frequencies between nasal (6.0 Hz ± 1.3) and bronchial (5.9 ± 1.3) mucosa (p = 0.427). We found medium association in degree of ciliary dyskinesia (κ = 0.733). In the main observational study: the NMCCt was decreased in HA (575...

Measuring efficiency of hospitals in the Czech Republic
Procházková, Jana ; Chalupka, Radovan (referee) ; Gregor, Martin (advisor)
This thesis estimates cost efficiency of 99 general hospitals in the Czech Republic during 2001-2008 using Data Envelopment Analysis and Stochastic Frontier Analysis. It tests comparability of their results finding out a certain qualitative similarity. Next, determinants were added into SFA and efficiency of Czech hospitals examined. The presence of inefficiency is group specific even having accounted for various determinants. The effects of determinants were tested. Inefficiency increases with teaching status, more than 20,000 treated patients a year, not-for-profit status, larger share of the elderly in the municipality and average salary in the district. Inefficiency decreases with less than 10,000 patients treated a year, larger population, higher unemployment rate and more hospitals in the region.

Smell of faraway, smell of flowers. Graphic casuistic of a client with psychotic diagnosis
This bachelor paper talks about disease called schizophrenia. The theoretical part is focused on basic terminology, it's also touching slightly the dopamin theory and Wienbergers hypothesis. One chapter is dedicated to lexical semiotics in the graphical production of psychotic patients and other people connected with this problematics. There is also mentioned the art brut and patient art. The practical part is dedicated to a casuistry of a client, which is diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. The paper is using information from daily contact and work with the patient. There are mentioned arteterapeutical accesses and posibilities of work with schizophrenic clientele. The paper is going to try to analyse the process and developement of graphical output of the client based on her production. The secondary goal is to prove, that for the schizophrenic patient is really important to have the possibility of graphical utterance and good therapeutic relation with the therapist.

Nutritional support for cancer patients
Petrovová, Hana ; Těšínský, Pavel (advisor)
According to the report of the Institute of Health Information and Statistics , published in 2007 which processes the results of 2005 , the incidence of malignant neoplasms in the Czech Republic in the long term increasing incidence . The most common Malignant tumors are basal cell carcinoma , although mostly for its specificity from other classifications set aside . Of the more serious diagnoses are among the most frequent malignancy colorectal neoplasm , trachea and lung cancer in women and in men the prostate. In 2005 in the Czech Republic reported over seventy thousand malignant neoplasms and neoplasms in situ (1) . Weight loss may be as the first sign of malignant disease and may occur later in the course . frequency weighting loss and malnutrition occurs in 31-78 % of oncology patients Depending on the location, type and stage of the disease . The most commonly occurs in gastrointestinal cancer and lung cancer ( 2 ) . For some patients as a result cancer develops cachexia. Causes of weight loss in cancer patients are numerous and Currently , it is clear that far yet know all . Generally causes divided into three major groups : physiological disorders caused by abnormalities interactions tumor - host ( changes in metabolism , anorexia) and finally consequences anticancer treatments ( both chemo - Radio...

Nonparametric estimations in survival analysis
Svoboda, Martin ; Malá, Ivana (advisor) ; Tomášek, Ladislav (referee)
This work introduces nonparametric models which are used in time to event data analysis. It is focused on applying these methods in medicine where it is called survival analysis. The basic techniques and problems, which can appear in survival analysis, are presented and explained here. The Kaplan -- Meier estimator of survival function is discussed in the main part. This is the most frequented method used for estimating the survival function in patients who have undergone a specific treatment. The Kaplan -- Meier estimator is also a common device in the statistical packets. In addition to estimation of survival function, the estimation of hazard function and cumulative hazard function is presented. The hazard function shows the intensity of an individual experiencing the particular event in a short time period. Special problems occur when analyzing time to event data. A distinctive feature, often present in such data, is known as censoring. That is the situation when the individual does not experience the event of interest at the time of study. The thesis covers also an empiric part, where the results of an analysis of patients with the larynx carcinoma diagnosis are shown. These patients were treated in a hospital located in České Budějovice. This analysis is based on a theory presented in the previous chapters.